Humanity is Altogether Unaware that It Is Diving Headlong Into the Abyss

VOTE Tuesday, November 8, 2022!
District 100 Sample Ballot (Shannondale and vicinity)
Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

The place of the Blessing is a very fearful place. You cannot receive the Blessing based on your emotions alone. The value of a life is more precious than the whole universe. That is why when you make vows to take responsibility for a person, you should be ready and willing to do so forever. You must understand clearly that the place of the Blessing is where these questions come up and are answered. For this reason, if a person has a chance to be in the place of the Blessing, he is truly a happy person. You must have firm resolve if you are to take part in receiving this great Blessing. (30-186, 1970.3.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

Since the Fall of the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, human beings have waited eagerly for the day when God could bless them. (19-23, 1967.11.14)

Richard: The Blessing is described here.


The Moral Foundation of Society

2. The Foundation of Education

Rabbi Assi and Rabbi Ammi, on an educational inspection tour, came to a town and asked for its guardians. The councilmen appeared, but the rabbis said, “These are not guardians, but wreckers of a town! The guardians are the teachers of the young, and instructors of the old, as is written: ‘Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman wakes but in vain’ [Psalm 127.1].”
    Lamentations Rabbah (Judaism)

When Confucius was going to Wei, Jan Ch’iu drove him. The Master said, “What a dense population!” Jan Ch’iu said, “When the people have multiplied, what next should be done for them?” The Master said, “Enrich them.” Jan Ch’iu said, “When one has enriched them, what next should be done for them?” The Master said, “Instruct them.”
    Analects 13.9 (Confucianism)

The source and root of all the evils which affect individuals, people and nations with a kind of poison, and confuse the minds of many is this: ignorance of the truth and not only ignorance, but at times a contempt for, and a deliberate turning away from it.
    It is therefore necessary to confront evil and erroneous writing with what is right and sound: against broadcasts, motion pictures, and television shows which incite to error or the attractions of vice, must be projected those which uphold truth and strive to preserve wholesome morality.
    Pope John XXIII, Ad Petri Cathedram (Christianity)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Democracy has produced secular humanism, which is expelling God from society. Secular humanism is driving out the morality and justice taught by the saints and holy men, and is spurring on the trend towards free sex. Humanity is altogether unaware that it is diving headlong into the abyss… We have the mission of preventing this tragedy. (193:306, October 8, 1989)

This world stands at a crossroads leading either to the kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of hell. Which way it goes depends chiefly on whether it protects family values—the ethical norms that preserve the purity of the family. Is there any nation on earth that has solved humanity’s common plight: corruption of youth and their continual abuse of drugs, family breakdown and skyrocketing divorce, the AIDS epidemic, sexual crimes and political oppression? Conventional education, even religious teachings, cannot meet the challenge.
    What meaning is it for a society to enjoy economic prosperity and political freedom when its families suffer in agony, with no solution in sight? Therefore, people have come to the point where they are seeking educational material and methods to protect and promote family values. Promoting family values is the fundamental issue in this age after the end of the Cold War. (288:140, November 26, 1997)

Peace and Happiness Depend on People’s Moral and Spiritual Development

VOTE Tuesday, November 8, 2022!
Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2026

In Home Church we will find the True Parents, the angelic world, the satanic world, and God. It is all decided in Home Church. I might go to Japan or England, but wherever I go, we must all go the way of Home Church, that is Gajeong Gyohae. What is Home Church? It is a heaven consisting of homes or a family heaven. Accordingly, each of those 360 homes must prepare the foundation to attend you as the messiah, and as true parents. The fact that you have harmonized these homes and offered them before God means that you have inherited a position of victory over all of Satan’s foundations and opposition throughout the world. (99-262, 1978.9.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1128

Jacob knew that when the angel came he came as a messenger from God. Thus, he asked, “Did you come with the mission to destroy me? Or did you come to give me a blessing?” The angel replied, “I came to bless you.” So Jacob asked, “If you came to bless me, why are you withholding it from me?” The reply came, “I cannot just give it to you because your portion of responsibility remains.” In other words, Jacob had to wrestle with him and win in order to receive the blessing. That is to say, the blessing could not be granted unless he fought with his life. When challenged by the angel, Jacob determined to be victorious and rose up saying, “I see. All right, even if I lose my fingers or even my arms, I will not lose.” He then wrestled with the mind that he would not let go, even if he were struck by a sword, or had his head cut off. How long did they struggle? They struggled all through the night. He fought with the determination that he would not let go until he died. (20-228, 1968.6.9)


The Moral Foundation of Society

  1. The Foundation of Morality

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The Bible teaches about the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, benevolence, goodness, loyalty, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23) These nine fruits of the Spirit are the standards of the nation that God proposes and intends to establish. They comprise that society’s way of life. (4:112, March 16, 1958) Continue reading “Peace and Happiness Depend on People’s Moral and Spiritual Development”

We Have No Government Capable of Contending with Human Passion Unbridled by Morality and Religion

VOTE Tuesday, November 8, 2022!
Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeon 2060

    What are we doing everyday? Street witnessing! Then, tong ban breakthrough! Should we finish it by June, in a very short time? We should organize the leaders in districts, local communities and home neighborhoods, and then quickly finish the four-day workshop. After that you should quickly go out for a second round. It will be good for people who do this well. Those who don’t do so well, the ones who bring no results, will fall away. The goal is 120 people. This is the restoration of the tribe. Therefore, you should act quickly centering on the district to create a church. We must make 3,600 churches very quickly. (198-50, 1990.1.20)

    The systemization of the structure for our tong ban breakthrough activities is an urgent matter. (171-297, 1988.1.2)

    The thing we must do first at this time is to carry out breakthrough activities at the university level, centering on professors and the Professors’ and Students’ Federation for Unification. The problem now is how the universities can go forward as one, while keeping a steady direction, centering on the federation. Next is the issue of a mass social movement. We must gather together the leading figures of society, officials of local governments, administration, and political parties of the area. That way, the teachers should bind together the leading figures of their local society, and the students should bind together the local young people. Then we should have a conference. By having a conference in the major cities, we are breaking through at the local levels. This is called tong ban breakthrough activities. The last battlefield is comprised of these local communities and neighborhoods. Our goal is to perfect the enlightenment of the local leaders. (166-16, 1987.5.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1192

Why are things such as indemnity or the restoration of the right of parents, the right of the eldest son, and the right of kingship necessary? Satan’s love, life and lineage are the key problems. What originally should have started from God has actually begun from the devil. The devil made a start centered on something incredible called love. The universe was created because of love. The process of creation took place centering on love, which is the source of all beings. Satan overturned this origin. That is why the original source that was twisted must now be twisted back. (206-236, 1990.10.14)


The Moral Foundation of Society

A GOOD SOCIETY IS BUILT ON SPIRITUAL AND MORAL foundations. In this technological and materialistic age, Father Moon joins many contemporary spiritual leaders in warning us that the steady decline of morality and spiritual values poses a looming threat to social peace. Among these neglected foundations are: first, morality and virtue, which forms people into upright citizens; second, education—especially character education, which can give young people a sense of purpose and direction and empower them to shun the hedonistic lifestyle of sex and drugs; and third, religion. With its message of peace and conciliation, religion can tame the raging battles and self-aggrandizing attitudes of partisan politicians; and by calling on God, religion can procure divine blessings for the nation.
In particular, America’s Founding Fathers were explicit about the role of morality and religion in securing the nation’s liberties and preserving its prosperity. During Father Moon’s long ministry in the United States, he frequently spoke out, calling for America to return to God and honor His will.

  1. The Foundation of Morality

The earth is upheld by the veracity of those who have subdued their passions, and, following righteous practices, are never contaminated by desire, covetous­ness, and wrath.
    Vishnu Purana 3.12 (Hinduism)

No individual is lost and no nation is refused prosperity and success if foundations of their thoughts and actions rest upon piety and godliness, and upon truth and justice.     
    Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 21 (Shiite Islam) Continue reading “We Have No Government Capable of Contending with Human Passion Unbridled by Morality and Religion”

The Family Consisting of Mother, Father and Children Is a Microcosm of the World

VOTE Tuesday, November 8, 2022!
Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2119

Until now, in order to maintain your pride, I have been ordering you to go witnessing. In the future, the tribal leaders for the seventy-two tribes will be established and the new age of registration is coming. I want to include you there, but how can I include you when you have no accomplishments? (194-96, 1989.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1394

According to the US Statistics Bureau, the soaring divorce rate showed a threefold rise between 1970 and 1990, with the conclusion that one family out of six has a divorce, and the reality is that nationwide, thirty percent of children are being raised by single parents. Furthermore, the strange, decadent phenomenon of gay married couples is spreading. (288-197, 1997.11.28)


Family as the Cornerstone of Society

2. Virtues Learned in the Family Are the Basis of Public Virtue

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The family, comprised of father and mother, husband and wife, and children, is a microcosm of the world. You should understand that the path of humankind is to love all kinds of people, expanding from the love you have for the members of your own family. You should love elderly people as your grandparents, middle-aged people as your parents, people a few years older than you as your elder brothers and sisters, and people [a few years] younger than you as your younger brothers and sisters. (105:106, September 30, 1979) Continue reading “The Family Consisting of Mother, Father and Children Is a Microcosm of the World”

Regard Old Women the Way You Regard Your Mother

Jefferson County WV Candidate Interviews:
WV House of Delegates: District 100: Bill Ridenour
Jefferson County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District: Jennifer Krouse

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you have to pass through from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth, before reaching the final position of God. There are also eight vertical levels beginning with the servant of servant’s position. On the foundation of restoring the rights of the firstborn son in the course of seven of these eight levels, you must attain the position of the original, unfallen firstborn son. Adam and Eve were the first son and the first daughter. The first son and daughter have to pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Then, they must be connected to the realm of direct dominion based on love and possess the right of the firstborn son. Such connection is impossible with the love of the younger child. They are not connected with the love of the second child. Therefore, you must return to this position and restore the right of the firstborn son going up stage by stage. This is the battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

The love of heaven is vertical and the love of the earth is horizontal. The love between brothers is a love between front and back. It is all three-dimensional. That is why, when there is unity between parents and children, a foundation is laid that allows God to reside on earth. In this way, God can stand in the position of the ancestor of humankind. He stands in the position of the parent. Human beings have to connect to God as His children and this will result in the creation of a family united with heaven and earth. This can only take place after you have fulfilled the human portion of responsibility. The love of heaven and earth must be connected. It is that simple. (218-124, 1991.7.14)


Family as the Cornerstone of Society

2. Virtues Learned in the Family Are the Basis of Public Virtue

Treat the aged of your own family in a manner befitting their venerable age and extend this treatment to the aged of other families; treat your own young in a manner befitting their tender age and extend this to the young of other families, and you can roll the empire on your palm. The Book of Songs says,
     He set an example for his consort
     And also for his brothers,
     And so ruled over the family and the state.
In other words, all you have to do is take this very heart here and apply it to what is over there. Hence one who extends his bounty can bring peace to the Four Seas; one who does not cannot bring peace even to his own family. There is just one thing in which the Ancients greatly surpassed others, and that is the way they extended what they did.
    Mencius I.A.7 (Confucianism) Continue reading “Regard Old Women the Way You Regard Your Mother”