Jesus Performed Many Miracles, Yet People Did Not Appreciate Their Value

Absolute Proof
: Documentary on Election Fraud by Mike Lindell.
Lecture by America’s Frontline Doctors on Experimental biologicals (vaccines) intended to prevent the Wuhan virus.
Sign the petition against medical experimentation.

Matthew 22

41 While the Pharisees were still there, Jesus asked them, 42 “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose family will he come from?”

They answered, “He will be a son of King David.”

43 Jesus replied, “How then could the Spirit lead David to call the Messiah his Lord? David said,

44 ’The Lord said to my Lord:
    Sit at my right side
until I make your enemies
    into a footstool for you.’

45 If David called the Messiah his Lord, how can the Messiah be a son of King David?” 46 No one was able to give Jesus an answer, and from that day on, no one dared ask him any more questions.

Psalm 94

All of those cruel people
    strut and boast,
    and they crush and wound
    your chosen nation, Lord.
They murder widows,
    foreigners, and orphans.
Then they say,
    “The Lord God of Jacob
    doesn’t see or know.”

Can’t you fools see?
    Won’t you ever learn?
    God gave us ears and eyes!
    Can’t he hear and see?
10 God instructs the nations
and gives knowledge to us all.
    Won’t he also correct us?
11 The Lord knows how useless
    our plans really are.

12 Our Lord, you bless everyone
    that you instruct and teach
    by using your Law.
13 You give them rest
    from their troubles,
    until a pit can be dug
    for the wicked.
14 You won’t turn your back
    on your chosen nation.
15 Justice and fairness
    will go hand in hand,
    and all who do right
    will follow along.

Richard: Both of these readings indicate that ‘no one makes a fool out of God’.


2. Miracles

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The Bible says that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, bore Isaac when she was nearly ninety years old. Do not think that it is impossible. If you women are confident, you could also conceive by spiritual power. Spiritual power is miraculous. (283:126, April 8, 1997)

The unity of mind and body generates a mysterious, invisible power. When you enter that state, miracles occur… When you are united with God’s love, you can perform miracles. Healing fire comes out of your open palms. You can move your audience simply by willing it so… You can revive those who are [spiritually] dead…
What power is this? It is the power of love. All this is possible only through the power of love. Love is such that the more you practice it, the greater it becomes. But there is a condition. To obtain that power, you must subjugate your physical body. (282:229-30, March 26, 1997)

With absolute faith, anything is possible. Suppose while walking on the street you met a sick man. Feeling deep compassion for him, without a second thought you stretch out your hands over him, place your hands on him and pray for him sincerely with tears. Then, a miracle will happen.
Yet I do not want to be involved in miracles. Jesus performed many miracles, yet people did not appreciate their value. Despite all the miracles, he was driven to death. It is no use to heal those who are not worthy. More than miracles, what they need is truth. Truth is unchanging and eternal, but signs and miracles are fleeting. What is temporary cannot govern what is eternal. (252:258, January 1, 1994)

It is possible to revive a dead person by breathing his or her spirit self back into the physical body. Yet certain conditions are required. First, the person should not be dead for too long—not more than three days—so that the flesh has not decayed. Within that period, if the spirit is called back into the body the person can come back to life; it is not very difficult.
However, bringing someone back to life on earth after God has called that person to the spirit world requires paying a suitable price. It should either be compensation of greater value [than the person’s life], or something to benefit the whole purpose. Maybe to revive that one person, three or four others might have to die. Therefore, you should carefully consider the benefit of bringing someone back to life. If you do not take responsibility for doing it, you will violate the heavenly law. All in all, performing miracles is not necessarily good. (15:176, October 7, 1965)

Almighty God is the God of Love and the God of Mercy

The Richard Urban Show-watch or listen by clicking below.
#89- Could Joe Biden only be President for 40 Days?

#88-Mike Pence Represents Christianity
#87-They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup

Joshua 6

15 On the seventh day, the army got up at daybreak. They marched slowly around Jericho the same as they had done for the past six days, except on this day they went around seven times. 16 Then the priests blew the trumpets, and Joshua yelled:

Get ready to shout! The Lord will let you capture this town. 17 But you must destroy it and everything in it, to show that it now belongs to the Lord. The woman Rahab helped the spies we sent, so protect her and the others who are inside her house. But kill everyone else in the town. 18-19 The silver and gold and everything made of bronze and iron belong to the Lord and must be put in his treasury. Be careful to follow these instructions, because if you see something you want and take it, the Lord will destroy Israel. And it will be all your fault.

Psalm 149

    Put chains of iron
    on their kings and rulers.
Punish them as they deserve;
    this is the privilege
of God’s faithful people.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Richard: God is giving a clear message about His victory and the victory of his people. See The Richard Urban Show: #89- Could Joe Biden only be President for 40 Days?


1. Grace Needful for Salvation

Teachings of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Almighty God is the God of love and the God of mercy. He is deeply concerned and grieved over the living death of His children. He knows that people are incapable of breaking their chains and getting rid of their sin by their own efforts. He knows that only one power can bring people to salvation—God Himself. And God, in His mercy, is determined to save this world. (September 18, 1974)

Because God must, in the end, accomplish His Will2 on earth, He has preserved us although we were perishing. (Way of God’s Will 1.3)

God is not the kind of God to just stand by while human beings live a fallen existence. He has worked until today to lay the foundation for re-creation through religion, in order to recreate the ideal world that He has purposed from the very beginning. This is God’s providence for salvation. (May 10, 1981)

Our ancestors who were expelled from the Garden of Eden were the worst criminals in human history; they have no basis to be proud of themselves. However, because God still has a relationship of heart with them, He endures all ordeals while leading the providence of restoration from Adam, Noah, Moses and Jesus to the present day. Thinking of this grace of God, we should appeal to Him with gratitude for His mercy upon humanity throughout history, not merely for His mercy in the current moment. (16:236, June 19, 1966)

We have nothing that would enable us to relate with the all-knowing and almighty Being. Born as fallen people, our eyes are defiled. Our five senses and all our emotions belong to the secular. We have nothing that would enable us to relate with God. By the principle of heavenly righteousness we have nothing. And yet, one path remains through which we can relate to God: by the principle of love. (149:37, November 11, 1986)

Salvation fundamentally begins when we connect with God’s love. However, we became fallen human beings having nothing to do with God’s lineage. Atonement is required; this means nothing less than the removal of the original sin. However, since the original sin is carried in the lineage, we fallen human beings cannot resolve this problem on our own, no matter what we do. That is why we need the Messiah. (35:159, October 13, 1970)

Not due to our own will do we exist,
not due to our own selves do we enjoy the glory of life,
and not due to our own efforts can we rejoice today in the presence of our Father,
but due to the grace mercifully bestowed by our Father,
who hast toiled through thousands of years of history. (2:280, June 23, 1957)

All Have Sinned and Fall Short of the Glory of God

The Richard Urban Show-watch or listen by clicking below.

#88-Mike Pence Represents Christianity
#87-They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup
#86-Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed

Cheon Seong Gyeong 432

Also, no matter how happy a husband and wife may be together, they will be miserable without children. Do you need only sons? You need both sons and daughters. But what if the parents have only one son and one daughter? A son needs an elder sister and an elder brother, and a daughter needs an elder brother and an elder sister. Furthermore, they each need a younger brother and a younger sister. Everyone needs elder and younger siblings, and without any one of them, the individual would be unhappy. A family wherein the younger sister, younger brother, elder sister and elder brother are all united will be protected by God. This is because such a family becomes the origin of a clan, a people and a nation. My father, mother, elder brother, elder sister, younger brother, younger sister and me total seven people. This underlies the significance of the number seven as the number of perfection. You should know that I am talking here about perfection in reference to love. Why is seven the number of perfection? Why is it that the creation of heaven and earth taught by Christianity was completed based on the number seven? It is because of this. It is said that three is the number of heaven and four is the number of earth. The number three is established by my father, mother and me. Then what does the number four refer to? It refers to brothers and sisters. (20-40, 1968.3.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 701

Right after the Unification Ceremony on the day before Heung-jin went to the spirit world, what did I pray? I prayed, promising him, “Even though you are leaving the physical world, I will choose an adopted son for you as if you were still on earth, and let him join the ranks of the son.” For that reason, I have to give him the Blessing on earth. Without doing so, it would be impossible for me to keep my promise. God has sent the Messiah to save the earthly world. You should know that today, in order for True Parents to save the spirit world, I have sent a prince of love as my ambassador with full authority. Why must I establish such a global foundation on earth? Even Jesus could not reach that position. You should know the fact that, for the first time in history, God has a young son whom He can love as His own. For the first time, God loves from the spirit world and True Parents love from earth. Thus, the two worlds are connected. Since this world was in the realm of fallen love, that is, in the indirect dominion of God, it had no connection with the love of True Parents until now. Yet you must know the amazing fact that this has finally emerged.

Chapter 7



Due to humanity’s fallen and degraded condition, it is difficult if not impossible for people to attain the goal and purpose of life unaided. in fact, help is available; God’s grace is sufficient support on the journey of faith. the scriptures often emphasize the priority of divine grace; it is present prior to even a glimmer of faith, prompting faith in people who would otherwise be lost and unable to escape their miserable existence.
    We have selected passages that describe God as the savior of sinful people. Grace is entirely God’s initiative, given regardless of a person’s attitude or merit. Furthermore, God’s grace far overshadows the merit gained by good works; indeed, nothing can come of a person’s good works or austerities endured for the purpose of salvation, in the absence of divine grace.
    The section ends with the two parables of the prodigal son, one from the new testament and one from the Lotus sutra. the teachings of these two stories differ in some respects, yet the theme of divine compassion for errant humanity shines through both. the Buddhist parable’s depiction of the father as searching desperately for his son and then patiently working to recover him whole over many years is a fitting description of God’s toil through human history to save fallen humanity, according to the teachings of Father Moon.

1. Grace Needful for Salvation

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God—not because of works, lest any man should boast.
    Ephesians 2.8

Abu Huraira reported God’s Messenger as say-ing, “There is none whose deeds alone would entitle him to get into Paradise.” Someone said, “God’s Messenger, not even you?” He replied, “Not even I, but that my Lord wraps me in mercy.”
    Hadith of Muslim (Islam)

By assuming numerous garbs [of ascetics], learning, induced meditation, or stubborn practices,
Has none attained Him.
Says Nanak, By His grace alone does one attain to sainthood and enlightenment.
    Adi Granth, Gauri Bavan Akkhari, M.5, p. 251 (Sikhism)

The Self is not to be obtained by instruction,
Nor by intellect, nor by much learning.
He is to be obtained only by the one whom He chooses.
To such a one the Self reveals His own person.
    Mundaka Upanishad 3.2.3; Katha Upanishad 1.2.23 (Hinduism)

Even if you cry your heart out, hurt your eyes by constant weeping and even if you lead the life of an ascetic till the end of the world, all these untiring efforts of yours will not be able to make compensation for a tithe of His good will and kindness, for His bounties and munificence and for His mercy and charity in directing you towards the path of truth and religion.
    Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 57 (Shiite Islam)

Now, if it had not been for the plan of redemption, which was laid from the foundation of the world, there could have been no resurrection of the dead.
    Book of Mormon, Alma 12.25 (Latter-day Saints)

Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith.
    Romans 3.23-25

If, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.
    Romans 5.17

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
    2 Corinthians 12.9

We who live in the world, still attached to karmas, can overcome the world by Thy grace alone.
    Srimad Bhagavatam 11.2 (Hinduism)

All need grace, for even Abraham, for whose sake grace came plenteously into the world, himself needed grace.
    Genesis Rabbah 60.2 (Judaism)

Through Thy power, O Lord, Make life renovated, real at Thy will.
    Avesta, Yasna 34.15 (Zoroastrianism)


God Is in Shackles on Account of Humankind, Including Me

The Richard Urban Show-watch or listen by clicking below.

#88-Mike Pence Represents Christianity
#87-They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup
#86-Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed
#85-Don’t Change What God Has Said
#84-President Trump Should Stay in Office

Ezekiel 20

The Lord said to the people of Israel:

33 As surely as I am the living Lord God, I will rule over you with my powerful arm. You will feel my fierce anger 34 and my power, when I gather you from the places where you are scattered 35 and lead you into a desert surrounded by nations. I will meet you there face to face. Then I will pass judgment on you 36 and punish you, just as I punished your ancestors in the desert near Egypt. 37 I will force each of you to obey the regulations of our solemn agreement. 38 I will separate the sinful rebels from the rest of you, and even though I will bring them from the nations where they live in exile, they won’t be allowed to return to Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.

39 Go ahead and worship your idols for now, you Israelites, because soon I will no longer let you dishonor me by offering gifts to them. You will have no choice but to obey me! 40 When that day comes, everyone in Israel will worship me on Mount Zion, my holy mountain in Jerusalem. I will once again call you my own, and I will accept your sacred offerings and sacrifices. 41 When I bring you home from the places where you are now scattered, I will be pleased with you, just as I am pleased with the smell of the smoke from your sacrifices. Every nation on earth will see that I am holy, 42 and you will know that I, the Lord, am the one who brought you back to Israel, the land I promised your ancestors. 43 Then you will remember your wicked sins, and you will hate yourselves for doing such horrible things. They have made you unacceptable to me, 44 so you deserve to be punished. But I will treat you in a way that will bring honor to my name, and you will know that I am the Lord God.

Richard: We see that God’s people (the Israelites, Christians today) have strayed from Him. There will be a separation between good and evil. This scripture speaks of inevitability. As Rev. Moon as said, “We cannot pass”, we have to decide about the message that Rev. Moon gives us. You can get started by reading or listening to Peace Message 10, The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom.
Listen to the Speech.
“The Unification Principle is not the mere doctrine of Unificationism. Rather, it is the heavenly path and principle that all people must know and live by.”
Original Root Substance of the Principle: p. 31

Matthew 21

40 Jesus asked, “When the owner of that vineyard comes, what do you suppose he will do to those renters?”

41 The chief priests and leaders answered, “He will kill them in some horrible way. Then he will rent out his vineyard to people who will give him his share of grapes at harvest time.”

42 Jesus replied, “You surely know that the Scriptures say,

‘The stone that the builders
    tossed aside
is now the most important
    stone of all.
This is something
the Lord has done,
    and it is amazing to us.’

43 I tell you that God’s kingdom will be taken from you and given to people who will do what he demands. 44 Anyone who stumbles over this stone will be crushed, and anyone it falls on will be smashed to pieces.”

45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard these stories, they knew that Jesus was talking about them. 46 So they looked for a way to arrest Jesus. But they were afraid to, because the people thought he was a prophet.

Richard: This scripture clearly says that Christ will not return to Israel, due to the betrayal of the Israelites. See Original Root Substance of the Principle p 440

God’s Grief

3. Sharing God’s Tears

People who experience the heart of God in their lives cannot come before God without shedding tears, no matter where they are. They know the original Will of God and struggle to become His sons and daughters. If you are among them, sharing God’s Will and desire, He will visit you and weep with you.
    Where are the roots of God’s grief? They are inside us. They are inside our nation, this world and all things of creation. We must carry on a movement to eradicate them and restore God’s joy. For us, the center of our life of faith should be to experience God’s grief. (4:60, March 2, 1958)
Is God deserving of pity? Many people would question why the all-knowing and almighty God needs to be pitied. Still, regardless of how all-knowing and almighty He may be, nothing can relieve Him from the shock of losing His beloved children. If there had been a way for God to find relief from that shock by Himself, He would not have had to suffer through a six-thousand-year course of his-tory. (35:88, October 4, 1970)
God seeks people thirsting for faith and hope and burning with love, who say, “God is in shackles on account of humankind, including me; God was accused by Satan because of me; Jesus died on the cross for me; the Holy Spirit went through a bloody history of struggle on my behalf. God, please give me the strength. I will bring rest and liberation to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.” (7:162, August 30, 1959)
God our Parent cannot free Himself from lamentation until all people are free from lamentation. How can any parents be comfortable while their beloved children are in misery? This explains why we should liberate God, who exists in such a state.
    How shall we liberate God? Since we live in a realm beset by restrictions, which also restrict God from loving all people, we are responsible to restore the realm of liberation where God can freely love all people. Since we were corrupted through the Fall, we must liberate God by becoming children who are victorious over the Fall. (65:100, November 13, 1972)
As long as God, the Center of the universe, is in anguish, human beings have no way to salvation. Who can lift away the suffering of God? Only someone who experiences the depth of God’s suffering in his own life and suffers even beyond that. If God were joyful and happy, then all beings immersed in suffering could hope to find a way to happiness. But how can salvation be possible while God, the center of the universe, is suffering? Therefore, at all cost, we must not let God remain in suffering.
    There is no question that the fall of God’s children, Adam and Eve, was the pinnacle of God’s suffering. God is the Father of humankind and Adam and Eve were His first children. Their fall had a direct impact on God. The resulting separation caused God incredible pain—physically, mentally and emotionally. When they departed [from the Garden of Eden], God must have wept bitter tears. That pain in God’s body, mind and heart was the beginning of human suffering; it has continued through history…
    However, Adam and Eve did not understand the seriousness of their sin. They might have felt some anguish in their minds and hearts because the left the bosom of God their Father, but they were unable to grasp the gravity of the pain and suffering they caused God. Ever since, God has had to relate to human beings who lack any perception of His suffering heart. For God, this is the ultimate agony.
    How can you possibly experience God’s heart? By listening to a sermon like this you may feel it conceptually, but you still do not feel His sorrow down to your bones. Consider a woman who loses her parents, husband, and children, as well as all her possessions, in a tragic accident. How would she feel? Although during her lifetime in the fallen world she could see and experience many types of evil and sin, her pain and grief at losing her entire family would be unbearable. How much more shock and grief God must have felt, being completely pure and never having experienced any sin, suffering, or crime.
    Today many people commit suicide. Do you think the despair that drives people to commit suicide can be compared to God’s despair at the moment Adam and Eve fell? No one but God is truly entitled to use the word ‘suffering’… We may experience tragedies in our life, yet as time passes the pain and grief will ease. However, God is a spiritual being. He has no concept of time. During one thousand years or even ten thousand years, the pain of the Human Fall has never left God’s mind and heart. Nevertheless, could God not simply cast His suffering out of His heart? More than omniscient and omnipotent, God is absolute in love. (94:34-36, June 26, 1977)
How many tears have you shed for God? Have you ever sought out a way to take on suffering and toil on behalf of God’s pain and toil, even though your own limbs might be torn off? You have not tried. In seeking to become God’s sons and daughters, you have to shed tears for the purpose of the whole. When you meet God, you should comfort Him with unending tears. Representing the original ancestors, you should say, “Father, I am Thy son (daughter). How great was Thy sorrow upon losing me! How many times throughout history until the present day hast Thou suffered humiliation, pain and extreme hardship from my descendants!” 
    The almighty, all-knowing God certainly has the authority to judge the entire world and even Satan. Yet God cries out in pain, knowing that even though He is capable of bringing judgment, He cannot destroy the world He toiled to create. Our hearts break when we think of God in this situation. God is not dwelling in a heavenly place. He stands lonely and desolate, accused by Satan, robbed of His foothold by the satanic world… How much have you wept in sympathy with God’s situation? The issue comes down to this. (51:111, November 18, 1971)
Father! Humankind knows not Thy sorrowful heart permeating the earth.
Humankind does not know Heaven’s sad tears soaking the footprints of human history;
hence we are ignorant of Heaven’s endless lamentations encircling our minds and bodies.
We confess that we are descendants of rebellion
who cannot establish our dignity before Heaven or be trusted by Heaven.
Father, no one on earth can stop Thy tears;
no one can hold and comfort Thee in Thy sorrow;
no one can protect Thee on Thy path.
Therefore, the grief on this earth is Heaven’s grief permeating the earth;
the sorrow on this earth is Heaven’s sorrow permeating the earth;
the frustration on this earth is Heaven’s frustration permeating the earth…

When in these last days we despair,
we turn towards Heaven and cry out, “O God, please help us!
“Father, please have compassion on humankind!”
Yet who in this age clings to Thy heart, sharing Thine anguish?
Who clings to Thy mind, weeping with Thee?
If there were such a person,
Thou wouldst call him Thy true son or Thy true daughter,
grasping him or her as Thine object partner on earth. (6:235-36, May 24, 1959)

It Is For Thy Sake That I Have Borne Reproach

The Richard Urban Show-watch or listen by clicking below.

#88-Mike Pence Represents Christianity
#87-They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup
#86-Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed
#85-Don’t Change What God Has Said
#84-President Trump Should Stay in Office

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1917

Why did the Second World War have to occur? It was to recover Jesus’ lost body on the worldwide level. The unified realm was lost because the returning Lord was driven away. That is why America now comes again through the Pacific civilization, seeking the Asian region that had lost Jesus’ body, as well as the unified world. The time is drawing near when America comes seeking Asia from the opposite direction. You should know that that is why the era of the Pacific civilization is coming. This is in accord with the fact that the world must be unified, centering on the ideal of the returning Lord, by recovering, in Asia, Jesus’ body that was lost in Asia. By going through this process, the era of the Pacific civilization is bound to come. It is to recover the body and make it whole. The Lord at his Second Advent already has the basis for receiving this, centering on the spirit and the flesh. That is why the cultural sphere can be connected internally and externally, based on a criterion of unity, where the object partner stands before the subject partner. Through this process, a unified world can be created, centering on the True Parents. (267-176, 1995.1.5)

Richard: It is significant that President Trump has lifted restrictions on contact with Taiwanese embassy officials by United States State Department officials. (Chinese state media blast Trump administration for ‘cowardly act of sabotage’ in Taiwan ( It is related to the fact that is mentioned above that Jesus’ body must be recovered in Asia. The three countries of South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are related regarding this fact of recovering Jesus’ body.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1347

I blessed the 124 Couples representing the world’s 120 nations and the number four, on the global level, on the foundation of having established the center of tribes. What this means is that families have been formed that will represent the center of all Christianity that originated from Jesus’ 120 followers, who themselves symbolized the foundation of 120 nations. These therefore are couples whose responsibility it will be to achieve the four-position foundation on the individual level under my leadership, and bring together the ancestors, the races, and finally the world. As such, from now on, the way will be opened for all nations of the world to move toward one common destination. (75-150, 1975.1.2)

God’s Grief

3. Sharing God’s Tears

My grief is beyond healing,
my heart is sick within me.
Hark, the cry of the daughter of my people
from the length and breadth of the land:
“Is the Lord not in Zion?
Is her King not in her?”
Why have they provoked me to anger with
their graven images, and with their foreign
“The harvest is past,
the summer is ended,
and we are not saved.”
For the wound of the daughter of my people is
my heart wounded,
I mourn, and dismay has taken hold on me.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
Why then has the health of the daughter of my
people not been restored?
O that my head were waters,
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
that I might weep day and night
for the slain of the daughter of my people! 33
     Jeremiah 8.18-9.1

Let not those who hope in thee be put to shame through me,
O Lord God of hosts;
let not those who seek thee be brought to dishonor through me,
O God of Israel.
For it is for thy sake that I have borne reproach,
that shame has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brethren,
an alien to my mother’s sons.
For zeal for thy house has consumed me,
and the insults of those who insult thee have fallen on me.
    Psalm 69.6-9

Do not pray for a thing that you lack, for your prayer will not be accepted. Rather when you wish to pray, pray for the heaviness that is in the Head of the world. For the want of the thing that you lack is [a want] in the indwelling Glory. For man is a part of God, and the want that is in the part is in the whole, and the whole suffers the same want as the part. Therefore let your prayer be directed to the want of the whole.
    Pray continually for God’s glory that it may be redeemed from its exile.
        Israel Baal Shem Tov34(Judaism)