Abraham Had to Offer His Only Son

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Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2298

    God’s original intent for creation was to live with humanity centering on one purpose in harmony with one love, to have all of heaven and earth enjoy His love and to have everything live as one with His love established as the actual center of life. Yet due to the Fall of Adam and Eve, God’s love remained His. He was to establish it in His relationship with humankind. Yet He was unable to do so and it departed from them and from the entire world of creation.
    Consequently, God has spent the last six thousand years hoping for the day when, centering on the love He wanted to establish, He could bring together all the things of creation and live in joy with them. However, they have still not been united through His love, and accordingly His ideal and the love of His hope which should have been established remain unfulfilled. Thus, God has been guiding the providence to this day in order to accomplish His will at all costs. Ever since the Fall, He has been doing so for a long time until now, regardless of the ages, in order to fulfill His hope and recover His trust and love towards humanity; yet even now He has been unable to do either. (1-88, 1956.6.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 670

If there is a good-looking man and a good-looking woman, can the man, insisting upon his rights, say that he wants to receive God’s blessing alone? Can the woman, insisting upon her rights, say that she wants to receive God’s blessing alone? We must think of God’s will as absolute and go through all the conditions necessary for the hope of humankind. It is not given unconditionally. The thing that we must do in God’s Kingdom on earth in the future is to find the way for couples to be welcomed and respected worldwide. This is the way to live in God’s Kingdom on earth. (162-67, 1987.3.2)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Abraham’s Family

Due to the failure of Abraham’s offering, the Israelites had to suffer 400 years of slavery in Egypt.  To restore the previous failed offering, Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice the only biological son of Abraham and his wife Sarah.  Abraham successfully did this, This offering was also based on the faith and successful conditions of Noah and previous providential situations.  Then Isaac beacme the central figure for the providence.  See slides 10 to 13 below:


Good and Evil Must Be Divided

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Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 270

  Is Jesus a man or a woman? He is a man. If such a man, who has received God’s love, God’s life and God’s lineage, had met a woman who could create a relationship with him and they bore children, then new children of God’s direct lineage would have been born on this earth. Then, neither Christianity nor the Vatican would be needed today. With the appearance of sons and daughters of Jesus’ direct lineage, a kingship and a true royal family would have finally begun on this earth and created one world.
    This right of kingship would not initially have been a right of kingship for the whole world but one starting in a single family. From the family, it would have advanced beyond being a family kingship, to have become a tribal, a national, a worldwide and a cosmic kingship. Then there would be no need for any Christian denominations or ministers. The Vatican would not be need- ed. Democracy would not be needed. Democracy is an ideology based only on brotherhood. This is why people are fighting. Brothers are fighting among themselves. Hence, the ideology upholding brotherhood should return to a parent centered ideology and from there to the God-centered ideology of Godism.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1260

Why does Satan come without fail to those who, throughout our history, have walked the path of faith, strangling them, pressing them down, and sacrificing them? In God’s eyes, Satan is the adulterer who stole and violated His family. Our original mother should have attended God, and built His kingdom of peace in heaven and on earth; yet we and our original father were driven out. Satan intervened and human beings came to be in this miserable state. It was no other sin than this that he committed. (156-226, 1966.5.25)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Abraham’s Family

When Abraham was entering Egypt with his wife, Sarah, he asked her to say that she was his sister so Pharaoh would not take her as his wife.  This restored Lucifer violating Eve, who was Adam’s sister.
Abraham, like Noah, had to make a symbolic offering.  He was to offer three sacrifices, but failed to offer the third one, the dove.  Since he did not offer the third sacrifice, good and evil were not separated, the blood of death was not drained.  See slides 6 to 9 below:

Abraham Was the Son of an Idol Seller

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New-Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2288

Section 4. True Parents Are the Way to Heaven

     If Adam and Eve were to be the parents standing in God’s stead, then even I am spiritually the parent representing the earth in His stead. All the people who died and went on to the next world followed in Adam and Eve’s footsteps. From their place in the angelic world they could freely support you, but as they were born from false parents rather than true, they could not directly assist the True Parents. However, as the failures of the archangel have been indemnified, they may now step into the position of children, similar to the time when Adam and Eve were still in their growth period. From there, they are free to provide support at will. Hence, the spirit world will help to hasten the coming of the day of the collapse of this world. (146-312, 1986.7.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 707

    Scholars or presidents are no exception. The way of indemnity is one that must be sought, not taught. You must seek it yourselves. Those who do not do this will go to hell. You must understand that the chains of hell are hooked all over your eyes, your nose, and your thoughts. This is not a threat; it is simply that indemnity is needed to reverse the Fall.
    It is so difficult to erase ink from a white sheet of paper. What Satan wrote is more difficult to erase than ink. If you wish to erase it, you must be revived after dying. Realize that “although you have the name of being alive, yet you are dead.” As long as hooks remain within you, Satan will claim you as his. Thus, Jesus stated: “Those who seek to die will live, and those who seek to live will die.” (129-183, 1983.10.30)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Abraham’s Family

After the failure of the providence of restoration in Noah’s family, God called Abraham, the son of Terah, an idol maker.  Again, Abraham must set up the Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance to make the Foundation to Receive the Messiah.  Without this, the Messiah will be killed when he comes.  Abraham came 10 generations and 400 years after Noah.  His course of faith in leaving his home in Haran and travelling to Canaan was the equivalent of the 120 year period when Noah built the ark.  See Slides 1 to 5 below:


Everything is Decided in an Instant

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New-Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2452

    It is really rather amazing. I too have had sons and daughters and raised them, but I relate to my grandchildren rather as friends. That is, we became friends.
    As people grow old, we tend to feel lonely. Our environment changes and our sphere of activity is reduced. In this way, we start to form tight bonds with our grandchildren.
    This process leads to the perfection of the grandparents, and also the perfection of the parents; they come to create a single seed together. When the top place or position is connected with this point, everything becomes connected. Only when these two are linked can the one seed be created.
    That is how both the grandfather and the father are perfected, making one seed, and that is why everything has to become connected when the top is connected to this point. Only when the two generations are connected together can the one seed be created.
    Thus, centering on the sons and daughters of Adam’s family, centering on them as the one single model, and horizontally, being connected centering on the royal descendants of this direct line, the family is expanded horizontally. Without becoming a seed that has experienced the three great realms of heart, expansion is impossible. (283-79, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1028

You should be sweating when you give a sermon. Sweat should be running down your spine. It has to be done with tears and sweat. This is an ironclad rule. (160-194, 1969.5.12)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

Noah set the Foundation of Faith, but due to Ham’s mistake, the Foundation of Substance failed.  Therefore, no Foundation for the Messiah was set in Noah’s family.
Here, we see once again the importance of the human portion of responsibility.  No matter how small it is compared to God’s portion of responsibility, it is essential that it be accomplished for God’s will to be done.  We also see that we need to see God’s viewpoint, not just act according to our own way of thinking.  If we don’t know, we should be humble enough to ask.  Then, God will teach us at the right time.  The sum total of all instances adds up to our life.  Thus, everything is decided in an instant.  See slides 10 to 12 below:



Why Was Covering Noah a Sin?

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1096

Section 3. The Family Is Basic Unit to Realize God’s Kingdom

Our family and God’s Kingdom have the same form. Our family comprises parents, spouses, children, and siblings. It can be unified through love. Here unity can be attained, life transmitted, and the ideal substantiated. Thus, you must be able to honor conjugal love and parental love to qualify to go to heaven. The grandparents bequeath their love to the parents. God’s Kingdom will not be realized if any of these forms of love is denied. The conclusion is that you must love your parents more than you love each other as husband and wife, and your grandparents more than your parents. This becomes the core and ideal motto of God’s entire kingdom. (Blessed Family – 942)

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What is the occasion of the Blessing? It is the very best place in the entire world. With whom should you establish a relationship at the place of Blessing? You cannot perfect yourself on your own; you are perfected through True Parents’ love. When a child is born from his parents’ bosom, regardless of whether he is good-looking or not, the child takes after its parents. In the same way, Unification Church members are taught the way of the true parent. For you, that is the blessing of all blessings. (35-236, 1970.10.19)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

Since the 40 day flood judgement, the number 40 became the condition to separate from Satan. Following the flood judgement, God indicated through the symbol of the three doves sent out that His will will be accomplished on the earth at the Second Coming of Christ. To be the central figure of the providence, Noah’s son Ham had to be one in heart with his father, Noah. When Ham saw the drunk Noah lying naked and covered him up, a sin, which is any violation of heavenly law that forms a common base with Satan, was committed, and Ham was unable to become the central figure for the foundation of faith. See slides 6 to 9 below: