Cheon Seong Gyeong 1980
When we speak of the pulse of energy
in the Korean peninsula, then this pulse
is connected with Korea’s fate and des-
tiny. It is connected with heavenly for-
tune and even national destiny. What is
national destiny? I consider it the fate
of the nation, the direction the nation
is taking. The direction Korea takes
for its survival will enable the Repub-
lic of Korea to prosper when its pulse
throbs with vigor and is well connect-
ed. The Republic of Korea should create
one world by uniting with the heavenly
fortune and pulse of the world and by
drawing the support of fortune. (178-265,
Richard: Unfortunately, right now Korea is not aligned with heavenly fortune and the pulse of the world. When Rev. Moon was alive things were moving in a positive direction. With the heresies of Hak Ja Han, heavenly fortune has been lost and Korea is struggling.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421
What are we trying to achieve? We
want to be registered in the positions of
sons and daughters who can be loved
eternally by God and True Parents. The
registration will begin from this time
forth. You will be registered in the Book
of Life of the Kingdom of God. A new
form of registration should take place
based on the true parent-centered ideol-
ogy and Godism, and at the same time,
the organization of tribes should also
take place. Similar to the twelve apostles
of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel,
we also need to organize ourselves into
tribes. (146-230, 1986.7.1)
Richard: This process has begun with the ‘Book of Life Registration Blessing’. All married couples should receive this Blessing and grace:
God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959
The title of the speech I would like to share with you today is “God and Humanity Should Live Together.” I will speak upon this topic. God’s motive and purpose in creating this world were to live together with humankind. God created us that we might live together with Him.
You know well that all beings, from the smallest to the largest, were created as beings of joy to move with God in the realm of His love. Humanity, especially, was created with God’s utmost effort. That is, humanity is at the center of God’s thoughts, of God’s Shim Jung, of the ideal of creation. He is the center of the substance of creation. For God, to possess humanity is to possess the universe; to dominate humanity is to dominate the entire creation; to share joy with humanity is to share joy with the entire creation. You should know that God installed humanity as the representative of the purpose, upheld from the ideal to the result of creation.
God created the world to live together with them, yet neither humanity nor all things are living in the realm of God. What is the problem? We know well that this happened because of the fall. Because of the fall, the foundation for God’s dwelling disappeared. Continue reading “Human Beings Did Not Reach Perfection with God”