The Blessing Is the Core Factor that Can Unite Us into One Absolutely.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 213

In order to be a True Parent, one must love the world of Cain. This Cain world is the world of the eldest son. The Cain world is just like the world of the fallen eldest son. Therefore, without the True Parents making a condition of having fully given the love of Heaven even amid the opposition of this world, the satanic world cannot be restored. The eldest son must be loved first. Since Satan is the eldest son in principle, if God wants to love Abel, He must establish the condition of having loved Satan, the eldest son, first. Without showing such love to Satan, there is no way for Him to love the second son. This is according to the Principle. So the path that the mother, Eve, should walk is to unite Cain and Abel and return to Adam. Therefore, no matter how universal a love Mother wants to receive, I cannot give such love. That is her situation. (124-73, 1983.1.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 607

What will happen from now on? People will offer their properties to heaven. Live for others – for the higher cause and for the greater good. Live for the world and for God, and to liberate humankind. Make people change to the new lineage. Because the lineage got entangled, God has been powerless until now. As we have now entered the era of conversion, you need to know that the free heaven and earth are approaching and therefore sow seeds of goodness. Know clearly how you should act. From now on, be a throng possessing eternal life that can be linked to the clan of the Messiah, the citizens of heaven and the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. (203-185, 1990.6.24)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

The USA is composed of 260 million immigrants that have come together as one nation, but the West is not united as one, is it? They are from 12 nations, but Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain are enemies. How can they become one? The bloodline must become one first.

The Blessing is the core factor that can unite into one absolutely. How easy is it to inherit the bloodline? You would have to inherit it even if it means having to give up your possessions, your life, your nation. In short, everything. It is something that cannot be achieved even if the hundreds of nations and hundreds of races living on this planet offered everything they have simultaneously, and yet that very thing is happening right.

In the ticking of a second, the outside and the inside is decided. Centering on the one second, the sphere is formed in all directions of east, west, north and south.

The round ball of Peace Cup! In the “Peace Cup” Cain and Abel appear. The Peace Cup of mother and father — only when that takes place can the mother and father become the pouch that can embrace all heaven and earth in this world. That is one great round ball, and thus could the East and the West all enter that pouch together and have the flesh and blood of the one father and be born bearing the essential elements of the father. They failed to be born before the father. Instead, they were born of the mother, and inherited her flesh and blood, and so they cannot forget their mother.

In the last days, the sperm will enter all at once, and, centering on the Will of God, all of the 6.5 billion human population will become one overnight. How many men and women are there? 3.25 billion men and women can, through marriage, become of the same flesh and blood, that is to say, become fellow brethren. How simple is restoration! Now we are living in a country wherein all heaven and earth can become one within a week, nay, within three days, and so that is possible.

Will you take part in this or not? [Yes!] The nation, the fatherland and the homeland, where such a thing can take place will come to be, and you should give up the US or other UN nations composed of immigrants and offer everything you have and exchange it with the bloodline, and become beings of a value so great that it is comparable to a thousand times, ten thousand times the value of your life, and double the lives of the 6.5 billion human population. Only then can you come to stand at the top as a perfected tribe over 6.5 billion people. The world of the logical outcome where such a thing is possible, that is, the restored Kingdom of Heaven, will come to be.

The place we returned from yesterday is Atlantic City. It is the central region between the Northern and Southern USA. What is New York? York refers to a Zelkova tree [Neutinamu in Korean]. New York, the Zelkova tree of the new Garden of Eden! A Zelkova tree, together with the pine tree and the bamboo, lives for a thousand years, whereas all other trees die out within a few years.

There is a golf course we own in Mt. Seorak named Pine Ridge Country Club. We also bought a golf course in Yeosu. They are the Cain-type and Abel-type golf courses. The US cannot become the kingdom of golf courses. In the golf world, Korean men and women stand out. In the sports loved by the US, the ratio of Eastern players to Western players is steadily rising.

There will come a time when they won’t be able to beat Asians in basketball. Did you know that our University of Bridgeport basketball team ranked number one? When can blacks exert their power? Who was it that carried the cross of Jesus? Simon something was it? It is Simon. [Simon of Cyrene] Yes, it was the Simon tree, and he could have gone on for thousands of years. Who was the king of boxing? It was Muhammad Ali.

And who was the really excellent singer who died recently? [Michael Jackson.] He may have Asian blood in him. Even in the case of the Mafia, only when the Spanish Mafia and the white Mafia are united could they lead the Asian Mafia. If they do not become one, they cannot lead the Asian Mafia.

Hawaii means “Finish your work!” How can all the work be finished since there are so many walls? It is a place where all walls have been broken down, and Eve has been placed in the position of the woman, for which reason the women there are open sexually and dance and play naked. Theirs is the way to return to the Garden of Eden, and first they dance with their shoulders, then their hips, and finally with their feet, which causes them to roll around and do the snake dance like this. There is no one who cannot dance, is there? At a party, all the five races would dance all kinds of dances.

They are entwined like snakes, and in winter snakes of all colors stay together underground. Three kinds of snakes are entangled together. They are entwined with one another to keep their temperature. For several months they do not eat. Be it a snake or anything else, they can survive not eating for three to four months. Even fish can live without eating for a few months. That is also the case for people who live by the sea.

Someone Has to Take the Initiative in Bringing Unification

Cheon Seong Gyeong 423

Many talk about God’s will and many believers have prayed, “Heavenly Father, may Your will be done!” The words in themselves seem simple, but it is difficult for us, when asked, to articulate precisely what God’s will is. At present we are leading lives of faith to accomplish that will, but there is some contradiction in living a life of faith and praying for the accomplishment of God’s will without knowing what that will is. (Blessed Family – 298)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1199

Human civilization made a circle around the globe, and now, in the age of the Second Advent, is moving toward the region of Asia. But as it does so the unity will not be achieved in the history of the development of civilization unless, in accordance with the principle of restoration through indemnity, the conditional offering is made that brings everything in the satanic world into Heaven’s possession. This is now being done by the United States. America is the archangel nation, given birth by Britain. It is the same as the son standing in the archangel’s position. America is supposed to have the same form. Civilization comes seeking a nation within Asia that corresponds to Britain. As Japan is in the position to have inherited British culture, so civilization returns to Korea through Japan. Civilization has to move in a circle to reach Korea and unity must be achieved. However this unity cannot come automatically. Someone has to take the initiative in this unification. (166-294, 1987.6.14)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

When you hold on to True Parents, the liberation of the individual, family, tribe, race and nation takes place. The victorious kingship that can even liberate the disunity of the USA and the UN has been inherited, and next the supremacy has been inherited, and next there is the main figure who can resolve everything officially, so what is to take place? When you meet him, and he comes to save you, how happy would you be? You should come to the US and make such a thing, and that’s why it is Mandalay! The US has no other way but to die, and it will meet its end right here.

Obama should be “Oba me.” Why? If one is told, “Be my representative!” and thus becomes the representative of the whites and the blacks, then there will be someone to serve him. The earth is Cain whereas Abel is spiritual, and they should be made one with True Parents!

“Mandalay Bay! I have come here to see you, so follow me. This is the nation wherein you can live, and it is possible to follow the path to the throne in the Heavenly Kingdom when you become one with me!”

That is why the ideal practice and the ideal fruit cannot be without the absolute God. When could God have a family and love? God requires absoluteness, uniqueness and eternalness.

For this reason, absolute sexual ethics are necessary; what is needed before the absolute and unique sexual ethics? If there is an eastern side in a society, there must also be a western side; there must also be a wife, and the wife of the firstborn son to establish the realm of the four-position foundation; and if two men and two women only asserted themselves, there would be no way they could be united as one. They should become one on the basis of the four-position foundation, for otherwise there would be no way to unite into one the sons and daughters, the men and women, and not only the tribes but also the framework of divided families.

Hereupon, centering on God, the two beings, Adam and Eve, could finally be connected through one line. The two lines could be connected into one, and thus bring Adam and Eve together as one on a single path. But what is the pole of woman and the pole of man? Though the North Pole and the South Pole are connected, what is at the center that can open and connect the two and rotate? It is only true love that can do that. True love is meant to stand at the core; it cannot stand in the Eastern USA or the Western UN countries. The fundamental is the center.

Of the twelve apostles, the number 13 is considered the unluckiest number because with the coming of Jesus, the number 13 is crossed centering on the months in the twelve directions. The 13th floor is denied from the 10th floor or the first floor.

The East centers upon the number 10, and the lunar calendar is also centered on the ten months. 360 days is derived from the opposite sex, but the number 12 does not have an objective partner. The West is centered on the number 12. What is a foot? In the end, meters will appear after the feet That is Abel. In the end, the metric system will become the center. The US should also use the metric system; why does it use different terms for measurements and distances? It is divided into two factions.

The lunar calendar and the solar calendar are divided into two factions, and how can the unified foundation be established centering on the sexegenary cycle of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar? Without the conclusions drawn from Rev. Moon’s teachings, there is no zero point of everything being OK. And because there is no zero point, everything is done freely. There is no top in 180 degrees. Because everyone will reach the last and then cast everything off and be saved, and go on living, they will be told, “Those whose siblings have followed the position of the evil prisoners, turn around!” and then they will be issued passports as the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. What more happiness could you wish for? The brothers and sisters would enter together. Centering on the one bloodline, there is only one fatherland, nation and homeland. There cannot be two homelands.
Richard: See yesterday’s Daily Inspiration for my comments about the Mandalay Bay hotel and its significance. Here, True Father talks about those who are evil making a 180 degree turn around, and being saved. This is an interesting concept, as we see in current day society lots of seemingly irreconcilable differences. Yet, could there be a way, centered on God, for this turn-around to occur? I think so.
Notice also, that the goal is not to obliterate the enemy, or banish them to hell for eternity. It is to save them and have reconciliation. That will require a common point, and I believe these words of Rev. Moon, the Eight Great Textbooks are that common point. What do you think? Comment below.

Only then Would the Original Ideal Before the Fall be Achieved

Cheon Seong Gyeong 853

    When God looks at you in the spirit world, if you reach the place where your heart resonates with the bell of love, the light of your love gradually intensifies. This light shines radiantly in five colors. In God’s eyes, it looks brighter than a diamond. God doesn’t simply like this light; He is drawn to it, especially because there is a pleasing taste within the light. The more He looks at it, the more He becomes intoxicated.
    For this reason, God talks about love. If your heart is ringing with the bell of love, then heaven and earth will be moved. If you can move the hearts of people from all races, God will exclaim, “Ah!” and be moved. You have to realize that there is such a bell. Therefore, however many tears you have shed for love and however many heartbreaks of love you have experienced – these are your fortune. (103-28, 1979.1.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 580

    Who is the origin of life? Not I. Both the origin and the purpose of life must transcend me. My life did not originate from my parents, society, a people or nation but from the transcendent absolute God. The motive must be firmly connected to the transcendent motive that stands in the absolute position. It should not be linked to historical relational factors, environmental relational factors, or social factors. Only when you link your origin to the transcendent cause, the transcendent purpose, can you extricate yourself, make a leap, and transcend. You must link your life to the transcendent motive; it does not begin with yourself.
    It began with the absolute God. When you link yourself to the transcendent motive, even if you die, it will be within a transcendent process because of God’s will. (36-63, 1970.11.15)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Nothing needs to be learned or found for I have taught you everything to the very last. Since it was difficult to teach you I had a textbook made, which is this book ; so what should you do with it? In the US, the President should say in regard to this book, “Hey, you parents should teach about this book in your families and even in kindergartens.” There are even some families that have not only twelve sons but even thirty-something sons and daughters. Such families should equip themselves with thirty-something books and the mother and father, as representatives of the number thirteen and in the position of having been killed due to the opposition of the twelve apostles, should center on the kingship and teach their sons and daughters on that basis on behalf of the authority of the Heavenly Kingdom and the Kingship.

In the main text there is a song for a baby, isn’t there? “Dear baby, sleep tight. We are preparing a world of dreams, a world of eternal prosperity, for you, and they will become your royal family and your followers and your kinsmen.” More songs with such lyrics should be composed. I am telling you to create more songs.

It is like the flower and the fragrance in the satanic world. The flower and the fragrance are both beautiful, and in addition to them there is the fruit, the three representing the formation, growth and perfection. The seed centered on God, Cain centered on the flower and the fragrance, and Abel centered on the beauty, the three should be united into one, and when the man and woman who are born inheriting those things come together as husband and wife, then heaven and earth would also come together in unity, and thus the site of the Kingdom of Peace would come to a settlement in heaven and on earth, with no places left out. And finally the Parents would come to a settlement on earth and everything would be completed.

Then it would not be heaven and earth but instead earth and heaven. In the human world, the grandson would take the place of the grandfather, and the father the place of the son. By coming to a settlement in reverse, everything would finally be settled in their original places, and wherever one went, the links in the settlement would be connected even to the ends of the world forevermore. Planting the seed of settlement, the Heavenly Kingdom would naturally sprout and grow, and give birth to sons and daughters who can move it to the perfected position of the Kingdom of Heaven and together enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only then would the original ideal before the Fall be achieved, would it not? There is no other theory than the theory of being re-created and perfected, and thus entering the position of the Kingdom of Heaven of the Ideal of Creation. There is no other truth, no other connection of lineage.

There, because of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, one could not be estranged even after thousands of years. Even if one died a million times, one would not be able to detach oneself from there. Whether you are white or black, your histories have nothing to boast about. Everything should be cast away and the roots should be engrafted there. There is only one central root. Everything is OK, and when I say everything is OK, by OK I mean the Open Kingdom! To the Americans it would mean Open the Kitchen! Next comes Korea. Korea is the site for the liberation of the fatherland.

There is no more explanation to add. When you go into the kitchen you open the refrigerator. In the kitchen you drink water, and if you are hungry and find bread, you eat it, and if you find meat, you can also eat that too. If you were on the verge of starving to death, would I tell you not to eat them, if you were my brother or the kinsman of my sons and daughters? There would be no one to say no.

Where did I go yesterday? Las Vegas is Cain, and the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas is the center. At the top there is MGM and Bellagio, which are Cain and Abel. The Mirage and Venetian are also Cain and Abel. The Mandalay refers to the group of people who hang others. The “lay” refers to the fact that it is connected. So it is the Mandalay Bay, meaning the bay of hanging people. It means coming to the edge of the final cliff and drowning in water. The question is, would you fall or not? Why does Bay come after? It is the matter of sitting at the top and falling and dying or not.
Richard:  Here, Rev. Moon has prescience about the possibility of a tragedy happening at the Mandalay Bay hotel.  In fact, 58 people were murdered when a man in that hotel shot at the crowd gathered below for a country music festival.

Become an Owner of the Heavenly Kingdom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 427

    God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to multiply. That means that only after their physical bodies and spiritual bodies had become fully mature, should they have become a loving husband and wife and had children. Adam and Eve, as the lords of all creation, should have acted according to their Heavenly Father’s time table; in other words, they should have waited until they were mature both physically and spiritually. Adam and Eve were always together, even as their bodies started to become mature. There must have been times when Eve, frightened by something, would jump into the arms of Adam, or hide behind him. Under such circumstances, she would have felt safe and comforted in the arms of Adam, while at the same time having strong sexual urges towards him. Adam, too, would have felt the pleasure of Eve in his arms, and would have had sexual urges towards her, because her body was very different from his. In this situation, who initiated sexual actions first: Adam or Eve? It was Eve who had jumped into the arms of Adam because she was frightened. From that time on, their sexual contact began to increase gradually.
    God created the universe with love. Therefore, Adam and Eve should have made the created world a community of love centering on God’s love and connecting it to Him. Since this was their responsibility, Adam and Eve should have thought about how and with what attitude they would share the love permitted by God. As matters of love are extremely serious, this determined whether they would live or die. (Blessed Family -310)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1074

When educating children, parents have to think about how to rear their children so that they can become people who can fulfill the mission for God’s will. They should think the same way when they nurse a baby. (12-134, 1963.1.25)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Very good! “Good” (Joh-ta) sounds like “flying on a bird” in Korean. “Jo” means bird, doesn’t it? This means flying the whole vast universe on a beast. Climbing on top of God’s head and going on a journey. Imagine God taking His baby on a ride around the whole country through both the corporeal and the incorporeal worlds. That is why there is the Won-gu Peace Cup. It is Peace Cup. Which cup is that? It is that of the wife of True Parent, Grandfather’s wife. The era of women is inevitable.

Can an individual communicate with the universe? Can a family communicate with the universe? Can a clan communicate with the universe? Can a country communicate with the universe? The UN cannot communicate with the universe. It will never know how. Would anyone who has opened all the doors and obtained all the knowledge ever leave his position even if asked to do so? Even if you pray hundreds of millions of years for such a person to run away, he is not going to leave.

Blessed families, raise your hands. You know everything. Centering on the Principle, you know the structure and can tell the stages in the three-dimensional world of the Heavenly Kingdom. On a flat ground surface, you first raise the columns, then the ridge of a roof, than the rafters, and finally you put the roof tiles. Unless you belong to a certain area, you cannot live in God’s house. Such a person cannot live in the Universe, which is God’s house.

Not all last names can pass. Only those last names can gain entrance as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom that have become complete after receiving the Blessing. This is the way to become the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. There is no other way. Those Korean residents abroad that opposed Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will say after reading his memoirs, “Oh my God! I am a sinner! Where do I go now?”

What should these people do? Even if all the doors are closed and the walls of the castle are high, they would still choose to climb over these walls upside down, facing the ground. They cannot climb the wall face-up; upside-down is the way to go. If they climb up facing the ground, then when they go over the wall they will be in the proper standing position: feet on the ground. That is how to become owners.

However difficult it may be, one has to climb up to the throne from which it is possible to subjugate the satanic world. Unless one becomes the owner of the Heavenly Kingdom, there is no way to set up proper kingship. For all those who are climbing face-down, there is no other way to go up except through receiving the Blessing. Having received the Blessing over one night, those tens of billions of Blessed families have to struggle as they are climbing up the wall; however, what a glorious moment will it be when they reach the top and realize the everlasting reign of peace! Aju!

All Beings Began with the Purpose of Welcoming the Seed

Cheon Seong Gyeon 1603

By my coming to the North, and with the firstborn, the second generation, connected to the plus and minus, I have finally been able to declare 4.4. Jeol, through which the four-position foundations of Adam’s family and that of his children can settle and ultimately open the gates to the heavenly world. In preparation for this, I blessed both saints and murderers simultaneously on June 13. They are all brothers and sisters. Satan took what belonged to God, but now God can freely do whatever He wants. Thus, the cosmos has become God’s liberated kingdom on earth and in heaven. (295-268, 1998.9.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1073

Children discover all their values through the parents. Who do the children resemble when they grow up in a family? They resemble their parents. Who will they follow? They will follow their parents. That’s how it is. (24-133, 1969.7.20)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

There is a required textbook for your children. Please, bring the booklet. Those of you who are parents should memorize this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) centering on the number 13 which is formed when you count your sons and daughters and your tribe, including yourself, the owner. Kindergarten students, as sons and daughters of heaven, should read this textbook ten times, 100 times, 1000 times more than True Parents did. Rev. Moon has not read it quadrillion times, so as you do it 110,000 times more, you should memorize the book by heart — page by page, line by line — and pledge to fulfill the parental responsibility that you were not able to fulfill up to this point. That is how well parents should know the contents of this book.

To teach children, you should take advantage of various presentation methods used by the satanic world: pantomime and songs, comedy artists and tragedy artists, as well as cartoons. By means of these various methods you should teach your children how to take dominion over the world and say to them, “This is what you will become in the future.” this book has everything you need.

Wherever the children of blessed families are on this planet, their parents have no choice but to give them this book as presents since it was recommended by True Parents. You cannot give a greater blessing than this to your children. Once you do it, all is done. I have opened the doors of heaven and hell so that your sons and daughters can become princes and princesses of heavenly country.

God did not create women-angels. Why didn’t He? There are many women. Some are selling their bodies on the street! Some men are enjoying their services and those men are the first-born sons of Satan.

Mothers are not recognized as mothers in heaven. Queens cannot receive recognition as queens, grandmothers don’t get recognized as grandmothers, wives are not recognized as wives, and the wives of Cain and Abel do not receive recognition as daughters-in-law.

Look. First God’s wife, then True Father’s wife, then King’s wife, then grandfather’s wife, father’s wife, one’s own wife, then Can’s and Abel’s wives — eight women in total were violated. Since it is free sex, one may live with one’s mother and even with grandmother. Even one thought of it makes me nauseous.

Those who enjoys things with their convex parts inherited the satanic lineage. All of Satan’s first-borns were like that. That is how they messed things up. They made a huge mess and made inaccessible normal entrance into a woman’s concave part.

The seed that was hidden inside God’s bone came out around the age of seventeen and started its journey toward the destined position, but look how long the journey throughout human history took until today? God had set out on a quest to find his wife but the way to the womb was completely messed up and the opening disappeared since it is now covered with rags. Where is God supposed to go? “True Parent! Surrender to us! We hold it in our possession.” However, Satan’s world cannot swallow it completely in one day.

Then, let us argue theoretically about what is right. Let us discuss things from this viewpoint, “Are you right, or am I right?” Whoever starts talking, stumbles. Who can surpass Rev. Moon’s theory? The Cosmic Sabbath of the parents of Heaven and Earth! Theoretically, this is also beyond any argument. From the Cosmic Sabbath we move to absolute sexual ethics, to the owner of the absolute seed of love, to the Second Coming, to the Savior, to the Messiah. People did not know that Jesus came to Israel in this capacity. They killed him.

Even if there is a woman, she cannot open the cavity by herself. What needs to be done to start the fire and warm up the concave part? What is the temperature of a human body? 36.5 degrees Celsius. The convex-concave jar should be boiled to the temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius.

The seed carries with it a fever which is even hotter than that. It is the bone of God’s bone, the flesh of God’s flesh, the blood of God’s blood, the skin of God’s skin. When the time comes for marriage at the age of seventeen, this core seed starts its journey and the convex-concave jar boils up to over 37 degrees Celsius. The concave part opens its doors beginning with the womb and the vagina saying, “Please welcome! God’s desire, the union of God’s original love and Parents love! Please come into my womb and plant the seed!” This is the desire of a woman.

Men need to keep cool. When a cool thing goes in, how does it feel? When the convex part travels through the vagina and enters the womb, which is 38,39,40, even 43 degrees hot, it wants to stick there, saying, “Wow! Feels good!” At 38 degrees, the seed says, “Wow! Feels good!” and enters the womb. Since no woman is able to generate this heat of love that goes up to 39, 40, 43 degrees by herself a woman welcomes the man’s seed of true love.

All beings began with the purpose of welcoming the seed. Aju! Aju from God, from Adam, from Eve and from the Archangel. Aju to the blood lineage that has established a family line which eternally inherits the kingship of the heavenly nation!