True Father has Made the Foundation to Save America

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1955

Unless God stands in a position where He can be loved more than any Japanese parent is loved, God cannot become part of any family in that nation. God must be in a higher position. Opposite poles attract. We must carry out such activities. The Messiah is absolutely needed. In particular, if the Japanese people are the first to come together in making a foothold, so that the people of the world can receive the Messiah, the day will come when Japan will be praised in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what it takes, we must leave the evil sovereignty behind and assure that the good lineage of Heaven is all that remains. (55-97, 1972.4.23) Unless God stands in a position where He can be loved more than any Japanese parent is loved, God cannot become part of any family in that nation. God must be in a higher position. Opposite poles attract. We must carry out such activities. The Messiah is absolutely needed. In particular, if the Japanese people are the first to come together in making a foothold, so that the people of the world can receive the Messiah, the day will come when Japan will be praised in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what it takes, we must leave the evil sovereignty behind and assure that the good lineage of Heaven is all that remains. (55-97, 1972.4.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

You should all quit school and attend kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school in Korea. That is the fast way. A year in a Korean kindergarten, six years in elementary school, and six years in middle and high school adds up to 13 years. If you graduate from high school and understand this, then you know everything about the world. In 13 years, you will know everything. After that, there can be university and graduate school. To complete a doctoral program in the Abel sphere centering on Cain and Abel, a person should be able to refer to books from eight countries. Without such ability, a person cannot enter the doctoral program at Harvard University.

Continue reading “True Father has Made the Foundation to Save America”

I Have Been Telling You in America to Study Korean

The Richard Urban Show #140:
President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 713

Do you have a gift to bring along when you go to heaven? When you go to the spirit world, religious martyrs will line up in front of you. Can you unwrap the bundle you brought with you in front of them? Do you think that you can unfold something that is like a beggar’s rag which he uses for wrapping his feet? What suffering have you and the Unification Church undergone? How can you say you lived for the nation and the world without having withstood such hardships? I have suffered, but I do not think of it as suffering. Naturally, we still have a long way to go. Upon your arrival in the spirit world, you have to be able to unwrap your bundle and say, “Here is the gift I prepared all throughout my life; please receive it.” If a woman must bring a dowry when moving in with her in-laws, how can you go to heaven empty-handed?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1804

    Thus, Satan destroyed the family completely. There is no way for Satan or God to solve the problems of juvenile delinquency and family breakdown. If God could, He would have done so at the time of Adam’s family in the Garden of Eden.
    Can God, who was not able to interfere in the Garden of Eden, do anything about this perishing world? Who must bear the responsibility for this? As the false parents, who were made to fall in ignorance ruined things in this way, the True Parents must completely understand everything, God’s secrets and Satan’s secrets, and expose Satan’s secrets before God, saying, “You thug, you turned out to be a murderer!” Wouldn’t even a murderer in hiding slip away from the human world forever, when the proof of his crime is revealed, his crimes declared for what they are, and he is pronounced guilty? It is the same; the reality today is exactly the same as this situation. (302-224, 1999.6.14)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

This was June 1st. It was on June 1st that Noah’s ark came to rest on land. It was at the “Coex.” “Co” brings to mind “convenient.” Then what is “ex”? “Ex” is the opposite of “oh.” The English world for “bul-pyeon” is “inconvenient,” isn’t it? This means inconvenient for the family. That is why a group appears to bring correction. It is “in” “convenient.” Attaching the “in” creates the negative, and this is true. “Convenient” “Co” is in “convenient,” so it is all there.

What is the English word for “bul-pyeon”? What is the word for “pyul-li”? [A voice from the audience responds: “The word for ‘pyul-li’ is ‘convenient'”] So it’s “inconvenient.” [Voice from the audience: ‘Yes, the word for ‘bul-pyeon’ is ‘inconvenient.'”] So “inconvenient” and “convenient” are one. It should be “ex-convenient.” Why was it decided to say “inconvenient”? Isn’t this a reference to inner and outer? Isn’t this Cain-Abel? Even the English letters themselves cannot be denied. It is the principle of Cain and Abel.

When I was studying English, I said to myself, “Wow! This language is really for the most uncouth of servants.” A person addresses his mother as “you.” A woman will refer to her mother as “she” and her husband as “he.” It’s “he” and “she.” A king is “he” and his subjects are also “he.” There is no place for Cain and Abel. There is nothing else. There is no ideal of peace in America. What is there? Can you answer that? Studying English convinced me. I said to myself, “This is really fake.”

Ka, na, da, ra, ma, ba, sa, a, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa ha! This alphabet does everything. It can describe any text, any word, any action. This alphabet can be used to pronounce any language. It is the ancestor of a world of incredible culture. Look at Koreans. When Americans, Japanese, and other nationalities go out witnessing, the Koreans are the ones who get the best results. Why is that? If a Korean goes to a Spanish-speaking area, he speaks in Spanish. A Korean can speak referring to a book, and he will pronounce the words correctly. He hears a word during the morning, and he can use it in a conversation that evening. That is how convenient it is.

So even if there are five adverbs and adjectives — even if there are more than twelve — a Korean is smart enough to distinguish among them and use them. No one can compete with Koreans in intelligence. That is why Koreans understand the spirit world. Koreans found out about the spirit world just by sitting still. Their language began in the spirit world. Who was the first owner who could hear the language that began in this way? It could only have been God.

It would not do if God were in a position where it is possible for Him not to act through the objects He created. We would have no need for such a God. He would be putting Himself in an unreasonable position even in terms of logic. No matter what language human beings use, God understands every word, so there are no words that cannot be expressed in written form using the Korean language. The country of Korea possesses such a language.

In Korea, God is referred to as “hana nim” (meaning “the one”). It has no other concept. You refer to Him as “God.” Some say, “God,” others say “Allah” and so on. With regard to the savior as well, there can only be one concept. Not two. There may be hundreds of concepts in existence, but that is because people take the one savior and complicate things by creating fakes.

Since long ago, I have been telling you in America to study Korean, so why haven’t you done so? We have come all this way, and do you expect me to speak in English? I could speak in broken English, and you would understand me and we would have good communication. But I am not going to do that. I must not. If I were to speak English, my tongue would become stiff. Even when I know what to say, I keep myself from speaking by closing my mouth and biting my tongue. If I were to speak in English, we would both be destroyed. We would both be kicked out. A citizen who does not speak his country’s language cannot be a citizen.

Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong Transcends the UN Charter

The Richard Urban Show #140:
President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1474

God created humankind for the sake of love. Why were human beings created? They were created because of love. The reason human beings are different from other forms of creation is that they were created as God’s sons and daughters. They were created as object partners who can receive love directly from Him. Such is the privilege of humankind. (132-245, 1984.6.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 787

If God is absolute love, we can logically conclude that if we become an absolute partner in relation to that love, and thereby become a unified being, we will live forever – as long as God exists eternally. Humankind has not known this. People have not been aware that we human beings are created as the object partner God absolutely needs. Were this not the case, it would be logical that God would live alone. (262-137, 1994.7.23)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Do you know why I established something like the Ssang-hap Shib-seung Il? [Audience response: “Father established it in 2004, when you were in Yeosu.” “The Cheon Seong Gyeong is here. This book, titled True Families: Gateway to Heaven has been published in English.”] Well, it was published in English, but you should show the same version that Parents use. You will be in violation of law if you publish a book that is based on your own thinking in this area, because it is so fundamental. This decree is absolute.

You could sell this book in your own country and become rich. Once you understand the logic of this, you will become rich. If the United States and Soviet Union do this more than Korea, then the U.S. and Soviet Union will be rich. If the two do it, then the one that does better than the other will be in the Abel position and the two countries will unite as Cain and Abel and rule the world again. This is in the original text but was not written here! I have said that Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong is a text for Hoon Dok Hae. It is a text for family Hoon Dok Hae.

Once you own this text, you will be able to accomplish such things according to your purposes. It’s all here. It’s all recorded centering on the Christian cultural sphere but it’s principles correlate just as well with Buddhism. The essence of the book describing this nation was excerpted and gathered here.

It is the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong. It is an original text; it transcends the U.N. Charter. It is the first text. Can you ignore it? Everything is unified here. It encompasses the number 16. It contains all the denominations, the communist realm and the democratic world. It is Cain and Abel. If you ask what is Abel, the answer is that this number 16 is Abel. Cain can become Abel.

From 16, it goes to 17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. Whatever you mean by “eight years” is included in 24 years. It is possible to go beyond the family standard. There isn’t a point of origin from which you can criticize this, is there? It can only be explained the way that Rev. Moon explains it. How can you explain it if you are not in the position of an owner who has accomplished it? I am the only one who can explain it. Isn’t that right? That is why the book is so expensive. It was published in Korea. In the area of publishing books, Korea is capable of doing at least as well as Japan in Asia and also of doing at least as well as the United States. There is no need to publish in Japan or in the United States.

The original text of Father’s autobiography has been published in Korea. Now we need to publish that original text in the United States and Japan. If it is provided to 43 countries in three languages — English, Japanese and Korean — before the end of the upcoming tournament, there will not be any country that is not aware of it. If we go to that extent, they will be able to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Cheon Seong Gyeong is already in 43 countries. It can be found in libraries, so people can study it anytime they want.

It is possible for the mother and father in every home in every neighborhood to teach this content, so mothers and fathers have no choice but to obtain this book. In addition, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools will have no choice but to teach this. Mothers need to see to it that things that have been taught erroneously are taught correctly. Fathers and mothers must do this. Isn’t this what Father himself is doing now? There is no one else. Father will do it all the way to the end.

Have you become sons and daughters of God? Because you haven’t, you need to obtain educational materials. If you don’t have a textbook, how will you know what to do when it comes time to go to spirit world? Without a textbook consisting of Father’s words that can represent the constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom and laws governing daily life there, you will not be able to become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, will you? I came as the True Parent, so I need to accomplish the responsibility of the True Parent and inspire the U.N. to balance the democratic world and communist world so as to establish a base for the settlement of peace and for the eternal Kingdom.

We Must Learn Absolute Sexual Ethics from the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong

The Richard Urban Show #140:
President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1179

Through two thousand years of Christianity God made the Second Advent of the Lord possible. If, immediately after World War II, I could have stood on the victorious foundation of Christianity and the United States based on the Christian cultural sphere, would I have undergone hardships? If they had accepted me in those days, then who would have been Mother? If Sung-jin’s mother had been unable to take that position, who would have replaced her? It would have been a British woman. As seen from God’s will, it would have been a woman from Great Britain. The British royal family would have made a connection with me. Doesn’t that belong to the realm of Christian culture? Britain gave birth to America. There was symbolic significance to Korean president Rhee Sung-man (Syngman Rhee) marrying a western woman. Ultimately, due to the opposition from Christianity, True Mother gained this blessing. (181-217, 1988.10.3)
Richard: Sung-jin’s mother was Rev. Moon’s first wife, Sang Il Choi, a strong Christian from a well-known Presbyterian family. “In 1946 while buying rice for his family, Reverend Moon was told by God to leave his family without notifying them and go to communist North Korea to preach.”

Cheon Seong Gyeon 989

When you are happy as people who are attending God, how happy have you made God? Have you attended God with a gratitude that is greater than the feelings you have as you eat when you are hungry? You should always feel grateful to God when you eat or wear something nice, even when you are sad or facing difficulties. Hence, you should leave behind good circumstances that can be remembered in God’s mind. (17-291, 1967.2.15)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Until now the disunity of mother and father, and the democratic world will, through the union of the sons and daughters and centered upon this textbook, automatically be unified when education takes place from the king of the third generation. It will be the liberated realm of the second generation. You need to know that, unbeknownst to you, the world is not dying but rather being revived. Will you get rid of this foundation that is being revived?

Even some among the second generations have fallen and done all kinds of things. They have had affairs and dated and done all kinds of things. But this is the textbook that can save even such people. It is the textbook of the kingship of the liberation of all peoples, and once you go out into the world with this textbook, the citizens of the place you go to could not but become the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. Everyone must memorize this book (True Families, Gateway to Heaven) and live according to its words. Its words are the laws that all must abide by, and they should do so. It has been made as the textbook of the Heavenly Kingdom.

When kindergarten children reach the age of seven, they enter grade school. When they go to grade school, they know whether their mothers and fathers are good or bad. The children, who are the fruits of the love of their mothers and fathers, will say, “Our mothers and fathers are wrong. They should listen to me!” If things are not done as they have been taught, they will say, “Why are things not done as the book says? Haven’t you been teaching me lies?”

It is up to you to establish this tradition with full authority. The Korean second generation, the blessed second generation of the American citizens, the parents of the immigrated nations are not the true parents, and so the second generation who are born here are all brothers and sisters centered on the same bloodline.

The words taught by Rev. Moon cannot be denied. They are the truth among all truths. They are the core truth. They are the core, and even amongst all the cores, they are the center core truth. The origin of life and death is the absolute true love centered on the love of God and True Parents.

There is nothing that hates true love. The eyes were made to see because of true love, the nose smells, the mouth feeds, the ears listen, and even the hands and feet were made for true love. Through the bloodline of the false love, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, the hands, the feet and the five viscera (see here for explanation; Richard) and six entrails (see here for explanation; Richard) were all divided. Humanity became worthless beings to become extinct. However, they must be educated within six months. Even when they are in kindergarten, they should be made to memorize the book on behalf of the mother. By the time they enter grade school, this book , Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong will already be published.

Therefore it is the round ball Peace Cup, and the Peace Cup, and not the round ball, is the center. What the Peace Cup represents is God asserting the Peace Cup, the mother. It represents absolute sexual ethics. The owner of sex will change. The fruits of the owners this book of sex are the second generation, and they can also fall. Following the tradition of their mothers and fathers, they have also been tainted, and so they need to be educated so that even if they have had affairs and done all kinds of things, they can quit everything and be re-Blessed.

This [these) book[s] is[are] the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Families; Gateway to Heaven you cannot do without this[these] book[s]. These books stem from Cheon Seong Gyeong. This[these] book[[s] has been published from it. The Family Pledge was also made, and the family pledge led to Cheon Seong Gyeong, and Cheon Seong Gyeong is the World Scriptures. They are the textbooks that can correct the chaos in society and they have to correct the communist theories and the failures of the democratic world, and the Rally for the Settlement of the Peaceful True Parent UN was completed by June.
[Alternate translation: “Once you have perfected your understanding of True Families; Gateway to Heaven, next you should study the Peace Messages (Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong). Those of you with children should teach your children the contents of Peace Messages when they enter elementary school. After the Peace Messages come the Family Pledge, and after the Family Pledge comes the Cheon Seong Gyeong. After the Cheon Seong Gyeong comes World Scripture.]

The Coronation of the King and Queen of Peace, and the Gold Wedding Ceremony and what comes next is the Commemorative Ceremony of the Anniversary of the Foundation of the Association. The Association has also changed. It gave birth to the Family Federation. The Commemorative Ceremony of the 55th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity will be held together making it the number 110. Since it is the sum of the double of 55 years it comes to 110 years, and this is the number that goes over 100 years, which makes it possible for the gates to stay open for billions of years.

Be Educated in Your Family Among Generations through Hoon Dok Hae

The Richard Urban Show #140:
President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1480

To be a child of filial piety, you should know what kind of people your parents are. Do you really know what kind of people they are? Have you ever considered whether your knowledge of your parents comes just from the teachings you have received, or do you truly know them? You have come to the Unification Church and are walking the path of sons and daughters of filial piety. But you used to be little babies with dirty diapers. You used to be little babies biting and sucking your mother’s milk. You grew up that way, receiving your parents’ love. If there is a philosophy which is the best one in this world, it must be the parent-centered philosophy. Parent-centered philosophy is the best. You are not little children anymore. You all must learn. This is what parents want.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1480

What are a righteous conscience, righteous actions, and mind-body unity based on? Words alone are not enough. Actions alone are not enough. Where is the place where complete mind-body unity occurs? The answer lies first in achieving perpendicularity. To achieve that, establish a standard that can stand upright as the center of the worldwide horizontal plane. Become exemplary people who can be connected to the world wherever you go, be it the East or the West. You should set the standard that can be proclaimed as correct at any time in history, whether past, present or future. (205-49, 1990.7.7)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

As a living encyclopedia, I use words that are not in an encyclopedia. Two-thirds of the words I use are not in the encyclopedia. Therefore, I have already made a unified encyclopedia. It just needs to be recorded. It is already made. Therefore, the creation in the cultural world cannot become one without the emergence of a unified encyclopedia. If there are two, then there are two encyclopedias; if there are three, there are three encyclopedias; and if there are four, there are four encyclopedias. And so there are four, including the communist encyclopedia, the Soviet Union encyclopedia, the USA encyclopedia and the Indian encyclopedia.

In making an encyclopedia, in Korea the English language that connects it to the US has already come in, as have the Russian language and the Chinese language. That is also true for North Korea. North Korea is staying between the two, the Soviet Union and China, and sucking their blood. Kim Il Sung inherited everything of communism, both physically and spiritually, and prepared the foundation on which to approach the democratic world.

They have reached the third generation, right? First Kim Il Sung, next Kim Jung Il, and who’s next? [It is Kim Jung Woon.] At the time I performed the coronation ceremony in Korea, Kim Jung Il announced that he will pass on his position to his heir. It is Kim Jung Woon, and the Chinese character for Woon stands for cloud.

I have cleared up everything so that they cannot dispute me in any way. I make them say, “We have lost. We have lost in the Old Testament Age of the formation stage and the religious realm in the growth stage.” Though the communists deny the existence of the spiritual world, the communist ancestors in the spiritual world have come and testified to the fact that the spiritual world is united. How, then, could the communists hold on to the religious realm of the democratic world and act as their king?

Raise your hands if you are blessed children. Stand up. Everyone knows this. They have taken part with their fathers and their mothers. You are the ones who represent the connection of the blood and flesh of your fathers and mothers in the boiling concave vessel of the same love. It is not your mothers or your fathers.

You need to know it is a tradition inheriting the bloodline of God. The people who are kings, and next the democracy of the US and other isms and so forth have all been broken down. Centering on the second generation, the parents, grandfathers and the kingships are being educated with this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) in the Hoon Dok Hae sessions of the blessed families.

Once you inherit the tradition of the standard of the Hoon Dok families, the entire universe will come within the realm of the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom all at once. I have made such a textbook. Whose textbook is this? Among you, and your mothers and fathers, there are those who drink, smoke, have affairs and do all kinds of things, aren’t there? There are also those who sell their sexuality. How can such people be saved?

You have been educated with this book, and have become one with your mothers and fathers and begun at the same place with them because you have inherited the bloodline of God at the same place. For this reason you can rise to the position of your parents. You can stand in that position in the stead of your parents. Until now, you have been the slave of your mothers and fathers, but with this book, you will become the owner. If your mothers and fathers can’t do it, there still remains the second generation, and each and every family of the second generation in the world can be taken into our embrace and educated.
Richard: True Father commissioned the New World Encyclopedia. I also recommend encyclosearch.