Do You Want to Go the Same Way as Jesus?

We the followers of Jesus must go the way he went, whether we live or die. The problem is whether you really want to go this way.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

What kind of person is a wise person?
He is the first to understand and recog-
nize the global era and the time of hope.
The wise person is the one who can bear
the responsibility of being the first to
recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and
take action. In this way, he takes posses-
sion of it. Although he comes as an indi-
vidual, when the Messiah appears on
earth, he is not just an individual. He is
the fruit of faith, hope, and love that the
whole world desires. This is his value. All
the paths of history are connected to this
fruit. In other words; past, present and
future are all connected to it. Further-
more, all individuals, families, tribes,
peoples, nations and the world are con-
nected, and both heaven and earth are
connected to it. (13-142, 1964.01.01)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1848

You could number the fish as you
like, for example you could name one
“fish number one.” Then those num-
bers could form a unified name system
worldwide. A fish could be numbered
as fish one hundred-and-something or
fifty-something. If there is a special fish
you like, you can call and order it by
number. You can tell them that you are
going to the fish farm at a certain time
and ask them to prepare fish number so-
and-so for you. All you would need then
is a sashimi knife. You can make sashi-
mi with that particular fish and have a
tasty meal. Such a time will come. (274-109,

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

Jesus carried with him the suffering of humankind. He started from the lowest point of humanity and ended at the top of Golgotha. There he sacrificed his whole self. Where was God’s son, the heir apparent, the Prince of Heaven? Where was the Messiah of humankind, the Savior? At that place, Jesus could not assert one iota’s worth of his value. It was a tragic and pitiable place. Yet Jesus was able to go over that hill of death, look to Heaven and advance toward Heaven’s ideal garden. His ideology was more powerful than death. His ideology was more powerful than any force in history. Thus, he was able to push aside the realm of death and resurrect. He brought the people who opposed him to repentance and, hence, Christianity today has a base of victory.

We the followers of Jesus must go the way he went, whether we live or die. The problem is whether you really want to go this way. Continue reading “Do You Want to Go the Same Way as Jesus?”

Jesus Came to Fulfill the Ideal

Cheon Seong Gyeong 223

Do you have a sovereign nation? We
are people without a nation. Although
we have a country called the Repub-
lic of Korea, the nation we are moving
towards is a different nation. It is God’s
nation. However, you cannot enter this
heavenly nation without receiving cer-
tified citizenship in that nation. Satan
cannot accuse those with certified citi-
zenship, regardless of whether they are
from the East, West, North or South; or
whether in the past, the present or the
future. Without such a citizenship, you
cannot enter the heavenly nation. (148-
288, 1986.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1420

Throughout all of history, there has
never been such a thing as registration
into the Kingdom of God. In fact, there
was no Kingdom of God in the spir-
it world. There was no family and no
nation there. Once a family passed on
to the spirit world, that family was sep-
arated; if there were ten members in a
family, all ten of them were separated.
However, that will not be the case from
now on. You must understand that, had
it not been for the Fall, the Kingdom of
Heaven would have been a place where
the whole family, the mother and father
and all the others, would have entered
together. If the grandparents, mother
and father, and sons and daughters unit-
ed together centering on true love, and
cherished the true love of God in that
family, even God Himself would show
absolute obedience to them. In a world
motivated by the love for others, where
one is obedient to such a tradition of love
and where people live for the sake of oth-
ers, the base of peace can come into exis-
tence. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

What I want to ask you today is: where is the ideology that can re- create people, the ideology which can break down historical adherence to old habits that humankind has not been able to escape, the ideology which can burn like a shock in the human heart? If there is a God, can He introduce this ideology to us without any condition? Have you ever thought about this? If you have not, you are a shameful sinner in the presence of your ancestors, who longed and fought for the ideal garden, the ideal world.

Jesus was pierced with his Shim Jung toward Heaven. He felt deeply about the new ideal world of creation, the world of hope humankind was to find. He acted according to what he felt and said to us, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

In what kind of surroundings did Jesus act in accordance with the heavenly shock he felt? All people were supposed to agree with each other and welcome Jesus wherever he went, but no one welcomed him. This was true, not only at that time, but even now, numerous people who live and who have lived in history, innumerable spirit persons in the spiritual world, also have not deeply understood the words that Jesus spoke and Jesus’ responsibility. None have welcomed Jesus. Continue reading “Jesus Came to Fulfill the Ideal”

The Value of Human Beings

Happy Foundation Day (3rd Anniversary) and Happy first Anniversary of the  Cosmic Perfection Blessing of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity; Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Hyun Shil Kang (Celebrated yesterday)!  Watch the ceremony here:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

The happiest and most precious
thing that could happen to a woman is
to have a husband. The greatest joy for a
couple is to have children. Your children
do not belong to their father or mother,
but to the world, to the heavenly nation.
Their genealogy is in God’s Kingdom.
Though they are your children they all
have a nationality. Having a nationali-
ty means being the citizen of a nation.
By the same token, these children are
those of the heavenly nation, and that
couple consists of a husband and a wife
who represent God’s nation. If you have
such a heart, you can align yourselves
to the standard of the heavenly nation
when you are registered there. You will
be able to resonate with that standard.
Without having that kind of resonating
experience on earth, you will have a hard
time in the spirit world even if you have
received the Blessing. The same goes for
men. They are most happy to have a wife.
Their second happiness is in having chil-
dren resulting from their union in love.
This nest of love should be passed on to
the world. When that happens, you will
be fully qualified as citizens of heaven.
(233-212, 1992.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1477

In the Bible it is written, “You are
God’s temple.” What do these words
mean? No one has succeeded in inter-
preting these words. They are great
words. That is because, no matter how
great God is, we are given the right to
inherit the universe after we have formed
the realm of an objective relationship of
love with Him. In that relationship we
can whisper words of love to each other
and attain oneness with Him. Through
the foundation of the principle of love,
we can obtain the right of inheritance to
this universe and everything in it, that
is, all of the spiritual and physical worlds
as created by Him. No one knows about
this amazing truth. (137-67, 1985.12.18)

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

Because of the human fall, God’s hope crumbled, and human beings’ hope also dissipated. Humans are the object of God’s hope, the central being representing the universe, an individual of universal ideology. Each human was to be an ideal individual, an offering representing the whole. As such, they had to be able to move Heaven and earth. Because they did not become so, hope remains unfulfilled, and God’s hope remains unattained.

When we think of this point, knowing that the garden of creation was built for human beings and that the ideology of creation was for God to enjoy happiness with human beings, we must reflect upon ourselves again. We must again realize that we are the ones who decide the fate of the garden of creation and its ideology. We should take responsibility for this, fight for it, and dissolve God’s historical sorrow. Continue reading “The Value of Human Beings”

The People of Israel Treated the Messiah with Carelessness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 467

When you meet with someone you
like and love, you want to embrace and
kiss that person. This is a natural instinct
between the sexes. You can think you
are meeting your partner in order to love
your surroundings – the universe. Find-
ing a partner and establishing a relation-
ship is a natural human behavior.
When man relates to woman and
woman relates to man under the ideal of
partnership, there will be no acts or inci-
dents that violate the order of love. The
true order of love emerges only when
man and woman meet on the basis of the
ideal of partnership. (Blessed Family – 353)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1077

Is not happiness all about living
and working for the sake of each oth-
er based on love? The wife lives for the
sake of her husband, the children live
for the sake of the parents, and the par-
ents, grandparents, and grandchildren
live for the sake of the family. When
all members of a family strive to create
something for the entire family rather
than for their individual selves, when
the grandfather, father, and moth-
er and even the children are frugal in
their personal spending in order to cre-
ate something for the entire family, and
when the entire family works hard to
expand their common possessions, that
household will prosper. For this reason,
such a nest of love can expand from a
place that refrains from spending mon-
ey in order to save up and live for the
whole. When these families spread out
to society and the world, the ideal can
be fulfilled. This does not happen cen-
tering on yourself or your own personal
belongings. (167-214, 1987.7.19)

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

Father, let those of us who have gathered here today become the determined group of people who gathered around the River Jordan. Allow us to become the group who gathered around John the Baptist to listen to new tidings.

Let us become those who examine the footsteps of the Israelites as they longed for the coming of the Messiah and struggled. Let us take on the appearance of the group of people who followed John the Baptist, connected with each other, having overcome all historical sadness and centering on heavenly love. Let us become the manifestation of the group of people who were following Jesus, who were rejoicing with new hope, each connected to each in Shim Jung.

We know that Your tears still remain in this land. You were proud of the power of the chosen people and the chosen citizens of Your nation. You lamented, “Where has Israel, living in the realm of blessing, gone?” Continue reading “The People of Israel Treated the Messiah with Carelessness”

Understand the Providential Course

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

When we observe the birthplace of
civilizations from a geographical point
of view, we see that they developed based
on the conditions of climate, during the
course of world history. Then what kind
of place is most ideal? We can conclude
that the ideal location is one that has four
seasons and connects the sea to the land.
In terms of climate, it should be a region
with four seasons. It should be a penin-
sula, as well as a region where the four
seasons are distinct. What is a peninsu-
lar region? The land symbolizes heaven,
and the water symbolizes the sea. The
peninsula connects these two. That is
the reality of the world. That is how it
works with all the principles of heaven
and earth. In that sense, the Italian pen-
insula, as a peninsular region, contrib-
uted to world culture. This was the first
great staging-post for past civilizations.
You should be aware that this penin-
sular civilization centered on Rome, a
region with an integrated civilization,
had emerged with the authority of the
past ages in history. It had also passed
through the Egyptian civilization and
Greek civilization to become a compre-
hensive area. (107-300, 1980.6.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1212

The great contribution I made lies
in the fact that I clarified the relation-
ship between God and human beings
centered on love, and clarified the por-
tion of responsibility and the course of
indemnity, as well as the problem of
Cain and Abel, and the issue of the lin-
eage. Unless Cain and Abel unite, the
Messiah cannot come. Only when Cain
and Abel become one is the foundation
of substance formed, and only then can
the Messiah come. Only when people are
united with the Messiah can the restora-
tion of the lineage take place. This is the
gist of the Principle. You must under-
stand such a program fully and pray
accordingly. That is the way you should
be thinking. (161-149, 1987.1.18)

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 22, 1959

Matthew 3: 1-17

Years later, John the Baptist started preaching in the desert of Judea. He said, “Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven[a] will soon be here.”[b]

John was the one the prophet Isaiah was talking about, when he said,

“In the desert someone
    is shouting,
‘Get the road ready
    for the Lord!
Make a straight path
    for him.’”

John wore clothes made of camel’s hair. He had a leather strap around his waist and ate grasshoppers and wild honey.

From Jerusalem and all Judea and from the Jordan River Valley crowds of people went to John. They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he baptized them in the river.

Many Pharisees and Sadducees also came to be baptized. But John said to them:

You bunch of snakes! Who warned you to run from the coming judgment? Do something to show that you have really given up your sins. And don’t start telling yourselves that you belong to Abraham’s family. I tell you that God can turn these stones into children for Abraham. 10 An ax is ready to cut the trees down at their roots. Any tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into a fire.

11 I baptize you with water so that you will give up your sins.[c] But someone more powerful is going to come, and I am not good enough even to carry his sandals.[d] He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 12 His threshing fork is in his hand, and he is ready to separate the wheat from the husks.[e] He will store the wheat in a barn and burn the husks in a fire that never goes out.

13 Jesus left Galilee and went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John kept objecting and said, “I ought to be baptized by you. Why have you come to me?”

15 Jesus answered, “For now this is how it should be, because we must do all that God wants us to do.” Then John agreed.

16 So Jesus was baptized. And as soon as he came out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove. 17 Then a voice from heaven said, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him.”


We know how much and for how long You, who lost the original true love, have endeavored to fulfill the providence of restoration. At this time, let us be able to experience with our minds and bodies the fact that You have crossed hill after bloody hill of a historical course, longing for the original Adam and Eve. We know that our ancestors, who inherited this task and observed the will of the providence, also walked the sorrowful road of the cross.

We who are situated in the last days know that today we have the historical and providential responsibility to walk the road of the cross which remains. With Your power and advice, urge us on again. Let us go over all the remaining hills of the cross. Let us become manifestations of joy who can sing the song of the Father’s glory in the original garden for which You have hoped. Continue reading “Understand the Providential Course”