Cheon Seong Gyeong 995
Whatever you may do, be it eating,
drinking, sitting or standing or whom-
ever you may relate with, you’ll receive
a perfect score if you show your lov-
ing heart before True Parents and God.
It does not come about by having a lot
of knowledge or scholarly attainment.
Will you live in God’s presence saying,
“I have a Doctorate”? There is no need
for that before God. Therefore, how can
we entice God’s love? There is only one
path: “Sincerity moves heaven.” There is
no other way. (78-38, 1975.5.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1210
During the course of restoration,
one must go up, starting from the era of
servant of servants, through the eras of
servant, adopted son, and direct son. If
so, can one be connected to the era of
direct son after going through the era
of servant of servant, the era of servant,
and the era of adopted son? You cannot
get connected to the era of the direct
son without doing anything. You must
go through the process of establishing
the foundation of faith, the foundation
of substance, and the foundation for
the Messiah according to the Principle.
In short, you must receive the Messiah.
The Messiah is the true son of God. An
adopted son and a true son belong to dif-
ferent lineages. Therefore, the change of
the lineage is necessary. (55-192, 1972.5.9)
Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959
Today, 2,000 years after the coming of Jesus, everyone who lived for Heaven was attached to his life. There was no one who did not feel sorrow springing from within. Yet, they sensed the sorrow and the torn life of their Lord more than their attachment to their life and sorrow. Our ancestors denied all they had and followed the heart which guided them toward Heaven.
Where has the providential course of Heaven, stained with the ancestors’ blood, sweat and tears, gone? It has progressed alongside the course of human history. Where will the last days of history lead us? If at the close of the providence a person appears who can become the sacrifice of blood, tears and sweat for the sake of the whole, who proclaims, “Heaven, please receive me,” then that person is the Savior of the last days. He is the Savior of life.
If such a person takes charge of the providence, he will appear on the earth with heavenly conditions and represent Heaven’s heart. When you face that prophet, even if you do not understand his heavenly heart and character, you must deny the practical reality and behold him with a fresh perspective. You must open your eyes and be able to see and distinguish the value and character of that person. If you cannot do this, then even if Jesus were to come to the earth, you would not recognize him. Continue reading “We Must Cultivate Our Heart at the Second Advent”