The Words of the Principle are Sweeter than Honey

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2336

The Principle is a storehouse con-
taining the words of life. Listening to it is
like attaching a rubber hose to a big cis-
tern to be supplied with the water of life
through it. Once you get a taste of that
water of life, you will go crazy for it and
could never tear your lips away from it
even if you tried. If someone pulled you
away, your lips would be torn from your
face. It’s just like a bee sucking on honey:
if you were to pull at it with tweezers, it
would stay in the honey, even if its tail
came off. Similarly, you will find some-
thing in the Principle that is sweeter
than even honey. (90-197, 1977.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 429

God created a man and a woman.
He intended for them to reach perfec-
tion, marry, become established as the
heavenly husband and wife, and live in
the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was
to make Adam and Eve the first husband
and wife in history and establish the
foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
upon their relationship. If this plan had
been realized, God’s first two blessings,
to be fruitful and to multiply, would have
been achieved then and there. God gave
Adam and Eve the power to multiply His
children. Had they not fallen, they would
never have passed sin on to humankind.
Their children would have been born
without sin and would have grown to
perfection as sinless beings. What else
would have occurred? By giving birth
to such sinless children, Adam and Eve
would have become the true father and
true mother of humankind centering on
God. They would have become the True
Parents. (Blessed Family – 319)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Father, please allow our minds and bodies to be fraught only with the Father’s Shim Jung, at least in this hour. Let this be the hour in which we become imbued with the mind of original nature and are drawn toward the Father’s Shim Jung. Please allow the deeply penetrating Shim Jung to put forth its buds in our minds and bodies so that, upon seeing the Father rejoicing, we can run toward Him and enfold His neck with our arms.

We have learned that You are the Father who appears subtly. You will not initiate any action until we lay bare our thoughts. We still have loyalty toward the Father, in spite of our contaminated minds. Father, please seek us through this Shim Jung. Through this Shim Jung, give orders. Please allow the ardent Shim Jung with which we can call You “My Father” to seep out, unconsciously shedding tears, sorry for the insufficiency of our bodies and realizing the inadequacy of our past lives.

We have learned that Heaven feels no reluctance in protecting anyone and everyone; Heaven feels no reluctance in becoming the friend of one who seeks Heaven. Heaven is the friend of those who wail to Heaven and shed tears. He takes delight in showing Himself to be our Father, who will live together with us forever.

We miss the voice of the Father who would subtly counsel us. We long to feel the wonderful love of the Father, who would embrace us in subtlety. We miss the moment when we can call You “Father” and want to boast and exclaim that You are our own Father with uplifted hands. Continue reading “The Words of the Principle are Sweeter than Honey”

Overturn and Break Down False Love, False Life and False Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2070

The term, tong ban gyeokpa doesn’t
mean destruction. Some people might
look at that term and ask “Why do we
say gyeokpa? We should call it some-
thing like “tong ban assimilation” or
“tong ban liberation.” Some people may
say so, but still we must overturn things
and break them down. Why? Because
false love, false life, and false lineage
remain and are totally selfish. This is
what we must overturn and break down.
That’s why it is said that those who seek
to lose their life shall gain it, but those
who seek to gain their life shall lose it.
The members of your own family can
become your enemies. This is certain. If
you say you will follow this path, then
your mother and father may call you a
crazy child. (203-252, 1990.6.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1598

From this moment on, you stand in
my stead as well as God’s. You should
follow wherever He and I go. On this
day, April 3, 1995, I make the New Hope
Farm Declaration. (268-296, 1995.4.3)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Beloved Father, please allow us to know that the tear stains of the Father, who toiled to raise us in front of this nation without our knowing, are spread all over. Father, we have been disloyal children who could not make ties with Heaven, having been drawn into the realm of death, sorrow and lamentation. Yet we pray and wish that You will let this be the hour when we can attend You by allowing us to save our own original characters in awe and reverence in sight of the grace You have bestowed.

From the moment we realized there was a path the Father wanted us to go, we realized that the Father is going along the path of tears also; He is traveling the path of the cross with us. He is traveling the path of tribulation, the path of sorrow, and even the path of chains along with us. In addition, we know about the thorny path You have walked, treading the historical course, toiling behind Your beloved sons and daughters.

You have repeated the history of toil of which we have no knowledge to gather us today. We bow respectfully, picturing in our minds the Father who toiled in this manner. At the same time, we are deeply ashamed of ourselves. Father, we pray that You will captivate us with the impulses of Your heart. We were called because Heaven has a purpose and hope in us. Please allow us to know that the path of the cross which lies ahead does not originate with us.

Please allow the posterity of a thousand years from now to know the historical path of forming ties based on their ancestors’ effort. In this hour, we have the mind that can embrace limitless joy, limitless happiness, and limitless hope. The origin of that is not in us, nor in any human being. All has been initiated by and operated by Heaven. Beloved Father, I pray and wish that You allow us to be the sons and daughters who know and deeply treasure, in their minds and bodies, the longing for the grounds upon which Heaven operated and to shed tears clinging to this. Continue reading “Overturn and Break Down False Love, False Life and False Lineage”

The People You Bring to the Heavenly Kingdom Are Your Eternal Possessions

Cheon Seong Gyeong 413

In the spirit world in the future, your
ownership is determined by how many
people of the heavenly kingdom you
bring. These are your possessions. These
are eternal possessions. (218-227, 1991.8.19)

Richard:  This passage points us to helping people become disciples of Christ.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

God’s invisible form is symbolically
reflected in all parts of our body. Whose
eyes do ours resemble? God’s! Hence,
when you closely study the facial fea-
tures of human beings, you see that the
eyes are set deeper than other features.
The deep-set eyes can thus observe
everything. Next, the nose symbol-
izes Adam and Eve. It rests at the cen-
ter. Next, the mouth symbolizes all
the things of creation. It is horizontal
and encloses thirty-two teeth, or four
times eight, based on all the things of
creation in the world and the number
four. Next, the ears symbolize all direc-
tions. The features found above the neck
symbolize heaven. In other words, it is
the information center of heaven. (201-
83, 1990.3.4)

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21


Father, we know well that as Jesus reached the age of discretion, he felt more strongly about the hope that he cherished from the day he awakened to the truth. That hope was to become united with the Father, going beyond the family, the race, the nation, the world, and even the infinite spirit world. Jesus knew that the beginning and end of everything must move together with the Father. He walked without minding the difficult path, the sorrowful path, and the path of the cross.

Father, all people of the world walk the path of life, which passes in any case. All things we see before our eyes look beautiful. Yet please allow us to know that they are merely passing phenomena along with us. We know that everything in this world in which we have taken delight, have believed and relied upon, will not be of any service to the world of our mind and the world of eternal hope. Father, we pray from the bottom of our hearts that You will let us cast all this aside and allow only the hope centered on You to be the totality of our lives for our entire lifetimes.

We know that because the hope that honors and inclines toward the Father is more valuable than anything we have and more precious than our lives, unless we become those who fight holding onto it, we cannot become the Father’s sons and daughters. Please let us have strong hope with which we can laugh in scorn and withstand the hill of death. Please do not let it end only as a mere hope. Allow our mind, burning with this hope, to be strongly motivated. By doing so, we sincerely wish and desire that You allow us to become the sons and daughters whose minds and bodies can run on this path.

Please allow us to know that You can trust only those who have strong minds and hope, trying to honor the Father; those who are able to go over even death. We ardently wish and desire that You allow us to be the sons and daughters who know that our hope today is not a hope of which we take hold and march forth with for some years. Rather, it is a hope of which we take hold and march forth with forever. Furthermore, let us know that without hope, we cannot lead a life worth living. Continue reading “The People You Bring to the Heavenly Kingdom Are Your Eternal Possessions”

Entertain the Hope that Conquers Death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1868

I built a boat in Korea named Boat of
Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heav-
enly victory, of course, is where Heaven
has won victory because God’s will has
been fulfilled. I had already begun ful-
filling God’s will from long ago. I made
the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talk-
ed about occupying the oceans of the
world. One member, Eu Hyo-young,
was constantly saying, “Boat, boat!” So I
made him one, but he did not like going
on boats – maybe because he was old.
He said, “Father, I cannot go out to sea
when the waves surge like that.” How
can a fisherman think like that? He must
go out to the sea until his death. (294-175,
2.3.2. Ilheung marine
Aren’t you church leaders? In the
future, no exceptions will be made,
even for company workers. Unification
church families share the same fate.
Unification Church means a church
where everything is united. That is why
if you have a company, it should be called
Company Unification Church. Unifi-
cation Industries would mean a Unifi-
cation Industries Church. Yesterday I
came back from Jejudo where I had vis-
ited the company there called Ilheung
Marine Industries. I told the president
of that company, “You must now create
an Ilheung Marine Church. As a church,
you should prepare to serve and attend
the women divers in Jejudo more than
you would your own mother or bride.”
(178-131, 1988.6.1)

Richard:  This captures Rev. Moon’s vision for home church (the second paragraph).  “Church” is not a building.  Church is where you serve your community and work to build the Kingdom centered on Godly families.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 988

You should know that God exists
near you and is concerned about each
of you more than anyone else. People
think that the love of their own fam-
ily is the greatest in this world. How-
ever, you should know that God’s love
is greater and deeper than that love; it is
deeper and greater than any human love
in this world. You should be embraced
in God’s love and be able to call Him,
“Father.” You should become such true
sons and daughters who deeply expe-
rience God’s internal heart in a posi-
tion that says, “I know the Father’s sor-
row.” If you can become such sons and
daughters, and possess the Kingdom of
Heaven in which you attend God, no
one would be able to take that kingdom
away from you. (2-234, 1957.6.2)

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

We must understand that this statement is a request for us not to make earth-bound hope our own, but to adopt eternal hope. Jesus walked that path in person himself. We must know that he set up hope on this hopeless earth, opened up the path of life on this lifeless earth, and cultivated the path of resurrection on this unredeemable earth.

Until when must you go forth with that hope? It is until you step forward in front of the Father’s throne and receive the Father’s true love, after going beyond the path of death and the hill of resurrection. The question is whether you can march on holding onto that hope until that time. It is easy to make a resolution while embracing a hope and looking at it, but it is difficult to fight holding onto that hope. It is easy to embrace a hope of some kind, but it is difficult to live to the end keeping that hope, and to stand and die for the path of that hope so that all humankind lives with that hope. Yet Jesus walked such a path in high spirits.

Today we look forward to the last day of resurrection, the day of hope. The time of the hope that all of us are looking forward to is the time in which all humankind can take delight. Yet that time does not come easily. That hope can be owned only by those who have won over death. Only those who have fought along with God against Satan will take possession of that hope. Only those who have received persecution, together with God, for the sake of Heaven will secure that hope. As we think that such a time is approaching, we must have an ardent mind to overcome this living environment and overcome even the fear of death. Unless such an ardent mind emanates from you, you cannot draw the day of that hope into the realm of your life and go on living. Continue reading “Entertain the Hope that Conquers Death”

Always Keep Hope Based on the Standard of the Eternal World

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Are the Proclamations of Rev. Sun Myung Moon Valid, or Are They Null and Void?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2000

For a nation to be established there
must be sovereignty, territory, and citi-
zenry. The same is true of the Kingdom
of God. Parents are in the place of sov-
ereignty, true sons and daughters are in
the place of the citizens, and the King-
dom is in the place of the territory. Of
these, none can be left out. That is an
ironclad rule. (35-279, 1970.10.25)

Richard:  This shows that the Kingdom of God, or Cheon Il Guk already exists.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1386

At the time of the 360,000 Couples
Blessing, people in Japan asserted that
we would be unsuccessful in hosting it.
So in conjunction with the Christians
in Korea, they made thorough prepara-
tions to come and kill us off, so to speak,
as soon as we had announced the date
of the ceremony. In this manner, they
made every preparation to wipe us out
of existence with the full support of their

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

People of faith today must realize likewise that living with hope in the eternal world is much more precious than living with hope of remaining on earth. Christians today very often do not put emphasis on the eternal hope that they should value so highly through their life of faith. We must become the people who know how to take hold of the hope with which we can be connected to the eternal world and be able to sacrifice everything as a result of that hope. Only by doing so can we become the last true victors.

All the past prophets and sages went the path of death, without minding it, not only Jesus. Without regard for the jeers of all other people, they went. They went, not caring about persecution. The reason they walked the path of all kinds of difficulty was that they had the eternal hope that cannot be exchanged for anything else. They did not have a worldly hope; they had ardent hope that gets connected to and came deep into their heart through eternal Heaven. That is why they walked the path of death, the path of persecution, and the path of tribulation without minding.

Therefore, we people of faith today should have a mind that glows with hope. We must not lead a life of faith with a hope that will be realized only after death. We must become people who can make the hope into reality and achieve a triumph after fighting, at the risk of our lives, within the realm of reality. If such a person existed, he or she could be considered a person of faith who truly gained victory, a person not with hope on this earth but a person with eternal hope. Continue reading “Always Keep Hope Based on the Standard of the Eternal World”