What are the Core Values at the Center of the Universe?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 436

Suppose one day you leave the house
after having a fight with your brothers or
sisters. The least you can do upon your
return is to hold a party so that you
can make them happy again. Ask for
their forgiveness and tell them that you
should love one another as you love your
parents. Since brothers and sisters rep-
resent your mother and father, if your
brothers or sisters are poor, help them
and serve them as you would serve your
mother. There is nothing more beautiful
than this. The Kingdom of Heaven starts
from there. (184-65, 1988.11.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

In the same way, a man should first
buy clothes for his parents, and then
for his wife and children, before buying
clothes for himself. He should attend and
serve his parents when they eat. Even in
the satanic world, it was the custom in
Korea for people to attend their parents
for a three-year period of mourning
after their death. In the old days, was it
not Korean etiquette for a devoted son
to be in mourning for his deceased par-
ents by building a mud hut next to their
grave and living there for three years in
order to fulfill his filial duty? Therefore,
in Korea, if people did not attend their
parents with devotion for at least three
years, then when they went to the spirit
world, they would not be able to say that
they are descendants of Korea.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1754

You did not know what makes a man
a man, and a woman a woman? The
answer is: the sexual organs. Is there
anyone here who dislikes them? If you
like them, how much do you like them?
Even if you hitherto disdained them, you
should henceforth esteem them. What
will the world be like in the future? If
it is a world that absolutely values the
sexual organs. Will that world be good
or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This
is not a joke. When God was creating
human beings, into which part did He
invest the greatest creative effort? Would
it be the eyes, the nose, the heart or the
brain? Do not all these organs eventual-
ly die? What is the purpose of the Fam-
ily Federation for World Peace? If there
were a world inhabited by people who
transcend all fields including morality
and religion, whose sexual organs are
harmonized into oneness so as to earn
God’s welcoming praise, what kind of
world would it be?

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

18 I am sure that what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us. 19 In fact, all creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are. 20 Meanwhile, creation is confused, but not because it wants to be confused. God made it this way in the hope 21 that creation would be set free from decay and would share in the glorious freedom of his children.


In this hour, please let us feel and experience the heart of the Father, who sent our good ancestors to this earth and drove them as far as death because You loved humankind so.

We know that history has been one of continual sadness and conflict since the fall of the first human ancestors, who were not up to their task. Neither Heaven nor earth has had a day of happiness since. Father, because of this, the world is full of twists and turns. When will we become pious sons and daughters in whom You can take delight and who can praise You on this earth? We are anxiously awaiting the day when we can do so.

Since we who are inadequate have gathered before You this day, please look at us with compassion. We are feeble; please make us strong, so that we may lift the banner of victory on the battleground that remains for us. Allow us to be able to boast that we have become Your sons and daughters. Father, we pray this from the bottoms of our hearts.

Father, we realize that there have been many things in our lives of the past week that were not right in Your presence. Please forgive us. We are prostrated before You in this hour to offer our insufficient minds and bodies. Please purify us from all that is not right. We pray ardently that You allow only the things You can claim to spring up in our minds and bodies.

We know very well that You have gathered us here in this hour because You love us so much. Since we realize this is out of Your grace, please let this be the hour when we can offer our sincere hearts to You in response to that grace. We sincerely wish and desire that You allow us to be sons and daughters who can fight to the end, enduring everything for the sake of fulfilling the Father’s wish and will.

Since it is a holy day, please bless all humankind, and bless this pitiful people. There are church members who are praying on their knees before You in lonely places. Please bless them and do not withdraw Your uniform grace of protection and divine aid from them. I sincerely wish and desire that You lead, protect and guide them until we greet the Father’s eternal day.

Since we came before You in this hour, please allow us to be able to offer all of our minds and bodies. Father, we pray sincerely that You will allow this to be the hour when we abandon all notions of the world and are able to relate to You with the hearts of true sons and daughters.

Father, please govern this hour in person. Do not allow Satan to take advantage of an unguarded moment. Ardently soliciting that You will cling to us eternally with the hands of grace, and that You will transfer us to Your garden of life, I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.



Hear the New Voice Like Elijah Did

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2066

In the world of love, you have a spe-
cial right that enables you to make God
your own object partner. Whether you
are large or small, this is an indisputable
As you shed sweat with blood in the
field of your tong ban breakthrough
activities, laying the foundation and
creating a melting pot overflowing with
love, having been filled up totally, then
in the position of an owner ask God,
“Would you ever like to come here?”
Would you expect Him to say, “Get lost!
Go away!” Instead He will say, “Show me
the way!” Then He will ask you, “Where
would you like me to sit?” He cannot just
sit wherever He chooses. The principles
of the world work in this way.
The God who created the order in the
world knows the stages of the world that
He created. Therefore, He knows where
He should sit or where He should stand.
In Korea we have a saying for some-
one who has no common sense. We say
about him, “Does that person know how
to discern between where he will sit or
stand?” We say this, don’t we? It is the
same with God. (208-211, 1990.11.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1132

If we read the Bible, it tells us that
Adam and Eve fell by eating of the fruit
of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, but then what does it mean that
they covered their sexual parts? If the
Christian churches had a mind to inter-
pret the Bible a little more intellectu-
ally, they would immediately be able to
understand the origin of the Fall. Why
were Adam and Eve ashamed of their
sexual parts? Why did they cover them?
They should have covered their mouths
and hands. There is nothing wrong with
sexual organs. However, since people fell
through them, these parts of the human
body became a palace of shame where
heavenly love was violated. A spring of
true love should have welled forth from
there, but a fountain of false, devil-
ish love gushed out instead. That place
therefore became the stronghold of the
worst kind of love. (202-199, 1990.5.24)

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21

The central role players in history have been people who were pursued and hounded. The doctrines that have ruled history were made by such people. People enjoying sumptuous feasts, living in grand style and sitting on a lofty seat in a grand residence never made such doctrines. Those people who were pursued, trodden upon and miserable made them. They were the people who shed tears.

The people who shed tears on behalf of Heaven, holding onto the world when the people of the nation are corrupt and the world is in utter confusion are the successors to Elijah on the world level. Such people can stand before Heaven on behalf of the Israelites for whom Elijah felt concern. If you strut proudly, saying, “Elijah is Elijah, and I am I,” you will meet with destruction. We must become those who can cry and feel sorrow together with Heaven.

Heaven does not exist only as logos. He is the God of the word, of the substantial entity, of Shim Jung and of love. We have become people who do not even know the word. We do not know the purpose of our body. We do not know what our Shim Jung is supposed to feel and experience. We do not know the heavenly love we should practice. Continue reading “Hear the New Voice Like Elijah Did”

Know the Heart of Heaven

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:  https://youtu.be/aMCMMaQdFps

Cheon Seong Gyeong 483 

This is how a husband and wife go
together. Between a husband and wife,
is there a separate love for him, and
a separate love for her? For them, love
is both your love and my love at the
same time. It is your love and my love.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2273

In essence, the term “father and son”
refers to the original parents and chil-
dren. If there are no such parents and
children, the nation cannot be estab-
lished. Everyone in the world is yearn-
ing for a world of peace, but that world
cannot be brought about through the
cultures being pursued by today’s devel-
oped nations. It can only come into
being through the True Parents. Even
if they were covered with straw mats,
carrying bundles of tattered clothes on
their backs, dressed in faded, worn-out
garments, having just climbed dogged-
ly out of an abyss, fallen human beings
need to learn from them, the heart of

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

We who were born later must now comprehend this heart of Heaven. Jesus ardently wished to relate to Heaven with such a heart; he desired to live this kind of life. We who are the tribe of Jesus, the successors to his undertaking, must become able to boast of ourselves as the embodiments of glory before Heaven. We who stand before the heavenly expectations today, bearing such a mission and responsibility, must now think about what we must seek, what we must feel, and what we must do.

What must we think of now? Since Jesus said we should become his friends and brides, each of us must think of becoming such a person. Furthermore, we must relieve Heaven from the historical han* that our ancestors caused. We must not leave to posterity the cause and occasion of lamentation and death. We must be able to leave the Golgotha of victory, not the Golgotha of death. You must know that Heaven is seeking a person who will assume such responsibility.

Since the mission of the last days lies with believers, we who eagerly look forward to the day of judgment and wish to stand on the grounds of glory by seeking out the Lord of resurrection, must know the sorrowful heart of Heaven as He dealt with Jesus and Noah’s family. When Noah was set up in the presence of Heaven and rose above the flood judgment after 120 years of toil, Heaven tried to be relieved from all past resentment through the remaining eight members of Noah’s family. However, due to Ham’s mistake, a condition for lamentation was again left behind. Knowing this, we must become the people who know how to relieve God from the grief of Noah’s family. Continue reading “Know the Heart of Heaven”

The Nation of Cheon Il Guk Has Arrived

Happy True Children’s Day!

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:  https://youtu.be/aMCMMaQdFps

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2305

Sovereignty, territory and citizenry
are necessary for creating a nation. You
must believe that the eternal settlement
of Cheon Il Guk was declared on the
foundation of all its constituent parts.
Have confidence as God would and
when you push forward with all your
strength with confidence equal to that
of Rev. Moon, the True Parent, nothing
will hold you back. (364-87, 2002.1.1)

Let’s Fulfill the Responsibility of the Third Creators

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 15, 2001

So, what is the most serious problem? Money, knowledge, or power is not the real problem. Not fulfilling our responsibilities is. That is why we put so much emphasis on responsibilities. What is the position of True Parents? Where does the position of parents with absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal value begin? It should begin from the position of God. Otherwise, even something true realized in the world of conflict could not be absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. In order for you to solve your own problems, you should go back to the origin to understand God once and for all……

The devastating mistake of the first woman involved the first man and was connected to the entire world of angels. The world of fear, the world of denial, the world of sorrow and of agony began. As a result, no one has ever been able to break the chain of sin; it has just continued on. You are substantial and historical beings, the result of that false love, false life and false lineage. You cannot run away from the fact that you are the fruit of Adam and Eve’s fall. In you is an exact copy of Adam and Eve’s struggle and their inclination to deny God and choose evil. So naturally, the world will turn into one of gratifying bodily desires in the Last Days. That is a logical conclusion.

Do people living today not deny their consciences? They do whatever their bodies tell them to do. The body claims that it is the most important. It recognizes no parent, no God, no husband or wife-denying everything that really matters. The era of the kingdom of selfishness has arrived. Our world has lost the heavenly kingdom, lost God, lost our ancestors and lost our nations. In the families of a nation, people deny their grandparents, parents, spouses and their own children, just as Adam and Eve denied and rejected God and all things. All the phenomena of the Last Days are presently taking place in the world. Continue reading “The Nation of Cheon Il Guk Has Arrived”

Elijah Should Not Have Run Away from the People of Israel

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:  https://youtu.be/aMCMMaQdFps

Cheon Seong Gyeong 411

People of faith today do not know
the law of indemnity. There are many
who seek to go to the heavenly kingdom
without fulfilling the necessary obliga-
tions. At the same time, there is no one
who says that he will go to the heavenly
kingdom only after taking responsibil-
ity, through liquidating historical sins to
pay indemnity, in order to arrive there.
This is why, during our life on earth,
when we have our bodies, we should
take responsibility to establish the con-
ditions to resolve everything that has
gone wrong in history. Those who went
to the spirit world without indemnify-
ing their sins while they had their bod-
ies must return to earth and pay indem-
nity. All the spirits of the historical ages
up until now arrived to the spirit world
without having been able to sufficiently
pay indemnity, and thus they violated
that law. Therefore, they are destined to
return from the spirit world to try again
to establish the conditions of indemni-
ty. What is the one advantage that the
people living on earth have over those
in the spirit world? It is the fact that they
have a body, with which they can direct-
ly establish a condition of indemnity.
(80-93, 1975.10.19)

Richard:  Such a key point.  Say someone in your lineage committed the sin of aborting a baby.  Then if that person dies, they will have to return and work to indemnify that.  If that person is your ancestor, your actions will help (or hinder) that person in restoring that sin (say, by adopting a child even if you can’t physically have children, for example).  This is expalined in the Divine Priciple in the section on “Returning Resurrection”: http://visionroot.org/assets/Uploads/DP06-ch5.pdf (p. 144)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1798

Where the original lineage was lost,
no culture of heart will emerge. Culture
is connected to the unfolding of histo-
ry. Based on the family, society, nation,
and world, this must be propagated. “We
pledge to perfect the world of the cul-
ture of heart, connected to the original
lineage.” The point is to bequeath a pure
lineage. Otherwise, we would be cut off
from the world of the culture of heart.
That vast Kingdom of Heaven is the
foundation of the heart that we can live
in, but if the world of the culture of heart
cannot be built, that world will be cut off.
Hence, we must live a life centered on
the realm of the culture of heart .
(260-305, 1994.5.19)

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

Elijah had made great efforts to guide the people to fulfill the providential purposes of God, who had called him, set him up and had trusted in him. When God saw him pleading in the sad position of being driven away, saying, “Father, I am the only one left!” He felt severe sadness. We must know this fact.

Heaven felt that Elijah, hiding after being driven away and pursued, was more precious than the numerous Israelites. He placed more hope in him than in the land of Israel. We must stop to think about Elijah, who pled with God to render a final decision in the wilderness where he could not choose the right direction, in utter exhaustion and having lost all hope. Furthermore, we must know God, who guided the Israelites and toiled to seek out and set up Elijah. He helped Elijah by performing various types of miracles when he was in trouble and lent him a helping hand from the time of his youth. The heart of Heaven in relation to Elijah came to be buried in grief.

Elijah realized that he could not stay in the land of Judah. He ended up running away to Mt. Horeb, where God had bestowed blessing upon the Israelites when they came to take their way out of Egypt by walking forty days and forty nights. It was a mountain near Mount Sinai, where his ancestors had formed their bonds with Heaven. God knew that Elijah had to cross the border, and He also knew that Elijah had a long way to go, without any friend or fellow-traveler. Therefore, through an angel, God gave Elijah a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water and told him to eat and drink. Continue reading “Elijah Should Not Have Run Away from the People of Israel”