Keep Faith In Jesus in Humble and Difficult Circumstances

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1996

Today, the United States is consid-
ered the principal nation of democracy.
Yet a time will come when America will
decay because of money, and her people
will no longer care for democracy. The
current situation in Korea also reflects
this fact. Though democracy itself is a
good system, at present many Koreans
are engaged in scheming and slandering
others because of money. They are even
fighting against others to seize power.
Can that be considered a democracy?
What is currently taking place is a phe-
nomenon resulting from misrule by the
privileged class. (21-156, 1968.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 798

Why did God create human beings?
He needed a horizontal base in dimen-
sional space. Countless cells can divide
and emerge from this dimensional and
spherical space. Therefore, God needed
space because He wanted to produce
the people of the Kingdom of Heav-
en through the bodies of Adam and
Eve in the human world. Our married
life becomes the factory for producing
those people. People have been talking
loudly without knowing these things.
What kind of pretence is that? They are
completely blind, yet still boast and brag
about themselves. In the spirit world,
such things will be exposed at once. The
teachings I have given will unfold in the
spirit world as a reality. (233-89, 1992.7.30)

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Moses did not lack for anything in his palatial life, yet he rejected it all and did not take pride in it. On the contrary, he wanted to boast of the Israelites, who were moaning and suffering before Heaven. Furthermore, he wanted to be proud of the land of Canaan with which Abraham was blessed, the land that the seven Canaanite peoples had claimed. His desires were in tune with the wishes of God, who wanted to raise a chosen people of Israelites in the land of Canaan and be proud of them. Therefore, God put Moses at the helm of the people and led them to that land. We have to understand that this was the situation of God.

When Moses appeared before the 600,000, no one among them understood his innermost feelings. Most of them opposed him. However, through many miracles and calamities, God led the people to the realization that Moses was the one to guide them to the garden of pride in which they could dwell. They were thus able to fathom Moses’ heart, and God was able to lead them out.

The Israelites should have believed in Moses as the one sent by Heaven and should have been proud of him until the end. When he came with heavenly authority and struck the palace of Pharaoh, they rejoiced that he was their Heaven-sent leader. Yet when they faced more humble and difficult circumstances in the wilderness, they lost faith in him and discredited him, saying that he was not fit to lead the people. Continue reading “Keep Faith In Jesus in Humble and Difficult Circumstances”

St. Paul Did Not Boast About Himself

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2005

Jesus came to establish the home-
land of the True God. The prophets and
patriots of history worked to build this
same homeland. In order to establish
heaven, one perfect man must come.
This man must be recognized by heaven
and earth, begin a family, have children,
and then establish a tribe, a people and a
nation. He must indemnify the relation-
ship between Cain and Abel, engraft
them to himself, and build the home-
land of God’s dominion in this world.
The prophets and patriots of history
desired this result. However, they were
unable to build the longed for Kingdom
of Heaven on earth to which individu-
als, families, tribes, peoples, nations and
the world could be connected. Therefore,
we must abandon the path along which
humankind has been heading and go in
God’s direction. (15-278, 1965.10.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1439

If you consider your family, you have
your own sons and daughters and your
parents, which means there are three
generations in a family. There are hun-
dreds and thousands of families that
can inherit the ideal of the God-centered
family on a similar horizontal level, cen-
tering on your own vertical relationship
with God. Once they are connected, they
can form God’s nation. Without doing
anything else, a nation can come into
existence. The world is not as compli-
cated or as difficult as you might think.
(240-27, 1992.12.11)

Richard:  The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  Will you be a part of it?

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Those who boast, centering on themselves, for the sake of their joy will set conditions that violate the principles of the universe. The more one can be proud of the goodness and uniqueness of others, the closer they can get to Heaven.

Although all people want to transcend themselves to take pride in their families, churches, nations and the world, there has not been a world, nation, church or family on this earth that they could sincerely respect and be proud. Although we may be faithless, we must still build a relationship of pride with God. We must transcend ourselves to take pride in our families, our society, our nation and the world. Therefore, our minds are always being pulled in that direction.

Now we must reflect upon the heart of Heaven, who was filled with the desire to be proud of us. When we think about God’s tiring providence of 6,000 years, the purpose of which was to seek us, when we think about God, who has come looking for us through a miserable course of history filled with bloody battles, we find that He has never had the conditions upon which He could raise a person and be proud of him in the course of history. When we understand that such is the situation of Heaven, we dare not boast about ourselves or go before Him with some condition. Continue reading “St. Paul Did Not Boast About Himself”

Where Do God and Man Meet?

Cheong Seong Gyeong 199

There are many religions on earth,
but among them, only Christianity has
the concept of following God’s four basic
requirements: to become God’s child, to
become one body with God, to meet as
bride and bridegroom in accordance
with God’s will, and to form a new fam-
ily. Since Jesus came with this thinking,
Christianity, centering on Jesus, inevi-
tably became a global religion. (54-108,

Richard:  The place of unity of God and Man is through the sexual organs;
between Blessed husband and wife.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1735

What on earth does it mean to call
God our Father? You need to know the
origin of the ideal of creation. Who is
God? He is our Father, and you are His
children. Given that you are His chil-
dren, who do you take after? You resem-
ble Him. Would He have eyes? Would
He have a nose, a mouth and ears? He
would. Next, would He have a body?
Would God have sexual organs? All such
subjects pose questions, which must be
answered logically. (196-41, 1989.12.24)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959

Matthew 8: 18-22


Father! We are awe-stricken to receive the mission that You have vested in us, and we are grateful for the grace You have given us by moving us to the depth of our hearts with Your call.

Now we have learned that our faith does not come from our hearts; it comes from the heart of Father, to which we cannot relate without shedding tears. We have also come to know the heart of Heaven, who has clung to these miserable ones and has struggled so fiercely for us. We have learned that we are sinful people who have bowed down before Your fearful grace, before which we shed endless tears. Continue reading “Where Do God and Man Meet?”

God’s Side Reclaims After Having Been Hit First

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1718

You must know that the villain who
destroyed the qualification of the prince
and princess that God had hoped for,
ruined their family love, and destroyed
their royal descendants and God’s ideal
family and heaven, was the devil, Satan.
(302-220, 1999.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1380

Kim Il-sung invited all the 30,000
Couples to North Korea. He said, “Rev.
Moon, if you want, this is the best chance
ever to open the thirty-eighth parallel.
We will welcome all the 30,000 Cou-
ples!” The people of South Korea did not
know of this. Such was the attitude of
the North Korean authorities. They said,
“We will welcome the 30,000 Couples!”
But how would we take them there? Let’s
say we would use buses, fifty people to
a bus, then how many would that be in
total? Since there are 30,000 couples, it
would mean we would need 1,200 buses.
If 1,200 buses carrying fifty people each
were to drive to North Korea in single
file, how many kilometers would that
line stretch, from the first to the last bus?
Think about if, if such an incident had
actually taken place, would that not have
started massive demonstrations for the
unification of North and South Korea?
However, that is all in the past now. I
know very well which people prevented
this event from ever taking place. My
sources in the United States informed
me about that. I am not a person just
passing through. In time, I plan to pub-
lish a book, a record of who did what.
(238-161, 1992.11.22)

Richard:  Evil Powers have often blocked God’s Providence.   But this blocking cannot continue forever.  With the Cheon Il Guk (Kingdom of God) revolution and the Trump revolution and the related movements around the world, the hegemony of Satan is crumbling.  This is an excellent book on the topic that I highly recommend The Killing of Uncle Sam  by Rodney Howard-Brown and Paul L. Williams:

The Incarnation of Jesus, A Pioneer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959

Matthew 8: 18-22

Just before Jesus passed away on the cross that was dripping with his blood, he said, “My Father, my Father, why have You forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) At the end of this prayer, he said, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) He said, “It is finished,” not because he wanted to say that he had realized the ideal world. What he meant by this statement was that he had carried out the determination he had made during his thirty-year preparation period: “If my path becomes tragic, then I will do such and such.” This statement is not to be taken as something joyful; it was his expression of his sad heart to all of humanity. We have to understand that this was his last Will, which he spoke to the ignorant people out of his grieving heart. Continue reading “God’s Side Reclaims After Having Been Hit First”

The Disciples Did Not Abide by the Teachings of Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2136

That being the case, where would
you most like to live? I think you would
like to live in your original hometown
where you were born. Broadly speak-
ing, ‘original hometown’ can refer to the
planet Earth within the cosmos, and our
homeland is wherever God dwells as its
founding Father. Our hometown is the
earth as God originally intended it to
be – a place where parents, siblings, and
children who have not fallen would live
together. This was to be a place where
black, yellow, and white people could
live together in harmony.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1631

Unless a religious person comes for-
ward with a logic that offers a clear sci-
entific explanation of cause, process,
and result, the religious world cannot
be saved. The Divine Principle of the
Unification Church has such logic as
described above. The conclusion sug-
gested by that fits everything: that God
exists with dual characteristics, that He
is the Subject partner and the universe
is His object partner, and that therefore
He is the Subject partner of love and
humankind was created as the object
partner of His love. This fundamen-
tal relationship continued through the
power of love which bound it to the eter-
nal world, transcending history. This
action of love continued through thou-
sands of years, and whereas other forms
of power became weaker as time passed,
this power of love remained strong.

The Incarnation of Jesus, A Pioneer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959

Matthew 8: 18-22

The disciples did not understand the heart of Jesus. They were trying to use him to elevate themselves. Jesus understood this and had no way to alleviate his aching heart, no matter how much he cried and lamented toward heaven and earth.

Because he had a mission that forced him to go on, he suppressed his sorrow and said to his disciples, “Those who try to elevate themselves will decline, and those who try to lower themselves will rise.” (Matthew 23:12) You have to understand that he repeatedly testified to his determination, inscribed deeply in his heart, flesh and blood.

Listening to him, the disciples thought that the words Jesus spoke had nothing to do with them. Ladies and gentlemen! Please imagine how frustrated Jesus must have felt when John’s mother asked Jesus to elevate her sons to a position of glory in the last days. Although Jesus had taught his disciples and instructed them so many times, they did not understand him. Continue reading “The Disciples Did Not Abide by the Teachings of Jesus”