I Am not Scared of Negative Voices

Defining the Battle:  Sex Wars in Washington DC Part Two:  https://youtu.be/whI1orAj3t0

Cheon Seong Gyeong 432

Section 1. God’s Laws of Love
Centering on the Family
Since the beginning of history, who
has practiced true love focused on par-
ents, true love focused on husband and
wife, and true love focused on brothers
and sisters? True love is absolute. (20-40,
The love of God is expressed as paren-
tal love, conjugal love and children’s love.
These three great loves make it possible
for human beings to exist forever. These
great loves transcend even the loftiest
human view of love. When these loves
are perfected, happiness is perfected.
When they are lacking, misfortune sets
in. This is why people become happy
when these three great loves unite. Is a
motherless person happy? That person’s
misery is equal to the emptiness he or
she feels. Is a fatherless person happy? A
fatherless person envies those who have
a father. Happiness leaves no room for
envy. The same is true for love. If you
envy someone or something, you can-
not say you are happy.
You cannot be happy without a father
and mother. No matter how great a man’s
ideals may be or how much he boasts, he
needs a woman. He needs a wife. When
a husband and wife have lived happily
together and then the husband suddenly
passes away, the wife will shed tears. A
woman cannot live without a man, and a
man cannot live without a woman. (20-38,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1795

Immorality, sexual misconduct and
decadent trends, along with hedonism,
are systematically ruining families. It
has come to the point where some people
of today think that gay people can also
build a different type of family alongside
the traditional family, and that they can
have children through adoption or arti-
ficial insemination. (288-171, 1997.11.27)

Rev Sun Myung Moon Speaks Jan. 8, 1976 Jacob House
To the Mobile Fundraising Team Workshop

From now on anything I do is up. Father is so famous in that way. Many ups compete to follow us. People have to look into our movement and find nothing but good. An example is the Unified Science Conference. They thought about negative articles and declined invitations.  But if they came – many bright minds did, including 30 Nobel laureates – they cannot attack.

Negative power is working so hard it is better to contact people by letter. There will be weak declines but it allows for sorting out the strongest responses. The strongest will be so impressed with clean cut young people and deeply touched. They will then say that they have seen Rev. Moon and his young followers and tell other people they are not qualified to talk and that they should move on over to our side. It is funny and interesting. People fist look with skeptical eyes and find the controversy of negative articles

We will make a duplicate of the movie of the conference and send it out to the nation. Participants will show it to famous scholars and next time more famous people will participate.

Now we are being beaten by writings. There are many negative voices. If it turns and people believe the opposite of the negativity in the articles, however many negative writings appear no one will believe. By that time if we really get people and brainwash them nobody would believe it. Continue reading “I Am not Scared of Negative Voices”

There are Two Blocks in the World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1980

Now we have entered the stage where
I can recover the nation. That is why the
ruling party is not the owner and neither
is the opposition party. Surrounded by
four powerful nations, the Korean pen-
insula is being marginalized by these
four masters. The center of that nation
is the Unification Church. Wasn’t I the
first to call for the reunification of North
and South Korea? We are calling for the
reunification of North and South Korea.
We are calling for the creation of a uni-
fied government between North and
South Korea. Considering this, one needs
the ability to absorb these four power-
ful nations if one is to bring about the
reunification of North and South Korea.
So far, I have been doing such work in
America and Japan, as well as Commu-
nist China and the Soviet Union. We
are now entering the age where they can
become one by my lifting the weight that
had been fastened to the ground. (178-231,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1250

The love between a husband and wife
is engrafted to the vertical love of God.
Once you become one with that vertical
love, there is no one on earth who can
detach it. The engrafted love is bound so
strongly to the love of God that no one
can ever separate it. That is why even
though everyone complains about their
lives and how difficult it is to go on liv-
ing, they still continue to seek the path
of love. (180-309, 1988.10.5)

Rev Sun Myung Moon Speaks Jan. 8, 1976 Jacob House
To the Mobile Fundraising Team Workshop

At your age you are full of hope for your success. On the other hand you are serious about a career and meditating about your future. The success or failure of your whole life is determined while you are in your teens, more specifically, between the ages of 18-27. Between the ages of 18-24 it is crucially important for young people to decide where they will go in life. That age period is the most important in a person’s whole life. In that age most people graduate from college. Even if misled by parents in what to specialize in university one must shift right away in the right direction.

 Those in the Unification movement are serious thinkers. They think about what is life, what is their country’s mission, and is physical life on earth final or does it extend to life in spiritual world? One may have to wonder if religion is necessary for men. Those who believe in an eternal life in spiritual world have more zeal in physical life. A clear concept of spirit makes for a stronger life on earth.

In general people think and live by animal instinct. I have gone through agony and much prayer to solve problems of life from this point of view. I ask if there is a God at all how evil lives flourish while good people are trodden upon.  Some say there is no God. But deeply look at the wonder of life. One cannot deny God. Think about nature, God and man and how God leads man with humanity. One must live a religious life which includes denial asceticism.  Why?   Because evil and righteousness are going in opposing directions. How much difference? In religious life one must turn about to go the other way so one has to go 360 degrees different from the way one used to travel.  Starting from the individual base one needs to make a full circle the other way. This is done from the individual to the nation and world levels. Evil and righteous sides make circles for each. You learn two kinds of circular motion – righteous side and evil side. The conclusion is a righteous and evil entity. Continue reading “There are Two Blocks in the World”

Receive the Seal

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2238

Men and women become kings and
queens because of true love. If true love
did not exist, then kingship would not
appear. You find true love at the highest
point, where two people meet and con-
nect to God. Marriage is to achieve the
pinnacle of masculinity and femininity
so as to occupy God. We marry to occu-
py both masculine and feminine worlds.
Men and women by themselves are only
halves, so they marry to become com-
plete. True love means to become one
with God. (260-154, 1994.5.2)

Richard:  Here kingship is connected to God and God’s love, which goes along with God’s life and lineage.  Kings in this world are false kings.  True kings are centered on the true love of God.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1872

The Chinese character je ( 濟 ) in Jeju-
do means “to cross.” It means that it is
a place to cross over and become the
owner. Jejudo is also a nation of priests.
The island called Jigwido is interesting.
It is like a pillar several hundred meters
long, which has been driven down into
the sea to make a fishing spot. Jigwido
could be linked to the continent with
a glass-like tunnel to allow vehicles to
travel back and forth. The tunnel could
be constructed under the seabed for sta-
bility. That kind of age has come. There is
nothing more we would need to do here
in Jejudo. We should fish, golf, hunt, and
then enjoy the casino. We should create
a market to sell our goods. There should
be interesting things to do. It would be
fun to have people go up the mountain
on an elevator or cable car, rather than
a helicopter, and tour the seas surround-
ing Jejudo in a speedboat. Japan is only
an hour’s flight away. (291-246, 1998.3.15)

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

Every brave person of faith will struggle. Finally, he will have to go to God and ask, “Are the Parents on the earth or not?” God will then say, “They are on the earth.” What can you do if they are not on the earth? You should take the responsibility in their place. God will say, “You try becoming the Parents.”

This courageous individual of faith will then move to another place. He will visit all the believers on the earth and ask them. You may find the True Parents and plead with them, “Oh, I have come to you, overcoming many pitfalls and hills. Please console me in all the historical sorrows I have felt so far on the road. Give us the authority to live in Your eternal blessed land and the authority of the ideal garden.” That plea will not work.

The Parents will say, “A path still remains for you to walk. You must find and bring back Your brothers and sisters.” The person will leave the Parents, looking for the brothers and sisters. When he encounters a brother after roaming the earth, he will say to him, “I came to you with the knowledge of the Will concerning you and in order to find a brother. Without you I cannot do well nor can you do without me. You must be my brother with whom I can live and die, who cannot be separated from me. You are a core part of my own body, sharing my own bone and flesh. If the sorrow of 6,000 years can be resolved through us, let us enjoy the happiness of the resolution together as brothers.” Continue reading “Receive the Seal”

Understand the Historical Shim Jung

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2084

Using South Korean military power
to force North Korea to submit is not
the way. We should have an ideological
foundation that is stronger than theirs.
We should have the ability to naturally
inspire the North to surrender and have
the philosophy of loving our nation
more than they love theirs – and of lov-
ing God more than they love commu-
nism. Otherwise, we will not be able to
win the heart of North Korea. Based on
our character, we should impress them
with our character, our outlook on
life, our lifestyle, and personal history.
Unless we can surpass them, we can’t
win over those armed with the ideology
of communism.
We cannot restore a Cain nation
without a persuasive environment. Fur-
thermore, if the Cain nation can’t be
restored, then the restored nation that
could become the worldly nation cen-
tering on the heavenly nation, will not
be established. (46-123, 1971.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 747

When meeting the Messiah, what
will happen if you believe in and fol-
low him? If you meet him at the time he
perfects the ages of the individual, fam-
ily, tribe, people and nation, you will
also receive the benefits of those ages,
ascending to the national level. Yet, for
those in the age of the individual to
receive the Messiah and thereby ascend
to the age of the family, they must pay
indemnity on earth, just as spirit people
do. Also, because they must go through
the course of indemnity to ascend from
the age of the family to the age of the
tribe, the longer they have stayed in the
Unification Church, the more indemni-
ty they have paid. The longer they have
been here, the closer they are to me.

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

These days’ young students go to school carrying bags, but some of the students do not know why they carry the bags. I am going into society. Where shall I go? I am continuing with an important responsibility for the state. Since the world is there, I am going to lead the world. You say these things, but where will you go? If there is Heaven, an X is before us. We cannot deny that all affairs in the world have such complications.

The external world is the same, just like the internal world. Although we want to extend ourselves infinitely, signs of complications are blocking us every time we take a step forward. We go into the internal world to avoid this. We try to move in the direction of righteousness, morality, ethics and religion. However, all kinds of complications block us there, too. Continue reading “Understand the Historical Shim Jung”

Our Ancestors Set a Foundation of Shim Jung

My latest blog post: Is Abstinence from Sexual Activity Outside of Marriage the Expected Standard for School Age Children?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1836

The young, courageous soldiers of
the Unification Church must someday
experience the adventure of sailing on
fishing boats that go far out to sea. I
believe that experience in the marine
products industry is great training. You
must do it because I am asking it of you.
Even a graduate from Tokyo University
cannot shirk his responsibility. (192-159,

Richard:  It’s good for youth to have real world training, like working on the sea or participating in martial arts.

On earth, there are racial discrimi-
nation, cultural clashes and other con-
tentious issues. In spite of life’s frictions,
people want to maintain their assertions
and values, which do not pass away but
live on vividly when they go to the spirit
world. (187-285, 1989.2.12)

Richard:  Your thoughts, habits and proclivities will continue when you go to spirit world.  We should take care of any issues that we have (and we all do) while we are on earth.

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

The course of restoration speaks. The sorrowful history began in Adam’s family, and the ancestors who served the providence of restoration went through a woeful course. With Noah, Abraham and even Jesus going through a complicated history of misfortune, the misfortune of history has been sweeping the world.

Jesus represented Heaven, humankind, history, the age and the future to prevent such a historical misfortune. We know too well, however, that since Jesus could not complete the victorious condition to eradicate this historical misfortune and left with the promise of the day of hope, the history of sorrow has continued until now.

Where am I going today? You should go beyond the Shim Jung of Adam, beyond that of Noah, Abraham and Moses. You should go beyond the Shim Jung of any prophet or individual, including John the Baptist and Jesus. We also should go beyond the woeful Shim Jung of the Christians who were killed and martyred in the historical course of the 2,000 years from Jesus until now. We are the substantial fruit representing all this. Heaven will ask you what heartistic foundation you have to respond to the historical connection of Shim Jung. Continue reading “Our Ancestors Set a Foundation of Shim Jung”