Understand the Historical Shim Jung

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2084

Using South Korean military power
to force North Korea to submit is not
the way. We should have an ideological
foundation that is stronger than theirs.
We should have the ability to naturally
inspire the North to surrender and have
the philosophy of loving our nation
more than they love theirs – and of lov-
ing God more than they love commu-
nism. Otherwise, we will not be able to
win the heart of North Korea. Based on
our character, we should impress them
with our character, our outlook on
life, our lifestyle, and personal history.
Unless we can surpass them, we can’t
win over those armed with the ideology
of communism.
We cannot restore a Cain nation
without a persuasive environment. Fur-
thermore, if the Cain nation can’t be
restored, then the restored nation that
could become the worldly nation cen-
tering on the heavenly nation, will not
be established. (46-123, 1971.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 747

When meeting the Messiah, what
will happen if you believe in and fol-
low him? If you meet him at the time he
perfects the ages of the individual, fam-
ily, tribe, people and nation, you will
also receive the benefits of those ages,
ascending to the national level. Yet, for
those in the age of the individual to
receive the Messiah and thereby ascend
to the age of the family, they must pay
indemnity on earth, just as spirit people
do. Also, because they must go through
the course of indemnity to ascend from
the age of the family to the age of the
tribe, the longer they have stayed in the
Unification Church, the more indemni-
ty they have paid. The longer they have
been here, the closer they are to me.

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

These days’ young students go to school carrying bags, but some of the students do not know why they carry the bags. I am going into society. Where shall I go? I am continuing with an important responsibility for the state. Since the world is there, I am going to lead the world. You say these things, but where will you go? If there is Heaven, an X is before us. We cannot deny that all affairs in the world have such complications.

The external world is the same, just like the internal world. Although we want to extend ourselves infinitely, signs of complications are blocking us every time we take a step forward. We go into the internal world to avoid this. We try to move in the direction of righteousness, morality, ethics and religion. However, all kinds of complications block us there, too. Continue reading “Understand the Historical Shim Jung”

Our Ancestors Set a Foundation of Shim Jung

My latest blog post: Is Abstinence from Sexual Activity Outside of Marriage the Expected Standard for School Age Children?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1836

The young, courageous soldiers of
the Unification Church must someday
experience the adventure of sailing on
fishing boats that go far out to sea. I
believe that experience in the marine
products industry is great training. You
must do it because I am asking it of you.
Even a graduate from Tokyo University
cannot shirk his responsibility. (192-159,

Richard:  It’s good for youth to have real world training, like working on the sea or participating in martial arts.

On earth, there are racial discrimi-
nation, cultural clashes and other con-
tentious issues. In spite of life’s frictions,
people want to maintain their assertions
and values, which do not pass away but
live on vividly when they go to the spirit
world. (187-285, 1989.2.12)

Richard:  Your thoughts, habits and proclivities will continue when you go to spirit world.  We should take care of any issues that we have (and we all do) while we are on earth.

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

The course of restoration speaks. The sorrowful history began in Adam’s family, and the ancestors who served the providence of restoration went through a woeful course. With Noah, Abraham and even Jesus going through a complicated history of misfortune, the misfortune of history has been sweeping the world.

Jesus represented Heaven, humankind, history, the age and the future to prevent such a historical misfortune. We know too well, however, that since Jesus could not complete the victorious condition to eradicate this historical misfortune and left with the promise of the day of hope, the history of sorrow has continued until now.

Where am I going today? You should go beyond the Shim Jung of Adam, beyond that of Noah, Abraham and Moses. You should go beyond the Shim Jung of any prophet or individual, including John the Baptist and Jesus. We also should go beyond the woeful Shim Jung of the Christians who were killed and martyred in the historical course of the 2,000 years from Jesus until now. We are the substantial fruit representing all this. Heaven will ask you what heartistic foundation you have to respond to the historical connection of Shim Jung. Continue reading “Our Ancestors Set a Foundation of Shim Jung”

Criticize Yourself While You Are Alive

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2236

When people embody true love, they
become the cells of God’s body. They
become the limbs of the holy God and
can live forever as one body with Him,
breathing and eating love. Such a world
is called the Kingdom of Heaven. The
Bible does not mention attaining one-
ness through true love. “I am the way,
the truth, and the life….” Love is miss-
ing here. (177-149, 1988.5.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The reason people need to get mar-
ried is so they can relate to the love of
God. In other words, a man and woman
cannot fully connect to the love of God
if they are not married. When a man
and woman get married, the love of God
resides with them, and they become one
centering on this love. Then, God can
bequeath to them the whole universe,
including God Himself, His love, and
everything that belongs to Him. (135-327,

Oh, Where Shall I Go?

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 1959

Matthew 7

Today we do not know clearly whether God exists or not; yet, we have a destiny which we cannot help living. As such, we always seek that which is better. This will continue until the end of history. Your descendants also will go this way. You will not be able to deny it.

If we have to go toward a certain purpose anyway, we should think carefully about in what direction we should proceed, how we should live, how we should act, and what opinion we should have concerning good and evil. Continue reading “Criticize Yourself While You Are Alive”

Learn Korean

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1960

America is the representative with-
in the religious spheres centering on the
spirit, but that spirit is now completely
missing. The Soviet Union sought an
ideal material world, but that material
world has become completely empty. So,
the opposite has happened. God made
it that way. For the sake of the external
body and internal life, the Eve nation
has the responsibility to nurture those
areas where the material and the spiri-
tual are falling into ruin. The mother
should connect these two. She should
revive America and the Soviet Union.
(201-219, 1990.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1219

I have been in and out of prison sev-
eral times, in both North and South
Korea. You must know this. Why must
we accomplish restoration through
indemnity? Why should we be separat-
ed from Satan? The reason we should
separate from Satan is in order to make
free the realm of the portion of respon-
sibility. Did Satan interfere with the life
of Adam and Eve before the Fall? You
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven if
Satan has interfered with your life.
Where are you standing now? Your
conscience knows where you are. You
cannot deceive it. It knows where you
are going. (148-199, 1986.10.9)



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

I coined a new phrase – “forgetting concept age”. Even though I memorize some English in the evening, the next morning I can’t remember. As a young man I could study ten or twelve pages and clearly remember. I have to learn English because I have to pull young Western people back from Satan.

You are still young, so you have no excuse not to learn Korean. You should read Father’s speeches in Korean. Those speeches contain a wealth of knowledge and solutions to problems from the individual to the world level. Famous scholars are now studying Korean in order to read my speeches in the original language. Translating them into English is a shameful situation. Those famous professors will ask you how many years have you been in the Unification Church: “More than twenty years.” “Do you know the contents of Father’s speeches in Korean?” “No.” “Then you cannot claim to be disciples of Reverend Moon.” This is a serious issue, so I recommend that you please learn Korean. Continue reading “Learn Korean”

Secular Humanism and Free Sex are destroying American Families

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1868

I built a boat in Korea named Boat of
Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heav-
enly victory, of course, is where Heaven
has won victory because God’s will has
been fulfilled. I had already begun ful-
filling God’s will from long ago. I made
the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talk-
ed about occupying the oceans of the
world. One member, Eu Hyo-young,
was constantly saying, “Boat, boat!” So I
made him one, but he did not like going
on boats – maybe because he was old.
He said, “Father, I cannot go out to sea
when the waves surge like that.” How
can a fisherman think like that? He must
go out to the sea until his death. (294-175,

Richard:  Sometimes you have to do things that you do not like to do but should do.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 998

What kind of person am I? I am a
person with only one talent. I am a per-
son who just goes straight ahead no
matter what. Some ask why I always do
things which are spoken ill of, instead of
quietly going around the other way with
my mouth shut. It is because the pinna-
cle can only be overcome by receiving
opposition from many people. But you
are thinking of taking a detour, aren’t
you? Then, why do we have to cut off
from everything in the secular world? It
is because we cannot go straight if we are
pulled by our love for our physical par-
ents. Since God has been going straight
towards us, we also have to go straight.



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

Until now, there was never an original nation. The original ideal hometown never existed! This mistaken world must be kicked back to the original world. Proclaiming and taking action for God is the Unification Movement way. The contents of this movement are absolutely centered on love. God’s ideal, God’s existence, everything is connected to that central true love place, the dwelling place of true love, true life, and true blood lineage. From where did humanity start? Not from the eyes, nor the nose, nor the head, but from your holy place-your sexual organ.

But is your sexual organ truly holy? Your blood lineage is stained, so salvation is not easy. People say, “If God has absolute power, why did He leave the world in such a miserable situation for so long? Why didn’t He take away sin and raise up goodness? God has no power.” Man’s conclusion was, “God doesn’t exist, God is dead.”

Satan cleverly led mankind into secular humanism and free sex. Look at the misery of the American family system. Fathers and grandfathers have sexual relationships with their daughters and granddaughters. Satan has been accusing God: “God, look at mankind. You can’t save them.” What could God answer? How miserable God has been since He lost His Kingship. You don’t know that, but I understood it so clearly! I proclaimed to Satan, “I will go the Principled way, centering on true love, climbing past the individual peak, the family peak, tribal peak, national peak, free and communist world peak. I made a new tradition uniting the races of the world. Continue reading “Secular Humanism and Free Sex are destroying American Families”