Your Mission Is to Clean Up Evil

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2120

In the future we will have to be reg-
istered. When the North and South are
united, the families of the Unification
Church around the world, those Blessed
Families who have been active, will all
go beyond the tribal level and become
registered. If the North and South are
united through my power, heavenly law
will establish the loyal officials of the
Unification Church around the world as
the representative people and the peo-
ple who provide the seed. Who would
oppose this? Historically speaking, who
would oppose me, when I have worked
as hard as I have for the sake of the inde-
pendence of Korea and the return to
hometown in Korea? (197-212, 1990.1.14)

Richard:  All families have to receive the Registratin Blessing to be registered:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 803

You should not be proud of how
many years you have been in the church.
What matters is how many regional
directors you raised, how many people
you blessed, how many people you con-
nected to Father’s tribe and lineage. This
is a serious problem. Pak Bo-hi, Kwak
Chung-hwan, and Yoo Jung-ok became
my in-laws, but this does not mean they
fulfilled this criterion. As a foundation
for everything else, they have to expand
the realm of the tribal messiah thou-
sands of times, and quickly raise peo-
ple of the Kingdom of Heaven who are
shameless in the historic age to come.
(230-27, 1992.4.15)

Richard:  Do you know about the Lord of the Second Advent, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his ministry of marriage, family and absolutely good sex?



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

Now the American government and American churches must follow my teachings. There is no hope otherwise. I am being recognized for who I truly am. The Inquisition book clearly proclaims the truth. As opinion-makers read that book, they change 180 degrees: “We must repent for our treatment of Rev. Moon.”

The satanic world has been targeting Father. However, Father repelled every one of those attacks and declared the victory. One man stood with all humanity against him. From that a foundation was built, through the indemnity course. Parents, brothers and sisters, and relatives kidnapped their Moonie children. That phenomena occurred only in the Unification Church. But I won back the individual foundation, the family foundation, ultimately indemnifying the world foundation.

At the family level all families came against me; at the tribe level, all the tribes of the world attacked me. After winning the tribal level we rose to the national level, and all the nations of the world gathered to destroy us. Finally, all of the spiritual world came against me.

But now, the leading nations of the world no longer have any power over me. They said, “Reverend Moon, we don’t want you!” But all of the worldwide opposition caused me to be raised up even more quickly. Continue reading “Your Mission Is to Clean Up Evil”

The Number One Qualification of Messiahship

Cheon Seong Gyeong 437

Parents need to get permission from
the grandfather before sending their
grandson anywhere. Parents cannot
simply do whatever they want. This is
because the grandfather stands in the
position of God. (107-326, 1980.6.8)

Richard:  The role of grandparents in raising grandchildren is very important.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

In this way, just as the Israelites were
liberated after 430 years and began their
exodus, the same took place with the
Unification Church members. That is
why people from Jeolla province moved
to Gangwon province, and people from
Gangwon moved to Jeolla, and thus a
great mobilization was begun through
which people from different provinces
were interchanged. (58-59, 1972.6.6)

Richard:  Our actions as Royal Families of True Love have substantial consequence for the nation.



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

We are now having follow-up training for the Soviet students in seven different locations throughout the country. Over 2000 people have been attending these workshops. You applaud but your applause has no power because though one side is happy because Father has so much success, one side is ashamed thinking about the Church in the United States.

You have not been listening to Father too well and never really believed Father’s message, but what about today? Can you believe the things that Father is announcing to you? (Yes!) Those who say, “Though I may have doubted in the past, I repent and from this time forward pledge to believe you with no doubt whatsoever,” raise your hands! Now that I see you believe me, I have more power and fun to speak to you.

Belvedere seems to be a magic place. Everybody comes here and gets so energized and yells “Yes, yes!” to all I say. As soon as you get out of the Belvedere door, you begin to worry about your groceries, your trip to the drug store, and other things. By lunchtime, you have a thousand things to worry about. You wonder if you really saw Father and don’t remember what you heard. You become your old self. In the meantime, one year is passing, ten years are passing, and your life is passing away.

Is there any school that will allow you to stay for ten years or more just because you are a slow learner? There is no room to keep you there for so long, so they will kick you out. Do you understand? Your life and your fruit is not Father’s responsibility, it is not the Unification Church’s responsibility. You yourself are responsible for your eternal life and your heaven. In the Bible, Jesus was passing through Jerusalem and saw a fig tree growing by the side of the road. He was in a hurry and crossed to the tree wanting to pick some fruit, but there was none. Jesus accused that tree and immediately it died. So don’t die. You not only have your life, but you have to bear fruit. Ten years, twenty years of membership does not automatically bring you fruit. That is not the way that God works. You must have actual fruit. Continue reading “The Number One Qualification of Messiahship”

The Age of Religious War Will Come

Enjoy the latest Richard Urban show:  What is Salvation in the Modern Era?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 578

That being always the case, where
are our bodies and minds trying to go?
Further, where are our lives inclined
towards and where are our hearts try-
ing to go? Our wishes, hopes, and ide-
als…Where are they trying to go? Even
if we cannot resolve these issues, we are
destined to go in any case.
This body will see its end when it is
buried in the ground on the day we die.
If so, will this mind, this life, this heart,
this ideal, and even this hope be buried
together the day the body is buried? To
answer this, we should present detailed
contents, solutions and a definite and
purposeful perspective.
Saints, sages and numerous found-
ers of religions, stopped on their paths
of life, interrupted the concerns of their
minds and the inclinations of their
hearts, and asked themselves where they
were going, as they struggled to resolve
this issue. They came forth to resolve
this issue, but to this day no one could
confidently claim, “My body has gone
to such a place. My mind, my heart, my
life, and my ideals have hastened there;
hence, all beings in heaven and earth
should go there.” (8-194, 1959.12.20)

Richard:  The specialty of VisionRoot Ministries is to “present detailed
contents, solutions and a definite and purposeful perspective.  This, we have the Daily Inspiration scripture readings for your edification, as well as the Urban Life Training Teacher Web Portal:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1602

Encompassed in the mother and
father are the absolute love, life and
lineage attained through the Absolute
Parent and Father of absolute love. You
should be aware of the fact that you are
born from all this. Thus, you are the
representative of lineage, maternal and
paternal life and love. Having received
them all as the representative, you were
born to expand them and spread them
wide; since such is the purpose of your
life, if you don’t fulfill this and instead
act as you please and put your greed
before everything else, you would be
ruined and perish.

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

What kind of age are the last days? Since there is no one on earth who can represent God’s Word, humankind has had to search for the substance of the Word, scattered in all four directions, and going through countless difficulties. Thus, after the age of war that claimed materials, we have entered the age of ideological war. After this age of ideological war, there will come the age of the war of the conscience. That will be the age of religious war.

After such a time, what kind of age will have to come? The age of the competition of Shim Jung and love should come. There should come an age when God’s love and satanic love will compete. This is the course of destiny through which fallen humankind must go. You should know that this is a necessary and inevitable course.

What is to be done in this age? It is the time when the world of spirit, rather than the world of ideology should be formed. In the future, the ideology of the heart should appear. When the heart ideology appears, your hearts will be pulled in by its ideal. When the heart ideology appears and secures the foundation, heavenly feeling and human feeling will move. An ideology should appear such that one cannot help living within its realm of ideal.

History struggles upward from the lowest level, that is, from the material stage. Thus, the vertical history of 6,000 years moves from the world of material to that of the spirit, to that of the heart. On the contrary, satanic authority goes through a history that descends from the top. It descends from the upper class, which claimed the best, to the middle and lower classes. These, however, will all disappear because they are under satanic authority. As for the process of historical development, through the war centering on materials, that is, the First and Second World Wars, now we enter into the age of ideological war. Yet, again, these will all pass away. Next, there comes the age of heartistic war and the age of the ideology of the heart.

The upper class and middle class have dominated the world in the historical course until now. Now the lower class will dominate the world. Considering the process of historical development, humankind has gone through the age of material-centered battle. Now is the age of spirit-centered strife. In the future, there will come the age of conscience-centered struggle. It is religion that moves, centering on conscience.

Thus, the age of religious battle will come soon. In the future, there should appear a religion with the truth which is centered on the heavenly heart, through which we can share heart and affection with the whole of heaven and earth and conclude: “God and I are one.” Such an age will come. Wait and see.

In the past, religious people renounced material things. This looks most foolish, but they are most wise. Religion has prepared the foundation through which it can escape the condition of historical war. The followers of Jesus believed the religion with the safest foundation, through which they could avoid the hell into which the people of the history of war fell.

Nowadays, young men and women who insist on their own way scorn religion. Such an age will pass. Wait and see. If you have such an obsolete idea, you will be hit by the communists in the future. There will come a time when they will say, “Alas, I did not know.” The fortunes of heaven and earth go through such processes.

What ideology will remain in the end? It is the ideology that cries out the slogan, “All people of conscience, be mobilized.” This is the ideology that can represent the Word for which humankind hopes, represent the substance through the Word, and represent affection through the substance. If you did not know this, you may now look forward to it.

Hitherto, has any spiritual person of conscience ever held sway over the world in the course of history? Even though Jesus said, “The Gospel will be spread to the poor,” spiritual people have never held sway over the world yet.

Who is the Lord of the Second Coming?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 159

Time is so short. A lifetime is not
enough time to rectify this and compen-
sate for it. That has been my life course.
So from a secular viewpoint, my life
would be pitied. Try asking God, “What
kind of person is Rev. Moon?” The pain
I feel causes me to lament in sorrow; I
am experiencing bitter pain like that of a
man writhing in agony while having his
heart cut out. On this earth I am a mis-
erable man. Nobody knows about my
suffering. People may boast about them-
selves, thinking they are wonderful. Yet
they do not know my suffering. Even
Mother does not know. (213-278, 1990.1.21)

Richard:  Who understands the life and course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 683

If I am not here, it will be a problem
for the Japanese, Koreans and Ameri-
cans. Why is that so? Because within
the concept of eternal life there must be
order to bring unity. We can make this
concept the standard for the earth and
eternity. This is most important.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1246

Where is humanity supposed to be
heading? No human being on earth can
enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they
have not passed through the gates of
the Blessing. A lot of people believe in
Christianity, but Christianity itself can-
not enter the Kingdom of Heaven with-
out passing through the gates of the
Blessing. When I say things like this,
Christians complain that Rev. Moon
of the Unification Church makes many
self-righteous remarks. There may be
many people who think like this and
who complain out loud, but that is their
problem. All fallen humanity must fol-
low the course of the holy matrimony of
the Blessing that we speak of in the Uni-
fication. Even if we face opposition from
all sides, that does not change the fact
that the holy matrimony of the Bless-
ing connects the spiritual and physical
worlds and allows you to enter the King-
dom of Heaven. (290-167, 1998.2.18)

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

After the departure of Jesus, the Bible came to contain 66 books. The New Testament has many books, in addition to the Gospels. It has the Book of Revelation, which was written last after Jesus’ departure from the earth. This word was what Jesus wanted to say while on the earth. It was revealed after his death by the spiritual world.

To conclude the work of the Holy Spirit on earth, one should appear who thoroughly understands the true meaning of the Word at the time Jesus died and the Holy Spirit was sent. He should also understand the situation of the substantial being so he can go beyond the position of substance. Thus, the Will of God’s providence is to reap the work of the Holy Spirit on the earth and to establish a representative on the earth to inherit her work. Continue reading “Who is the Lord of the Second Coming?”

Christians Do Not Know that Jesus Did Not Come to Die

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2142

Since receiving God’s calling as a boy
of sixteen, I have communicated freely
with Jesus as well as the saints and sages
in paradise, and have single-mindedly
devoted all my heart and energy, while
overcoming all manner of tribulation,
into accomplishing His will, which is to
build His kingdom of freedom, peace,
and liberation on earth and in heaven.
His original relationship with human-
kind is an eternal parent-child relation-
ship. The Fall refers to the severance of
that relationship and restoration to its
I have established many different
peace movements as well as internation-
al organizations as a means of achiev-
ing the vision of ‘One World Under One
God’ in order to accomplish His will.
The International Blessing Ceremony
that you have witnessed is God’s strat-
egy to fundamentally resolve the racial,
religious, and national conflicts which
have resulted from the Fall. Five colors
of skin coming together in harmony as
true brothers and sisters and true hus-
bands and wives is the actualization of
the holy ideal of establishing ‘One World
Under One God.’

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1327

By accomplishing 3.6 million couples,
we will cross the final peak of the world,
and in so doing, we must establish more
national messiahs than there are mem-
ber countries in the United Nations.
Our success in blessing 3.6 million cou-
ples will lay the foundation upon which
each national messiah can influence the
cabinet ministers in their respective
nations, focusing on their ambassadors
to the United Nations. What the United
Nations needs right now is the institution
of True Parents, and the establishment of
a United Nations for women and a Unit-
ed Nations for the youth. Once Moth-
er and Father, Cain and Abel, women,
students and the youth have joined the
United Nations, then the whole world
will become united and peaceful. (282-36,

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

Although the Word must succumb to the incarnation or substance, and the substance should succumb to God, humans killed the incarnation, Jesus. Jesus tried to remove all the historical conditions for resentment over the 4,000 years by uniting with God. What was the historical condition for resentment? It was the betrayal of God’s Word over the 4,000 years. This grudge would have been resolved by the Israelites’ trusting and uniting with Jesus. Yet they killed the substance, deplorably using the Word of 4,000 years as their justification. This is the sin of the Israelites.

Therefore, the Israelite nation had to be trampled upon and receive contempt from the people of the world, wandering the world and becoming the servants of servants. The nation that was supposed to build the country of utmost glory wandered about on a path of pain and of the cross, longing for the glorious country. Why? It is because of the sin of having murdered Jesus. Today’s Christians are ignorant of this. Continue reading “Christians Do Not Know that Jesus Did Not Come to Die”