Adam is God’s Son and God’s Body

Happy Easter to all Daily Inspiration subscribers and readers!

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#125-Richard Urban-Urban Life Training as a Solution to Family Breakdown

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2325

    The providence of salvation is the providence of re-creation, which is also the process of creation for the establishment of all pure things, pure people, pure lineage and pure love in accordance with God’s principle of creation. As the establishment of all pure things, pure people and pure love on pure land is the ideal of creation – the purpose of creation – we need to be freed from ourselves in order to achieve this goal. To recover pure bodies, it is essential to tear down our current bodies which are serving as the foundation for Satan, in order to drive him out.
    Thus, your pure mind, body, substance and mindset should be unified, and next you should escape from the satanic realm to the place that is like the stage of engagement and stay there for three years, after which you can form Blessed Families in the realm of perfection. In the light of the Principle, this process is the ascension to the position wherein you can completely fulfill your human portion of responsibility. You need to know that this is the course of restoration through indemnity. If you do not fulfill this, there is no other way for you to ascend. (268-114, 1995.3.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 977

    Live with a fresh pioneering spirit, and you will not grow old. By nature, I will not die on my back. Until I die, I will always be in motion. I will move even if I have to crawl. It has been a continuum of suffering. The greatest humiliation to me would be to be very old, and need the attention and care of those around me. Since I know the spirit world, how free I will be after discarding my body! In the future, if you have a thought system that encompasses the ocean – the water – you will be able to have dominion over the world. Water is the most important resource. That is why before I go to the spirit world I have to initiate work in these vast areas. I believe that if I have taught and spoken about everything, the future generations will fulfill it. (276-296, 1996.3.10)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 72 to 75 below.

The Basis of Value Must Be Focused on God’s Heart (Shimjung)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2225

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#124-Richard Urban – Solving Today’s Problems with a God-centered and Abstinence-Centered Worldview

    I am eagerly awaiting the appearance of people who pledge to fulfill their duty of loyalty and filial piety to God across the length and breadth of the Korean peninsula, on behalf of the thirty million Korean people.
    I had already pledged this before you were even conceived, and I had already trodden this path when you were not thinking of doing it even in your wildest dreams. If you say you are a person of many tears, then I will say that I have shed more tears than any of the thirty million people of this race. Just having someone come to me and saying one word can cause me to burst into uncontrollable tears.
    I am a very pitiful person from the worldly point of view. How pitiful am I? However wide heaven and earth may be, I have no place where I can lay my mind to rest. I can understand Jesus’ heart when he said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (13-35, 1963.10.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1321

Did you know that during the past two or three years the Unification Church has reached an international level? Are you aware of this? Then how did we attain such a level? By earning a lot of money? By witnessing to many people? It was through the Blessing. When was the 360,000 Couples’ Blessing held? It was in 1995. The 30,000 Couples Blessing? It was in 1992. The 30,000 Couples came in 1992 and the 360,000 Couples in 1995. Next came the Blessing of the 3.6 Million Couples. Who would have believed at the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing, that at the next one we would bless 360,000 couples? It was the same after the Blessing of the 360,000 Couples. After that Blessing, it took us less than three years to hold the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing. We did it in two and a half years. It wasn’t even that long. When I first issued the instructions to prepare for the Blessing of 3.6 million couples, not one person believed that it would actually happen. I can’t speak for God, but even I was in doubt. Think about it. Is one finger the same as ten, or not? How many hills are there? There are ten hills to climb. During the three years I worked in Jardim, Brazil, I declared the era of the Second Generation in which absolute faith is paramount. Now the time has come in which you have no choice but to believe, even if you don’t want to. (291-152, 1998.3.11)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 52 to 55 below.

Heavenly Father Possesses the Sperm of Absolute Sex

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum –Patti Hidalgo Menders Presentation and Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 131

Even if the hundreds of millions of people who have been parents were to come back to life all at once, none among them would have the glory of the True Parents whom you speak of today. Even if tens of thousands of generations of ancestors were all to resurrect and sing the glory of resurrection, this glory and song would still not transcend the domain of the Fall. Although your current situation may be miserable, you should know that the term “True Parents,” taught in the Unification Church today, is a proud one and more valuable than hundreds of millions of ancestors rejoicing in a glorious place of earthly victory and liberation of all people. You should know that meeting the True Parents will lead you along the path to meet God, and meeting the Unification Church will lead you along the path whereby God’s nation and the homeland desired by the True Parents can soon be found. (138-105, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1057

    We are not focused on the individual but on the family. Still, we are not trying to solve everything based only on the family. Rather, we should connect everything to the family. Hence, the endeavors made in the past while cultivating a solitary life of spirituality are not enough now. To this you should also add your own determination and resolution to exert yourself much more than you did in the past. In an instant, a life of challenging evil can easily leave one fatigued and lead one to retreat. When you have a family, you should work much harder than when you were single.
    The family is in the central position. We cannot avoid reality. You should establish relationships of front and back, left and right, top and bottom in your family. It will not do to have the kind of faith that existed in the past. That kind of one-sided attitude in faith that you had in the past will not work. (27-85, 1969.11.26)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 36 to 39 below.

Male and Female He Created Them

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum –Patti Hidalgo Menders Presentation and Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2283

You stand on the victorious foundation laid by me based on the global condition, and so you should be heirs to my heart. Inheriting that heart, you should be able to claim, “Undoubtedly I am a child of the True Parents and, although born in the position of Abel, I will subjugate Cain’s realm in this world without fail.” This is because in the spiritual aspect, the foundation of victory has been completely laid. Power itself in the physical world will weaken and can be pushed out. (100-319, 1978.10.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

The ideal family is the place where the parents, children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters desire to unite into oneness based on true love. From such a place the eternal global equalization begins, and consequently, the God’s Kingdom on earth, followed automatically by God’s Kingdom in heaven. (300-226, 1999.3.14)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 24 to 27 below.

God Came into Being Due to Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2188

    If the son advises and teaches his parents to love their country so that they become patriots, and makes them a mother and father whom heaven remembers, is he a filial or unfilial son?
    So, rather than a son who says to his parents, “Mom, Dad, don’t go out! Just rest at home.” he should say, “Mom, Dad, what are you doing? Please, let’s try together to find even one more person who can be a patriot, who can work for the unification of North and South Korea, who can work to save North Korea.” Then he makes them shed tears, blood and sweat. Then what would you think if the people in the neighborhood were to praise this achievement?
    Would the parents say, “You scoundrel, you really made your mother and father’s life difficult, so at first we thought you were a bad boy. Yet we became successful and are praised by everyone. My! You really are a filial son.” Do you think the parents would say this, or would they say, “You are an unfilial son”? What do you think? (209-266, 1990.11.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1140

Adam and Eve should have united centered on God, however they united with the archangel, a servant of God; that is what the Fall refers to. Human beings, who should have inherited the lineage of God, inherited the lineage of the servant instead. That is why fallen people may call God “Father,” but they do not actually feel that He is their Father. This is because they have inherited the primary characteristics of fallen nature, which makes them think of everything in a self-centered manner, with no regard for God or anything else. Thus, people became contradictory beings, forming tribes and nations. Therefore these tribes and nations come to be divided very quickly. This is how the sphere of satanic culture developed. Everything that splits into two, then into three and so forth belongs to the satanic realm. (91-242, 1977.2.23)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 20 to 23 below.