Humankind Will Eliminate War and Starvation

Video – Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more. Register by March 13th.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out more. Register by March 13th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2000

You should live every day with the thought that you are traveling to and fro and taking part in this great work in the evil world of today as a messenger of God. You should think that you were given the mission to become a loyal subject seeking out God’s nation, for the sake of the restoration of the homeland. If you don’t accomplish this, you will not be recognized as the dignified citizen of the heavenly nation to come (50-254, 1971.11.7) Emphasis mine.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

    You must understand how important the Blessing is from a providential point of view. God’s Blessing is received where the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world meet. It is the place where the eternal world and the corporeal world meet horizontally. (Blessed Family – 544) Emphasis mine.

    The Blessing is the most precious thing in heaven and earth. It is also the most fearful. If a blessed member is attracted to others besides his or her spouse, it is an emotional violation of the spouse.
    Good ancestors, the territory and the nation stem from you, the Blessed Families. That is why blessed members should think about the universe during every waking moment. You have received the Blessing so that you can share blessings with others. (13-67, 1963.10.17) Emphasis mine.

World Peace

3. Building a Culture of Peace that Unites the Peoples of the Earth as One

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Once true love is perfected in the human world, what possible political, economic, cultural, or environmental problems could persist? In the world of true love, every problem can be solved. It is a world of freedom, peace and happiness, replete with joy. It is the world of God’s ideal. It is a world where joy and happiness are magnified infinitely and eternally, and where everyone has the right to equal position, equal participation, and equal inheritance. (294:65, June 11, 1998) Continue reading “Humankind Will Eliminate War and Starvation”

We Must Love Our Enemies

Video – Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out more.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2207

Although you are attending parents who are not your natural parents, you are the people that seek to attend the Parents, centering on God, even more sincerely than you would your natural parents. On top of that, despite having our own country, we are the people that seek to live for the sake of God’s nation with loyalty, filial piety, and virtue. (47- 81, 1971.8.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 850

Will there be night in the spirit world or not? Once you get to the spirit world, you can communicate with the earth freely and directly connect with this material world. In spirit, you can go through water and go directly through the Earth to another continent or region. There are countless stars in the universe, but all the roads are opened to you when you go as the partner of God’s true love. The speed of love is by far the fastest. The speed of light can cover 300 million meters or go around the Earth seven and a half times in one second. But love is thousands of times faster than this. If true love decides to go across millions and billions of miles, it immediately covers that distance. The vast spirit world can be activated in an instant. (294-310, 1998.8.9)

World Peace

3. Building a Culture of Peace that Unites the Peoples of the Earth as One

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

In the 21st century, people will not be able to exercise dominion on the earth, or even exist there, while disregarding the ultimate principle of the Creator. The future of humanity will require closer relationships among people. In the future people will have no choice but to live very closely together, transcending their region, nationality and race. In other words, the vision of global family will become a reality. People will not only have to understand others who have different religions, cultures, traditions and lifestyles; they will have to accept them and interrelate with them. No individual or group will be able to selfishly maintain its own sanctuary. (219:9, August 24, 1991) Continue reading “We Must Love Our Enemies”

There Cannot Be Two Sets of True Parents

Stop the COVID Bioweapon Shots Now!
The Richard Urban Show #121


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out more.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 233

In this world, there cannot be two sets of True Parents. In North Korea, they call Kim Il-sung “Father,” and in the Unification Church you also call me Father. But the father of the Unification Church and the father of North Korea are qualitatively different. They are confronting each other: both are saying they are the parent. Also, God and Satan are fighting, each claiming a parent as their own. Who should render public judgment over this matter? Human beings should. Human beings should choose their parents, saying, “Our parents should be such and such people.” They should make the decision, saying, “The fallen parents are evil parents for this reason, and good parents are good parents for this reason. Since it is God, not Satan, who has been seeking good parents, God is the father of the good parents.” So where does everything come down to? It all comes down to the point where we meet True Parents.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

    Eve is the external bride of God. Then why did God create Adam and Eve? It was for reproduction. It was to multiply His descendants. What would He achieve by multiplying His descendants? By doing so, He would be multiplying the citizens of the vast heaven. Would reproduction be possible in the spirit world? It is not possible because God’s love is vertical, and comes down as one line. God’s love is a vertical path that reaches only one point. Since it comes down the one single vertical path, there is no way for reproduction to take place on that vertical line.
    He created Adam and Eve as the horizontal basis of reproduction and foundation of love. Since they stand on the horizontal plane, they revolve from East to West. A 180-degree plane stretches out infinitely. Consequently, reproduction can take place in all directions. Reproduction is necessary in order to create those who can be born and grow on this vast horizontal plane before passing to the spirit world as the eternal citizens of heaven. Reproduction takes place on earth. This is because reproduction is possible only through the physical bodies of men and women. Babies cannot be born in the spirit world. (213-265, 1991.1.21)

World Peace

3. Building a Culture of Peace that Unites the Peoples of the Earth as One

O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you might know each other [not that you might despise each other].
    Qur’an 49.13

For the development of a peaceful, friendly human family of nations with a rich variety of faith and political and economic systems, each of us has the responsibility to strive towards such harmony. There is no alternative.
    Tenzin Gyatso, The Fourteenth Dalai Lama (Buddhism) Continue reading “There Cannot Be Two Sets of True Parents”

A Religious Assembly Should be Formed at the United Nations

Stop the COVID Bioweapon Shots Now!
The Richard Urban Show #121


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out more.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2203

    What kind of being is God? He is the Parent of humankind, the King of kings of humankind, as well as the center of all creation. To become God’s son, you would have to become the filial son on the world level, as well as becoming the filial son on the family level.
    Assuming that only a person who occupies the position representing the highest qualities of filial piety, loyalty, and holiness can attend God, people who attain only some but not all of these characteristics cannot. God desires to see the person who combines all these qualities together: a filial child, a patriot, and a saint of saints, simultaneously.
    God is surely such a being. We are striving to attend Him as our Parent in order to meet our obligations to Him as His children. If there is a group, denomination, or race seeking to go the way of first-rate filial children, the path cannot be an easy one. Filial children of that caliber cannot come forth from the ranks of those who choose the easy way out. They do not emerge out of such backgrounds. From the point of view of the majority, this group of filial children is misguided. Everyone else wants to go east, but they have to go not only west, but also south, and east, and back again to the west… God will make His true filial children walk the path that others will be unable to follow. That kind of religion has to appear. Even through a commonsense approach we are bound to come to this conclusion. (62-33, 1972.9.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

What is the most important thing when it comes to receiving blessings? It is neither money, nor honor. It is not having power. The most important blessing is for your sons and daughters to receive good fortune in life. You must understand this. What did I say is the best blessing out of all the blessings you can receive? It is none other than giving birth to sons and daughters who can be loved by God. That is the best blessing. Then, what would happen next? If your son receives more love from God than you do, then you will also benefit from it. Isn’t that how everything works? When you see power lines extending to remote parts of the land, you can see that they hang loosely between poles. Nevertheless, if you pull from one end, the lines become taut. In the same way, when your children receive great love from Heaven, even if you’re sagging, you’ll be pulled up just like the power lines. You receive benefit in this way. (78-42, 1975.5.1)

World Peace

2. The United Nations and Global Governance

Teachings of True Father Moon

The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict right in Adam’s family. It provides the archetype for humankind’s unending history of struggle, war and conflict. We are conflicted on many levels, beginning with the war between body and mind within each individual and extending to wars between nations and even to the global conflict between materialism and theism. Continue reading “A Religious Assembly Should be Formed at the United Nations”

To Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War

Stop the COVID Bioweapon Shots Now!
The Richard Urban Show #121


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out more.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 225

In order to meet your spouse and receive the children you can love, you must follow the Parents. When you have received your children, you should be able to say, “Oh, I am following the path through which I can command an entire heavenly nation.” How splendid this is! It is the same in the earthly world. You are walking the path in order to receive the unified tribe, unified world and unified heaven together with your family. Why then do you have to follow True Parents? You follow them in order to inherit this entire universe. How wonderful this is! God and True Parents embrace everything. This is the Way of the True Parent, and what a tremendous ideology it is. Those Unification Church members who are determined to be loyal to God’s will consider the Unification Church as their own, whether they are in Korea, in South America, in Africa or elsewhere. The amazing thing about True Parents is that, through them God will bequeath this entire universe to us. We gain this amazing inheritance through True Parents when we meet them, make a determination to be eternally one with them, and follow through with this determination. (124-39, 1983.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

Now that the vertical and horizontal eight-stage indemnity has all been completed, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages could be performed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska, the most northerly location in the West. It is the northernmost place. On the first day of September, I declared “the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father” at the same place. The ideology centered on the Heavenly Father is simultaneously the ideology of salvation by love as well as the ideology of parental love. This parent-centered ideology is all about a life lived by giving love. Satan cannot oppose anything based on love. If he cannot oppose the path taken by the Unification Church, we can rapidly expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

World Peace

2. The United Nations and Global Governance

We the peoples of the United Nations, determined
to save succeeding generations from the scourge
    of war, which twice in our lifetime has
    brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights,
    in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women
    and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and
    respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law
    can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards
    of life in larger freedom, Continue reading “To Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War”