Intellectual Type People Cannot Launch a Revolutionary Spiritual Movement

Register Now for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

There is a saying to the effect, “All is well if there is harmony within the family.” If peace reigns in a family everything will go well. A perfected family is the family of peace which forms the basis of God’s Kingdom. The driving force of a family is true love. Loving God more than yourself and loving your spouse more than life itself; true love is such pure and beautiful love. God did not create a force greater than the power of true love in the universe. True love is God’s love. (219-118, 1991.8.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

2. Attaining Spiritual Wisdom

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We should cultivate the heart of true love through experience. True love cannot be learned through the spoken or written word, or through general education. This is how it was in the beginning. Adam and Eve, who were created as infants, were to grow and experience love at each stage of life, perfecting in turn the heart of true children, the heart of true brother and sister, and the heart of true parents. Only by experiencing each of these kinds of love, can we become ideal people who fulfill the purpose of creation. (282:209, March 13, 1997)

There are generally two types of people: the intellectual type and the spiritual type. When intellectual type people search for an answer, if their research coincides with their reasoning they accept it, but if it does not they reject it. Spiritual type people are more intuitive, making decisions based on intuition more than reason. People of the spiritual type feel from inside and apply it to the outside, while the intellectual type experience the outside and apply it in the inside. One type is extroverted and the other, introverted.
Intellectual type people usually do not like to pray. They resist praying and question the need for it. They do not feel comfortable calling out, “Heavenly Father!” They do not feel that it is real. Prayer, God, etc. appear to them like superstition. Since they don’t believe in prayer, they feel to pray would be to deny their integrity. They judge the truth of something by whether it agrees with their theoretical model of the world. Spiritual type people, on the other hand, love saying the words, “Heavenly Father” from birth. They delight in prayer, and do not need any explanation.
Intellectual type people cannot launch a revolutionary spiritual movement. In the world of faith, those who can do something extraordinary are not intellectuals, but are rather uninformed and simple-minded people who are spiritual. They do what comes to them, disregarding what the world says. Believing that God told them to do it, they just go ahead and do it. After doing it, they find that what they did turned out to be right. Great persons can appear from among such spiritual people.
The apostle Paul was an intellectual type person. Nevertheless, after having a spiritual experience on the road to Damascus, he totally changed. Having felt something explosive from inside that was greater than anything he had experienced from external investigation, he came to deny everything he had been taught and accepted his new experience as the truth. Hence, he could become the pioneer of a new revolutionary religion, Christianity.
You should know which type of person you are. In general, spiritual people are thick in spirit but pointy in intellect. Therefore, although they may be solid in the beginning, they will not be consistent all the way, and after a time their works often fail. By the same token, although a person of truth may be strong, if his spirituality is weak his works will also eventually fall short. Therefore, whichever type of person we are, we need to balance these two aspects.
There is a saying, “Worship God in spirit and truth.” (John 4.23) It means that people should make these two sides parallel and find harmony between them. We should be able to control both the spirit world and the physical world. Standing in the center of spirituality and rationality, we should be able to make adjustments between the right and the left. Otherwise, we cannot reach perfection. (76:136-37, February 2, 1975)

Fallen people have been overcoming their internal ignorance by enlightening their spirituality and intellect with “spirit and truth” (John 4:23)…
“Spirit” in this context denotes the inspiration of Heaven. Cognition of a spiritual reality begins when it is perceived through the five senses of the spirit self. These perceptions resonate through the five physical senses and are felt physiologically. Cognition of truth, on the other hand, arises from the knowledge gleaned from the physical world as it is perceived directly through our physiological sense organs. Cognition thus takes place through both spiritual and physical processes.
Human beings become complete only when their spirit self and physical self are unified. Hence, the experience of divine inspiration gained through spiritual cognition and the knowledge of truth obtained through physical cognition should become fully harmonized and awaken the spirituality and intellect together. It is only when the spiritual and physical dimensions of cognition resonate together that we can thoroughly comprehend God and the universe. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Eschatology 5.1)

Knowledge of God and Worship Are Medicinal

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 for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2105

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where people go who live for the sake of others. Those who have invested themselves in the world while embracing and communicating with it, and who have wandered about in search of something greater while attending God, will be the owners of the heavenly kingdom. You should take pride in such things. You can take pride in your mother, wife and husband, sons and daughters, children and siblings. You must apply this tradition to the nation; you must apply that formula to the world and to heaven and earth. Such people can have the right of participation, equal position, and inheritance wherever they go. This is why God becomes mine. God’s love becomes mine. Wherever God goes, there is the right of equal position and participation. If anyone wants to go somewhere else even after having learned such an amazing fact, please go. He will be hit by lightening. You should know that achieving this is the path of the Unification Church. (175-138, 1988.4.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1023

If there is something bad, do not get rid of it right away. Even if there is something bad, you should deal with it, having the flexibility and capacity to find some conditions that will improve it while you keep the bad aspects on hold. If a person is cut off due to a mistake he made a year ago, then he may spiritually die completely. But if he is kept for one, two, or three years in the belief that the mistake is a secondary consideration, then after that time there may be a way for him to live. (72-313, 1974.7.14)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

2. Attaining Spiritual Wisdom

The kami-faith is caught, not taught.
    Shinto Proverb

A monk asked Joshu, “Has a dog the Buddha nature?”
     Joshu answered, “Mu [Emptiness].”
     Mumon’s comment: To attain this subtle realization, you must completely cut off the way of thinking.
    Mumonkan 1 (Buddhism)

Pure Knowing has nothing to do with hearing much.
    Wang Yangming (Confucianism)

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
    John 4.24-25

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The Ideal World Will Not Be Realized Based Upon the Human Brain but Upon God’s Love

Register Now for the VisionRoot Spring Workshop: Peaceful Families; Peaceful World
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 739

God’s sorrow is embedded within us, and at the same time, within this nation, world and within all things. We should liquidate this sorrow and develop a movement to restore His joy. Experiencing God’s sorrow is central to our life.

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

Intellectual Knowledge Does Not Profit for Salvation

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The ideal world will not be realized based upon the human brain but upon God’s love. (Way of God’s Will 1.8)

Philosophy and religion have different starting-points. Philosophy [at its best] is a human quest in search of God, but religion is the path laid out for us to meet God and begin to live with God. (187:70, March 19, 1989)

Extensive reading of sacred texts and philosophy books that line library shelves does not enable you to achieve unity of mind and body. (May 1, 2004)

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You Should Think that You Are One with God and One with True Parents

Register Now for the VisionRoot Spring Workshop: Peaceful Families; Peaceful World
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2013

Women have to lead the way. This is the reason I have now directed all the blessed wives in Korea to go to the front line. They have already been mobilized. Because Korea is the headquarters nation, the elder Blessed Families of Korea have all been sent to the front line. So all the Unificationist women throughout the world should follow their example and also go to the front line! Amen. (170-241, 1987.11.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1003

How should you think in order to lead a kind of life of attendance to God? You should think that you are one with God and one with True Parents. If everything in your life is in oneness with them, you should have the idea that everything belongs to God and to True Parents; and that what belongs to True Parents belongs to the kingdom of True Parents and then to you. Since even this house, nation, world and universe belong to True Parents, you come to the conclusion that everything belongs to you since you are True Parents’ son. (161-231, 1987.2.15)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

There is a huge difference between intellectual knowledge and the spiritual truth that is conducive to salvation and enlightenment. Intellectual and conceptual knowledge, for all its utility in the world, does not always profit the spiritual seeker, and too much of it may even impede higher realization. There is a gulf between Athens and Jerusalem—between the conceptual systems of secular philosophy and the scriptural truth of religion. Scriptures call us to check our priorities, as we live in an age that pushes secular learning. A second topic of this section concerns ways of knowing. While intellectual knowledge is gained through empirical perception of sense data and rational formulation of theories, spiritually minded people employ intuition and sensitivity to the inner dimensions of reality. Reliance upon reason can be an impediment to the spiritual path; hence much religious practice, such as Zen Buddhism, is aimed at blocking the intellect. For instance the Zen kaon, “has a dog the Buddha nature?” only leads the questioner into a welter of mental confusion until he realizes that the way out is beyond any conceptual understanding whatsoever. Nevertheless, Father Moon regards both the paths of rationality and spirituality as having their place in the Kingdom, and seeks for a balance.
The final texts return to the opposition between secular knowledge and divine knowledge, focusing particularly on the damage caused by science and technology when it is not restrained or directed by spiritual wisdom. Ultimately science and all secular knowledge needs to be guided by what Father Moon calls “absolute values,”—the true love of God that seeks to benefit humanity and the whole creation.

1. Intellectual Knowledge Does Not Profit for Salvation

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
    Tertullian (Christianity)

Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him.
    1 Corinthians 8.1-3

My now-deceased mother really scolded me. She said, “Go away somewhere into the wilderness, since all you seem to do is look at books. For all the days to come you will be pitiful because the book blocks your path. Never will anything be revealed to you in a vision, for you live like a white man.”
    Delaware Testimony (Native American Religions)

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There Must Appear Another Textbook of Higher and Richer Content

Register Now for the VisionRoot Spring Workshop: Peaceful Families; Peaceful World
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
On March 19th we will study the textbook cited in the title above.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2022

You can achieve what I have achieved through my life on the worldwide stage. You need your own offering or a foot- hold, which is a smaller model of the world stage. You should know that this is Home Church. It is Gajeong Gyohae. Do you understand? (109-184, 1980.11.1)

Richard: This is not only for Unification Church members. In the speech True Parents and the Completed Testament Age Rev. Moon says “the time has come for each family to take up the messianic mission of completing the work of salvation all over the world. After restoring your family, the next step is to restore your community, tribe, and nation. We call this process “tribal messiahship.””

Cheon Seong Gyeong 860

God is the Creator who made heaven and earth. He is the origin, the very parent of all beings in this world. He is the origin of the value of all existence. Because of Him, this phenomenal world of today came to exist. Such an absolute being does not change according to the changing of the ages. An absolute being does not change. He is not limited by time and space. He transcends all limitations and is the one who governs every limitation. Who is that being? We do not only call Him God. He is our “Father,” so we call Him “Heavenly Father.” What do you call God? He is your Father who gave birth to you. The word “rebirth” exists because of the Fall, but it was God, your Father, who originally gave birth to you. Your physical father forms a bridge between you and God. But after your physical father goes to the spirit world, you will call him your brother, not your father. In the same way, you will call your physical mother your sister. (21-249, 1968.11.24)

Scripture and Interpretation

4. Scriptures Teach Only a Finite Portion of Heaven’s Truth

And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to help it [were ink], the words of God could not be spent. Lo! God is Mighty, Wise.
    Qur’an 31.27

All the Scriptures mean as much—no more, no less—
to the discerning spiritual man
As a water tank
in a universal flood.
    Bhagavad-Gita 2.45-46 (Hinduism)

The water from the ocean contained in a pot can neither be called an ocean nor non-ocean, but it can be called only part of the ocean. Similarly, a doctrine, though arising from the Absolute Truth, is neither the Truth nor not the Truth.
    Vidyanandi, Tattvarthaslokavartika 116 (Jainism)

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