Build the Ranks of Heaven

I was glad to attend the memorial service for Edward Abendroth yesterday, August 18th.  Edward died suddenly on August 10th when a car ran into him while bicycling.  Let us remember Edward and his family in our prayers, including his wife Aika Becker Abendroth.

Watch my latest Video Blogs:
President Trump is Right on Charlottsville, VA protests:

George Soros’ Fake Race War:

CSG 1366

Currently the United Nations has
183 member states. Didn’t I bless 1800
couples? Similarly, in this period of
transition, 180 nations must be turned
around. The numbers 180 and 1800 sig-
nify the completion of the satanic num-
ber. These numbers come from six mul-
tiplied by three and four multiplied
by four. They are the numbers Satan
usurped from God, which is why we as
tribal messiahs were to originally restore
180 families; however, that number can
be reduced to 160 – they are providen-
tially equivalent. In fact, four times four
is the ideal number.
In the Seoul Olympics, 160 nations
participated. The number sixteen is also
involved in North and South Korea join-
ing the United Nations: North Korea, a
suzerain state of Satan, joined the Unit-
ed Nations as the 160th member state,
and South Korea joined as the 161st, sig-
nifying a new beginning. In terms of
indemnification, South Korea is stand-
ing in the lead. (272-284, 1995.10.8)

CSG 1398

Originally, through our achiev-
ing the Blessing of 36 Million Couples,
everything would be made flat. In order
for any water to flow into the sea, it must
reach that level first. What type of water
flowing into the sea flows in the slow-
est? The waters of the great rivers are
the slowest in flowing into the sea. Does
it look like that? It flows in as slowly as
possible because river water wants to be
absorbed completely by seawater, which
is the main body. Everything in nature
moves and continues to exist accord-
ing to the laws of heaven and earth.
Then why would we begin to make fast-
er progress after the completion of the
Blessing of 36 Million Couples? That is
because we have already reached the bot-
tom of the mountain and the terrain has
become flat. Since we have surmount-
ed the peaks of formation and growth,
in terms of the realm of Satan we have
reached the point of surpassing the top
of the growth stage. Isn’t our next goal
360 million couples? That would be the
realm of completion. (288-148, 1997.11.27)

Continue reading “Build the Ranks of Heaven”

God is Building His People: Join the Ranks

Watch my latest Video Blogs:
President Trump is Right on Charlottsville, VA protests:

George Soros’ Fake Race War:

CSG 2147

The Fall, having constituted a wrong-
ful marriage in the Garden of Eden, is
now being reversed by the True Parents
through rightful marriages. Clearing up
the mess created by the false parents,
the True Parents are abolishing hell
and blessing billions of ancestors in the
spirit world, and restoring the true par-
ent-child relationship centering on true
love and bequeathing the original true
love, true life, and true lineage. In this
way, the ownership of the model of true
love of the eight stages, which is God’s
ideal of creation, is perfected; that is, we
establish the eternal, unchanging, true
love tradition by going through true ges-
tation, infancy, fraternity, adolescence
(engagement), conjugality, parenthood,
grandparenthood, and finally kingship.
Upon this foundation, we can perfect
the model of true love, the parent-child

Psalms 5

12 Our Lord, you bless those
    who live right,
    and you shield them
    with your kindness.

Continue reading “God is Building His People: Join the Ranks”

Join the Ranks to become part of God’s Tribes

Jeremiah 35

3So I went to get Jaazaniah son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, and his brothers and all his sons—the whole family of the Rekabites. 4I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the room of the sons of Hanan son of Igdaliah the man of God. It was next to the room of the officials, which was over that of Maaseiah son of Shallum the doorkeeper.

Richard:  Each of us has a unique mission to accomplish for God and Christ.  Pray, study God’s Word and seek the Kingdom and His righteousness that you may accomplish your purpose.

Jeremiah 23

11“Both prophet and priest are godless;

even in my temple I find their wickedness,”

declares the Lord.

12“Therefore their path will become slippery;

they will be banished to darkness

and there they will fall.

I will bring disaster on them

in the year they are punished,”

Continue reading “Join the Ranks to become part of God’s Tribes”

The Second Israel has to Persevere Until the Time Christ Returns

Leviticus 2:11

11 Yeast and honey must never be burned on the altar, so don’t ever mix either of these in a grain sacrifice. 12 You may offer either of them separately,[b] when you present the first part of your harvest to me, but they must never be burned on the altar.

13 Salt is offered when you make an agreement with me, so sprinkle salt on these sacrifices.

Nehemiah 7

63 Also, of the priests: the descendants of Hobaiah, of Hakkoz, of Barzillai (who had married one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite and was called by their name). 64 These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but it was not found there, so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean; 65 the governor told them that they were not to partake of the most holy food, until a priest with Urim and Thummim should come.

Richard:  Lineage is very important.  Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Lord of the Second Coming, brings us God’s lineage.  As Jesus says in John 8:44, we are all of our father the devil. Continue reading “The Second Israel has to Persevere Until the Time Christ Returns”

The Incredible Determination of Jesus

CSG 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

CSG 1282

After the growth stage in the three-
day ceremony, the man is restored to
the upper position. That is why in mak-
ing love on the third occasion, the man
should be in the upper position. After
completing this, the husband and wife
should offer the prayer that they have
become an eternal husband and wife,
and an eternal family that belongs to
God and that is the heir of heaven. Only
then can they truly start their lives as
husband and wife. Only when that is
accomplished, can they boldly walk into
the Kingdom of God as a family com-
pletely restored through indemnity. It
is that difficult to achieve. Therefore, if
you do not know about this, it is impos-
sible for you to be restored. You cannot
be restored if you don’t know this. In the
world today, many churches claim that
they will go to the Kingdom of Heaven if
they believe in Jesus, but this is total non-
sense. They are not going to the King-
dom of Heaven but to paradise. Paradise
is the waiting room. (90-134, 1976.10.21)

Continue reading “The Incredible Determination of Jesus”