What is the Fruit of Good and Evil?

  • A Tribal Messiah Association has been formed:

Click here to view the new website and blog.

  • Early Bird Registration is now open for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar:

For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
July 5th to July 7th, 2019
Peace Kingdom Center
Harpers Ferry, WV

Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1770

If God the Creator wished that His
object partners be millions of times
more outstanding than Himself, why
did He create human beings so that they
could fall? This is the question. God
did not create them to fall. He warned
them not to fall, “Do not eat of the fruit
of good and evil!” What is this fruit? It
refers to the female organ. Women are
weak. When our first ancestors lived in
the Garden of Eden, they were naked.
(262-74, 1994.7.23)

Richard: Here Rev. Moon reveals the nature of the Fall of Man. Learn much more about this by attending the Urban Family Life Training seminar to be held in Harpers Ferry WV from July 5th to July 7th, 2019: Click here to find out more.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

The question that always comes up
in a family is whether the parents and
children can completely unite. Within
his family, Adam should have become
one with Cain and Abel. In order to
become a family that can stand in God’s
presence in complete unity, the parents
and the two sons must set the condition
that they become one. Otherwise, they
cannot enter God’s presence at all. This
is where the 72 Couples, as double the
number of the 36 Couples, come in. They
were established to organize the tribes
that Jesus would have restored through
the families of his twelve apostles and 72
disciples. In other words, the 36 Couples
and the 72 Couples correspond respec-
tively to the twelve tribes of Israel and
Jesus’ 72 disciples, and so they are in the
position of restored representatives who
can lead Israel. They also represent the
restored basic numbers that God had
sought to reclaim through Israel. (54-293,

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

Jesus blessed his enemies. He blessed those who hammered the nails into his hands and feet and who put the crown of thorns on his head. He blessed the reckless enemy who pierced his side with the spear. Why did he do that? He could bless them for he understood well that they are human beings who were created as a result of the greatest investment of God, through His earnest heart and a process of enormous toil. Can you understand?

Jesus came with God’s inner situation. He was opposed by his enemies. However, he had to bless them, for they were human beings whom God had created with His whole heart and energy, His original heart.

Jesus had a perfect relationship with God in prayer, meditation and imagination during his thirty-odd years of life on this earth. Therefore, he was the original true person. He was the person for whom all things and God longed.

A human being desires to finish his leftover work the next day, if the work was not completed the day before. It is the same for God. If a person entered into the world of God’s heart and experienced how much joy God felt after creating human beings, dancing for tens of years would not suffice to express the experience.

God would not need human beings who were created with the value some religious people describe. The value of the human being is enormous, for he was created through absolute principles that have unlimited flexibility and cannot be measured by any law. When God looks at such a person, He feels His whole inner nature and the emotion of the whole cosmos from him. God is infinitely joyful upon seeing him.

Continue reading “What is the Fruit of Good and Evil?”

We Should Long for Eden

Early Bird Registration is now open for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar:
Click to Register Here

For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
July 5th to July 7th, 2019
Harpers Ferry, WV

You will:

Learn how to set up a ministry to guide youth and young adults toward godly marriage.
Discuss the most important points in preparing for a godly marriage.
Review the benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage.
Meet young adults with a similar mindset as yours.
Understand God’s ideal for marriage
Understand what the nature of the Fall of Man is.
Understand the importance of lineage.
Enjoy mountain top scenery, fresh air and recreation.
Register Now to enjoy early bird savings until May 31. 2019.

Exodus 38

Bezalel made a large bowl and a stand out of bronze from the mirrors of the women who helped at the entrance to the sacred tent.

I Kings 19

20 Elisha stopped plowing and ran after him. “Let me kiss my parents good-by, then I’ll go with you,” he said.

“You can go,” Elijah said. “But remember what I’ve done for you.”

21 Elisha left and took his oxen with him. He killed them and boiled them over a fire he had made with the wood from his plow. He gave the meat to the people who were with him, and they ate it. Then he left with Elijah and became his assistant.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We members of the Unification Church should have a kind of flower which we like the most among all the flowers, just as God loves certain things more than others among all of His creations. If we do not have such a feeling, then we should be disqualified from the world of the heart. You should be able to say which flower out of all the flowers, which tree out of all the trees, which grass out of all the grasses you like the most. Only then will you have a longing mind toward nature.

As one’s life vibrates, the one who has a relationship of heart which can embrace life and attract nature would be a person of dedicated will and seriousness. The nature we are looking at, this land we are stepping on, what kind of nature and what kind of land are they? Unfortunately, it became fallen land, sorrowful land. You should feel this. When you look at all things, you should feel the sorrowful situation of all things, as well as joy and goodness, for they remain in the realm of lamentation. Fallen humankind should feel unlimited sorrowful emotion and be able to connect with God as they look at beautiful places and enjoy them.

We should be a people who can feel sad, who can cry, and who can sigh, instead of feeling joy as we hold a blade of grass, look at a tree or mountain, and all other things. We should know that this mind emerges out of a longing for Eden. God is filled with such a heart. Humankind has not escaped from that relationship of heart until now. The person with such a heart would long for Eden as he looked at nature. When longing for Eden, we should long not only for nature within it, but also for the original person who can own all things there.

Please Love All Things in My Place

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1540

Why have religious people fought
a losing battle until now? It is because
they have not had families, societies or
nations to back them up in their faith.
They were people without a nation. If they
had had a nation to support them, they
would have been able to survive within
its domain even if their own tribes had
opposed them. Yet, because this was not
the case, religious believers were persecuted wherever they went, and were
forced to walk the path of the sacrificial
offering, shedding blood time after time.
This was all due to the fact that they did
not have their own nation. If they had
had a sovereign and a nation, any time
they exclaimed, “You ignorant people,
this is the right thing!” they would have
been answered with a “Yes” from oth-
Chapter 3 • A Perspective on the Nation and the World 1541
ers; instead, they suffered because of not
having a nation. (56-159, 1972.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1146

If human beings fell by eating the
fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil as Christianity teaches,
then restoration could be completed in
one day. In this case God could just create something tastier and better than
this fruit and feed it to human beings
and this would become the condition of
indemnification, would it not? Theoretically speaking, that would be correct.
(38-164, 1971.1.3)

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

In the original garden of Eden, God could not have an hour of singing about nature and of expressing feelings toward nature with Adam and Eve. God must have desired to say, “Oh, my son, look at that mountain. I created it in this and this way. Look at that forest. I created it in such and such a way. All these I created for your happiness.” Why could God not do that? It was because Adam was still immature. However, you should know that God had an earnest internal heart which He wanted to express to Adam. We should understand that God could not express such things to Adam because Adam was still emotionally and heartistically immature.

If Adam had been mature enough for God to express His heart, then God could have said, “Oh, Adam! Look at the flower in the garden. Look at the mountains and streams.” If our ancestors had lived that way, humanity would not struggle today in the misery of the realm of death.

Therefore, you should long for the original Eden. You should long for the world where God’s infinite love exists, where the emotion of eternal love can be harmonized, where all will be intoxicated in singing for eternity. In that Eden, all will take responsibility and pour out their effort, thinking that once they take responsibility, it will be of eternal value. God’s sorrow is not being able to find such a person. God, who works through the dispensation on earth, must find such a person.

Among the songs we sing, there are songs which have the content of the mountains, a stream and nature within. They exist to assist in raising our emotions. Everything is like that. How wonderful it would have been had the heart of Adam and Eve gone in the direction God’s heart wanted to go!

Now you should have such a heart. The person who has such an abundant mind and has experienced such a heart would be able to participate in the new age as a citizen of the new ideal Kingdom of Heaven.

Continue reading “Please Love All Things in My Place”

Our Past and Present Life Has Been Overly Insensitive and Unsentimental

Judges 6

14 Then the Lord himself said, “Gideon, you will be strong, because I am giving you the power to rescue Israel from the Midianites.”

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

A world-famous scholar would have the sensitivity deep in his heart to harmonize with the heart of nature. Having the sensitivity which can be connected to nature, he would unexpectedly receive hints, inspirations or dreams. These phenomena would occur only when he was intoxicated in his research area.

History testifies that people of much love and emotion did great things. If there is a religious person who can call out “God!” when he looks at a patch of grass, harmonized with such an emotion, he would indeed be a great religious person.

In Buddhism today, many people pray for blessing in front of a statue of Buddha. The external difference between the subject and the object in this instance would be enormous. However, in the world of heart, there would be no difference. If they believe and connect to it as God by the feelings inspired there, then God does not abandon such minds. He fulfills their wishes. The phrase “a wish come true” originates from this.

When we consider these things, our past and present life have been overly insensitive and unsentimental. We have had a desolate cosmic view. You should feel sorrow about this. If you become a person who does feel sorrow about this situation, then you will be called “a new person” in the new world and will be able to take responsibility for the new age. I have confidence this is true.

Continue reading “Our Past and Present Life Has Been Overly Insensitive and Unsentimental”

We Should Rejoice Over a Blade of Grass

Mark 3
Jesus led his disciples down to the shore of the lake. Large crowds followed him from Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. People came from Idumea, as well as other places east of the Jordan River. They also came from the region around the cities of Tyre and Sidon. All of these crowds came because they had heard what Jesus was doing. He even had to tell his disciples to get a boat ready to keep him from being crushed by the crowds.

1 Chronicles 17

23 Lord God, please do what you promised me and my descendants. 24 Then you will be famous forever, and everyone will say, “The LordAll-Powerful rules Israel and is their God.”

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We should think that God’s hands touch everywhere, even an insignificant patch of grass growing in the field. When we look at a growing tree, we should remind ourselves that God’s infinite, internal heart passed through that place. Not only plants, any animal, insect or bird in nature is the same. We should feel once again that nothing was created thoughtlessly; it was created thoroughly through God’s internal heart and by His substantial hands.

When we realize that God loves everything He created, we should ponder: which does He love the most? Out of the grasses in the world, which does He love the most? If you think about these things seriously and earnestly, you will be able to connect with the love of God prior to the creation of human beings.

We should rejoice over a blade of grass, holding it with a joyful heart and experiencing that it has indeed passed through the hands of God. Such a person would enter into the position of God’s friend in the world of the heart, even though he may be a fallen person. Wouldn’t it be so?

Which grass would God love the most? Out of all the flowers, which flower would God love the most? Out of all the trees, which tree would He love the most? Even though all the birds, insects and animals were created through God’s heart, which one would God love the most? You should think about this.

Continue reading “We Should Rejoice Over a Blade of Grass”