Become God’s Grandchildren

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1731

Adam and Eve came into being from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics, which are invisible, together make up the one being. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the objective position to His dual characteristics. Thus, when they grew up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high could come down to where they were. He would stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, were to be united through true love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1360

I held a joint wedding for Unification Church members. At the time of the ceremony, people from all over the world flocked to Korea. There is no one who could accomplish such a task in the whole world apart from Rev. Moon. If awards were given to those who performed the greatest number of weddings, I would definitely receive first prize for bringing together 777 Couples from ten nations across the world. When you consider these facts, you cannot help but be astounded. (41-43, 1971.2.12)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family (continued)

You should understand that the position of the second creators was promised, but God was not able to see the third creators, His grandchildren. Therefore, you should also understand that it is you who should become God’s grandchildren. Grandchildren should recapture all of the past history of the first invisible God and the second visible God, and make them feel the love of two worlds through which they can rejoice. It is the grandchildren who stand in that position. It is not God, nor is it Adam or Eve.
    That is why even God reveres his own sons and daughters, why he even reveres his grandchildren. Adam too, then, should also revere his children. He must make sure not to neglect his children or fail in raising them in the right way. For this reason, if one of the children in the Blessed Families happens to fall, the result is the corruption of the entire family, the family fall. You should understand that it carries this kind of devastating result.
   You should perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Your grandfather represents God. Because your father stands at the center of the second generation, he stands in the position of the king of your family in this world. You should, therefore, attend your parents as if they were a king and a queen. Likewise, you should attend your grandparents as if they were God. So by receiving these two loves, by receiving the two loves of your father and mother who represent God, you, in the place of the grandchild, start to expand the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven. The love spills over and forms Heaven in this way. (264-195, 1994.10.9) p. 2446

The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart can only be obtained through oneness between husband and wife based on love in marriage. If this oneness is broken, the result is the imperfection of the children’s realm of heart, the siblings’ realm of heart, the husband and wife’s realm of heart and the parents’ realm of heart; all of these will be left incomplete. Before going to the spirit world, we have to perfect these Four Great Realms of Heart, but because of the Fall, these realms of heart have never been completed. That is the reason why we need restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11) p. 2447

Core Concept 46:  The Three Great Kingships are the kingships of grandparents, parents and children.  Love has to unfold through these three stages.


3.2. The Three Great Kingships
3.2.1. The Three Great Kingships are the basic framework of the ideal of creation

What is the position and significance of grandfathers and grandmothers? They are the ambassadors dispatched by the heavenly kingdom with full and complete authority. That is why you should attend your grandfather and grandmother in the same way as you attend God. Your mother and father are the king and the queen of the present human family of five billion people. You yourselves are princes and princesses who will inherit the kingship of the future. This is the tradition of which you are a part.
    So then for what purpose do human beings live? The purpose of human life is to inherit each and every kinship realm of the heavenly kingdom: the kingship of the past, the kingship of the present and the kingship of the future. Isn’t that true? Doesn’t everyone want to be a king or a queen? Based on this kind of thinking as the mainstream thought of life, we become a people who form reciprocal bonds of heart as brothers and sisters, and create that brotherly realm of the heart. Centering on the lineage passed down through the eldest son’s line, this foundation of heart will be passed on into the eternal future for a thousand, for ten thousand generations, as the lineage of the royal family. (228-282, 1992.7.5) pp. 2449-2550

3.2.2. Restoration of the right of the first son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship

What are these Three Great Kingships? The grandparents are the king and queen of the Kingdom of Heaven, the parents are the king and queen here on earth, and you yourselves are the kings and queens of the future. For this reason, you should humbly follow the teachings and instructions of your grandparents, who represent the spirit world, and also the teachings and instructions of your parents. Because it is even more important for you to walk the path of patriots even more than it is for you to walk the way of filial children, you must obey humbly and absolutely. The grandchildren, the children of Adam and Eve, were to receive love both from their parents and also from God, the grandparent. Adam and Eve only experienced the parental love of God; they were unable to receive the love of a grandparent. On the other hand, Adam’s children were meant to receive the love of grandparents, and this is how the three generations were intended to be formed. Only once the grandparents’ love is received does horizontal expansion begin. The love needs to unfold through three stages. This, then, is a model. It is the four-position-foundation. These three generations must be connected, and for this reason, when grandchildren receive their grandparents’ love, they are connected to the kingdom of spirit while they are still alive on the earth. They become the successors of the royalty of the kingdom of spirit, the heavenly kingdom, likewise, the successors of the royalty of the earth. (283-79, 1997.4.8) pp. 2455-2456

The political system of the democratic world is a system of conflict and struggle. This is the reason why we have to rise to up to the position of parents. It’s the only way we can stop the fighting. With the parents at the center, all the brothers become united. That’s the only way. First, we need to find the True Parents, and then it becomes possible to find true children, true nations and true peace. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1) p. 2457

Love One Another As Much as You Love God and True Parents

Happy True Children’s Day!
See the special reading below.

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#144-Are We a Police State?

Today is the last day to register!

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation: the Untold Realities
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required

Registration Deadline: November 13th

Register Now

Register Now

Historical Children’s Day

Sun Myung Moon
October 28, 1980
New York, NY

Today is the historical Children’s Day. God cannot erect His kingdom alone; He needs a champion, an assistant to act as mediator. You are His children, called to this task. God regards you as the champions whom He has hand-picked to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. What an overwhelming task for Him!

The Unification Church is one family. If the head of a family thinks only about himself, the family becomes unhappy. The success and happiness of a family flow from the head of the family who cares for all the members. My deepest concern and care dwells with each one of you, and you in turn should love and care for each other as brothers and sisters, advancing hand in hand to meet True Parents.

Continue reading “Love One Another As Much as You Love God and True Parents”

Be Educated in Your Family Among Generations through Hoon Dok Hae

The Richard Urban Show #140:
President Trump Is Now Resurrecting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1480

To be a child of filial piety, you should know what kind of people your parents are. Do you really know what kind of people they are? Have you ever considered whether your knowledge of your parents comes just from the teachings you have received, or do you truly know them? You have come to the Unification Church and are walking the path of sons and daughters of filial piety. But you used to be little babies with dirty diapers. You used to be little babies biting and sucking your mother’s milk. You grew up that way, receiving your parents’ love. If there is a philosophy which is the best one in this world, it must be the parent-centered philosophy. Parent-centered philosophy is the best. You are not little children anymore. You all must learn. This is what parents want.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1480

What are a righteous conscience, righteous actions, and mind-body unity based on? Words alone are not enough. Actions alone are not enough. Where is the place where complete mind-body unity occurs? The answer lies first in achieving perpendicularity. To achieve that, establish a standard that can stand upright as the center of the worldwide horizontal plane. Become exemplary people who can be connected to the world wherever you go, be it the East or the West. You should set the standard that can be proclaimed as correct at any time in history, whether past, present or future. (205-49, 1990.7.7)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

As a living encyclopedia, I use words that are not in an encyclopedia. Two-thirds of the words I use are not in the encyclopedia. Therefore, I have already made a unified encyclopedia. It just needs to be recorded. It is already made. Therefore, the creation in the cultural world cannot become one without the emergence of a unified encyclopedia. If there are two, then there are two encyclopedias; if there are three, there are three encyclopedias; and if there are four, there are four encyclopedias. And so there are four, including the communist encyclopedia, the Soviet Union encyclopedia, the USA encyclopedia and the Indian encyclopedia.

In making an encyclopedia, in Korea the English language that connects it to the US has already come in, as have the Russian language and the Chinese language. That is also true for North Korea. North Korea is staying between the two, the Soviet Union and China, and sucking their blood. Kim Il Sung inherited everything of communism, both physically and spiritually, and prepared the foundation on which to approach the democratic world.

They have reached the third generation, right? First Kim Il Sung, next Kim Jung Il, and who’s next? [It is Kim Jung Woon.] At the time I performed the coronation ceremony in Korea, Kim Jung Il announced that he will pass on his position to his heir. It is Kim Jung Woon, and the Chinese character for Woon stands for cloud.

I have cleared up everything so that they cannot dispute me in any way. I make them say, “We have lost. We have lost in the Old Testament Age of the formation stage and the religious realm in the growth stage.” Though the communists deny the existence of the spiritual world, the communist ancestors in the spiritual world have come and testified to the fact that the spiritual world is united. How, then, could the communists hold on to the religious realm of the democratic world and act as their king?

Raise your hands if you are blessed children. Stand up. Everyone knows this. They have taken part with their fathers and their mothers. You are the ones who represent the connection of the blood and flesh of your fathers and mothers in the boiling concave vessel of the same love. It is not your mothers or your fathers.

You need to know it is a tradition inheriting the bloodline of God. The people who are kings, and next the democracy of the US and other isms and so forth have all been broken down. Centering on the second generation, the parents, grandfathers and the kingships are being educated with this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) in the Hoon Dok Hae sessions of the blessed families.

Once you inherit the tradition of the standard of the Hoon Dok families, the entire universe will come within the realm of the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom all at once. I have made such a textbook. Whose textbook is this? Among you, and your mothers and fathers, there are those who drink, smoke, have affairs and do all kinds of things, aren’t there? There are also those who sell their sexuality. How can such people be saved?

You have been educated with this book, and have become one with your mothers and fathers and begun at the same place with them because you have inherited the bloodline of God at the same place. For this reason you can rise to the position of your parents. You can stand in that position in the stead of your parents. Until now, you have been the slave of your mothers and fathers, but with this book, you will become the owner. If your mothers and fathers can’t do it, there still remains the second generation, and each and every family of the second generation in the world can be taken into our embrace and educated.
Richard: True Father commissioned the New World Encyclopedia. I also recommend encyclosearch.

Father Carried Jeong Hwa Park on His Back

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2452

    Because of the Fall of Adam and Eve, God was unable to stand in the position of three generations. Only two generations were established when the Fall occurred. What, then, is the most miserable thing about American families these days? The worst thing is that grandparents virtually cannot meet their own grandchildren. All grandparents start out as babies and finally reach the stage of grandparenthood, so they naturally should return to a babylike state. Who are their “baby friends”? This is their grandchildren.
    Once we grow old, we start to become senile, don’t we? Once we get senile, we become like babies. Once we become senile, we even lose the ability to speak. Isn’t that true? That is why grandparents and grandchildren should come together. Once I have become a grandfather, I find my grandchildren even more lovable than my own children. And the people I long for the most are not my children, but my grandchildren. That’s how it is. From this point of view, old people in America are really to be pitied. (266-147, 1994.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2168

Do you think that Satan, who has given God such a hard time for six thousand years, is just going to quietly say, “Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just give up,” then lower his eyes and crawl away? Don’t you yourselves value even a wash cloth too much to just throw it away? Before you throw it out, you will probably turn it over, inspect it, and even smell it. What I am saying is that Satan will not just give up and go away like that. That is why he keeps on putting up such a stubborn fight. So, we have to fit with and match up with the center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will be broken the day he deviates from the center. If the direction is not right, then you cannot make any progress.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

God’s Providence of Restoration

    True Father walked to Pyeongyang in North Korea after leaving prison.  He did not stop at his hometown.  He searched for his disciples and was able to find one, Jeong Hwa Park.  He carried him on a bicycle, and later on his back, across the 38th parallel to South Korea. 
    Father traveled to Pusan and wrote the first Principle book at a mud-walled hut that he constructed.  It was completed on May 11, 1952.  The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was founded on May 1, 1954 in Seoul, Korea.
    Father chose Hak Ja Han and wedded her in holy marriage on April 11, 1960 (March 16 by the lunar calendar).  Mother has the mission to become one with True Father, love the True Children, love Cain, love the families if the great saints (love the wives who are part of the families of the six great saints) and to release the historical anguish of all women that resulted from Eve’s mistake.  She had to be recreated as the True Mother inside of the The True Father.

See slides 54 to 56 below:


I Am the Last Runner in the Heavenly Stadium

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New Richard Urban Show:  #133-Dr. John Money’s Transgender Fraud

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1113

Why was a portion of responsibility given to human beings? God granted us the authority to take part in the work of creation and thereby bestowed upon us the value of becoming His object partners. This is an amazing fact. (109-65, 1980.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1306

Then, who are the 72 Couples and 120 couples? The 36 Couples are representative couples of history, so they represent all that has happened in the past. Based on these couples, the 72 and 120 couples were set up as the representatives of the present. If the 36 Couples are the couples who can fulfill the conditions of family-level indemnity inherited from the past, the 72 Couples and 120 couples can fulfill this condition in the present. The 72 Couples represent the tribe and people, and the 120 Couples represent the world. That is how it is. (28-60, 1970.1.3)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration


Since Adam fell, God has been working His providence of restoration to restore fallen human beings.  The essence of this work is to have human beings (i.e. “me”) make conditions to restore themselves back to the level where they can receive the Messiah.  This is the very reason Jesus came on this earth, and why True Father, Rev. Moon came on this earth.
This process can be seen through the lens of human responsibility, resurrection, the word and other aspects of God’s providential work (see slide 16 below). 
The Messiah comes and teaches and shows us this path of restoration. 
It is up to me to as the Fruit of History, Last Runner in the Heavenly Stadium, and Creator of a New History to go this path to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.  See slides 17 and 18 below.