We Will be Inexorably guided toward God and the True Parent

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1979

On behalf of the virtuous people of
the past, you are assisting the reunifica-
tion of North and South Korea to orga-
nize the tribe, people and nation, center-
ing on the ideal family foundation that
you have longed for. Thus, you should be
aware of the amazing fact that on the day
the flower of liberation blooms, a proud
time in history will come upon the Kore-
an peninsula! It will be a time when the
flag of unification can be raised higher
than the summit of the Himalayas in all
nations. If you are not aware of this, the
achievements I accumulated will come
to curse and judge you. What will pass
judgment on you? The bitter resentment
contained in the tears of blood that
emerged beyond the valley of death is
intertwined like a crystal with history’s
achievements here. This is what will pass
judgment on you. (173-115, 1988.2.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

The question that always comes up
in a family is whether the parents and
children can completely unite. Within
his family, Adam should have become
one with Cain and Abel. In order to
become a family that can stand in God’s
presence in complete unity, the parents
and the two sons must set the condition
that they become one. Otherwise, they
cannot enter God’s presence at all. This
is where the 72 Couples, as double the
number of the 36 Couples, come in. They
were established to organize the tribes
that Jesus would have restored through
the families of his twelve apostles and 72
disciples. In other words, the 36 Couples
and the 72 Couples correspond respec-
tively to the twelve tribes of Israel and
Jesus’ 72 disciples, and so they are in the
position of restored representatives who
can lead Israel. They also represent the
restored basic numbers that God had
sought to reclaim through Israel. (54-293,

I Am Relating With Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Although the world of our minds can rejoice, be in harmony and move together, they cannot be intoxicated. Original love is not human love; it is the love of the eternal and unchanging God. The moment we are embraced by God’s love and serve God as our Lord, we become one with Him. When we enter the state of joy where we can interact with Him, we can conquer the world. The moment of rejoicing with God is the moment when we can be more happy than if we possessed everything else in the universe. If a person has experienced this, the stimulation he feels through his body is insignificant.

What work has God been carrying on centering on our bodies? He has been working to develop the universe. You forget that He has been guiding us to do the work of pioneering the universe. For what purpose does God command our minds? It is for us become universal beings. God commands us to grow to become someone who can embrace the universe and grow on the foundation of everything of the universe. God guides us so that we can become such a person.

For this reason He commands us to love both good and evil people, love all things and all of Heaven and earth. Isn’t this so? How satisfying is this? We human beings lost the core of these original concepts. Our minds should be joyful. At the same time that our minds rejoice, the cells in our bodies should also be happy. At the same time that our minds are intoxicated, the cells in our bodies should also be intoxicated. Then we should be able to convey this feeling of intoxication to the environment around us. You have to understand clearly that God has been seeking someone who can make this happen.

If there is a mind, what kind of person does it envision? What kind of person do the world, the nations, and the universe desire? The type of person that I just talked about is the person. Even if one were to be conquered by such a person, one would be happy. Isn’t this what you should do? You would feel happy even after sacrificing yourself infinitely. The Kingdom of Heaven will dawn upon us when there are many such people. God’s sons and daughters are such people. They want to keep giving, even after having given so much. They want to keep sacrificing even after having sacrificed so much.

Isn’t that what parental love is like? God’s love is ten times, a hundred times greater than parental love. The world that your minds long for has not come. There must come a day when the world of the heart and the minds of people join together. The day that absolute standard of judgment is established on the earth is the end. Based on that heart, the judgment will take place.

Christianity is the religion of the heart which has gone beyond the religion of mind. God is not the Lord of the mind; He is the Lord of the heart. No matter what kind of evil people may be around you, you cannot prevent the love of God that comes forth through the heart. When that love comes in waves, everyone is happy. Even Satan and demons like that love. You have to understand this. Although they love God’s love, they are in a state of darkness where they cannot receive it. The human fate is to pioneer this with their minds. Yet how will they do this?

Your path has been determined. You will find that there are relationships which come through your minds. There will also be relationships which come through material things. You will find relationships built upon people or words of truth. Then you will find relationships which come through the heart. The mind desperately yearns to escape from this world in search of that. You must never forget that God, who has been building relationships in history, will seek those who long for and look for those relationships of heart to appear at a certain place and time.

Those who live a life of devotion are moving toward the heavenly heart. They should not take anything lightly. They cannot ignore the sight of an enemy trying to strike them with a sword. They have to think that there is some relationship behind it. In this distorted world, God does not appear in an attractive manner. God comes in an unattractive way in this distorted world. Only when you can have an open heart even to such an instance and search for the value of the relationship can you make the first step toward the cultivation of the heart.

Then you can discern through your mind whether what you hear, see and feel in your interactions with people are good or evil. When you hear some words, when you come into a relationship, your mind will be drawn to them. If there is some truth, some church and some religion, you will be drawn to them without your conscious awareness. Isn’t this so? The mind follows principles similar to those of the natural world.

Just as the magnetic needle of a compass points north and south, our minds behave similarly. When the plus mind appears, the minus mind will always be drawn to it.

If you have never felt your body being drawn to the religion that you believe in, your faith is not true. If you have never felt your body, mind and heart being drawn into the faith, you cannot claim that you really believe. Such people will one day stop believing in that faith.

What is humanity seeking today? They are searching for an ideology. What explains an ideology? The truth explains it. What is the truth? It is the word. It is the truth in which our minds can be eternally happy, the truth in which our minds can be eternally intoxicated. It will give us something new and fresh even after hearing it hundreds or thousands of times. The greatest truth of all is like rice. No matter how often we eat it, today, tomorrow and for seventy or eighty years, we find it delicious. The same is true for the truth. You should be grateful. Through the words you know that there are two worlds for human beings. Jesus said that people should not live by bread alone but by the words which come from the mouth of God. Our bodies and hearts should be intoxicated in the truth. If you have such a truth, isn’t that all you need?

Therefore, you are not to sit idle at this time. The time has come when directions will reverse. We are to proceed in one direction toward the one subject partner. Because we will find obstacles when we look to the side and take the divergent path, we should cut off from all of them. Everyone considers that heretical.

God is Our Eternal Lord, the Head of Our Families

1 Corinthians 14

Love should be your guide. Be eager to have the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of prophecy. If you speak languages that others don’t know, God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands. But when you prophesy, you will be understood, and others will be helped. They will be encouraged and made to feel better.

Job 9

Job said:

What you say is true.
No human is innocent
    in the sight of God.
Not once in a thousand times
could we win our case
    if we took him to court.
God is wise and powerful—
who could possibly
    oppose him and win?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

See if you can be happy being attached to the things of this world. That will come to an end one day. No matter how good one’s mind and heart may be, the things of this world will surely come to an end. As long as there is no clear center in your mind, you will find both sorrow and joy. As long as you do not have a clear center for your body, you will feel both joy and sorrow. They are in this reciprocal relationship. Although we have lived through times when our minds were sad, we have not lived through times when our minds were happy. Fallen people, who have not been able to enjoy such experiences in life, are miserable people who should be cursed and judged.

The time has come when we should seek such a path. Since the purpose of Heaven is not to judge and eradicate people in the Last Days, we are to possess the master of our homeland, the families of our homeland, the society of our homeland, the world of our homeland, and the universe of our homeland. When we do not possess them, God judges us.

As we look at the world, we find that although there are individuals, families, societies, nations and a world centered on the body, our minds do not feel satisfaction here. Shouldn’t there be families, nations and a world where our minds can rejoice eternally? If there aren’t, why would our minds feel that way?

Your minds do not pursue goodness because of their own creative powers. Force is not generated alone. It does not function without a partner. We find that this is true in chemical reactions and physical reactions.

Observing the undeniable reality that the conscience is clearly in operation, we can be sure that it is helping us alleviate an aspect of sorrow and bring an aspect of joy. The moment that we can rejoice is the moment of hope and joy for humanity. The problem hinges on this.

Today democracy and communism are competing to conquer the world, but this is wrong. Where should we find the solution? We should go back to the state before the Fall of Adam and Eve, when they could be happy centering on God and rejoice at hearing God’s voice. A garden of happiness will come to this earth if we can establish the standard that God is our eternal Lord, the head of our families, the Lord of our people, nations and world. He is also “my God” whom we wouldn’t exchange for any treasure of the world.

The World of the Heart is not Restrained in any Way

Watch the latest episode in an eight part series about forced vaccination: The Vaccine Industry is Fraught with Conflicts of Interest: https://youtu.be/vXFFafKdQIU.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2295

We need to return to God the right of
ownership, the realm of heart, and the
realm of substance. The family, nation
and world together need to be returned
to Him. We need to give them back to
Him as an offering through the True
Parents and clear all our debts.
On that basis, the horizontal founda-
tion of the right of ownership of parents,
children, and your family and all things
is connected through the True Parents.
Where that takes place becomes God’s
Book 15 • The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk 2296
Kingdom on earth. From the un-fallen
position, the right of ownership must be
connected to earth, but due to the Fall
this connection must be made through
the path of indemnity. Once established,
we will usher in the era of the sovereignty
of absolute love and the right of owner-
ship of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order
to welcome such a liberated realm, we
declare in Family Pledge number eight,
that we will perfect the realm of liber-
ation in God’s Kingdom on earth and
achieve that goal. (295-243, 1998.8.28)

Family Pledge: http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/family-pledge/ .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1174

If you look at a person whose life was
tough, his feet and hands are big, but if
you look at my hands and feet, you would
say that I was not meant for suffering.
You would say that a person who was
born with such a precious body should
not suffer. You would find it ironic that
a person, who shouldn’t have suffered,
has actually suffered so much. That is
because you don’t know about restora-
tion through indemnity. (140-186, 1986.2.9)

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

Although we have minds, we are unclear about their direction. We are surrounded by the confusing ideas of our environment and have been lost, not knowing where we should go. Our minds have been degraded to the point where they move based on whim. Therefore, we do not know what is true and right. Although the direction of our minds sets out from a single point, it divides in the end. This is how it is. Although the beginning is normal, it divides in the end. To divide is to be destroyed. We have been living our lives in this way.

Although democracy and communism are in conflict today, these ideologies cannot solve the problems of our world. Just as we cannot confirm the direction of our minds, the same is true for the physical world of today. This is the trend of thought. Isn’t this true?

When do you decide the direction of your mind? It is the moment you form a relationship with which your mind can rejoice eternally through the heavenly heart. Why did God give people minds? It is for God and people to become one in heart and rejoice. God created human beings for this purpose. On the foundation of our minds, which are unclear in their direction, we now need the joy which undeniably enters our minds. Only when undeniable joy is fulfilled in our minds will the world experience joy.

The body has an end. However, there is no limit or end to the mind. For this reason in the world of the mind there are no concepts. There is no such thing as a worldview. Greater than the mind is the world of the heart. The world of heart is not restrained in any way. The world of the mind does have some restraints. Based on the conditions of reciprocity, the mind is restrained. Yet nothing can restrain the world of the heart. What can ever restrain parents’ love toward their children? Even a barrier as daunting as a huge mountain cannot block the way. The world of the mind is like the object partner while the world of the heart is the subject partner. Because the mind has four directions, it can be restrained. However, this is not true for the world of the heart.

What might the hope of Heaven be? When Jesus comes in the Last Days, he will say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind, and the Kingdom of Heaven begins from your heart.” Is this statement adequate? The conclusion which must be arrived at is, “It is realized in your heart.”

Why do you experience misfortune? It is because you cannot harmonize with the center of the mind. No matter how great the external difficulties, if one can rejoice in harmony with the mind, one is a happy person. Why does one feel misfortune, then? It is because one does not have an unchanging center of heart which can move one’s mind. That is the reason.

Jesus Wanted to form the First Family of Heaven

Join us tomorrow, Saturday, November 2nd for part two of the Introduction to the Unification Principle online seminar at 10 a.m eastern time. Register here: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/unification-principle-training .
We will cover

  • The Last Days
  • The Mission of the Messiah
  • Predestination
  • Readings from The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which is the Model for God’s Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom, by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Watch the latest episode in an eight part series about forced vaccination: The Vaccine Industry is Fraught with Conflicts of Interest: https://youtu.be/vXFFafKdQIU.

1 Timothy 1

You must teach people to have genuine love, as well as a good conscience and true faith. There are some who have given up these for nothing but empty talk. They want to be teachers of the Law of Moses. But they don’t know what they are talking about, even though they think they do.

Jeremiah 25

The Lord has sent prophets to you time after time, but you refused to listen. They told you that the Lord had said:

Change your ways! If you stop doing evil, I will let you stay forever in this land that I gave your ancestors. I don’t want to harm you. So don’t make me angry by worshiping idols and other gods.

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

What kind of person was Jesus? He was someone who was to use the nation to found a world. Although he came with such a mission, when the nation and the people opposed him, he had to die. Therefore, the providence must begin from the individual and pass through the family, people, nation, and rise to the level of the world.

Israel became an enemy of Jesus. The Jewish people whom God chose through four thousand years of toil became the enemy. Although they had the responsibility to restore the world on the foundation of the nation and to restore the land of Canaan on the world level, when the foundation of the nation was shattered, the four-thousand-year history was completely destroyed. You have to understand that for two thousand years Jesus was laying that foundation.

However, no matter how many Christians there may be in the world today, there has not been even one family centered on Jesus. Has there been? Jesus himself could not fulfill the ideal of the bride and bridegroom and form a family. Do you know what the bride and bridegroom are? They are the second standard on the family level which enables one to stand before Heaven. They were the second family standard to restore the one that Adam and Eve could not establish because of their Fall. On that foundation Jesus should have become the head of the family of Heaven. Did he become the head of the family? The most important purpose on earth is to become the head of a family. Only after you become the head of a family can you have children. Only when you have children can you have a people. Only when you have a people can you have a nation. Isn’t this true?

The time has come for Christians of the entire world to repent. Christians of the world have not become citizens of any nation. They do not belong to any tribe or clan. For Jesus to become the head of a family, the twelve apostles should have united and laid the foundation upon which Jesus could form a family. Yet they failed to do so. For this reason, the providence of salvation on the world level could not be consummated.

Thus, Jesus and the Holy Spirit had to endure through hardships of blood and tears for two thousand years. What was the purpose of that? It was to found the first family foundation. They were to found a new Israel, a new family of Jacob, and raise them from the level of a family to the level of a people, from the level of a people to the level of a nation, and from the level of a nation to the level of the world. Then they were to bring the revolution of the Kingdom of Heaven based on this world as the foundation, to liberate hell in the spirit world. This is the ideal of the second providence. The Lord of the Second Advent does not come to be glorified. He comes with the mission to use the world as the foundation to destroy even hell in the spirit world and to build the Kingdom of Heaven on the cosmic level. Only when this is done can God rest in peace.

Richard: Jesus did not come to die. Rather, he desired to form a godly family. See The Messiah in the Unification Principle Two hour lecture: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aj5ekHDYOaCihch0RQ2UZE78bh9c3w?e=nqulZK.

Become Victorious While Enduring Historical Persecution

Cheon Seong Gyeong 707

Scholars or presidents are no excep-
tion. The way of indemnity is one that
must be sought, not taught. You must
seek it yourselves. Those who do not
do this will go to hell. You must under-
stand that the chains of hell are hooked
all over your eyes, your nose, and your
thoughts. This is not a threat; it is sim-
ply that indemnity is needed to reverse
the Fall.

Richard: The Unification Principle defines indemnity as:

What, then, is the meaning of restoration through indemnity? When someone has lost
his original position or state, he must make some condition to be restored to it. The
making of such conditions of restitution is called indemnity. For example, to recover
lost reputation, position or health, one must make the necessary effort or pay the due
price. Suppose two people who once loved each other come to be on bad terms; they
must make some condition of reconciliation before the love they previously enjoyed
can be revived. In like manner, it is necessary for human beings who have fallen from
God’s grace into corruption to fulfill some condition before they can be restored to
their true standing. We call this process of restoring the original position and state
through making conditions restoration through indemnity, and we call the condition
made a condition of indemnity. God’s work to restore people to their true, unfallen
state by having them fulfill indemnity conditions is called the providence of
restoration through indemnity.

Exposition of the Divine Principle p 150

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the
position of the elder brother. Abel repre-
sents God’s side. This is the battle. Orig-
inally, God would have loved the first-
born son, and then the younger son. Due
to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on
Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side.
In order to save him, God designated
Abel. God designates Abel to restore the
right of the firstborn son. This cannot
be achieved by force; you have to inspire
people by love. You have to achieve res-
toration by melting them with love. If
you cannot stand in the position of hav-
ing loved them, if you cannot win their
heart through offering your love, then
you will not be in a position to truly love
your own son or daughter. As viewed
from God’s ideal of creation, the first-
born son was originally to be loved first
rather than the second child. (140-38,

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

People today have never tasted true happiness, from the beginning of their being. They have never been able to sing for joy on earth. From ancient times until today, through the long six thousand years of history, there has never been a person of conscience who stood proudly before Heaven and earth.

The more conscientious a person is, the more he is persecuted, beaten, killed and trampled upon. People have longed for the one day that they can rejoice eternally centering on their consciences. Our conscientious ancestors built an altar of blood. They rose up again after being struck down. When individuals fell down, Heaven brought individuals together as a family. When families fell. Heaven brought them together and formed a people. When a people fell, Heaven brought the people together to build a world. This is the providential history of God.

When Adam fell, the providence progressed centering on Cain and Abel. When Cain and Abel failed, the providence moved on centering on Noah’s family, and then on through the three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Then it centered upon Jacob’s family. Based on the family as a unit, it moved forward toward a people on the world level, and the first step toward it was the Israelites’ slavery in Egypt. Moses, the leader of the Israelites, united the people and guided them out of the enemy’s land, Egypt, and left for Canaan in order to restore a nation.

Individuals had to fight to restore a family. When a family was restored, that family had to fight to restore a people. When a people was restored, they fought to restore a nation. When a nation was restored, that nation fought for the sake of restoring a world. In such a way the scope has been gradually widening.

It is not simple for an individual to establish a standard of victory. In order to become an historic person, you have to become victorious while enduring historical persecution and suffering. Look at Noah. For 120 years he suffered persecution more intense than anything we have experienced today. Noah of old endured for 120 years to restore himself as an individual.

The same was true for Jacob. For twenty-one years until he materialized the blessing, he fought through all difficulties. In his fight he did not have even one friend. He did not have brothers or parents. He built a family all by himself. On the foundation of that family, the first step he took was the course to enter Egypt. The four hundred years in Egypt was the period that the people came together in unity. Moses came as the leader of the people. He had to lay the foundation of a nation based on the foundation of a people.