Through Free Sex, Satan Wants to Stop Every Last Person from Returning to God

Stacey and I wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas!

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 7. The Realization of World Peace Through Absolute Purity and the True Family Movement

    Today, we face a serious youth problem. As Adam and Eve planted the seed of free sex through falling in fornication in the shade in the Garden of Eden during their youth, so in the Last Days, which is the time of harvest, there will necessarily appear the global phenomenon of rampant free sex among the youth. God knows what Satan wants in the Last Days. Through free sex, Satan wants to stop every last person from returning to God. In other words, he wants to destroy all humanity and create hell on earth. Isn’t the world in which we live today turning into hell on earth? Accordingly, we will find the way to heaven by going in the direction diametrically opposite to that of this hell on earth. When the returning Lord comes to save this world, he will teach this diametrically opposite way and lead us to heaven. Continue reading “Through Free Sex, Satan Wants to Stop Every Last Person from Returning to God”

The Family Federation for World Peace Has Made Its Place All Over the World

Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)

We will feature a special reading regarding the significance of this holiday over the next two days.

Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth

August 9, 1997
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Since we understand that where there is bones; flesh can be added, we have to remember that we should follow wherever there is true love. Amen. [Amen] Let me go back to my point now …. We have a simple conclusion. Your mind and body should be a comfortable dwelling place for God. You should unite your mind and body. That’s it.

   Where is the point of unity? It is where you make 100 percent of love to your spouse whom you have been longing to meet for thousands of years, the embodiment of loving God you have been dying to embrace for thousands of years. The first one is in the position of Satan and the second indicates that we should find the original path of love. Therefore, restoration is not possible in the love of elder son ship. It is only possible in the younger son ship of love ….

 Restoration providence does not work in the lineage of the first wives. It works in the lineage of concubines and illegitimate children. Why? They are two kinds of mothers and their children; fallen mother and her children and restored mother and her children. Two mothers cannot go into the kingdom of heaven together side by side. Continue reading “The Family Federation for World Peace Has Made Its Place All Over the World”

Men and Women Can Produce God’s Sons and Daughters through the Reproductive Organs

Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)

We will feature a special reading regarding the significance of this holiday over the next four days.

Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth

August 9, 1997
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Who is next? Samsung.(Samsung means three stars in Korean. Samsung is the name of one of huge enterprise in Korea) they can not win against the Great Bear. Samsung is only a servant which follows the North Pole that goes around. Or else they must add a name the Great Bear. The Great Bear never changes. It goes into all of the universe and turns around the center, but can Samsung do that? Who is it, Lee Gun Hee of Samsung, can he do what I am doing? All he does is sell el~ctronic products. He does not have any talent to restructure man. Isn’t that so? Does he have a right to bless families? He doesn’t. Only Rev. Moon can do that. If that person dies and is buried in a public cemetery, only the Korean conglomerates will come, but if Rev. Moon dies, conglomerates, politicians, educators, cultural peogle of the world, a few thousands of them will gather. … People here today, if I die will you follow me to that public cemetery in line or not? [We will follow] No, I don’t like that. Now get away from me here. Even if you don’t follow me, people of the world are meant to follow. Even if you do not bring flowers, people of the outside world are meant to even climb over the North Pole covered in snow with flowers and come and meet me with flowers.

So what kind of person will be able to become the disciples of love and in who’s house do you want to live in? Is it the house of Rev. Moon, or Korean conglomerate Jong something’s house or who’s house? {Father’s house) I am not satisfied, with you people. You are a group of beggars. A beggar who sells his father’s name and asks his father for money until the day be dies.   There are people who are not able to obtain the qualifications as father and son and there are many who always ask for something. You second generation, I will get hold of you and put you on the test stage and will see how much you can endure …

   Now God is liberated, True Parents are liberated, so what more is there that I should do? I am now a grandfather … The authority of grandfathers in Korea is symbolized by what kind of pipe? How do you call it in dialect of Kyong san do? A long pipe, and with the pipe when you hit the floor, the metal part of it makes a loud noise and it shakes the whole district. When the grandfather hits the floor with it to call the grandson, the grandson will come. It is a signal. That’s what a grandfather does. Continue reading “Men and Women Can Produce God’s Sons and Daughters through the Reproductive Organs”

We Can Fix the Problems of Family Breakdown and Corrupted Juvenile Ethics

Join us
 for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)

Happy Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth, established 1997. We will feature a special reading regarding the significance of this holiday over the next six days.

   Beloved Father! Today, 1997, July 7th, at 7 o’clock, 7 minutes and 7 seconds, centering on the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing,
   We have accomplished this year’s motto, “Let Us be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.”
   How hard You have struggled and borne the heart of grief! As Your children, True Parents, we are hen: with Your other children not knowing Your heart in this historical age. In the meantime, you sent True Parents to the earth so we could build the foundation where mankind could speak out Your heart and be educated about Your internal situation. Through that foundation, we came to know the sad history that since Adam and Eve fell as teenagers and their family was broken down by Satan’s scheme, humankind has been linked to fallen Adam’s family and Satan’s lineage instead of to God’s lineage.
   Therefore, until now, history has kept the lineage of the realm of the archangel and the lineage of Satan. When we think about founding the realm of religion in order to establish the history of the new archangel’s position in the Kingdom of Heaven, we know that the providence of individual restoration is the history of regaining the elder sonship from the realm of the archangel. 

We thank you for this great time when we are facing the age of the Second Advent, the center of the worldwide salvation through the Old Testament~ New Testament, and Completed Testament. Now we can fix the problems of family breakdown and corrupted juvenile ethics originally caused by Adam’s fall.
   In 1945, at the end of World War II, Christianity and the allied nations, which had the mission of a bride to welcome the Lord of the Second Advent, failed their responsibility as the bride. This loss of the world-level nations, the Abel nation and the Eve nation of Adam’s family, which carried the victorious hegemony in the world – level providence, created greater pain and suffering than the loss of a family in the Garden of Eden.

Continue reading “We Can Fix the Problems of Family Breakdown and Corrupted Juvenile Ethics”