The Family Is the Center of the Kingdom of Heaven

Jeremiah 23

23 You leaders of my people are like shepherds that kill and scatter the sheep. You were supposed to take care of my people, but instead you chased them away. So now I’ll really take care of you, and believe me, you will pay for your crimes!

I will bring the rest of my people home from the lands where I have scattered them, and they will grow into a mighty nation. I promise to choose leaders who will care for them like real shepherds. All of my people will be there, and they will never again be frightened.

Mark 12

35 As Jesus was teaching in the temple, he said, “How can the teachers of the Law of Moses say that the Messiah will come from the family of King David? 36 The Holy Spirit led David to say,

‘The Lord said to my Lord:
    Sit at my right side[c]
until I make your enemies
    into a footstool for you.’

37 If David called the Messiah his Lord, how can the Messiah be his son?”[d]

The large crowd enjoyed listening to Jesus teach.

Richard: Jesus was pained that the Jewish people did not understand that he was the one whom David spoke of, the long awaited Messiah.

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Fallen people have to pass through a time when they long for the words of truth. In history God has been moving the hearts of people to practice and live by the Father’s words.

What does it mean to live centering on the words? It is to live with the son whom God has sent as the heavenly embodiment. That son is the true father of humanity. Jesus came with that mission.

What did Jesus represent? Jesus was to become the true father of humanity who was lost due to the Fall. He came as the embodiment of the words established upon the substantial foundation of the words laid in history. He came to represent the Father. This is why Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one will go before the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Only Jesus is the center of faith, mind and heart. Why? It is because Jesus has the quality of the Father. For this reason Jesus is the Savior of humanity and represents Heaven and earth. Christianity is the religion which seeks the appearance of the Father through the words, seeks the mind of the Father through the words, and seeks the love of the Father through the words.

Jesus came to the earth. He came with infinite ideals. If he had a wish, it was on God’s behalf. What was God’s wish? It was to realize the ideals and goals of creation. When Jesus came as an individual with this wish in his heart, the environment at the time was not good. The environment, which was not in line with the providence, bitterly opposed Jesus. Jesus had to leave a certain standard of the heart on earth even if he was to be struck down. This is why Jesus stressed that he was the father and humanity the children. To form parents there must be a true father and a true mother. After Jesus passed away, the Holy Spirit was the one who came as the mother figure.

Jesus’ sorrow was that he could not experience the day when as a physical and spiritual being on the earth he could bless sons and daughters. Jesus’ grief was not having spoken all the words he had to speak and not having established the standard of the heavenly family before he passed away. Since he could not form a heavenly family, he could not raise up members of a heavenly family, kinsmen centering on family members, a nation centering on the kinsmen, a country centering on the nation, and a world centering on the country.

Israel should have laid the national foundation. The Jews were the chosen people, yet the relationship was severed and Jesus was cornered by the Jews. Jesus was persecuted miserably as a traitor. In the end Jesus was betrayed even by his twelve disciples. Jesus’ sorrow was dying without forming a blood lineage connected to God’s heart on the earth.

Before constructing the family that God desires, there is no way to establish the people that God wishes for. Before establishing a people, there is no way to found a nation or a world. Therefore, when Jesus, who was fighting to establish a family, could not fulfill the will, he had to leave behind the concept that he was the bridegroom of humanity and that humanity was his bride. Ladies and gentlemen, do you know the significance of this? It means that the family is the center of the Kingdom of Heaven.

You Should Have the Same Blood Lineage

Today, Friday, June 28th is the last day to register for the Urban Family Life Success Formula Training Seminar!

  • For Parents and Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register
  • Call 202-544-5081 for more information

Cheong Seong Gyeong 485

A wife who knows love sometimes
gets an impulse to bury her head in her
husband’s bosom and enjoy an afternoon
nap. This is because she is drunk with
happiness and doesn’t have a clear mind.
Before marriage the man appeared to
her as scary and strange. After the mar-
riage, she misses him and has to see him
many times in a day. This is how women’s
hearts change. So sometimes she calls
him and asks him to come home during
the lunch hour for a quick visit. It is the
same with a man who has come to know
love. Whenever he has a chance, he will
want to sleep with his wife’s knees as a
pillow. So he will run home whenever he
has free time, regardless of whether it is
lunchtime or a coffee break. Also, if she
wants certain things done, he will not
hesitate to do things he didn’t like doing
before marriage, things about which he
used to say, “Such things are a woman’s
job. Should a mighty man do it?” I would
say that such changes commonly occur
to men and women who have come to
know love. (Blessed Family – 887)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1608

You must practice absolute faith.
You should walk the path of faith with
absolute trust in the True Parents. (46-99,

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

To reach such a state, you should have the same blood lineage. You should feel as if your own flesh and blood are the Father’s flesh and blood. As you become the Father’s son or daughter, you should share the common will. What is that will? It is to restore the fallen world. It is to create a world in which a good person who has liquidated the sinful history of mankind can live within the bosom of the Father. Therefore, our body should inherit the Father’s flesh and blood, and our mind should bear the Father’s will to establish His nation. We should feel the Father’s heart in our life. If not, you cannot stand as a child of Heavenly Father. Isn’t that so?

When a father grieves, his son should grieve. When a father suffers, his son should suffer. When a parent lives a difficult life, the child should go through the same thing. Isn’t that so? If one is truly a filial child, that person would live according to the will of the parent. You have to realize that only when you are connected in flesh and blood with the Father, only when the will is shared, only when the heart is prepared for one’s daily life can you call Heavenly Father “Father.” Heavenly Father is still working in order to show this to humankind.

You should not forget that Heavenly Father has striven greatly to fulfill such a relationship, even if mankind was not aware of it. God is struggling in the extreme to pull us from the position of adopted children to real children whose hearts are connected to His. We may have many wrongs done to us and may possess much sadness and indignation. But such sadness, indignation and wrongs are not comparable to those of Heavenly Father. No matter what kind of wound may have been inflicted upon us, it is not to be compared to Heavenly Father’s. Heavenly Father has experienced greater pain throughout history than any of us. He has grieved along with history more than any of us. He has borne a thousand times more than our indignation. He has been wounded more than any of us. We should realize that such is Heavenly Father.

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Satanic Blood is Flowing at the Base of Our Being

  • A Tribal Messiah Association has been formed:

Click here to view the new website and blog.

  • Early Bird Registration is now open for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar, save $20 per couple or $10 per single until May 31st.

  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 628

Satanic blood is still flowing at the
base of our being. Satanic love has been
rooted in our body. That love flows
through the blood vessels in our life
and is meshed into our nerves. From
there, our body, which consists of one
hundred trillion cells, was formed. We
have to lament by our own initiative the
miserable plight of sustaining this life
together with satanic blood. We should
be determined and resolved to destroy
this satanic life hundreds of times over
during our lifetime.
Can you embrace and love your own
body? Can you walk around like a mad
dog dragging its muzzle saying that you
are hungry? Can you approach your
spouse to satisfy your lust centered on
your body?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1192

Why are things such as indemnity or
the restoration of the right of parents,
the right of the eldest son, and the right
of kingship necessary? Satan’s love, life
and lineage are the key problems. What
originally should have started from God
has actually begun from the devil. The
devil made a start centered on some-
thing incredible called love. The universe
was created because of love. The process
of creation took place centering on love,
which is the source of all beings. Satan
overturned this origin. That is why the
original source that was twisted must
now be twisted back. (206-236, 1990.10.14)

Richard: These readings emphasize the fact that we need to change our blood lineage to God’s blood lineage. The marriage Blessing initiated by Rev. Moon is the first step of this process.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We should be able to long for all things and all people. Have you longed for all people? Have you ever experienced the heart which is connected to God’s pure heart, which can enjoy giving without limit and then forget? To induce such a heart, God worked the dispensation with words like religion, the Savior, the bride and bridegroom. We should be able to give our all to Him.

God is longing for the day when He will receive all things offered with heart and longing. He longs to receive a family that is offered with heart and longing. God is hoping that this nation, this people and this world will be offered.

You should be able to stand in front of God with a longing heart and say, “I only have this one cent, but please accept it.” When you can do this, that one cent can represent the cosmos. No matter how humble the family, if they can say, “Please accept this unworthy family,” that family can inherit the heavenly task. When the Israelites, who wandered miserably in the wilderness, asked with a longing heart toward God, “Please accept this people as Yours,” God tried to give the leading authority of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to those people.

It is the same for the nation and the world. If there is an idealism or ideology for all of humanity, it should make us long for God heartistically; otherwise it cannot resolve the fundamental problem of life and the heavenly dispensation.

The fall was missing an hour of longing for God and for the original garden in search of heartistic relationship. Therefore, my mission for the restoration is to put my life on the line and achieve the world where such a relationship is established.

Continue reading “Satanic Blood is Flowing at the Base of Our Being”

Take Pride in the Person God Has Chosen

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

This is an important final hurdle. I
have prayed throughout my life that we
would win over the tong and ban cen-
tering on districts and township. Only
by doing so, can we take complete hold
of the satanic world. We are not try-
ing to take over something large, such
as the central government building in
Seoul or any other city. We are trying
to influence the tong and ban, centering
on the districts and then assimilate the
tong and ban centered on the townships.
Then everything else will be included.
From the VIPs down to the most simple
people, transcending class, everyone is
included through the local level activi-
ties. Therefore, the district and regional
church leaders should not focus on the
provinces but in the leaders of the tong
and ban. Centering on the district, the
stage for your activities is the tong and
ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

If you already married couples can-
not outperform those who were blessed
while still single, you will not be able
to uphold the dignity of already mar-
ried Blessed Couples. Was there such a
thing as the Blessing of already married
couples in the Garden of Eden or within
God’s will? In order to save you, I have
opened the gates through which every-
thing ragged and false can be patched
up. This became possible through the
inclusion of already married couples in
the 36 Couples Blessing. That is the only
reason you can go on living within the
Will. (101-286, 1978.11.7)

Richard:  Married couples need to recieve the Blessing of marriage inaugurated by Rev Sun Myung Moon:  See

Let Us Understand God, Who Wanted to be Proud

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 1959

Genesis 1: 24-31

Heaven wanted the Israelites to follow Moses. God wanted them to follow him with the same intensity of desire with which He had established him, but that wish was shattered. Against God’s will, the Israelites became sacrifices to Satan.

The hope that God held in Moses during his forty years in the palace of Pharaoh, his forty years in the Midian wilderness, and the forty years of the wilderness course was completely shattered. As a result, God no longer had a people and a land of which He could be proud. Nevertheless, Moses wanted to be proud of these worthless people. The tragedy is that the Israelites were, in like manner, not proud of the greatness of Moses, whom God had raised.

What kind of nation and people can possess the heavenly authority to influence the world in the last days? You have to understand that it is the nation or people who take pride in the person God has chosen. Wouldn’t that be so? Continue reading “Take Pride in the Person God Has Chosen”

The Blood Lineage Must Be Restored

Happy Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing (July 1st by the Heavenly Calendar, or 8/11/17) and Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth (Eight Sevens Jeol (Day)-July 7th by the Heavenly Calendar, 8/17/18)!

1 Thessalonians 5

12 My friends, we ask you to be thoughtful of your leaders who work hard and tell you how to live for the Lord. 13 Show them great respect and love because of their work. Try to get along with each other. 14 My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn’t living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. 15 Don’t be hateful to people, just because they are hateful to you. Rather, be good to each other and to everyone else.

Psalm 40

11 You, Lord, never fail
    to have pity on me;
    your love and faithfulness
    always keep me secure.

The Ceremony Of The Declaration Of God’s Eternal Blessing

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
July 1, 1991

Fallen people today have inherited the blood lineage of Satan. This is the problem. How difficult is it to restore the people cleanly back to heaven, once they inherited the lineage of Satan? Let me answer this way: heaven’s position is similar to a man who lost his beloved lover, and has to love another woman and, further, to love her son, whom someone else fathered, as his own son. The problem is how God can accept that son as his own direct heir. Frankly, it must be miserable and tormenting. Since this acceptance could not be done at once, God began from the individual position and passed through a course of tribulation involving that degree of love on the family, tribal, societal, national and world levels, persevering and overcoming everything. In this way, He has been waiting until the time He can send the Messiah.

How does the Messiah come? He comes after the purification of the blood lineage. As you know, because Cain and Abel were born based on the unity of Adam and Eve [false parents], in order to cleanse their lineage, Cain and Abel must enter the womb of True Parents and be reborn in the reversed positions of eldest son and second son. Originally, there would not have been such things as eldest-son “type” and second-son “type”. There cannot be eldest son and second son for the sake of distinguishing them [as relatively good and evil]. From the viewpoint of the dispensation of restoration, simply establishing the position of the second son as the elder son is not enough to rectify the lineage. The two must seek and enter the source of life once more. This is what happened through Tamar in the Old Testament era. Continue reading “The Blood Lineage Must Be Restored”