The Family Is the Base for Perfecting All Types of True Love

We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop tomorrow and Sunday!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1357

    The world will gradually start to move in accordance with the fortune of the Unification Church. In this connection, I conducted the first international joint wedding in 1970, the 777 Couples Blessing, which signified that everything on earth was drawing together globally based on the providence.
    As part of the 430 Couples Blessing, I blessed forty-three non-Korean couples overseas rather than bringing them over to Korea. Yet, the 777 Couples Blessing in Korea was the very first international joint wedding held in the whole world, with participants from ten nations. The path by which any nation on earth can return to God was completed through the family ideal in this manner. From this moment on, it became possible for the fortune of the world to align itself with the fortune of the Unification Church. (55-171, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1100

    No one living on earth until this time has ever seen God’s Day, True Parents’ Day, True Children’s Day, and Day of All True Things. There are 365 days in a year. You should clearly understand that the most important days among all 365 days are those days that I have just mentioned, which have now appeared in providential history. You should know that these days are the king of all days, and if a year like that existed it would be the king of all years. (92-252, 1977.4.18)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family

The Big Idea:  Children’s, siblings, couples and parents love are all perfected in and center on the first love consummated by husband and wife.  The grandparents, parents and children each exist as levels of kingship.  The realm of the royal family exists so we can save Cain-type families in this world.

1. What are the four great realms of heart?
2. What are the three great kingships?
3. What is the realm of the royal family?


Core concept 45:  The four great realms of heart are perfected when two God-centered people marry and consummate their first love as a couple.


Pledge Number Three

Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family, by centering on true love.

3.1. The Four Great Realms of Heart

Continue reading “The Family Is the Base for Perfecting All Types of True Love”

Everyone Should Get Married and Have and Raise Children

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1587

   The Blessing brings inheritance of the foundation of a connection with the lineage of God’s true life. Since there are people in both the spiritual and physical worlds who have inherited His lineage through the Blessing, He is able to have full dominion over them. Thus, even now, with full authority He is freely pressing ahead with re-creation and the providence of restoration without needing to set up indemnity conditions. Hence, the question at hand is whether you can stand in the position of His object partner with such conviction. Once you have made your resolution to unite with the standard of absolute faith, love and obedience, everything can be rapidly put in place in the equalized world.  

    Every one of you should practice absolute love and obedience. The families in Eden had nothing in their name. Had they become true sons and daughters, standing in oneness with God and His absolute love and lineage, everything in the whole universe would have belonged to them, as God originally intended to bequeath everything to His children. Once you have attained oneness with God through love, everything will become yours.
    You should not believe that everything you have in your possession truly belongs to you. Of the things you can possess, the greatest of all is God’s love, and the greatest thing you can become is a family of His sons and daughters who are eligible to receive His love. This comes first. When that was lost, everything was lost. Conversely, through its recovery, you can recover everything. In order for you to establish such a family centering on God’s love, you must create it from a position of possessing absolutely nothing and connect the foundation of absolute faith, love and obedience with the ideal. Having this original standard, you must stand in the position of being denied even by the satanic world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1387

    If the True Parents had not come to the earth to teach people the fundamentals, those people will have problems when they pass on to the spirit world. Through this teaching being conveyed to every village and town in the world, the spiritual and physical worlds can be completely united. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing held this year was truly great. At the end of the forty-year course, we were able to achieve, along with the liberation of women through the appearance of the True Mother, the 30,000 Couples Blessing. The reason the number of couples was set at 30,000 was in order to establish a new foundation of the Blessing in the world, based on the True Mother standing on the global level and involving Cain and Abel. That ceremony was the formation stage, and so this latter ceremony, the 360,000 Couples Blessing, can be said to be the growth stage. Through it, God is keeping the world in pace with His providence by focusing everyone’s attention on the problems of the family.
    At the moment, the whole world has become like hell. However much nations may take pride in being advanced, they must bow their heads in shame over the problems of the family. Families have completely broken down to the point that no one can tackle their problems. The situation is so serious that no economic, military, or political power can deal with it. (272-179, 1995.10.5)

If the True Parents had not come to the earth to teach people the fundamentals, those people will have problems when they pass on to the spirit world. Through this teaching being conveyed to every village and town in the world, the spiritual and physical worlds can be completely united. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing held this year was truly great. At the end of the forty-year course, we were able to achieve, along with the liberation of women through the appearance of the True Mother, the 30,000 Couples Blessing. The reason the number of couples was set at 30,000 was in order to establish a new foundation of the Blessing in the world, based on the True Mother standing on the global level and involving Cain and Abel. That ceremony was the formation stage, and so this latter ceremony, the 360,000 Couples Blessing, can be said to be the growth stage. Through it, God is keeping the world in pace with His providence by focusing everyone’s attention on the problems of the family. At the moment, the whole world has become like hell. However much nations may take pride in being advanced, they must bow their heads in shame over the problems of the family. Families have completely broken down to the point that no one can tackle their problems. The situation is so serious that no economic, military, or political power can deal with it. (272-179, 1995.10.5)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 5. God’s Blessing Allows You to Inherit
Love and Joy

A glorious new morning will dawn when God assumes a physical
body. The time He can love His grandchildren is a time more
glorious than the time He can love His sons and daughters. How
do you think God expressed His joy to Adam after having created
him? God had to teach Adam about His parental joy, but that can
be learned only when the children have their own sons and
daughters. Children cannot know what parental love is like, but
they do come to understand after having babies and a family.
They understand that their parents loved them while raising them.
Therefore, the day when your child takes a spouse is a day of
glory, and the day your child has a child is a day of glory. (Blessed
Family – 934)

You should know God’s love. You should experience your parents’
love and learn how to serve them. You should all experience
conjugal love with your spouses and learn how to serve them. You
should know your children’s love. Do not just give orders to your
children, but learn how to understand and serve them as well.
Only then can you understand God’s love. Without children, you
are in an incomplete state. You cannot understand God’s love.
You cannot understand how much God loved human beings, His
children. Furthermore, without being a husband, you cannot
know the wife, and without being a wife, you cannot know the
husband. Children do not know what parents’ love is like until
they become parents. So without sons and daughters, you cannot
be true parents. (133-138, 1984.7.10)

Parents want their children to be married because they want to
bequeath to them and completely teach them of parental love.
When parents die, they leave their real selves behind with their
descendants. This is why they need descendants. Love is
something that continues forever. Since love is the highest human
desire, everyone wants to inherit it with their arms wide open.
When parents bequeath their love to their descendants, they can
stand proudly before God in the spirit world. It is through the
family that love becomes complete. Going to the heavenly
kingdom through the family means that the realm of oneness of
love has been realized. (Blessed Family – 934)

People should follow this principle. Seeds are sown in the spring;
in summer, plants develop fully; and in autumn, they bear fruit. In
winter, you should put things in order and carry the essence of
this new seed of life deep within your heart. Only then will you
have seeds to plant again when spring returns. This means that in
the future you should be parents and raise sons and daughters like
yourselves. (26-158, 1969.10.25)

Why do people feel sorry when they do not have sons and
daughters? They feel sorry because they cannot form a circle.
When you see birds feeding their young, you can recognize the
deep love of the mother bird. Western people may not know this,
but in the Orient, children are liked more than adults. People
show polite respect for adults, but they show the utmost love for
children. You can realize how much your parents loved you when
you have your own sons and daughters and raise them. (Blessed
Family – 934)

Everyone should get married and have and raise their children so
they can know both children’s love and parental love. It seems that
western people are not like this. They avoid having and raising
sons and daughters. They hesitate to have children because the
children may limit their freedom to marry and divorce. But when
people fail to establish the four-position foundation, they cannot
go to the Kingdom of Heaven because they do not know God’s
heart of loving people. (Blessed Family – 934)

Teach Your Children to be People Who Know God

Join us for the Peaceful Families Peaceful World Workshop, November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, or online by Zoom.
Save 50% until October 31st.

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE
Kelly Kohls: National School Boards Leadership Council
Michael Marshall: Editor Emeritus, United Press International
Jamal Johnson
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2256

What constitutes a wonderful and good husband or wife? The quality of seeing the spouse as absolute in the place of God and in the place of the True Parents. Such a husband and such a wife together constitute the true couple. Children who are born into the family where God is seen as absolute, parents are seen as absolute, and the conjugal relationship is seen as absolute, must themselves be seen as absolute. This is what is referred to in the Unification Church as the ideal of the four-position foundation. (147-231, 1986.9.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1044

What is the main idea of the Unification Church? It is to live for the sake of others. God exists for the sake of His objects of love. When we live for others in the same way, we can live for the sake of the world, even if the entire race opposes us. Knowing this, the Unification Church carries on. (77-302, 1975.4.25)



Parental Love

3. Educating Children in Their Parents’ Tradition

Bequeath to your children a good tradition that they will continue to follow throughout their lives. (71:19, March 24, 1974)

Parents usually tell their children, “You should become this or that kind of person, and you should do this or that kind of work.” But it is far better to tell them, “You should be a person who knows God.” (11:308, March 5, 1962) Continue reading “Teach Your Children to be People Who Know God”

Woman Was Born to Meet Man, and Vice Versa

Join us for the Peaceful Families Peaceful World Workshop, November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, or online by Zoom.
Save 50% until October 31st.

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE
Kelly Kohls: National School Boards Leadership Council
Michael Marshall: Editory Emeritus, United Press International
Jamal Johnson
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2344

In this way, the elder siblings in the spirit world will come to the physical world and restore all the Blessed Families from the younger sibling’s position to the vertical position, thereby bringing about the age of the great transition of the new heaven and new earth and restoration through exchanging positions. The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, which was conducted based upon true love, will change the past in which the owners of the horizontal and vertical worlds did not attain oneness in Adam’s family and so could not start together. I am very grateful for Your allowing me to hold this Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families that enabled me to declare the beginning of the realm of the ideal Cheon Il Guk of liberation in God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1505

Woman was born to meet man, and vice versa. When a baby wakes up, it looks for its “mama.” The husband should call his wife more than the baby calls its mother. A person who fails to do so is truly pitiable. The wife should also call her husband more than he does her. They should become such a couple. As husband and wife enjoying the happiness of conjugal harmony, they should call out to each other all the time. If they can live in such a manner forever, they would not envy the young even when they grow old. In the future, I will arrange a world tour for those blessed couples that reach the age of eighty. (23-55, 1969.5.11)



Parental Love

2. Raising Children with Firmness and Love

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Continue reading “Woman Was Born to Meet Man, and Vice Versa”

You and Your Spouse Should Never Fight in Front of Your Children

Join us for the Peaceful Families Peaceful World Workshop, November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, or online by Zoom.
Save 50% until October 31st.

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE
Kelly Kohls: National School Boards Leadership Council
Michael Marshall: Editory Emeritus, United Press International
Jamal Johnson
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 146

In the book of Job, God gave Satan all he asked for. Why? God cannot respond to Satan with the same behavior as the devil because God is the essence of love for others. So God is the essence of truth. (144-161, 1986.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1354

Since all of you participated in my Seven-Year Course, I took responsibility to bless everyone up to the 430 Couples. All Blessed Couples are a part of me; every one of them is great because they contributed to my course of world restoration. (22-68, 1969.1.21)



Parental Love

2. Raising Children with Firmness and Love

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Children do not like it if you criticize them repeatedly. Rather, they are happy if you accept and praise them even when they do wrong. Immature children need to be appeased in this way, to encourage them with praise. Nevertheless, children are self-centered. When they see something they like, they want to have it right away. Therefore, they need education. (36:73, November 15, 1970)

Continue reading “You and Your Spouse Should Never Fight in Front of Your Children”