The Purpose of Self-Sacrifice Ought to be to Liberate God

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#105-Strengthening Families and Communities Forum: Michael Marshall

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What do you think is the cause of human existence? The cause of human existence is love. Then where do you think the purpose of human existence lies? The purpose of human existence lies in completing the ideal of love. Human beings came into being through love, and so their purpose is to perfect love by forming a foundation of love and expanding and connecting it. In other words, since the beginning is love, the purpose has to be reached through love as well. For this, a man and a woman in partnership must become one in love and connect front and back, left and right, and above and below. (Blessed Family -1062)

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God lost His house of the Sabbath. Therefore, the ideal family raised in the fallen world would restore His house of the Sabbath. Then, centering on what would this house be built? It would be built centering on true love, true parents, true children and true family. The family is the center. Centering on the family you need to form a tribe, and on that basis become tribal messiahs for that tribe. The family gives rise to familylevel messiahs, tribal messiahs, national messiahs for the nations and the global messiah. The global messiah is also the King of kings. From there the Kingdom of Heaven is established. God should be able to reside wherever He goes, from within the individual to any place in the world and even in the spirit world. That is to say, if He chose to dwell within a family, the individuals in that family, husband and wife, and sons and daughters would all be happy to serve Him. (286-114, 1997.8.9)


2. Taking up the Cross—Sacrifice unto Death

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Jesus sacrificed himself in order to make the people worthy of receiving God’s love, that the world might be lovable to God. Even in death, he remained completely faithful to his mission. If a religion arises that inspires its believers to voluntarily walk the path of death that Jesus walked, that religion will build the final foundation to defeat Satan’s realm and save the world. Jesus willingly bore the cross to his death, out of love for the world. A worldwide religion that is willing to walk the same path of sacrifice will become God’s hope and Jesus’ hope. (124:299, March 1, 1983)

     A complaining person cannot go this way;
     a person who makes excuses cannot go this way;
     a person who puffs himself up will retreat from this way.
     It is the way of the cross that Jesus trod, shedding blood;
     the prolongation of Golgotha. (6:125, April 12, 1959) Continue reading “The Purpose of Self-Sacrifice Ought to be to Liberate God”

Take Down Your Crosses, and Perishing Christianity Will Revive

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This right of kingship would not initially have been a right of kingship for the whole world but one starting in a single family. From the family, it would have advanced beyond being a family kingship, to have become a tribal, a national, a worldwide and a cosmic kingship. Then there would be no need for any Christian denominations or ministers. The Vatican would not be needed. Democracy would not be needed. Democracy is an ideology based only on brotherhood. This is why people are fighting. Brothers are fighting among themselves. Hence, the ideology upholding brotherhood should return to a parent-centered ideology and from there to the God-centered ideology of Godism.

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If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God’s true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others – a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others – the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Eschatology and Messianic Hope

The Messiah

5. The Messiah Establishes Peace in the Middle East for Jews, Christians and Muslims

Behold, the days are coming, says the lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,20 and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely… People shall no longer say, “As the lord lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt,” but “As the lord lives who brought up and led the descendants of the house of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them.” Then they shall dwell in their own land.
    Jeremiah 23.5-8
This world differs from the days of the Messiah only in respect of servitude to foreign powers.
    Talmud, Sanhedrin 99a (Judaism)
I will restore the fortunes of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel; and I will be jealous for my holy name. They shall forget their shame, and all the treachery they have practiced against me, when they dwell securely in their land with none to make them afraid, when I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them from their enemies’ lands… into their own land. I will leave none of them remaining among the nations any more; and I will not hide my face any more from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord god.
    Ezekiel 39.25-29
Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary [Jesus] descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the jizya tax.22Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).”
    Hadith of Bukhari 3.656 (Islam)
Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Had Jesus completed the providence of restoration through indemnity, then married and formed a family, he could have established at once a foundation of marriage Blessings that would have brought the people of Israel into Heaven’s realm. Had he been able to go on to give the Blessing in Rome, he could have established the Kingdom of God on earth when he was in his forties.
    Instead, Jesus was murdered. As a consequence, today the Israelis and Palestinians are fighting, although they are brothers. Originally, the world was supposed to have just one religion, one culture, one nation, and one realm of heart. Jesus came to make it so, but when he could not, then Islam came into being, Judaism came into being, and Christianity came into being. You need to know that these developments caused God much sorrow…
    We have arrived at a time when Judaism, Islam, and Christianity should overcome their historical divisions and unite as one based on the Unification Principles. (August 15, 2003)
Jesus asks me, “Please, True Parents, save the people of Israel.” That is why I am telling you Christian leaders to take down the cross. Take down your crosses, and perishing Christianity will revive. The cross was the rack of punishment and death. It has no place in the religion of the resurrection. Ask Jesus what he thinks about it. (January 1, 2003)

Nevertheless, When the Son of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith on Earth?

Important Note: One Daily Inspiration reader brought to my attention that there are problems with Paul’s viewpoint on marriage.
On August 7, there was a scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 7:15-16.
There, Paul says you can divorce your husband or wife if they are not a follower of the Lord and they ask for a divorce. This scripture was chosen “randomly” by opening the Bible, which is always how Stacey and I receive the daily scriptures. I took it as meaning don’t let dysfunctional, or co-dependent relationships of any kind, not just marital relationships pull you away from your conscience, or God.
I do not recommend divorce as a solution for marital problems. Marriage is a commitment in front of God, and possibly barring violence or infidelity, that commitment should not be broken.

Listen to my third Podcast: The Godless Agenda of those Promoting the COVID-19 Crisis, published March 28, 2020. Still very relevant.

Job 24

18 Those sinners are filthy foam
    on the surface of the water.
And so, their fields and vineyards
will fall under a curse
    and won’t produce.
19 Just as the heat of summer
    swallows the snow,
the world of the dead
    swallows those who sin.
20 Forgotten here on earth,
and with their power broken,
    they taste sweet to worms.

21 Sinners take advantage of widows
    and other helpless women.
22 But God’s mighty strength
    destroys those in power.
Even if they seem successful,
    they are doomed to fail.
23 God may let them feel secure,
but they are never
    out of his sight.
24 Great for a while; gone forever!
Sinners are mowed down
    like weeds,
    then they wither and die.
25 If I haven’t spoken the truth,
    then prove me wrong.

Job 39

13 An ostrich proudly
    flaps her wings,
but not because
    she loves her young.
14 She abandons her eggs
and lets the dusty ground
    keep them warm.
15 And she doesn’t seem to worry
that the feet of an animal
    could crush them all.
16 She treats her eggs as though
    they were not her own,
unconcerned that her work
    might be for nothing.
17 I myself made her foolish
    and without common sense.
18 But once she starts running,
she laughs at a rider
    on the fastest horse.

Eschatology and Messianic Hope

New Revelation

2. The Truth of the New Revelation Eclipses the Truths of Former Dispensations

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

People need religion in order to seek the Ultimate Reality and realize goodness in accordance with the inclination of the original mind. Thus, the purpose of every religion is identical. However, religions have appeared in different forms according to their various missions, the cultures in which they took root, and their particular historical periods. Their scriptures have taken different forms for similar reasons. All scriptures have the same purpose: to illuminate their surroundings with the light of truth. Yet when a brighter lamp is lit, the old lamp is outshone and its mission fades. Because religions lack the power to guide modern people out of the dark valley of death into the full radiance of life, there must emerge a new expression of truth that can radiate a new and brighter light. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Introduction)
In the Last Days, Jesus said, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven.” (Matt. 24.29) How are we to understand this verse? It is written that Joseph, the eleventh of the twelve sons of Jacob, had a dream:
Then he dreamed another dream, and told it to his brothers, and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream; and behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” But when he told it to his father and to his brothers, his father rebuked him, and said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?” (Gen. 37.9-10)
    When Joseph later became the prime minister of Egypt, his parents and brothers bowed down before him, as the dream had foretold. In his dream, the sun and moon symbolized the parents, while the stars symbolized their children. As will be explained, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the True Parents who came to give rebirth to humanity in place of Adam and Eve. Therefore, in this prophecy from Matthew, the sun and moon represent Jesus and the Holy Spirit, while the stars represent the faithful believers who are their children. Elsewhere, Jesus is likened to the true light because he came as the incarnation of the Word and shone forth the light of truth. (John 1.9, 14) Here, the sunlight means the light of the words of Jesus, and the moonlight means the light of the Holy Spirit, who came as the Spirit of truth. (John 16.13)
    For the sun to be darkened and the moon to lose its light means that the New Testament Word given by Jesus and the Holy Spirit will lose its luster. How can the Word as revealed in the New Testament possibly lose its light? The Old Testament Word was eclipsed when Jesus and the Holy Spirit came and gave us the New Testament Word, which fulfilled the Old Testament Word. (2 Cor. 3.7-11) Likewise, when Christ returns and gives the new truth in order to fulfill the New Testament Word and build a new heaven and new earth, (Rev. 21.1) the Word which he gave at his first coming will lose its light. It is said that the Word will lose its light because, with the coming of a new era, the period of the mission of the old truth will have lapsed.
    The prophecy that the stars will fall from heaven signifies that in the Last Days many faithful Christian believers will make a misstep and fall from God’s grace. At the time of Jesus, the leaders of the Jewish people were all yearning for the coming of the Messiah, but they met their downfall when they did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah and opposed him. Likewise, Christians who have been anxiously awaiting the return of Jesus are likely to make the same misjudgment and fall when he actually returns.
    Jesus asked, “Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18.8) On another occasion he said he would declare to devout believers, “I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.” (Matt. 7.23) Jesus gave these warnings to the Christians of the Last Days because he foresaw that they would be likely to disbelieve and trespass against him at his Second Advent. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Eschatology 3.2.5)

Christianity Had Degenerated into a Dead Body of Clergy Trailing Empty Slogans

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God’s right of ownership was completely snatched away by this fallen world that inherited the devil’s love, life and lineage. Now the time has come for us to retrieve it, to become sons and daughters who can receive God’s true love and bring this world under control. Finally, as such, we need to redeem the blood ties in the family lost by Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. On the foundation of all nations being liberated and welcomed, the right of ownership currently belonging to the devil and the satanic world, should be returned to God, the Owner of true love, through the number one man and woman, the number one son and daughter, the beloved of God.
    All peoples in the world need to go through the True Parents’ love. Without passing through that gate, there is no way back to the original homeland in the heavenly world. The only path open before them now leads to hell. We need to trace the path back. We need to fight and triumph over nations opposing us. By so doing, the Unification Church of today has inherited the victory of the global messianic realm, passed through the national messianic realm and traced down to the tribal messianic realm. Through the tribal realm of the satanic world, we now need to enter Satan’s family and change his world. (210-42, 1990.11.30

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When you think of the words True Parents you should remember that history will be reset through True Parents. The origin through which we can build a new world will come into existence, the internal standard through which Satan can be brought into submission will be determined, and Satan’s domination of the external world will be conquered. Only then can the central point be set and the liberation of God take place. Therefore, you should be thankful for this great blessing which has been bestowed upon you, which is the grace of being able to live in the same era as True Parents and act upon their orders. (43-144, 1971.4.29)



4. History of Christianity: Triumphalism, Corruption and Renewal

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

In the Middle Ages great corruption appeared in the Roman Catholic Church. It allowed itself to be shackled by its own power and self-serving dogmas while forgetting about God’s Will to bring salvation to the world… To save the world, Christianity should take the path of self-sacrifice, but instead the church glorified itself and its elite clung tenaciously to their positions.
    Yet, God is alive, and because His desire is to save the world, He could not leave the church as it was. He had to reform it. Hence, God inspired Martin Luther to launch the Protestant Reformation. He approved when Luther came forth to confront the church and its corruption. (69:102, October 21, 1973)

Christianity, the Second Israel, had to deal with the confused situation of the Renaissance and the humanistic philosophies of the Enlightenment. Enlightenment figures like Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu believed that Christianity would collapse. However, pious people from Germany advanced Christianity by raising the Pietist movement, which focused on internal, mystical experiences with God. The Pietist movement influenced the English clergyman John Wesley, who raised the Methodist movement. The Quakers contributed to the development of Christianity by elevating the value of mystical experience even further.

    At the same time, due to the widespread influence of materialism, modern people forgot about loving God, lost their reason to love other human beings, and came to value material things above all else. Nevertheless, the time is coming when God will strike down all materialistic ideologies. He will surely do so, because human beings must ultimately return to their original position before the Fall. (4:18, February 16, 1958)

When ecclesiastic love waned, when waves of capitalistic greed surged across Christian Europe, when starving masses cried out bitterly in the slums, the promise of their salvation came not from heaven but from the earth. Its name was communism. Christianity, though it professed the love of God, had degenerated into a dead body of clergy trailing empty slogans. It was then only natural that a banner of rebellion would be raised, arguing that a merciless God who would allow such suffering could not exist. Hence, modern materialism was born. Western society became a hotbed of materialism; it was the fertile soil in which communism flourished. (Exposition of the Divine Principle,Introduction)
The first thing the Pilgrim Fathers built was a church. They invested all their effort to build it, giving everything they had. Next they built the road to the church. For the sake of God they worked day and night. They prayed, “God, we pledge ourselves to build a place where You can dwell, surpassing anyplace in the Old World. We pledge ourselves to establish Your ideal nation, surpassing any nation in the Old World.”34 The Pilgrims suffered a great deal, but the more they suffered, the more determined they were to build God’s Kingdom, a godly society transcending what existed in Europe.
    After their church, they built a school. For they resolved to educate their children well, surpassing what they could learn at schools in Europe. Last of all, they built their homes. Yet even these they built not for themselves, but dedicated them to God. Thus they created a society where God dwelt in the church, in the school, in the family, and even in the workplace. They surely lived a God-centered way of life, entrusting everything to God…
    George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War, was defeated in many battles. When he faced the heartbreaking winter at Valley Forge, I am sure George Washington prayed like this: “God, You led this people from Europe and brought us to America, where there is freedom of faith. You would not wish to deliver this people back into the hands of England, to suffer under its monarchy and the yoke of state-enforced religion. Please bless this nation to become the land that You desire to build, upholding freedom of faith and laying the foundation for Your ideal world.” In his prayer, George Washington must have pledged that he would lead his nation to become the land desired by God.
    Isn’t it true that very day your Congress is convened in prayer? America is not merely the land where Americans live; it is the nation blessed by God. In this respect, America is unique. Your money is imprinted with the inscription, “In God We Trust.” Does any other nation in the world do that? Americans promote the motto, “One nation under God.” Does this motto refer only to America? Ladies and gentlemen, the Kingdom of Heaven should occupy the whole world. It was for this reason that America was born: as a nation composed of all the peoples of the world, it should be the model for one worldwide nation. Why did America establish freedom of religion where the new Protestant faiths could thrive? For what purpose did America throw off the state religions of Europe? It was not just for America’s sake, but to save the world. To save the world!
    Americans, do not think that you are prospering because you yourselves are great. God did not bless this nation so that you can enjoy an affluent life. You should remember God’s original purpose in blessing America, to use this nation as His instrument for saving the world. (69:102, October 21, 1973)
Christianity in the Middle Age should have embraced all people regardless of class, and integrated them based on its religious ideals. However, it failed in doing so, and instead corrupted itself by becoming politicized. As a result,
God had to strike it.
    Had the Roman Papacy not become corrupt, and had it instantiated the teaching of living for the sake of others before seeking for its own benefit, with a sense of mission that it existed for the world and humankind, it would not have fallen down. However, due to its failure, God struck Catholicism externally through the Renaissance and internally through the Protestant Reformation.
    Then the Puritans sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the new continent of America and built a new nation based on Christian ideals. America’s liberal democratic ideology that prevails throughout the democratic world is based on an integration of Roman political ideology, Christian religious ideas and Greek philosophy.
    However, for America to fulfill its responsibility… she should give up her idea of being Number One in the world. For the people of the United States this is the most essential thing. (5:22-23, November 9, 1958)

You Are Peter, and on This Rock I Will Build My Church

Numbers 36

36 One day the family leaders from the Gilead clan of the Manasseh tribe went to Moses and the other family leaders of Israel and said, “Sir, the Lord has said that he will show what land each tribe will receive as their own. And the Lord has commanded you to give the daughters of our relative Zelopheha the land that he would have received. But if they marry men from other tribes of Israel, the land they receive will become part of that tribe’s inheritance and will no longer belong to us. Even when land is returned to its original owner in the Year of Celebration, we will not get back Zelophehad’s land—it will belong to the tribe into which his daughters married.”

Esther 9

12 Then he told Esther, “Five hundred people, including Haman’s ten sons, have been killed in Susa alone. If that many were killed here, what must have happened in the provinces? Is there anything else you want done? Just tell me, and it will be done.”

Richard: God’s people must lead the way. Secular leaders are not to be in charge, except as God will allow. Secular leaders have to seek God’s way, and specifically understand that a New Age has come, and what the New Truth is and what must be done. Start with this speech and this Principle booklet.


4. History of Christianity: Triumphalism, Corruption and Renewal

About noon, when the day was already beginning to decline, Constantine saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the sun, and bearing the inscription, CONQUER BY THIS. At this sight he himself was struck with amazement, and his whole army also, which followed him on this expedition, and witnessed the miracle.
    Eusebius, Life of Constantine
I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock33 I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
    Matthew 16.18-19
The true faith compels us to believe there is one holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and this we firmly believe and plainly confess. Outside of her there is no salvation or remission from sins.
    Now, therefore, we declare, say, determine and pronounce that for every human creature it is necessary for salvation to be subject to the authority of the Roman pontiff.
    Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam 
For the defense of the faith secular authorities ought publicly to take an oath that they will strive in good faith and to the best of their ability to exterminate in the territories subject to their jurisdiction all heretics pointed out by the Church.
    Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 3
The Romanists have very cleverly built three walls around themselves… In the first place… temporal power had no jurisdiction over them… In the second place… only the pope may interpret the Scriptures. In the third place… no one may summon a council but the pope…
    Therefore, when necessity demands it, and the pope is an offense to Christendom, the first man who is able should, as a true member of the whole body, do what he can to bring about a truly free council. No one can do this so well as the temporal authorities.
Martin Luther, On Papal Power
Religion is the sob of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
    Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
The God of Israel is among us… when He shall make us a praise and glory, that men shall say of succeeding plantations: The Lord make it like that of New England: for we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us. John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity
No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential urgency.
George Washington, First Inaugural Address