The Silent Thought Taught Me the Greatest Good so that I Might Proclaim It

We are now in a state of spiritual emergency. Join me until Good Friday for a daily video on the current Covid-19 situation, also available on podcast.
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Luke 23

32 Two criminals were led out to be put to death with Jesus. 33 When the soldiers came to the place called “The Skull,” they nailed Jesus to a cross. They also nailed the two criminals to crosses, one on each side of Jesus.

Richard: We are again seeing the division of the world into two clear camps; those that honor and believe in God and God-given rights, and those that do not honor God, and would, rather, oppress the people with their own godless ideologies.
This is happening in both the communist world and the free world. The current Covid-19 situation is part of this division of good and evil. Watch my show or listen to my podcast series to understand more:
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This series will end on Good Friday, the very day that Jesus made the statement above.

Ezekiel 14

If a prophet gives a false message, I am the one who caused that prophet to lie. But I will still reject him and cut him off from my people, 10 and anyone who goes to that prophet for a message will be punished in the same way. 11 I will do this, so that you will come back to me and stop destroying yourselves with these disgusting sins. So turn back to me! Then I will be your God, and you will be my people. I, the Lord God, make this promise.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1
Knowledge of God

2. Evidence for God within the Self

Eye cannot see him, nor words reveal him; by the senses, austerity, or works he is not known. When the mind is cleansed by the grace of wisdom, he is seen by contemplation—the One without parts. Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.8 (Hinduism)

The thing that is called Tao is eluding and vague. Vague and eluding, there is in it the form. Eluding and vague, in it are things. Deep and obscure, in it is the essence. The essence is very real; in it are evidences. From the time of old until now, its manifestations ever remain, By which we may see the beginnings of all things. How do I know that the beginnings of all things are so? Through this.4 Tao Te Ching 21 (Taoism)

As the Holy One I recognized Thee, O Wise Lord, When He came to me as Good Mind; The Silent Thought taught me the greatest good so that I might proclaim it. Avesta, Yasna 45.15 (Zoroastrianism)

Who knows truly, and who will now declare, what paths lead together to the gods? Only their lowest aspects of existence are seen, who exist on supreme, mystical planes. Rig Veda 3.54.5 (Hinduism)

Confucius said, “The power of spiritual forces in the universe—how active it is everywhere! Invisible to the eyes and impalpable to the senses, it is inherent in all things, and nothing can escape its operation.” It is the fact that there are these forces which make men in all countries fast and purify themselves, and with solemnity of dress institute services of sacrifice and religious worship. Like the rush of mighty waters, the presence of unseen Powers is felt; sometimes above us, sometimes around us. In The Book of Songs it is said, The presence of the Spirit: It cannot be surmised, How may it be ignored! Such is the evidence of things invisible that it is impossible to doubt the spiritual nature of man. Doctrine of the Mean 16 (Confucianism)

There Must Be Some Intelligence Operating Behind the Scenes

We are now in a state of spiritual emergency. Join me until Good Friday for a daily video on the current Covid-19 situation, also available on podcast.
Podcast feed for podcast players:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 234

Section 2. The Value of Working
with True Parents while They are
on Earth

If you miss this time, you will have
deep regrets for hundreds of millions
of years. Can you buy this opportunity
with money? Can you buy it with knowl-
edge? Can you match it with something
you have? You absolutely cannot. Even
if you bear the burden of the world, peo-
ple, tribe and family who are connect-
ed to you all at once, can you inherit
this? Again, no, you cannot. This time
is so precious that even if the commu-
nist world and democratic world were
allowed to perish, this opportunity
would not be allowed to come to nought.
God would think that even if all human-
kind were sacrificed, this opportunity
should not be destroyed. This is what we
should think. There is no way you can
say all you want to say and stand in such
a focal position. There is no way you can
say all you want to say and still be a child
of filial piety. There is no way you can say
all you want to say and do all you want
to do and still become a patriot. (51-354,

Richard Urban: This refers to those who were alive while Rev. Sun Myung Moon was on the earth (1920-2012). However, it also applies to the present spiritual crisis. Satan, the devil can only prevail if we allow him to. We must not give away our God-given freedoms in the guise of “safety”, whether the threat is real or perceived.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1170

Because human beings inherit-
ed the blood of the archangel, Jesus
was conceived through a person who
stood in the position of the archan-
gel. What does it mean to say con-
ceived through the Holy Spirit? Such
inadequate explanations should not
hold sway. The principle of restoration
through indemnity explains it as it is.
If a person in the position of the arch-
angel can be raised up, and can become
an absolutely unchanging, loyal sub-
ject on God’s side, especially loved by
Him, then Satan will have to imme-
diately leave his position as the arch-
angel. Thus, Jesus was born through a
person in the archangelic position on
God’s side. In this way, Jesus was born
as the firstborn son. The right of the
fallen eldest son was restored and puri-
fied into the new lineage, and Jesus was
born with the right of the eldest son
on God’s side. Therefore, those who
believe in Jesus are reborn through the
love of God, with God as their center.
Through this, their lineage is different
from Satan’s. (143-104, 1986.3.16)

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1
Knowledge of God

Teachings of Sun Myung Moon

How can we know the divine nature of the incorporeal God? One way to fathom His deity is by observing the universe which He created. Thus, St. Paul said: Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. (Rom. 1.20) Just as a work of art displays the invisible nature of its maker in a concrete form, everything in the created universe is a substantial manifestation of some quality of the Creator’s invisible, divine nature. As such, each stands in a relationship to God. Just as we can come to know the character of an artist through his works, so we can understand the nature of God by observing the diverse things of creation. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Creation 1.1)

The human body reflects the mystery of God. Analyze and dissect it using your intellect, and even after millions of years you would not know all there is to know about your body. Despite thousands of eye doctors, there are still innumerable mysteries about the eye. Do you think medical science knows all there is to know about the eye? No, their knowledge is still in its infancy. How, then, can these “infants” say there is no God? (95:123, November 6, 1977)

Look at the eye. Before it was formed, the eye must have been designed by someone who realized that it would be functioning in an atmosphere of dust and wind. It was designed in such a way to adjust to such conditions. Do you think the eye knew ahead of time what conditions it would face? If it did not, there must be Someone who knew, and who created the eye with the means to protect it. There must be some Intelligence, operating behind the scenes, which had cosmic knowledge. It knew that the earth’s heat would cause moisture to evaporate from the surface of the eye, so it made tear ducts to lubricate it. There is Reason within the design of nature. Look at the eyelids, designed to prevent the serious problem of dust entering the eye. Look at the eyebrows; they were designed to block sweat from running down into the eye. Did the eyebrows appear knowing that they would have this function? Or did the eyes put on eyebrows because they knew this of themselves? No. There is an Intelligence that knew in advance the environment in which the eye would be functioning and designed the eye precisely for it. (117:78, February 1, 1982)

One way to prove the existence of God is by observing the abundant evidence that God is trying to promote world citizenship and the concept of the world as one nation. Can you find a certain universal ingredient in religion that encourages loyalty beyond the level of nation or race? That evidence alone is sufficient for us to recognize the existence of God, who through the course of history has been promoting unity. (95:63, October 23, 1977)

Ever Since the Creation of the World, His Invisible Nature Has Been Clearly Perceived

We are in the midst of a spiritual crisis and emergency: View the first of an eight part series on The Great Fraud: The Covid-19 Agenda Part 1-Introduction, or listen to the podcast.

Mark 5

37 Jesus did not let anyone go with him except Peter and the two brothers, James and John. 38 They went home with Jairus and saw the people crying and making a lot of noise. 39 Then Jesus went inside and said to them, “Why are you crying and carrying on like this? The child isn’t dead. She is just asleep.” 40 But the people laughed at him.

Richard: Children are not being affected by SARS CoV2 virus. That tells us something. Just like measles (before the vaccine craze), children got measles and were immune for life. This immunity is passed on to the baby and is in effect for the first months of life.

Lamentations 2

The Lord was like an enemy!
    He left Israel in ruins
with its palaces
    and fortresses destroyed,
and with everyone in Judah
    moaning and weeping.
He shattered his temple
    like a hut in a garden;[d]
he completely wiped out
    his meeting place,
and did away with festivals
and Sabbaths
    in the city of Zion.
In his fierce anger he rejected
    our king and priests.

Richard: We are in the midst of a spiritual crisis and emergency: View the first of an eight part series on The Great Fraud: The Covid-19 Agenda Part 1-Introduction, or listen to the podcast.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1
Knowledge of God

HOW CAN HUMAN BEINGS RECOGNIZE the the existence of the absolute being? Philosophers have ever pondered this question; some offering proofs while others are skeptical that any such knowledge can be had.
although such discussion is beyond the scope of this anthology, certain arguments are put forth in scripture.
God has left evidence of his existence and provided ways for people to know him, if they only look.
The first of these is evidence of God’s handiwork in the creation. numerous scientists testify that the more
They studied nature, the more certain they were of a Designer. inventor Thomas Edison remarked, “the universe is permeated by intelligence. I tell you, no person can be brought into close contact with the mysteries of na-
ture or make a study of chemistry without being convinced that behind all, there is a supreme intelligence.”
The second path to God is the doorway of contemplation, that innermost self which senses God’s reality. The apprehension of God is mystical, not intellectual. Blaise Pascal said, “it is the heart which perceives God,
and not the reason.” Father Moon teaches that God is most essentially our parent; hence we should experience him with the same immediacy that we know our own parents. the third type of evidence is supernatural. Few
of us have access to this source, but we regard those who have such experiences as trustworthy guides. they are the founders of religion and people who have journeyed into the spiritual realms.

  1. Traces of God in the Creation

For what can be known about God is plain to
[all], because God has showed it to them. Ever
since the creation of the world his invisible
nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has
been clearly perceived in the things that have
been made. So they are without excuse.
Romans 1.19-20

We shall show then Our signs on the horizons
and within themselves until it becomes clear to
them that it is the Truth.
Qur’an 41.53

And of His signs is that He created you from the
dust; now behold you are human beings, rang-
ing widely.
And of His signs is that He created for you,
of yourselves, spouses that you might find repose in them, and He has planted love and kindness
in your hearts. Surely there are signs in this for
people who reflect.
And of His signs is the creation of the
heavens and the earth and the variety of your
tongues and hues, surely there are signs in this
for people who have knowledge.
And of His signs is your slumber by night
and day, and your seeking of His bounty. Surely
there are signs in this for people who hear.
The lightning which He shows you for fear
and hope is yet another of His signs; He sends
down water from the sky, thereby reviving the
earth after it is dead. Surely in this there are
signs for people who understand.
And of His signs is that space and the earth
stand firm by His command; then when He calls
you, suddenly, from the earth you shall emerge.
Qur’an 30.20-25

For each and every form he is the Model;
it is his form that is to be seen everywhere;
Indra moves multiform by his creative charm;
the bay steeds yoked to his car are a thousand.
Rig Veda 6.47.18 (Hinduism)

Too many people have a microscopic idea of the
Creator. If they would only study his wonder-
ful works as shown in nature herself and the
natural laws of the universe, they would have
a much broader idea of the great Engineer.
Indeed, I can almost prove [God’s] existence
by chemistry. One thing is certain: the universe
is permeated by Intelligence. I tell you, no per-
son can be brought into close contact with the
mysteries of nature or make a study of chemistry
without being convinced that behind all, there
is a supreme Intelligence.
Thomas Edison

So also did We show Abraham the power and
the laws of the heavens and the earth, that he
might have certitude. When the night cov-
ered him over, he saw a star; he said, “This is
my Lord.” But when it set, he said, “I love not
those that set.” When he saw the moon rising in
splendor, he said, “This is my Lord,” but when
the moon set, he said, “Unless my Lord guide
me, I shall surely be among those who go astray.”
When he saw the sun rising in splendor, he said,
“This is my Lord; this is the greatest of all,” but
when the sun set, he said, “O my people! I am
indeed free from your [error] of ascribing part-
ners to God. For me, I have set my face firmly
and truly towards Him who created the heavens
and the earth, and never shall I ascribe partners
to God.”
Qur’an 6.75-79

All things are made to bear record of Me, both
things which are temporal and things which are
spiritual; things which are in the heavens above,
and things which are on the earth, and things
which are in the earth, and things which are
under the earth, both above and beneath: all
things bear record of Me.
Pearl of Great Price, Moses 6.63
(Latter-day Saints)

The heavens are telling the glory of God;
and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours forth speech,
and night to night declares knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
neither is their voice heard;
Yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world. 3
Psalm 19.1-4

We Should Feel the Holiness in Everything of Nature

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1435

Then, what should you do next? You
must long for the day when you will be
able to register as a family of God. More-
over, you should not be the only one
longing for that. All humanity must long
for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1250

The love between a husband and wife
is engrafted to the vertical love of God.
Once you become one with that vertical
love, there is no one on earth who can
detach it. The engrafted love is bound so
strongly to the love of God that no one
can ever separate it. That is why even
though everyone complains about their
lives and how difficult it is to go on liv-
ing, they still continue to seek the path
of love. (180-309, 1988.10.5)

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

We should confess that we are descendants of the fall before being proud of ourselves. We should reveal our sinful nature and history, which is stained with fallen nature, before we reveal anything. Although we are in this situation, we have been evading this position. As we see the enlightenment taking place more and more often, God must resolve the sin-stained history and the resentment of the sin which is transmitted through the blood-lineage.

God’s longing and our wish are to resolve this resentment of sin. If the day of enlightenment does not come, there will be no day of resolution and liberation. If there is no day of resolution and liberation, there will be no day when God’s will is fulfilled. If the day of the fulfillment of God’s will does not come, there will be no day of glory for God who has guided the dispensation or for humanity, who followed and supported the dispensation.

We should be able to feel with our mind, body and spirit, the holiness in everything of nature. Our original nature should feel the touch of God’s heart. We should be able to feel the heavenly heart and love which are experienced through our original essence, our original nature and character in our body. If such a person exists, he would be the happiest person on earth.

Continue reading “We Should Feel the Holiness in Everything of Nature”

Behold God’s Handiwork of Creation

Numbers 8

They are to bring a bull and its proper grain sacrifice of flour mixed with olive oil. And they must bring a second bull as a sacrifice for sin.

Then you, Moses, will call together all the people of Israel and have the Levites go to my sacred tent, 10 where the people will place their hands on them. 11 Aaron will present the Levites to me as a gift from the people, so that the Levites will do my work.

Jeremiah 31

People of Israel,
you are my own dear children.
    Don’t I love you best of all?
Though I often make threats,
I want you to be near me,
    so I will have mercy on you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

We have to understand this as we relate with all things and become someone who can sing of the heart of God, who created the natural world. We have to be able to sing of the heart of God who rejoiced after creating the universe; we should sing of the heart of God when He rejoiced after creating human beings. We should sing about how this world of ideology has been made so good, precious and beautiful. When we can praise God with this heart, we can become connected to heavenly and human love. You must understand that this is how the historical and providential bond of heart, which is linked to the heavenly principles and human principles, is forged.

Today, we often understand God as one who has the same sung sang as we. However, in your life of devotion, when you are praying or when you are meditating quietly, watching the natural world alone in the dark night, or when you have opened the door to your heart with a serious attitude and feel the outpouring of your original mind as you behold nature, you will feel that nature exists for you. You will experience deeply that the infinitely large world of the heavenly bodies exists for your sake. If you then bow your head and pray, “Father, thank You,” you will offer a more profound prayer than any you may offer based on your personal feelings. Continue reading “Behold God’s Handiwork of Creation”