Go and Proclaim the Kingdom of God

VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Register before the start time of your selected workshop day(s).
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Listen to the Richard Urban Show #103:  Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World; Join the Workshop on March 18th to March 20, 2022
Watch the Internet Show

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The citizens of God’s Kingdom are those who came forth hoisting the banner of serving all peoples. Hence, in order to save a certain race today we must distribute all our possessions for its sake. If that is not enough, we should be prepared to offer even our lives. Such people are indeed the citizens of heaven. You should think about God’s inner state of having to gather such people in order to realize the ideal of His kingdom. (5-17, 1958.11.9)

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In the providence of indemnifying the vertical history horizontally in the present time, a foundation for restoration through indemnity had to be laid first; that was the reason for establishing the 36, 72 and 120 couples. Of these, the 36 Couples are the miniature versions of the 36 vertical generations of ancestors. The 72 Couples represent Cain and Abel, the next generation. Finally, the 120 Couples represent 120 nations in the world. Their number should correspond to the number of United Nations member countries, which actually were 120 at the time. It turned out to be exactly so in reality. (34-103, 1970.8.29)


For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will move this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
    Matthew 17.20

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Faith Without Works Is Dead

VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
In-person: Registration Deadline March 15th.
Online:  Register before the start time of your selected workshop day(s).
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Listen to the Richard Urban Show #103:  Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World; Join the Workshop on March 18th to March 20, 2022
Watch the Internet Show

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you today, March 14th.

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The families of Joseph and Zechariah should have united to lay the foundation for Jesus to stand on as the tribal messiah. If they had done so, the nation was to be restored through indemnity; but this did not happen. The Unification Church is currently laying the peoplelevel foundation to restore the nation. We stand on the basis of having passed through the tribal age. You are serving the True Parents and are called their children. You can now be their children – not their legitimate children (in the traditional and legal sense), but also not adopted children (for adopted children have no blood relationship with the parent). You now stand in the position of the child by a concubine. If this position were not established there would be no way for us to save this world. We have crossed over the tribal realm and are heading towards the realm of one people. It was within that realm that you were blessed. (141-209, 1986.2.22)

Richard: In biblical history, a concubine is a woman who lives with a man as a second wife, but without the status of a wife. The point in this passage is that we need to change our lineage to God’s lineage. Physically, that would be done by actually being the physical children of the True Parents (Christ and his bride). That, however, is impossible. Rather, the wife in a Blessed marriage is in a position to relate to Christ, the True Parent, as a spouse. But, of course, she is not the physical spouse of Christ. Thus, this is like the position of a concubine. This is why the church is referred to as a bride to Jesus. It is to prepare us to understand the concept of rebirth to a true father and true mother.

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All of you must carry out the mission of a second creator who can disseminate the words of God. In other words, you must become the propagators of the Word, of life, and of its substance. Only when you accomplish this, and become one in love, can you attend God eternally. Such is the standard of the third Israel. Only in this manner can you sow the Word, the substance, and the life. You must become the substantial embodiments of the Word and the life, representing the heart of six thousand years of biblical history. You must know how to attend God, how to understand and feel the Word, and how to fulfill your mission of recreating the second Israel. You must constantly bear in mind that only by doing so can you become the sons and daughters who completely understand the internal heart of God. Only when you become the true children of God can you live in eternal glory centering on God’s love. (3-331, 1958.2.2)


3. To Trust in God and Live by Faith in Him

Put your trust on the Exalted in Might, the Merciful—who sees you standing forth in prayer, and your movements among those who prostrate themselves. For it is He who hears and sees all things.
    Qur’an 26.218-20

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and he will make straight your paths.
    Proverbs 3.5-6

Continue reading “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

God Tried to Believe in People

VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
In-person: Registration Deadline March 15th.
Online:  Register before the start time of your selected workshop day(s).
Register Now
Find out more
Listen to the Richard Urban Show #103:  Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World; Join the Workshop on March 18th to March 20, 2022
Watch the Internet Show

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 522

Focusing on Korea, the twenty year period from 1972 to 1992 was the time when I restored the role of Christianity. On the national level, I walked the course of the Old Testament Age. After True Parents’ wedding in 1960, I worked in America, representing the worldwide stage corresponding to the Old and the New Testament Ages. The contents of this period correspond to the Old Testament and New Testament Ages. The worldwide settlement of True Parents was completed by the end of this period. That was why I announced the Completed Testament Age. Then, we live with God. Our Unification Church members can live with God. (246-301, 1993.4.20)

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The 777 Couples represent the world: they are global couples. As such, they strengthen our church. However, the family structure in the Unification Church is still in tatters. None of the families until now have fulfilled their missions and so I have had to extend them to the 777 Couples, representing the global level. Originally, the 430 Couples should have done this work. This is the progress we have made thus far. The 777 Couples represent the whole world. The three sevens refer to formation, growth, and completion. I prepared the global family structure for us to enter the transracial era by blessing the 777 Couples in 1970. Thus, any of the 777 Couples, including the Japanese, could take the place of any of the 36, 72, 124, or 430 Couples who deviate from their position. In this way, the path of the providence of restoration is being paved. (79-104, 1975.6.22)


2. Faith is a Gift of God, Not a Human Work

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How can we explain the relationship our Father has with us, considering that we are all descendants of the sinful lineage? We cannot escape the bondage of sinful history. We live within the realm of sin, unable to overcome it. Because we cannot relate well with the Father even by our best efforts, we are taught to believe with all our heart. This is the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which teaches us to approach the Father not through any other way but by believing in our hearts. (7:52- 53, July 12, 1959)

How will you be justified by Heaven? You cannot take pride in your merits and efforts for Heaven. These things do not acquit you at the judgment. Only by your experience of God’s heart and Jesus’ heart within you, bearing fruit—a relationship that even God and Jesus cannot break—will establish the condition for eternal life. (4:107, March 16, 1958)

Continue reading “God Tried to Believe in People”

True Faith Involves Selfless Humility

VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Registration Deadline March 15th
Register Now
Find out more
Listen to the Richard Urban Show #103:  Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World; Join the Workshop on March 18th to March 20, 2022
Watch the Internet Show

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 239

Human beings, as they were originally created, were to live with God’s true love within their minds and bodies, and thus they were to respond to His love directly. In other words, the mind would respond to God centering on true love and the body would automatically resonate with the mind. The origin of true unity in which the mind and body are not in conflict begins with inheriting and experiencing God’s true love just as it is. The ideals of people whose minds and bodies are united can be realized when they can completely possess God’s true love. When mind and body are united centering on true love, the ideal of genuine freedom and peace can begin. On the foundation of the unity of mind and body, free and peaceful individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and a world can be established. (234-270, 1990.9.2)

Richard: We will explain God’s plan, ideal and His great work in history up to the present day in Day 2 of the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop. Won’t you join us on March 18 to March 20?

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In the present era, we are heading towards the completion stage, having passed through the formation and growth stages. This is the era in which history has to move horizontally after developing vertically. In other words, it is the era in which the boundary of the six-thousand-year long history of indemnification is crossed. That is why you need to escape from the dominion of Satan. Then what is the Blessing? It is the gate you have to pass through to leave the realm Satan has dominated throughout history. (18-209, 1967.6.8)

Richard: Previously in history, people could only do their best to work toward the future dream of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Now, thanks to the foundatio of Jesus and the tireless work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, we can actually establish the substantial kingdom on earth. Find out what this means by attending the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, March 18- March 20.


  1. Faith is a Gift of God, Not a Human Work

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God—not because of works, lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
    Ephesians 2.8-10

God has endeared the Faith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you unbelief, wickedness, and rebellion: such indeed are those who walk in righteousness—a grace and favor from God.
    Qur’an 49.7

Continue reading “True Faith Involves Selfless Humility”

People Make a Great Mistake when They Think all They Have to do Is “Just Believe”

VisionRoot Success Formula Workshops:  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World 
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Registration Deadline March 15th
Register Now
Find out more
Listen to the Richard Urban Show #103:  Peaceful Families Make a Peaceful World; Join the Workshop on March 18th to March 20, 2022
Watch the Internet Show

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2324

Eve’s fall was due to her failure to pursue absolute faith and absolute love. Thus, the principle of restoration through indemnity dictates single-hearted devotion of one mindset for the sake of God to restore absolute faith and absolute love based on conscience. Everything in the world goes against God, and so we need to cut ourselves off from and deny them absolutely. (275-30, 1995.10.30)

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As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the firstborn son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)


  1. Belief—the Starting-point of Faith

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Faith is the path each person must walk in search of God. Faith should be nurtured through a direct vertical relationship between God and each individual. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Preparation 1)

Why do we lead a life of faith? It is to invest a higher form of energy that transcends our individual selves. Its direction is toward the world of higher realm, not the fallen world in which we now live. That is why theories that deny God’s existence are groundless. (89:76, July 11, 1976)

Continue reading “People Make a Great Mistake when They Think all They Have to do Is “Just Believe””