A Glorious New Morning Will Dawn when God Assumes a Physical Body

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The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1723

To become God’s child, one needs to be born through the point of unity of these organs. If not from that point, from where would God’s sons and daughters be born? Thus, when man and woman are making love, of course all cells in the body desire to be a part of the sexual organs, but once they have entered the place of love the whole body feels the same way. In other words, the entire body becomes one. (248-55, 1993.6.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1010

We must establish a new tradition that transcends races and nations. We must establish the foundation for that tradition in accordance with God’s desire rather than our own. It means you should not hold yourself to your habits, previous customs, or current trends. You should know that this is totally different. When you observe the world of nature, you will see that everything exists in harmony. Everything is natural, in harmony and has no sign of awkwardness. Everything is made to become attractive and to be a stimulating force. If something is disliked, it will not draw any attention. (66-299, 1973.5.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 4

Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 5. God’s Blessing Allows You to Inherit Love and Joy

A glorious new morning will dawn when God assumes a physical body. The time He can love His grandchildren is a time more glorious than the time He can love His sons and daughters. How do you think God expressed His joy to Adam after having created him? Continue reading “A Glorious New Morning Will Dawn when God Assumes a Physical Body”

Become a Slave of Love

Singles, Find your eternal match.
Parents, work with your adult child to help them find their eternal spouse.

Married couples, strengthen your marriage with the Blessing Preparation Course.
Join now
The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1955

    I love the Japanese people more than anyone in Japan does. I have concerned myself with the future of Japan and China. I have worried about what America may become, and what Germany may become. Therefore, I am not someone who just loves Korean people because I was born in Korea. Even the Japanese people need my strength. That is why I believe that Japanese people must also be raised to the standard where they can love me as they would God.
    Unless God stands in a position where He can be loved more than any Japanese parent is loved, God cannot become part of any family in that nation. God must be in a higher position. Opposite poles attract. We must carry out such activities. The Messiah is absolutely needed. In particular, if the Japanese people are the first to come together in making a foothold, so that the people of the world can receive the Messiah, the day will come when Japan will be praised in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, no matter what it takes, we must leave the evil sovereignty behind and assure that the good lineage of Heaven is all that remains. (55-97, 1972.4.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 962

    True Parents are giving the Blessing in the physical world, going beyond racial and religious boundaries. By connecting to this, the domain of liberation for the individual, family, tribe, people and nation can be established on the earth. That liberated domain is not created in the spirit world. Since the basis to connect to the world of heaven’s love and cosmic love exists on earth, the spiritual and physical worlds can become unified around True Parents. This will eliminate all indebtedness and perfect the Blessing of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and even the Blessing of the cosmos.
    By creating a united and harmonized sphere of Blessed families in the spiritual and physical worlds, the foundation for the ideal of heaven based on the unfallen Adam can be established. This causes all families in history to have the same value. Through the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world, God can come down and dwell on this foundation. God is the vertical Parent. True Parents are the horizontal Parents that can equalize the earth. Therefore, on Chil Pal Jeol, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth was proclaimed, and a new age began. Furthermore, from the day of 9.9. Jeol, we enter a new era. (303-257, 1999.9.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 4

Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 3. For Human Beings, the Eternal Element of Life is Love

    You shouldn’t forget that while you lived as an embryo, you not only received nutrition from your mother but you also received love from her. Likewise, people living on earth are not only receiving physical nutrition from the universe but also love from God, who is the essential element of life. (Blessed Family -1062) Continue reading “Become a Slave of Love”

If This Place Is Destroyed, It Will Be Catastrophic

Singles, Find your eternal match.
Parents, work with your adult child to help them find their eternal spouse.

Married couples, strengthen your marriage with the Blessing Preparation Course.
Join now
The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1282

After the growth stage in the three-day ceremony, the man is restored to the upper position. That is why in making love on the third occasion, the man should be in the upper position. After completing this, the husband and wife should offer the prayer that they have become an eternal husband and wife, and an eternal family that belongs to God and that is the heir of heaven. Only then can they truly start their lives as husband and wife. Only when that is accomplished, can they boldly walk into the Kingdom of God as a family completely restored through indemnity. It is that difficult to achieve. Therefore, if you do not know about this, it is impossible for you to be restored. You cannot be restored if you don’t know this. In the world today, many churches claim that they will go to the Kingdom of Heaven if they believe in Jesus, but this is total nonsense. They are not going to the Kingdom of Heaven but to paradise. Paradise is the waiting room. (90-134, 1976.10.21)

Richard: The three-day ceremony is part of the Blessing. You can receive the Blessing at UnionStation.love.

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 936

Will there be a royal palace in the Kingdom of Heaven? What kind of king would be there? Would the king be the king of a democracy? Since the spirit world is based on true love, once the king of the spirit world becomes the center, it is for eternity. Therefore, the highest and lowest places should be viewed as one and the whole seen as an undivided sphere. (167-123, 1987.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 4

Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 2. Life in its Original Form

    What do you think is the cause of human existence? The cause of human existence is love. Continue reading “If This Place Is Destroyed, It Will Be Catastrophic”

The Beginning is the Family and the Conclusion is the Family

Singles, Find your eternal match.
Parents, work with your adult child to help them find their eternal spouse.

Married couples, strengthen your marriage with the Blessing Preparation Course.
Join now
The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

The big question is whether I have loved the satanic world more than I love my wife and children. I cannot love my family more than I love those who stand in the Cain position. God has to love the Cain realm first before loving the Abel realm. He cannot love Abel before that. (140-38, 1986.2.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1535

At the time of creation, God stood in the position of having exercised absolute faith, love, and obedience, but because human beings failed to form families that could stand as object partners to Him, they consequently fell into hell. We are now living in the time when everything that was lost in Adam’s family can be restored worldwide through absolute faith, love and obedience on the unified foundation of True Parents’ realm of victory. Unification Church members must therefore inherit and practice absolute faith, love and obedience centering on the True Parents. True Parents inherited these absolute traditions from God, and so you should inherit these traditions in turn. Do you understand? Then God’s blessing will be with you. (1996.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 3

The Family is the Model for the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 8. The Family Is the Final Standard for Completing the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Everything divides from one into many, which eventually merge into a larger whole. In other words, one divides into many and then unites again into one. From here it divides again and becomes something even larger. Families exist within this larger created object. These families all have the same form as each other. The family is the place where the relationship of husband and wife is established and the place that unites the husband and wife. The tribe is a place that unites families, and the race is a place that unites clans. Races combine to form one nation. Here families play the central role. (26-189, 1969.10.25) Continue reading “The Beginning is the Family and the Conclusion is the Family”

Who Should Be In the Original Hometown?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 810

The things most detested in the spirit world are the customs and habits of the fallen realm. Habits arise from customs. What is the favorite dish for a Japanese person born in Japan? It would be soup and rice. Americans like hamburgers and Koreans like kochujang and kimchi. If you live confined by customs, you will never be able to eliminate your habits. Then, how will you eliminate these habits?
If it is this difficult to rid yourselves of everyday habits on earth, then how much more difficult will your situation be in the spirit world if you go there with a hardened fallen nature and stubborn habits. You need to resolve these things on the earth. This is very difficult to do when you go to the spirit world. Therefore, a spouse is not the main concern. Children are not the main concern. Only after you remedy all your bad habits should you think about finding a husband or wife and having children. (228-114, 1992.3.26)
Richard:  Be the one to find the one.  You can prepare to find your eternal match by becoming a member of UnionStation.love and taking the Blessing Preparation Course.  You will be glad that you did!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1200

The reason I created a newspaper company was to call together minorities. The countries where Native American peoples live are the countries of Rev. Moon’s cousins. Asia is the elder brother. The younger brother separated from there and came onto the American continent. This has to be indemnified. Unlike the ways of the Anglo-Saxon people in America, Rev. Moon must restore this through indemnity, without shedding blood. Both the CIA and FBI say, “Rev. Moon, that’s causing us trouble!” No matter how alarming it may be, it is God’s will. God makes things happen that way. I make relationships with people through the will of God. People of all races are brothers and sisters. God doesn’t see colors. He is color blind.
Focusing on this mission, I cannot help but follow this way. While I was in Korea, I created every conceivable organization. Even if I were to live at the summit of the Alps, it would be no problem for me. The world is my stage. It is my stage for my activities. (134-206, 1985.7.20)
Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon founded The Washington Times in 1982.  He also founded many other newspapers and organizations.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 3

The Family is the Model for the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 7. The Family is Our Eternal Original Hometown

Family, the family is a good place. Why is it good? It is a good place because my mother and father are there. It is a good place because my elder sister and elder brother are there. It is a good place because my younger brother and younger sister are there, and it is a good place because my relatives are there. Thus, human beings feel nostalgia for their hometown and the land of their original hometown. They feel more deeply about their hometown than they do for the nation. The place you long for even when you live in the Republic of Korea is your hometown. What place do you long for even though you like Korea, even though you want to live in Korea, and even while you are living in Korea? It is your hometown. Hometown, what kind of place is your hometown? It is a place where your heart is lifted up in four directions and three dimensions. What is that heart? It is a place where you are tied up by love. Upward, your mother and father are tying you up; left and right, the bond between husband and wife is tying you up; downward, your sons and daughters and relatives are tying you up tight with three dimensional love. This is the original hometown.
People cannot help but long for their original hometown because they look upon this starting point of happiness based on love as the best. Then, what kind of place do you think God’s original hometown is? What do you think God’s land of original hometown is on this earth? We should think about these questions. If God is the God of love, He must surely have prepared a starting point for living on this earth, and where is this starting point? To know this, we must understand how God has prepared that starting point. What kind of place can become the starting point of the original hometown where God’s family can be created? It is none other than a place where a son dwells who understands God as his real father. In other words, it is a place where the son, the only-begotten son who can monopolize God’s love, exists. Also it is a place where such a daughter dwells. It is a place where such a son and a daughter marry and form a complete family. (23-151, 1969.5.18)

Then who should be in the original hometown? Those who you miss should be there. Your parents should be there and your brothers and sisters should be there. And those who you long to meet should be there. When you want to live with them there, would you be satisfied if you just saw them for a moment? Would you be satisfied if you met and just saw them for a short time? When meeting and living with them, you should not be tired even if you live with them for eternity. You should go and find such a place. This is the Kingdom of Heaven that today’s religions pursue. (23-80, 1969.5.11)

Today, the reason we long for the land of our original hometown is that in that hometown there are parents, brothers and sisters, and relatives, who are closer to us than anyone else. They always guide us; they welcome us as they did in the past whenever we visit them, and they sympathize with us, console us and receive us with joy when we are having difficulties. Without this welcome though, even if you longed for your original hometown and returned there, your desperate longing heart would vanish, and you would go back with feelings of deep regret. You should know this. In the original hometown there have to be people who will welcome you. (23-80, 1969.5.11)
pgs. 447-448