Align With God at High Noon Settlement

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas!

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:

Luke 12

12 As thousands of people crowded around Jesus and were stepping on each other, he told his disciples:

Be sure to guard against the dishonest teaching[a] of the Pharisees! It is their way of fooling people. Everything that is hidden will be found out, and every secret will be known. Whatever you say in the dark will be heard when it is day. Whatever you whisper in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops.

Richard:  This is the time of noon day sunshine.  Everything will be made known.  We should be transparent and aligned with our conscience.

Lamentations 2

Jerusalem Speaks:

20 Think about it, Lord!
Have you ever been this cruel
    to anyone before?
Is it right for mothers
    to eat their children,
or for priests and prophets
    to be killed in your temple?
21 My people, both young and old,
    lie dead in the streets.
Because you were angry,
my young men and women
    were brutally slaughtered.
22 When you were angry, Lord,
you invited my enemies
    like guests for a party.
No one survived that day;
enemies killed my children,
    my own little ones.

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30


Father, although our path is rugged, we see that the day of hope when we can meet a heavenly person by following this way is not far off. Although our legs are tired from walking this road, we see that this is the inevitable course of life because You have traveled it.

We have realized that when the eager heart that can call out for You arises in us, You are there, looking at us with greater desperation. We realize that the footsteps which follow Your voice are not easy, leading us to walk an unknown course, groping our way step by step.

We cannot help lamenting for not having become loyal sacrifices before the will due to our shortcomings. We cannot help sighing whenever we look back on the sad history wherein we failed to end suffering and bring joy to You. Please forgive our past defects as we prayed for blessing in such a state.

Father, if there are sons and daughters who can see Your desire to regain humankind and Your disappointments, they cannot wish for their own good fortune and insist upon their opinions before You. Please forgive us, the disloyal children who forgot Your historical sorrow tens of thousands of times. Continue reading “Align With God at High Noon Settlement”

Feel God’s Sorrow

Exodus 1

15 Finally, the king called in Shiphrah and Puah, the two women who helped the Hebrew[d] mothers when they gave birth. 16 He told them, “If a Hebrew woman gives birth to a girl, let the child live. If the baby is a boy, kill him!”

17 But the two women were faithful to God and did not kill the boys, even though the king had told them to. 18 The king called them in again and asked, “Why are you letting those baby boys live?”

19 They answered, “Hebrew women have their babies much quicker than Egyptian women. By the time we arrive, their babies are already born.” 20-21 God was good to the two women because they truly respected him, and he blessed them with children of their own.

Richard:  Be aligned with God’s Will and follow God’s calling, according to your conscience!

Jeremiah 21

Pay attention, you that belong
    to the royal family.
12 Each new day, make sure
    that justice is done,
and rescue those
    who are being robbed.
Or else my anger will flame up
like a fire that never goes out.

13 Jerusalem,
    from your mountaintop
you look out over the valleys[c]
    and think you are safe.
But I, the Lord, am angry,
14 and I will punish you
    as you deserve.
I’ll set your palace[d] on fire,
and everything around you
    will go up in smoke.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

Why did God not abandon the world, even as He was forsaking Jesus? Why did He allow Jesus to be hung on the cross, yet did not forsake his enemies? It was to show that there was even greater sorrow than Jesus’ death.

We fallen people must seek the infinite love of Heaven and experience His historical heart as our reality. He has protected us and labored for our sake. We must emerge victorious before God. When you look at society, you will find that it is not a joyful world. Human history is a history of sorrow. Because human history did not begin in joy, but in grief, human history has become a history of sorrow.

When you look at a person weeping painfully over his grief, you probably feel sympathy toward him. However, do not sympathize with an individual’s grief or rejoice over your situation. Our grief transcends the individual level and is connected to the family level, the national level, the world level, and even to the level of Heaven. Continue reading “Feel God’s Sorrow”

Represent Only the Internal Heart of God

Just four days until the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
This conference details the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage.  Your children under age 19 can attend with you for free!  What a great opportunity to discuss crucial issues with your children!
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and Biblical framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.
Register or find out more:

CSG 1932

Women get married and are tradition-
ally expected to wholeheartedly love and
serve their husbands. By receiving love
from their spouses, and giving birth to
children, women may shine and blos-
som through this dynamic relationship.
As mothers, women have the important
responsibility of nourishing their chil-
dren, bringing them up and educating
them. Likewise, we can say that island
nations also have similar roles to play.

CSG 1474

How great is the value of human-
kind? They are the only beings that God
would long for over tens of thousands
of years, leaning on his walking stick.
According to my observations, this fact
happens to be the basis for the creation
of the universe. Since God and human
beings related to each other as inter-
nal and external, vertical and horizon-
tal perspectives about the world of love
could be established. Both vertical and
horizontal views on the world of love can
come into existence once upper-lower
and left-right relationships are formed.
God can come to reside in the center
of them all. That place, which can bind
them all into one at the deepest core of
the heart, is the central place of the verti-
cal and horizontal. If they are not bound
into one, the standard of the vertical and
horizontal cannot develop into the ideal
form of love. The existence of the vertical
form alone does not guarantee the exis-
tence of the horizontal form. Therefore,
you should understand that God had no
other choice but to create human beings
in this form. (48-224, 1971.9.19)

Let Us Become Someone Who Can Hold Jesus’ Body and Mourn

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 13, 1958

This is how the human mind is. Today people are infinitely swayed and confused by the sinful world in which they live. However, by becoming one with the foundation of history and the foundation of the future in your hearts, you must establish the one principle that will never change. Moreover, when your internal standard and the standard of life confront some unfortunate reality, you must be able to overcome it and move forward. By doing so, you must become one with the heavenly works, one with the practical providential will and the providential plan for the future. Moreover, only when you can become a person who is qualified to cope with everything, centering on this, can you finally understand the heart of God. Continue reading “Represent Only the Internal Heart of God”

Possess God’s Heart Towards Humanity

Register Now and receive Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by October 31st:  View the promo video:

CSG 335

Love can fill anywhere, and reach
everywhere. What do you think happens
when loving people embrace each other?
Do they just hold each other’s hands and
say, “I love you”? Perhaps they would
like to be hugged so strongly that their
eye balls pop out and water comes out
from their nose and mouth. When they
embrace, they don’t just stand still but
turn around. The universe will turn only
when they become one in love like this.
(81-18, 1975.11.23)

CSG 1473

The Unification Church is presenting
the world with absolute values, and at the
same time, True Parents. Where is the
final destination of the standard of abso-
lute values, the one desired by everyone?
It is to become sons and daughters of
True Parents. It is to become God’s chil-
dren, who can harbor eternal life and
love. There is no other way. At the time of
the Fall, Adam and Eve did not establish
their conjugal relationship with God’s
permission. They did so of their own
accord. The only relationship that began
with God’s consent was that between
father and son. Yet, that was shattered,
and therefore needs to be restored and
rectified. (68 -138, 1973.7.29)

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 23, 1958

Jesus knew that he had the mission to transcend himself and restore the family, society, nation, world, and even the infinite spirit world. Therefore, Jesus sought individuals in order to find a people. He sought a people for the sake of finding the world. Jesus has made effort for the 2,000 years since his death to find the world and transform the whole of heaven and earth into a place God governs. Accordingly, there was no way that he could reveal the deep content of the heart and will of God to the people who came before him and were supposed to fulfill this cosmic plan. You have to understand that Jesus was in this kind of miserable situation. This is why Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (John 16:12) Continue reading “Possess God’s Heart Towards Humanity”

Keep a Faithful Heart Toward God and Jesus

1 Thessolonians 1

9for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath. Continue reading “Keep a Faithful Heart Toward God and Jesus”