The Heavens were Supposed to Protect and Support the Messiah

CSG 363

The sexual organ is the royal pal-
ace of love, a royal palace giving birth
to eternal life, and a royal palace where
one receives the blood ties and lineage
that will inherit the heavenly tradition
that will never, ever change. It is a royal
palace of true life, a royal palace of true
love, and a royal palace of true lineage.
It is the most precious place. You can-
not do whatever you want with it. You
cannot open it without God’s official
approval. No one can touch it except
your husband or your wife, who has
received the official approval from God
and the universe. (216-207, 1991.3.31)

CSG 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend
a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go
thinking you are just a man or a wom-
an and there is nothing else to it. When
you attend the ceremony, you are there
representing men and women who have
come and gone in the world over the past
six thousand years. You must under-
stand that you have been invited as such.
You should experience this reality deep
in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

29 You Pharisees and teachers are nothing but show-offs, and you’re in for trouble! You build monuments for the prophets and decorate the tombs of good people. 30 And you claim that you would not have taken part with your ancestors in killing the prophets. 31 But you prove that you really are the relatives of the ones who killed the prophets. 32 So keep on doing everything they did. 33 You are nothing but snakes and the children of snakes! How can you escape going to hell?

34 I will send prophets and wise people and experts in the Law of Moses to you. But you will kill them or nail them to a cross or beat them in your meeting places or chase them from town to town. 35 That’s why you will be held guilty for the murder of every good person, beginning with the good man Abel. This also includes Barachiah’s son Zechariah,[a] the man you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 I can promise that you people living today will be punished for all these things!

37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me. 38 And now your temple will be deserted. 39 You won’t see me again until you say,

“Blessed is the one who comes
    in the name of the Lord.”


Father! Today we are historically distant from Jesus. History has distance, but there is no distance in the world of the heart. Let us not become people who believe in the historical Jesus. Let us become people who know and believe in Jesus in our hearts.

Since we have already seen Your word, let us be able to picture Jesus’ humble image. Let us grieve in our hearts and bow to that countenance. Let us be filled with the anguished, sincere and awe- stricken mind that can hear Jesus’ words of appeal to his people at the time.

Let us be able to call You Father without self-consciousness. Let us be able to feel the rapture of Jesus’ grace without our noticing and be thankful. Make us grieve over the fact that the Heavens were supposed to protect and support the Messiah You sent but that he went through a miserable course upon his appearance on earth. Let us be able to care for the work he did. Let us feel anguished at the mistreatment he received. Let us be able to inherit in our hearts today the works that our ancestors did not fulfill. Let us be able to comfort and console Jesus in their place. Make us his reciprocal objects of hope.

We know how miserable Jesus was. He had to lament when he looked at his people. He could only weep bitterly when he saw the state of the religious body. People did not recognize the fact that he had to take responsibility for Heaven’s dispensation.

No one knew his heart as he wandered the mountains alone at night, leaving humanity behind. They should have felt the pain of his circumstances. He had to leave behind the church that should have shared his heart and the people who should have lived with him. Today let us not become like those who follow and believe in Jesus without knowing him. Let us be able to cry infinitely for him, holding onto his heart. Let us be concerned for him. We know that we must become people who do not refuse even death for his sake.

Why did Your sons and daughters come to this place today? We do not teach any knowledge or scholarship of the world here. We have gathered here to find the resting place for our minds. We have gathered to connect with Your original heart and to become people who must go the way of Your will, who must bow to You, and who must share our hearts with You. If we have gathered here to repent to Heaven and to cleanse ourselves, let us not claim to have come here by our own efforts alone.

Make us know that without Your hands of compassion and sympathy, we would inevitably fall prey to Satan. Let us be grateful and thankful. We know that you have approved of this place so that it can create sons and daughters who are filled with the heart that says, “Father! Have compassion on us.” Let the speaker as well as the listeners be filled with that kind of attitude.

We know that we have met here today as a result of Heaven’s work to connect us to generations of ancestors and to build the one day of victory. If we feel something in our minds, experience something in our hearts and have a new determination, let us realize that effect was not produced in an hour. Make us feel that each person here was shaped by our ancestors, by the prophets and righteous people who made bridges and connections through the historic achievements of their work.

Even though each of our hearts and countenances toward You is different, let our minds move together. Let our hearts all be the same when connecting with You. Mold us into one likeness.

Let the speaker and listeners not have two minds. Make us realize that Satan is aiming at that kind of base, and that he is attempting to put up a wall of death in front of us. Give us strength and ability. Give us the protection of the Holy Trinity. Allow us to be shaped only by the glory of victory, the glory of re-creation, the glory of nobility, and the elements within us that we can be proud of. Let us feel only these aspects.

Please give the same blessings to each place, spread out in the districts where lonely members are kneeling and praying. I pray all this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Find the Incarnation of Hope and Faith

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice:


Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366

Currently the United Nations has
183 member states. Didn’t I bless 1800
couples? Similarly, in this period of
transition, 180 nations must be turned
around. The numbers 180 and 1800 sig-
nify the completion of the satanic num-
ber. These numbers come from six mul-
tiplied by three and four multiplied
by four. They are the numbers Satan
usurped from God, which is why we as
tribal messiahs were to originally restore
180 families; however, that number can
be reduced to 160 – they are providen-
tially equivalent. In fact, four times four
is the ideal number.
In the Seoul Olympics, 160 nations
participated. The number sixteen is also
involved in North and South Korea join-
ing the United Nations: North Korea, a
suzerain state of Satan, joined the Unit-
ed Nations as the 160th member state,
and South Korea joined as the 161st, sig-
nifying a new beginning. In terms of
indemnification, South Korea is stand-
ing in the lead. (272-284, 1995.10.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94

Richard: It seems that God and True Father want to emphasize this.

You can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart.

This is exactly the same Rheama that Stacey got just two days ago. That has never happened; the same Rheama the next day we used the Cheon Seong Gyeong.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Today Christianity literally has become a worldwide religion. The democratic world is rooted in Christian teachings. Now even that is coming to an end. What do we need here? Our purpose is not to merely rejoice in the word. We must be able to enjoy a life of eternal significance on the earth.

History is turning like a tornado. We who are gathered under today’s trends of thought are caught in a maelstrom. We venerate our ancestor of faith, Abraham, and all the prophets after him. We look up to Jesus, the prince of hope, who came two thousand years later. We reflect back upon the history of fierce conflicts.

However, what these ancestors of faith accomplished was the hope of a promise. They could not bring the hope which can be manifested in daily life. For this reason, the day their hope becomes materialized as a reality is the Last Days. The work to accomplish this is the ideal of the Second Advent. The one who comes to accomplish this is the Lord of the Second Advent.

What remains now? The age based upon faith came to an end with Jesus. Because Jesus is the embodiment of faith, when you believe in him, you can develop stronger faith than anyone who lived in the four thousand years before Jesus. Jesus had to rectify faith before the people who disbelieved. He had to establish hope before the people who did not have hope. Wasn’t that true?

Please read the Bible. Look at the prophecies after Abraham. The one hope in faith is to cling to the Messiah. However, this has remained as the hope of the bride and bridegroom in the realm of symbolic promises because Jesus died on the cross. In your life of devotion, you are not aware of this. Even if you do not understand what I am saying now, there will be a time when you can understand it. Isn’t that how it should be if it is the work of a real God? Only then would it be logical.

What does the incarnation of hope and faith want to accomplish? In other words, what is the purpose of hope and faith? It is that the people will find him and sing songs of love. There is nothing else. Why do we want to meet the Lord? We want the Lord to recognize our value, and we want to live in the bosom of the Lord’s love. This is the highest purpose of humanity.

The reason that God established faith, hope and love was not just for the sake of Jesus, Abraham or anyone among our ancestors. It was for each one of us. Who looked for me faithfully for six thousand years? It was God. Who is God? He is our father. This is where the great drama of Heaven and earth unfolds.

Restore the Absolute Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 340

The bodies of Adam and Eve who have
not fallen are houses wherein God can
dwell. Had Adam and Eve become the
body of love, body of life, and body of lin-
eage eternally unified through true love,
making God the center of their heart,
the mind and body would not be fighting
today. The Fall means that humankind
inherited Satan’s life and blood through
Satan’s love. This is why this lineage must
be transformed. The providence of sal-
vation will be completed only when the
wild olive tree is transformed into the
true olive tree. (226-48, 1992.2.1)

Richard: The process of complete salvation involves transferring one’s lineage to God’s side. The process of the Blessing of Marriage is an essential part of this process. Watch a slide presentation on The Holy Communion of Marriage: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94,

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Heaven has been toiling until today and persevering through all sufferings behind the scenes in order to give human beings absolute value. God has no choice but to continue this work, even beyond today. When we come to understand this, our heads bow in humility and awe every time we think about Heavenly Father.

For this reason, God has proclaimed words of truth which humanity does not even understand. God told us just to believe in Him, even though His will was to establish religions and build profound relationships with us. The contents of His proclamations were not clearly defined. God commanded us to look to Him. He also told us to love Him. Although we do not know the nature of the relationship and its specific content, through our experience we come to reaffirm that we are inseparably connected to something in the world of the heart. Human beings have depended on and believed in these vague words of truth; they have longed for them and loved them. People of faith were felled as they held true to their beliefs, adhering to their hope and love. Countless people were felled in their life of devotion. Those who died as they adhered to their belief in God surpass the patriots and heroes of a country many thousands of times over. Many have died keeping their hope or love. Among them, however, no one has been hailed as a prince of faith, a prince of hope, a prince of love.

When we reflect upon the six-thousand-year history, we find that there were many who fell while they were aspiring to become victorious in their faith, yet there was no one who was revered by humanity as a great prince of faith. Similarly, we find that although there were many who searched for the foundation of hope, no one was ever praised by Heaven on a foundation of hope or was revered by humanity. Although there have been many people who professed to love, the same thing was true for them. Should we then hold grudges against God for this? Do the notions of faith, hope and love not exist?

Jesus was the incarnation of faith whom God had sought for four thousand years. He was someone who deeply experienced the Father’s heart as a concrete reality. The people did not know that Jesus was such a person. No one in all of humanity knew that. If there was a person who did know, it was God.

Establish the Heartistic Bond with Heavenly Father

Registration for the Urban Family Life Success and Happiness Training Seminar (July 5th to July 7th, 2019) has closed. Call to inquire about the availability of remaining spaces: 202-544-5081.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1824

I am preparing for the future world.
I am not doing this just because I love
the ocean. It is difficult being at sea. In
the beginning, when I came back after a
week, my entire body was in pain. Still
I thought, “There is so much to do. I
should go on without complaining about
my age. I should be like a colt going over
the Himalayas.” How could I rest?

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1405

Through this ceremony, the envi-
ronmental conditions necessary for all
humankind to be able to participate in
the Blessing have been created, and all
people connected to the mainstream
ideal can now belong to You through
attending it. This amazing and incred-
ible miracle has been wrought, not just
by the work of the Unification Church
but also by the joint efforts of Yourself
and the spirit world. Therefore, I hope
and pray that You can forever hold the
victorious dominion and sovereignty of
eternal love and glory gained from this
ceremony, and establish the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth and in the spirit world
through the liberation achieved by this
Blessing. All humankind connected to
the 360 Million Couples can now unite
in heart and strive to achieve the unity of
mind and body, husband and wife, and
within the tribe, race, nation, world, and
cosmos. These couples have been estab-
lished as the nucleus representing the
True Parents on earth and the family in
the garden of Your love. They have been
blessed in order to complete the King-
dom of Heaven on earth with the sov-
ereignty of the love central to the ideal
of creation, which has been Your eternal

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

Although the people of Korea may not know God, we have to realize that He was always there in the history of this people. Whenever there was a righteous-minded, loyal subject who was sacrificed in order to uphold righteousness, we have to understand that God remembered him and walked on the foundation and heart of such a person and his race.

We are an indebted people. This race is the most indebted among all the indebted races. Heavenly Father desires to save the miserable people and has the heart of a parent who laments over the fallen children. He would feel more sympathy in looking at an unfortunate race than a race that is well-off.

Our people have nothing special to be proud of. The people had nothing. They were all robbed and lost everything. If we have hope of having anything back, what I desire is for the young people to possess the desperate heart of Jesus. Let the desire that burned inside of him as he wandered, the desire to call Heaven “Father” burn within them. When they become such people, no other race will be able to dominate them.

This world deserves to be forsaken and many ideologies are bound for destruction. Yet when many sons and daughters who have become such people appear in front of Heavenly Father’s heart, who looks on with sympathy, this world will be rejuvenated. If such young people, such a group and such a race exist, then they would be able to rule the world. It was the same in the age of Jesus. There was a great deal of confusion in the trend of faith under the Roman oppression, and everything was shaky. The people’s spirit had been crushed. God sent Jesus during such a time of sorrow.

The sorrowful and painful fact is that Korea became the object of sacrifice, the focus of conflict between the two great opposing camps of democracy and communism. This is the sad reality. We have no friends. Both camps are standing face to face with our race as the sacrifice in the middle. This race, which was supposed to establish the blessed nation, is going through a life of danger and risk as a sorrowful race. One thing that we have to keep in mind is that we have to be sons and daughters who can unite with the heavenly direction, knowing that Heaven has provided for the environment and has supported this race. This race will survive if we can establish a relationship with Heaven. Jesus, who had nothing externally, was able to introduce the world of hope which overcame this world and drove this world toward the realm of his ideology. Something must have been there to establish the heartistic bond with Heavenly Father. It must have been the one absolute standard which mankind has no choice but to submit to in search of the heart and the mind. Today the people of Korea are undergoing a confusion of faith. At this time, when there is no value to one’s character, when people live in fear, and when this whole race is being pushed out in confusion, what can we hold onto?

Richard:  Korea holds a Providential position.  It is significant that for the first time a sitting United States president, Donald Trump, stepped foot into North Korea and also met again with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.

The Revolution of Absolute Sexual Ethics

Happy Day of True All Things!
God’s children should rejoice in and care for all things as stewards of His creation. See point number 5 below.

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar.
  • For Couples plus singles seeking a godly spouse.
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Truly Peaceful World of the True Parent UN

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 1, 2009
Seoul, Korea

Beloved families who have recently received the new lineage of the absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal God through the Blessing, and citizens of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk!

We are celebrating a truly special occasion in this absolute providential era. It is deeply meaningful because we are commemorating the coronation and the golden wedding anniversary of the True Parents, the king of kings; the publication of my autobiography, and the fifty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.

Today is June 1, a day on which we are holding a new historic event through which the establishment of the new, Truly Peaceful World of the True Parent UN is proclaimed before all of heaven and earth. For these joyful occasions and days, let us all offer applause in gratitude to God, our Heavenly Father’s who governs the life, death, fortune, and misfortune of all creation’s for giving us these beautiful and dazzling seasons and days.

During this season, vibrant with life, God is beckoning all of you as lords of creation to freely participate, with all other created beings, in the creation of new life. He is blessing us to blossom beautifully like flowers and to live lives that are as bright as the sun and as clear as the waters of a stream.

The Results of God’s Providence in History

Dear friends who are receiving Heaven’s love anew: On three occasions, once on January 15 and twice on January 31, we held the historic Coronation for the New Authority of the Liberation of God, the King of Kings, and our golden anniversary celebration. January 31 saw one such ceremony held at the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace in Korea, representing the East, and another held in New York City, in the United States, representing the West. In this way, we set the record of offering this historically unprecedented and never-to-be-repeated providential event to Heaven in two different locations on the same day.

In the period since April, my wife and I commemorated the fiftieth occasion of the day of our Holy Wedding. In 1960, young students on the Korean peninsula were crying out in resistance to the dictatorship [of Korean President Seung-man Rhee]. On the sixteenth day of the third month of the lunar calendar in that year, my wife and I received Heaven’s seal and embarked on the arduous courses of the providence of restoration that the True Parents, True Teachers, and True King and Queen of humankind must take.

How could I even begin to explain the path of the providence of restoration through indemnity that my wife and I have had to follow for the past fifty years in order to finally bring complete liberation and freedom to God and to attend Him as the king of kings? Many years from now, historians will verify and record what I cannot explain at this time.

You are probably not aware of this, but there is profound providential significance in True Parents’ coronation and golden wedding anniversary. Due to the Fall of humankind’s first ancestors, God’s true lineage was lost, and history came under the dominion of Satan’s false bloodline. I am sure you have learned about this reality through studying the Principle.

This corrupted bloodline has been a facet of history. Isnt it because of this that the physical world and even the spiritual world became completely mired in antagonistic, confrontational, good-versus-evil, Cain & Abel relationships? Nobody has been able to find a resolution to this tragedy, and history’s problems have gone unresolved to this day.

Times are now changing, however. The doors to the realm of complete unity between Cain and Abel are being opened on the occasions of True Parents’ coronation and golden wedding anniversary. We have entered the realm of grace in which human beings can be restored to the level of completion and perfection, where they can inherit and share the original nature of God’s heart – in other words, to the originally intended human state, without any trace of the Fall.

In terms of O [correct answer] and X [incorrect answer], we have entered the new era when the good governance of God, who is in the position of O, can completely embrace and digest, without leaving a trace of it behind, the evil governance of Satan, who is in the position of X. The new era is beginning in which the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven is substantially spreading out before your very eyes.

The Round Ball Peace Cup Tournament

On this occasion, which has a special significance, my wife and I celebrated our coronation and golden wedding anniversary and successfully held the Round Ball Peace Cup Cain-Abel Cosmic Harmony Tournament, for thirteen days starting on April 21. One day it will become a festival of peace for all humanity, even surpassing the Olympic Games.

The Atletico Sorocaba soccer club from Brazil contributed greatly to this first tournament by laying aside everything else to come here at True Parents’ invitation. Sorocaba won the FA Cup championship in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. During its short time in Asia, it played against four teams, representing North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and China. It displayed an excellent standard of skill and demonstrated the soul of Latin American soccer. Would you please give a warm round of applause to encourage the Sorocaba team!

Ladies and gentlemen! I would like to offer to Heaven this precious new ceremony by reading with you now the message from Heaven that I proclaimed in January at the Coronation of God, the King of Kings and thereafter at our golden anniversary celebration. Please engrave the meaning of today’s event upon your hearts.

God Has Been Seeking for True Parents

Citizens of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk who love peace as True Parents do!

This is truly a precious and joyful day.

Let us all celebrate without reserve this historic and providential day and sing praises to God, our eternal True Parent, of His glory and nobility. On this solemn occasion, hundreds of billions of those living in the spirit world have descended and are here with us to congratulate and celebrate this blessed day.

This is the day God has yearned for ever since He created the universe. For tens of thousands of years, since the day those whom He created as His children, Adam and Eve, stained the heavenly lineage and concealed themselves in the dark, God has waited while enduring inexpressible pain and sorrow. He has waited impatiently for the day He could ascend to the throne of the King of Kings, to be able to embrace His lost children and the creation again and live in joy for all eternity in the sacred reign of peace in the peace kingdom.

Ladies and gentlemen, God is and has always been the King of Kings, even before He initiated the Creation. The heavenly way, however, dictates that after completing all aspects of the Creation, God must manifest substantially as the King of Kings who reigns over the world of physical phenomena, the sphere of the objects of God’s love. That is why, motivated by true love, God sought and found the True Parent of the substantial, physical world, who was to become His representative and heir.

Although we are overwhelmed by the grace of having received Heaven’s seal, my wife and I truly feel joy at being able to stand here today as God’s direct representatives and hold this coronation for the King of Kings and our golden anniversary celebration. At the same time, I am deeply sorry before Heaven; I have reached my ninetieth year of life, yet I have been unable to fully restore the 6.5 billion people of the world to God.

A Revolution of True Love

Citizens of Cheon Il Guk who truly love God! Time is running out. Heaven will no longer wait for us. God is working with His authority as the King of Kings through His representatives, the earthly True Parents, to establish a new heavenly law and restore the world. It is time to accelerate this true love revolution. Therefore, on this solemn occasion, I will proclaim to all of heaven and earth an outline of the new heavenly law, by which humankind and all things of creation will regain their rightful positions and be governed.

First, this era, which is gradually bringing us toward the year 3000, will be the era of revolutionary change after the coming of heaven. In this new era, God will no longer be captive to the principles of restoration through indemnity; it will be the time when the King of Kings rules the spiritual and physical worlds with His rightful authority.

It will be the era of providential refuge [from evil], during which the earth will return to its original state, with the realm of the Pacific Rim serving as a central axis. People will no longer be beyond the influence of the era of the new way of Heaven and of the new heavenly law. Therefore, you must lead a transparent life with your every action being as clear as crystal.

Second, we must accomplish a revolution in educating all people on the value of absolute sexual ethics, that is, on the constitution of Heaven, with God as its vertical, absolute axis. This is the only way to pass on the true, good lineage to all humankind. That is the path to achieving God’s ideal of true families. From now on, sexual purity, purity of lineage, and purity of love will be the educational philosophy of the true human race.

Third, the new peace-king representatives (boon bong wangs), Ambassadors for Peace, and the Parent UN will be placed at the forefront of the efforts to completely eliminate Satan’s walls and fortifications that bind the earth in multiple layers and to reinstate harmony and peace between political parties, religions, races, cultures, and nations. The existing UN (in the position of the Cain-type UN) and the Abel-type UN should become one and elevate to a higher dimension, becoming the True Parent UN –in other words, the UN of a truly peaceful world. With this as the center, all evil problems confronting the satanic world — such

as war, disease, and hunger — will be resolved. This is surely the direction all people must go. They will have no choice because God in heaven and True Parents will be with them. Individualistic self-centeredness as well as collective self-centeredness will be eradicated, and this will lead to the realization of a world governed by our conscience and natural reason.

Fourth, the cross-cultural, international blessing marriage is the optimal method of establishing true families that will purify the lineage of the fallen human race and build the peace kingdom. In the end, reconciliation and peace will come about through lineage. When blacks and whites, Eastern peoples and Western peoples, Buddhists and Christians, and Jews and Muslims intermarry and carry on the blessed-marriage tradition that True Parents have established, this world will naturally form the realm of one family that seeks and establishes God’s homeland and hometown. An ideal, heavenly kingdom based on the ideal of one family under God will come about. As we melt our guns and cannons to make plowshares, a new world of peace will open up before us.

Fifth, God created us as His counterparts in love, and He prepared the natural world as a gift for us, His children. God would not leave His children to live in a barren desert devoid of beautiful scenery. That is why all people have the duty to preserve and love the natural world as God does. I am saying that you should develop your human nature as it was originally meant to be, such that you experience resonance even with a cluster of wildflowers as if you were sharing a heartfelt conversation with them. That will be a shortcut to restoring humankind to God.

Ladies and gentlemen who have been chosen by Heaven! You have all truly received a heavenly blessing. You are participating in the ceremony to launch the providential undertakings governed by the King of Kings. You are witnessing with your own eyes the whirlwind of this historic transition point. You received an invitation to attend the coronation, golden anniversary, and celebration of the autobiography of the True Parent, the king of kings on the horizontal level, who will govern all of creation as the physical representative of God, the King of Kings on the vertical level. Will you ever again, in your lifetime, have the chance to attend such a historic and significant occasion? Your ancestors, numbering in the billions throughout the cosmos, and your descendants will cheer, dance, and live in joy and delight at this time, shaking the very axis of the earth.

I pray that you will open your mind’s eyes and engrave this extraordinary and historic moment on your souls. When else during your life will you be able to witness such a day of blessing and glory as you have today? I hope that you can heed the words of Heaven that I have shared with you today and use them as guidelines for your lives from now on.

Ladies and gentlemen who have been chosen by Heaven! I am sure you all feel this from the message I have just read, but humankind is entering a new providential era wherein the earth will be governed directly by a new heavenly way and new heavenly law. It is the new, providential era of the realm of the fourth and original Adam, when no one can enter the new Kingdom of Heaven without inheriting God’s new standard of heart based on His original nature.

Through True Parents’ providential coronation, golden wedding anniversary, publication celebration, and the commemoration of the fifty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Holy Spirit Association in this new era, I pray that you may form wise and new families of citizens in God’s Kingdom, Cheon Il Guk — families whose members clearly distinguish between Cain and Abel in their lives, who integrate them into a new realm of Abel, placing goodness at its center, and who restore the realm of the three eras of the Old, New, and Completed Testament ages and the three generations of my family.

I am asking you to form, and live as, new true families based on original human nature through which the new true grandparents, true parents, and true grandchildren can enter, hand in hand, into the new Kingdom of Heaven. Please engrave on your hearts the meaning of this gathering to establish the truly peaceful world of the True Parent UN, which we are celebrating today.

I pray and proclaim in the names of the victorious True God and True Parents that the new authority of the great blessing of the true God, the King of Kings of all nations, can flow abundantly into your new families, new nations, and throughout the new cosmos.

May God’s blessings fill the entire cosmos.

Thank you very much.