Where Do God and Man Meet?

Cheong Seong Gyeong 199

There are many religions on earth,
but among them, only Christianity has
the concept of following God’s four basic
requirements: to become God’s child, to
become one body with God, to meet as
bride and bridegroom in accordance
with God’s will, and to form a new fam-
ily. Since Jesus came with this thinking,
Christianity, centering on Jesus, inevi-
tably became a global religion. (54-108,

Richard:  The place of unity of God and Man is through the sexual organs;
between Blessed husband and wife.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1735

What on earth does it mean to call
God our Father? You need to know the
origin of the ideal of creation. Who is
God? He is our Father, and you are His
children. Given that you are His chil-
dren, who do you take after? You resem-
ble Him. Would He have eyes? Would
He have a nose, a mouth and ears? He
would. Next, would He have a body?
Would God have sexual organs? All such
subjects pose questions, which must be
answered logically. (196-41, 1989.12.24)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959

Matthew 8: 18-22


Father! We are awe-stricken to receive the mission that You have vested in us, and we are grateful for the grace You have given us by moving us to the depth of our hearts with Your call.

Now we have learned that our faith does not come from our hearts; it comes from the heart of Father, to which we cannot relate without shedding tears. We have also come to know the heart of Heaven, who has clung to these miserable ones and has struggled so fiercely for us. We have learned that we are sinful people who have bowed down before Your fearful grace, before which we shed endless tears. Continue reading “Where Do God and Man Meet?”

Who is the Lord of the Second Coming?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 159

Time is so short. A lifetime is not
enough time to rectify this and compen-
sate for it. That has been my life course.
So from a secular viewpoint, my life
would be pitied. Try asking God, “What
kind of person is Rev. Moon?” The pain
I feel causes me to lament in sorrow; I
am experiencing bitter pain like that of a
man writhing in agony while having his
heart cut out. On this earth I am a mis-
erable man. Nobody knows about my
suffering. People may boast about them-
selves, thinking they are wonderful. Yet
they do not know my suffering. Even
Mother does not know. (213-278, 1990.1.21)

Richard:  Who understands the life and course of Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 683

If I am not here, it will be a problem
for the Japanese, Koreans and Ameri-
cans. Why is that so? Because within
the concept of eternal life there must be
order to bring unity. We can make this
concept the standard for the earth and
eternity. This is most important.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1246

Where is humanity supposed to be
heading? No human being on earth can
enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they
have not passed through the gates of
the Blessing. A lot of people believe in
Christianity, but Christianity itself can-
not enter the Kingdom of Heaven with-
out passing through the gates of the
Blessing. When I say things like this,
Christians complain that Rev. Moon
of the Unification Church makes many
self-righteous remarks. There may be
many people who think like this and
who complain out loud, but that is their
problem. All fallen humanity must fol-
low the course of the holy matrimony of
the Blessing that we speak of in the Uni-
fication. Even if we face opposition from
all sides, that does not change the fact
that the holy matrimony of the Bless-
ing connects the spiritual and physical
worlds and allows you to enter the King-
dom of Heaven. (290-167, 1998.2.18)

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

After the departure of Jesus, the Bible came to contain 66 books. The New Testament has many books, in addition to the Gospels. It has the Book of Revelation, which was written last after Jesus’ departure from the earth. This word was what Jesus wanted to say while on the earth. It was revealed after his death by the spiritual world.

To conclude the work of the Holy Spirit on earth, one should appear who thoroughly understands the true meaning of the Word at the time Jesus died and the Holy Spirit was sent. He should also understand the situation of the substantial being so he can go beyond the position of substance. Thus, the Will of God’s providence is to reap the work of the Holy Spirit on the earth and to establish a representative on the earth to inherit her work. Continue reading “Who is the Lord of the Second Coming?”