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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1969
The archangelic cultural sphere originated from the Nile River civilization established in Egypt. It then shifted to the Greek civilization, a peninsular civilization based around the Mediterranean Sea, and culminated in the Roman civilization. Why did the development of civilization have to gravitate toward the western spheres? It was inevitable due to the Fall.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1051
When dealing with people, you must not do it unsatisfactorily. The work of resurrection does not occur in a course that is mandatory. It has to be exciting. You must stay up at night without even realizing it is night. You discover the value of heaven only when you get to the point at which you can say, “The place where I am now is heaven.” Isn’t that right? Even with trees, unless they are completely bonded, they don’t engraft. (75-177, 1975.1.2
3. People of Integrity Do Not Change according to the Circumstances
When you stand in the world of space, you need top and bottom, left and right, and front and back. Only then is the status of your position stable. Your shape will vary depending on the position in which you stand: top and bottom, left and right, front and back. When dealing with matters that concern the relationships of top and bottom, left and right, front and back, and also problems in the family, nation and world, there is only one solution. Just as there has to be top and bottom, left and right, and front and back with the individual at the center, there also have to be parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1260
Why do people do penance by inflicting pain on their bodies? This is because they have inherited the blood of Satan, the blood of the enemy of God. Who is this enemy of God? He is the adulterer. He is the enemy of the love of God. He is the adulterer. We inherited the blood of the adulterer. Eve was supposed to become the heiress to the kingship of the heavenly nation; she was supposed to become the queen. However, she became the spouse of the devil, the mate of the servant instead. This is the secret of the universe. It has finally been disclosed in my time, so the satanic world should come to an end. (172-277, 1988.1.24)
3. People of Integrity Do Not Change according to the Circumstances
Once there lived a housewife named Vedehika who had a reputation for gentleness, modesty, and courtesy. She had a housemaid named Kali who was efficient and industrious and who managed her work well. Then it occurred to Kali the housemaid, “My mistress has a very good reputation; I wonder whether she is good by nature, or is good because my work, being well-managed, makes her surroundings pleasant. What if I were to test my mistress?” The following morning Kali got up late. Then Vedehika shouted at her maid, “Hey, Kali!” “Yes, madam?” “Hey, what makes you get up late?” “Nothing in particular, madam.” “Nothing in particular, eh, naughty maid, and you get up late?” And being angry and offended, she frowned. Then it occurred to Kali, “Apparently, my mistress does have a temper inwardly, though she does not show it because my work is well-managed. What if I were to test her further?” Then she got up later. Thereupon Vedehika shouted at her maid, “Hey, Kali, why do you get up late?” “No particular reason, madam.” “No particular reason, eh, and you are up late?” she angrily hurled at her words of indignation. Then it occurred to Kali, “Apparently, my mistress does have a temper inwardly, though she does not show it because my work is well-managed. What if I were to test her still further?” She got up still later. Thereupon Vedehika shouted at her, “Hey, Kali, why do you get up late?” and she angrily took up the bolt of the door-bar and hit her on the head, cutting it. Thereupon Kali, with cut head and blood trickling down, denounced her mistress before the neighbors, saying, “Madam, look at the work of the gentle lady, madam, look at the action of the modest lady, madam, look at the action of the quiet lady. Why must she get angry and offended because I got up late and hit me, her only maid, cutting me on the head?” Thus the housewife lost her good reputation. Analogously, brethren, a person here happens to be very gentle, very humble, and very quiet as long as unpleasant things do not touch him. It is only when unpleasant things happen to a person that it is known whether he is truly gentle, humble, and quiet. Majjhima Nikaya 1.123-24 (Buddhism)
The well-taught noble disciple, when touched by a painful feeling, weeps not, wails not, knocks not on the breast, falls not into utter bewilderment. He feels the bodily feeling, but not the mental…
Moreover, he has no repugnance for painful feeling. As he has no repugnance for it, the lurking tendency to repugnance for painful feeling fastens not on him. He, when touched by painful feeling, delights not in sensual pleasure. Why so? Because, brethren, the well-taught noble disciple knows of a refuge from painful feeling apart from sensual ease. As he delights not in sensual ease, the lurking tendency to sensual ease fastens not on him…
If he feels a feeling that is pleasant, he feels it as one freed from bondage. If he feels a feeling that is painful, he feels it as one freed from bondage. If he feels a neutral feeling, he feels it as one freed from bondage. Samyutta Nikaya (Buddhism)
As you all are aware, the Russo-Japanese War began due to the Korean peninsula. The same is true for the Sino-Japanese War. If you look into the origin of the great Asian War in modern times, you will see that it began from the incident that occurred at the Marco Polo Bridge. The cause of upheaval in Asia during modern times can be found entirely in Korea, which was the focal point of events. China also needed Korea. Korea is situated in a very interesting place, coveted by both Japan and the Soviet Union. Japan has no way to spread its political domain to the world without first connecting with the continent.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 794
The mind and body of a man and woman centering on God’s love should meet the vertical at a ninety-degree angle, in a balanced way. When a man and woman emerge and polarize to the east and west as living beings rooted in God’s love, it stimulates the original nature of the universe to ignite, spawning thunder and lightning. When that happens, God, man and woman are brought together in complete oneness. Who will break them apart? Can the man break them apart? Can the woman break them apart? Even God cannot extract Himself from this. This love, which is the love that becomes the root of the mind of man and woman, is the standard of the original nature of humanity. The flower blooms and bears fruit through love. Through the ideal of the laws of spherical circulation, love develops in the shape of a spiral and extends to the world. Amen! Try studying to discover what all this means. (173-109, 1988.2.7)
2. People of Integrity Fulfill Their Duty
A loyal subject and a treacherous subject originally belong to the same class of people. The only difference is that the former is obedient to the will of the king while the latter makes much of himself before everything else. A loyal subject always walks a straight line; the beginning and end of his works are the same. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)
Because most people do not have an absolute center, they change their minds day and night. We cannot call them people of character. People of character keep their promises and have a high standard of righteousness. Once things are decided, they do not make any excuses. You should become people like that. Even if the laws of the universe were to change, you should never deviate from fulfilling what you have promised. (23:100, May 14, 1969)
By faithfully living according to Heaven’s principles, we should find and establish our value. That value represents our original relationship with Heaven, our original relationship with people, and our original relationship with the universe.
Once you restore your eternally unchanging integrity before God’s Will, you will be able to praise your own value. You can be proud of yourself as someone who eternally lives for the sake of others. This means that your day-to-day relationships with other people and all things will completely display the beauty of God’s creation. Thus, the ultimate purpose of God’s providence is to help human beings find the ultimate value of their life. (2:336-37, August 4, 1957)
Why does God need Reverend Moon? Because I am a handsome? No. For my worldly knowledge? No. Because I have power and wealth? No, I do not have any of those things. I am nothing. Yet God holds onto me because I know God’s Will and devote all my life, day and night, to its fulfillment. That is the only reason God needs me. Likewise, do I need you because I want to use you to make money? Do I want to use you to gain power? No. The reason why I need you more than any power or authority in America is because I sense your zeal for the Will of God. This connects us like a string, but it is stronger than anything else. (77:16, March 23, 1975)
If you read the very end of the Revelation to John, you will find the key to the history of restoration. It exemplifies the greatness of the Bible. The contents about restoration were inserted into the last chapter of the Bible to reveal a principle of restoration. Revelation 22:17 states, “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” Do you know what “the Spirit and the Bride” means? The Bride is the wife of the Lord, and the Spirit is a spiritual being, and from here, the Mother who manifests both the spirit and flesh must emerge. Since Jesus is a man and the father of humankind, he must find the mother among women and save the world anew. Christians do not know this. I am simply dumbfounded because, although I try to enlighten them, they reject me and even call me a heretic. (21-49, 1968.9.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1488
You might look at nature and say, “Oh, I don’t need the four seasons. I only need spring; I hate summer, autumn, and winter!” But, if you were to ask God, He would answer, “I love all four seasons.” Hence, you need to learn to love summer, autumn, and winter, even though you may have hated them to begin with. When the winter snow comes, God looks upon the world covered in white and derives pleasure from it. Therefore, you should say, “Oh, I love it too!” That is the way it should be. (133-29, 1984.7.1)
1. A Life Based upon Principle
Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
When we call someone a person of character, we are not referring to appearance, education, career or position. We look not at class or outward glory, but to what extent he or she is leading a principled life. A person with an unchanging mind to serve Heaven, who lives according to God’s will with such a mind—that is a person of character. (19:285, March 10, 1968)
Does human character have bones? Have you ever seen the bone of character? Personality is what appears outwardly. That is the visible aspect; however, there is a hidden, bone-like foundation of character that is responsible for the visible aspect. It is the invisible cause of the visible personality. (177:315, May 22, 1988)
We should have this attitude: “I am inheriting God’s undiluted tradition; therefore, I must always go the straight path. I have to win over all unrighteousness. Although it takes thousands of times more effort to subjugate force with something other than force, I will solve every problem and overcome any circumstance.” In this way, we should establish our integrity as people loyal to Heaven. We should start with a pure mind and continue without faltering until we achieve the goal. (21:83, October 27, 1968)
We can never establish one unified world if we have a changing standard of goodness. A center must never move. The deeper it is, the calmer it should be. Look at the ocean: waves may rage on the surface because of a storm, but deep below the ocean is still. Let us learn from this. (Way of God’s Will 2.2)
I want you to know that precious things, like diamonds, carry their own power and value. Others see that value and respect it and are moved by it. Who is the more precious person, one who is influenced by others or one who can influence others? What kind of person are you? Among those who influence others, the person having the best influence is the most precious person. (118:95, May 9, 1982)
The saints and sages who appeared in history are the best historical examples of true people. Why do we call them “true”? Something true is not only true in the present. It must be true in the past, true in the present and true in the future. Its truth transcends all circumstances. Therefore, a true person stands at the center of the past, the center of the present, and the center of the future.
Among the people in the world, who is nearest to being “true”? Is it a parent or a teacher you once had? Countless people have lived and died, but the person who should establish the basis of truth is none other than you yourself. Where, then, is your closest link to the truth? It is your conscience. We often say of a person, “He is conscientious. He has an upright mind.” What does it mean for one’s mind to be upright? It is upright in the past, it is upright in the present, and it will be upright in the future. (28:159, January 11, 1970)
March forward, trusting yourself. You should have the integrity to go forth absolutely alone. (Way of God’s Will 1.4)
From what point will God’s ideal nation be realized? Where will the restoration of the homeland take place? It starts from the individuals who live by the philosophy to love their enemies. Therefore, as long as God exists, there is no way Christianity can avoid becoming a global religion, because Christianity offers a movement to break down national borders with love, to transcend all environments and cultural barriers, and to embrace even one’s enemies. If you plant beans, you get beans, because kidney beans come from kidney bean seeds, and red flowers bloom from red flower seeds. In the same way, if you plant a satanic seed, a seed of taking revenge on your enemies, you will get a tree of evil – a tree of vengeance. But if you plant the seeds of goodness, the seeds of loving your enemies, you will get a tree of goodness, a tree of love for enemies. This is just a natural principle.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271
This is the path of suffering, the difficult path that religious people must follow. Christians long for Jesus every day, and are waiting impatiently for Jesus to come again. For 2000 years, they have cried out to heaven, “Jesus, our groom, please come quickly!” even though he did not come. When they reach the stage where their bodies are ready to burst, their hearts are being torn, their bones are melting, their spirit is hovering between life and death, and when they are connecting directly only with God or Jesus, only then, will the Holy Spirit come down upon them. When the Holy Spirit comes to them, spiritual rebirth will occur. Through this, their spirits can be reborn into spiritual babies. Those of you gathered here, have you ever had such an experience? If you have not had one such experience, you are still the sons and daughters of the satanic world. You must understand that you can still be accused by Satan. Such people cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. They have no choice but to go to hell. (114-27, 1981.5.14)
Integrity refers to an unchanging character. Regardless of the circumstances, a person of integrity maintains his purpose, keeps his promises, and does his duty. More than that, a person of integrity becomes the moral and spiritual center of his or her family and community. Others depend on him, trust him and rely on him. As Father Moon teaches, just as diamonds and gold are valued for their unchanging brilliance, a person of diamond-like value has an unchanging character. One great test of integrity is duty; another is adversity. They place principle above expediency, as did rami, the hero of the Hindu Ramayana who refused a kingdom rather than disobey his father’s wishes. It is tempting to regard fulfilling a duty as an opportunity for wealth or personal advancement. It is a challenge to maintain a friendly disposition in adverse circumstances. It is even more difficult to fulfill one’s obligations when to do so puts one at risk of life. However, a person of integrity disregards the circumstances and fulfills a duty for its own sake. Having taken on a task, he or she pursues it to the end with an unchanging mind.
1. A Life Based upon Principle
He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.
Proverbs 10.9
When one follows unswervingly the path of virtue it is not to win advancement. When one invariably keeps one’s word it is not to establish the rectitude of one’s actions. A gentleman merely follows the norm and awaits his destiny.
Mencius VII.B.33 (Confucianism)
Virtue is the root; wealth is the result. If he makes the root his secondary object, and the result his primary, he will only wrangle with his people, and teach them rapine.
Great Learning 10.7-8 (Confucianism)
Not to be cheered by praise, Not to be grieved by blame, But to know thoroughly one’s own virtues and powers Are characteristics of an excellent man.
Precious Treasury of Elegant Sayings 29 (Buddhism)
If one’s mind is sorrowless, stainless and secure, and is not disturbed when affected by worldly vicissitudes, this is the highest blessing.
Sutta Nipata 268 (Buddhism)
To gain a good reputation, be the kind of person that you want people to think you are.
Socrates (Hellenism)
Without goodness a man “cannot for long endure adversity; cannot for long endure prosperity.” The good man rests content with goodness; he that is merely wise pursues goodness in the belief that it pays to do so.
Analects 4.2 (Confucianism)
Make [virtue] your first object. Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give up the earth itself and all it contains, rather than do an immoral act. And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing. Whenever you are to do a thing, though it can never be known but to yourself, ask yourself how you would act were all the world looking at you, and act accordingly.