God is the Lord of Sorrow and Pain

Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Why Conflicts of Interest Are Important:

Cheong Seong Gyeong 679

The people to enter heaven first must
be the True Parents. If I were to say that
heaven is empty, people would think I am
demented, yet even Jesus could not enter
heaven. One cannot go there alone. Our
original ancestors should have grown
through adolescence, established the
ideal of love centered on God, become
parents and bequeathed the seeds of true
love. Then, the first place they entered
would have been heaven. As yet, there
have been no parents centered on God’s
love who were able to bequeath the seeds
of true love and thus no foundation of
leaving behind such descendants. Heav-
en, thus, is empty.

Cheon Seong Gyong 1854

We are raising many species of par-
rots on our Jardim farm. Parrots can
live together with people naturally. The
ostriches frequently come to us because
we give them food. They have become so
close to the people now that they do not
run away even when someone approach-
es them with food. I am thinking of cre-
ating a world where Adam can mingle
together with creation, just like the time
when God was happy to gaze upon His
creation. That is what I am doing now.
(278-103, 1996.5.1)

The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days

Rev Sun Myung Moon
July 26, 1959

Romans 8: 12-27

God is the lord of sorrow and pain. Although God desires to be happy and glorified, He has never had a source of joy and glory. What does He have instead? You have to understand that God is a God of sorrow and agony, burdened with the grief of the Fall and stories of pain and sadness. Isn’t this true?

We think that the Kingdom of Heaven is a garden of joy, but that is not true. You go and see for yourselves. No matter how hard you look for a cause of joy, you will not find any. God, who should command all the authority to rule the world and possess only glory and joy, has lost all joy and glory, all the fruits of goodness, and the elements of the ideal. Only sorrow and anguish remain. This is truly mournful. There is nothing more grievous and sad than this in the entire universe. Those who are genuinely overcome with grief over this and call out “Father” in desperation and humility are sons and daughters close to the heart of Heaven.

Jesus came to this earth as the King of Kings. He came with the recognition from Heaven as the one with the authority of the leader. However, from the moment of his birth, he did not have even one moment of happiness. Although he appeared as the Savior for the sake of humanity on the earth and to save all people, he could not receive glory. Before he could receive glory, he had to pass through a world of agony and a path of sorrow.

Why was it so? It was because Jesus was responsible to pay indemnity for the four thousand years. To become the King of Kings, first he had to pass the qualification as the prince of sorrow and pain. Otherwise, there was no way to comfort the many spirits who had endured sorrow for Heaven while they were on earth.

For this reason, Jesus, who lived some thirty odd years with three years of public ministry, walked a sorrowful path. When he shed tears, he wandered through the valley of tears which his ancestors had shed in the past. Jesus labored arduously as he inherited the path of the people who had cried out in tears as they crossed over the hill of death, stained with the blood of the four-thousand-year history. Eventually, Jesus walked the path of the cross. Today many of us think that Jesus was a prince of love, joy and glory; he was actually a prince of agony and sorrow.

Jesus Believed that God Should Be Without Sadness

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Test the Spirits https://youtu.be/_iM3kr3U4E4.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

The earth that we live on is divid-
ed into land and sea. Geographical-
ly speaking, peninsulas are situated
between these two, in a midway posi-
tion connecting the continents with the
sea. Since early times, peninsulas have
always been significant in the formation
of civilizations. Greece and Rome, where
ancient civilizations flourished, were
also located on peninsulas. The civiliza-
tions of Spain and Portugal developed
on the Iberian Peninsula. However,
today these civilizations must expand
to the world and bring forth a new civi-
lization in the east and west. The Kore-
an peninsula in Asia is the place for this
civilization to emerge. (115-171, 1981.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1123

“Portion of responsibility” is a term
that is not used much in ordinary soci-
ety. However, especially in the Unifica-
tion Church, it is a term that is more
important than any other. Within our
church, if you do not know these two
terms – “portion of responsibility” and
“restoration through indemnity” – you
will not be able to understand the con-
tent of our historical course or resolve
the mistakes and unknown facts of his-
tory. That is how important these words
are. (169-45, 1987.10.25)

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

We believe that God is love. Many teachings show that God is love. How much of a life of faith have you lived filled with a heart of love? Have you carried the heart of God and gazed upon history filled with sorrow and worried about the sorrowful will of God and tried to fathom His sorrow-filled heart? Have you realized that greater sadness and pain than joy exist in the heart of Heavenly Father, who wants to invite humankind through His loving heart and who desires to embrace us? We have to experience such a heart.

The loyal heart of Jesus toward Heavenly Father is thus expressed: “Father! Looking at You is truly heartbreaking. The pain is beyond words when I see You and think of Your will and humanity, who will be eternally sad.” Jesus believed that God should be without sadness and pain. He said, “When there is joy, have that as Yours, but please leave sadness and pain to me.” We have to realize that Jesus’ desire to return everything joyous to Heavenly Father is the content of the Gospels.

We have been struggling to receive the blessing of Heaven. Who will pave the way to introduce us to the blessing of Heaven and find this Heavenly blessing for us? Who will pave the path? Who will bear the responsibility of paving this path and foundation? This road cannot be paved by happiness. Continue reading “Jesus Believed that God Should Be Without Sadness”

The Second Israelites Should Cast Out the Satanic World

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Test the Spirits https://youtu.be/_iM3kr3U4E4.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Richard: Sexual purity before marriage and faithfullness in Blessed marriage is the absolute way of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1659

How great is the value of humanity?
We are the ones whom God, leaning on
His walking stick, can yearn for after
thousands of years. I have discovered the
nature of the origin of the universe. The
two-way relationship between God and
humankind has finally led to the recog-
nition of a worldview based on the verti-
cal and horizontal aspects of love. As it
developed into a relationship of up and
down, and left and right, the worldview
of vertical and horizontal love could
emerge. In the center of it all dwells God.
That place, which can be bound firmly in
the deep valley of the mind, is the center
of the vertical and horizontal aspects. If
it is not tied down, the vertical and hori-
zontal standard cannot emerge as the ide-
al form of love. Though there may be any
number of vertical standards, the hori-
zontal will not come into being. Thus,
you must know that God had no choice
but to create human beings accordingly.
(48-223, 1971.9.19)

Richard:  The vertical love of God and the horizontal love of husband and wife come together at a perfect 90 degree angle through absolutely good sex in their Blessed conjugal relationship.

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

He had come for the world, but had to desert the world. He had come for the race, but had to desert the race. He had come for the religious body, but had to desert it also. This was the fate of Jesus, and this is the sad reality.

That is why Jesus walked to the Mount of Olives repeatedly. Walking alone, what did Jesus pray for with every step, pleading with Heavenly Father? He had greater concern for the sadness of Heavenly Father who had sent him, than for his own undeserved misery.

It was the will of God to send Jesus so that he would be harmonious with the people and lead them in building ideal nations everywhere. When Jesus prayed desperate prayers to Heavenly Father, knowing that such a path was blocked, his prayer was to console God, rather than to evade his own personal suffering, because God’s sorrow was greater than his. We have to see this.

As Jesus was heading toward the cross, he prayed, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39) Because Jesus had this heart and he realized that Heavenly Father’s sorrow and han must be greater than his in having to put him in such a situation, Jesus’ heart of sorrow could unite with the heart of God’s historic sorrow. We have to realize that this took place at the moment of his death on the cross.

The death of Jesus was an event that intensified the sorrow in the heart of Heavenly Father, sorrowful since the fall of Adam four thousand years before. Yet Heavenly Father could still pioneer the course that would resolve the deep han through judgment on this world, since Jesus had suffered for God’s pain and did not regret his death. Thus, for two thousand more years, history has progressed until today. Continue reading “The Second Israelites Should Cast Out the Satanic World”

Fight and Become Victorious In Place of Jesus

Jeremiah 51

I will tell these soldiers,
    “Attack quickly,
before the Babylonians
can string their bows
    or put on their armor.[c]
Kill their best soldiers
    and destroy their army!”
Their troops will fall wounded
    in the streets of Babylon.

Everyone in Israel and Judah
    is guilty.
But I, the Lord All-Powerful,
their holy God,
    have not abandoned them.

Luke 23

44 Around noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until the middle of the afternoon. 45 The sun stopped shining, and the curtain in the temple[g] split down the middle. 46 Jesus shouted, “Father, I put myself in your hands!” Then he died.

47 When the Roman officer saw what had happened, he praised God and said, “Jesus must really have been a good man!”

48 A crowd had gathered to see the terrible sight. Then after they had seen it, they felt brokenhearted and went home. 49 All of Jesus’ close friends and the women who had come with him from Galilee stood at a distance and watched.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

The Unification Church was not meant to walk a rough path. When I see you coming into the Unification Church, I feel a worrisome heart rather than a welcoming one. I am looking at you like that. I have to look at you with a heart of reservation, rather than with a welcoming heart.

When one realizes the story of Heaven and its desperate nature as God searches to bring humanity back, not only would that person be unable to think about himself; he would have to deny himself. When a person can be led naturally to the degree where he will not criticize selfishly and subjectively, the way for him to walk this course is not only to feel the sorrow of such a deep level, but to subjectively comfort and console Heavenly Father. That is the only way an individual can walk this path.

Do not follow this path if you wish to lead a comfortable life. As I walked this path, I realized it is a lonely path without a friend, without a comrade, without an excuse, and without a place on which to lean. It is a path that cannot be trusted. Having walked such a path, I certainly could understand the heart of Jesus. Continue reading “Fight and Become Victorious In Place of Jesus”

Know Where the Final Line of Faith Is

Ezekiel 16

40 Your lovers and an angry mob will stone you to death; they will cut your dead body into pieces 41 and burn down your houses. Other women will watch these terrible things happen to you. I promise to stop you from being a prostitute and paying your lovers for sex.

42 Only then will I calm down and stop being angry and jealous. 43 You made me furious by doing all these disgusting things and by forgetting how I took care of you when you were young. Then you made things worse by acting like a prostitute. You must be punished! I, the LordGod, have spoken.

John 8

Jesus replied:

Even if I do speak for myself, what I say is true! I know where I came from and where I am going. But you don’t know where I am from or where I am going. 15 You judge in the same way that everyone else does, but I don’t judge anyone. 16 If I did judge, I would judge fairly, because I would not be doing it alone. The Father who sent me is here with me. 17 Your Law requires two witnesses to prove that something is true. 18 I am one of my witnesses, and the Father who sent me is the other one.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Heaven is a place of true faith and true practice. Therefore, when people today cannot analyze and empathize with the suffering and sad heart of God, they should realize that they are not yet in a position to welcome the world of the heavenly ideology with both arms.

That is why the footsteps of Jesus were precious. Jesus knew that when his words were established, heaven would be established. When he carried out his words, the will of Heaven was also carried out. Jesus was living up to this standard. His concern for humankind was great; his concern for Heavenly Father was great; and his capacity to experience the sorrows of Heaven and earth was great.

There is no verse in the Bible portraying Jesus dancing with joy. Why? Because God could not yet speak to His children, humankind, in the garden of happiness, Jesus could not speak freely, with joy, even if he sometimes felt personal happiness. The words of Jesus should have been introduced with a heart of joy. Yet in reality, they were uttered with a heart of sorrow. You should be filled with the same emotion and realize the dignity of Jesus’ words.

Jesus and I should connect with one another, transcending history. When words are not capable of connecting with the ideological realm of life’s reality, those words are not of Heaven. Continue reading “Know Where the Final Line of Faith Is”