Cheon Seong Gyeong 2085
Do you know why I have proclaimed
tribal messiahship to both Korea and the
world? It is because I have returned to
Korea and have now connected Korea to
all the nations. Imagine the mobiliza-
tion of spirits in the spirit world, whose
eyes are wide open in anticipation of lib-
eration and who are saying that it’s the
right time to return to earth to indem-
nify thousands or tens of thousands of
years of history. So if I do not lay down
all these bridges to connect the spir-
it world to earth, would that be right?
Because everything has collapsed, there
is no place for me to stand. In order to
create a place, I had to send out Blessed
Families as tribal messiahs and have
them set up three-generation ancestral
standards: perfection of Jesus, perfec-
tion of oneself, and perfection of Adam.
This foundation created an environ-
ment upon which I could stand. This is
why I have proclaimed tribal messiah-
ship. The unification of North and South
Korea does not just happen automati-
cally. It is possible only after all these
things are tied together. Since all these
things are connected to the family level
and the tribal level, they will then bond
to the national level, and the Unification
Church and the government should then
become one. (219-97, 1991.8.25)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1191
Without love, you cannot subjugate
Satan. Therefore even God has to stand
in the position where He can say that
He has loved the fallen archangel, so, in
order to become a family who can enter
the heavenly kingdom, you as the family
of God’s sons and daughters, must also
set the condition enabling you to say that
you have loved Satan. So, go out and fight
and subjugate the satanic world with
love. You must stand upon the founda-
tion made by such a condition. You must
be able to claim, “I did not crush all my
enemies, but instead I had them surren-
der with love and I restored the right of
the eldest son.” (141-202, 1986.2.22)
The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959
Father, please look at us with compassion. We are a pitiful set of people who could not die, except for Your graceful consideration. Father, we ardently pray that You not leave us alone in this hour and that You will embrace us in Your great bosom of love.
Your sons and daughters have followed without complaining, though the path of toil has been difficult. Since we cannot help straying without Your love, please look at us with compassion. Allow us to feel and experience the grace of glory You bestow by embracing us with Your great love.
There is an end to everything that centers on people, while all the things that move centering on the Father last forever. Since we know this is true, please get rid of everything that centers on people. Let only the things that center on You appear in the gardens of our minds. Father, we pray this from the depths of our minds.
We often forget that the more ardently we seek You, the more we conjure up the image of Your internal nature. The closer we wish to get to the presence of Your mind, the more Your great love will be with us without our knowledge. Father, we sincerely wish and desire that You allow us not to forget that You live with us always, whether we are too busy to notice or not. Continue reading “Have Your Enemies Surrender with Love”