Cheon Seong Gyeong 323
Our minds can be infinitely enlarged
through heart, rather than through
knowledge. A heart of love is so big that
it can more than embrace the universe,
so once we develop this original and
mighty domain, even God will want to
come and take naps there. Since we can-
not embrace God through our knowl-
edge, we must know how great a heart
of love is. (Blessed Family – 1053)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1019
One does not start out as a central
figure with confidence. I, too, have nev-
er thought myself as being confident. I
realized that before I liked myself, I had
to like God and I had to like the one
whom God was seeking. How to possess
this kind of heart was my endeavor. If
I have that heart, there is nothing that
is impossible. You must have a mind to
make people happier and console the
sorrowful person. (70-170, 1974.2.9)
Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958
Father, at this time when this year is drawing to a close, please allow us to have the Shim Jung of preparation with which we can usher in a new year, reflecting upon the old one. Please lead us to the place where we are grasped by the Father’s hands with a deeper and more sincere heart than last year’s, looking forward to the Father’s new glory in the new year, where we can connect to the Father’s situation. Please allow us to be led into Your bosom and to have the preparation and resolution with which we can follow You anywhere and everywhere.
Father, we know that our lives do not belong to us. We know that our ideologies and our loves do not belong to us. Please allow our minds, our bodies, and even our lives to arise from You. Guide us so that they will not be things that come from ourselves.
We know a man’s self-centered conceit can be maintained only as long as he wears his physical body. We have awakened to the fact that no matter how high a person may say he is, he is insufficient on his own and cannot exceed the limits of time. Please give us minds that can emulate the Father’s lofty and broad Shim Jung through comprehending Your heartrending situation. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You let us have a mind to deny ourselves, of our accord, to resemble Your deep Shim Jung and prostrate ourselves in the presence of Heaven. Continue reading “Like God and the One Whom God is Seeking”