Like God and the One Whom God is Seeking

Cheon Seong Gyeong 323

Our minds can be infinitely enlarged
through heart, rather than through
knowledge. A heart of love is so big that
it can more than embrace the universe,
so once we develop this original and
mighty domain, even God will want to
come and take naps there. Since we can-
not embrace God through our knowl-
edge, we must know how great a heart
of love is. (Blessed Family – 1053)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1019

One does not start out as a central
figure with confidence. I, too, have nev-
er thought myself as being confident. I
realized that before I liked myself, I had
to like God and I had to like the one
whom God was seeking. How to possess
this kind of heart was my endeavor. If
I have that heart, there is nothing that
is impossible. You must have a mind to
make people happier and console the
sorrowful person. (70-170, 1974.2.9)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12


Father, at this time when this year is drawing to a close, please allow us to have the Shim Jung of preparation with which we can usher in a new year, reflecting upon the old one. Please lead us to the place where we are grasped by the Father’s hands with a deeper and more sincere heart than last year’s, looking forward to the Father’s new glory in the new year, where we can connect to the Father’s situation. Please allow us to be led into Your bosom and to have the preparation and resolution with which we can follow You anywhere and everywhere.

Father, we know that our lives do not belong to us. We know that our ideologies and our loves do not belong to us. Please allow our minds, our bodies, and even our lives to arise from You. Guide us so that they will not be things that come from ourselves.

We know a man’s self-centered conceit can be maintained only as long as he wears his physical body. We have awakened to the fact that no matter how high a person may say he is, he is insufficient on his own and cannot exceed the limits of time. Please give us minds that can emulate the Father’s lofty and broad Shim Jung through comprehending Your heartrending situation. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You let us have a mind to deny ourselves, of our accord, to resemble Your deep Shim Jung and prostrate ourselves in the presence of Heaven. Continue reading “Like God and the One Whom God is Seeking”

God is the Lord All Powerful

Genesis 47

13 The famine was bad everywhere in Egypt and Canaan, and the people were suffering terribly. 14 So Joseph sold them the grain that had been stored up, and he put the money[a] in the king’s treasury. 15 But when everyone had run out of money, the Egyptians came to Joseph and demanded, “Give us more grain! If you don’t, we’ll soon be dead, because our money’s all gone.”

Isaiah 44

I am the Lord All-Powerful,
the first and the last,
    the one and only God.
Israel, I have rescued you!
    I am your King.
Can anyone compare with me?
If so, let them speak up
    and tell me now.
Let them say what has happened
since I made my nation
    long ago,
and let them tell
    what is going to happen.
Don’t tremble with fear!
Didn’t I tell you long ago?
    Didn’t you hear me?
I alone am God—
no one else is a mighty rock.

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

Don’t condemn others, and God won’t condemn you. God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.

You can see the speck in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own eye. How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don’t see the log in your own eye? You’re nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye. Then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend’s eye.

Don’t give to dogs what belongs to God. They will only turn and attack you. Don’t throw pearls down in front of pigs. They will trample all over them.

Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. Would any of you give your hungry child a stone, if the child asked for some bread? 10 Would you give your child a snake if the child asked for a fish? 11 As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask.

12 Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets[a] are all about.


Father of love, human beings were to oversee the ideal garden of love and hold Your love in high regard. Yet ever since we rejected the heart of the Father, who wished to build the ideal garden of love, we have been leaving sorrowful footprints of blood and tears throughout several thousand years of restoration history. Please forgive us.

We are aware that now is the time when we must yearn for the Father’s lost love. The final day of restoration is coming near, when we cannot help standing on the Father’s side, having discovered the Father’s heart. Father of love, please raise us today and newly give us counsel. Since You have called us, please admonish us anew. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will allow us to bow in the presence of the Father with a blissful and glorious countenance, having eliminated the sorrow of restoration.

Please do not allow our minds and bodies to remain only as our own. Please allow all things, from the emotions that we feel to the concepts or doctrines or assertions that we have, not to be ours. We know that nothing originated from us and that all things were affected by Heaven. Father of love, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You allow us in this hour to offer up the whole to the Father. Continue reading “God is the Lord All Powerful”

Jesus Has Bee Looking for the One True Person

1 Samuel 13

19 The Philistines would not allow any Israelites to learn how to make iron tools. “If we allowed that,” they said, “those worthless Israelites would make swords and spears.”

Richard:  The Phillistines tried to keep Israel from bearing arms.  It is a fundamental human right that God’s people be able to protect themselves.

Isaiah 19

19 This is a message about Egypt:

The Lord comes to Egypt,
    riding swiftly on a cloud.
The people are weak from fear.
Their idols tremble
    as he approaches and says,
“I will punish Egypt
    with civil war—
neighbors, cities, and kingdoms
    will fight each other.

“Egypt will be discouraged
    when I confuse their plans.
They will try to get advice
    from their idols,
from the spirits of the dead,
    and from fortunetellers.
I will put the Egyptians
under the power of a cruel,
    heartless king.
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    have promised this.”

Richard:  After President Trump’s term(s), we may get a bad President.  This could cause a lot of suffering, especially among Christians.

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

God’s heart had gone through a course of turns and twists. Shedding light upon this, Jesus uttered, “God, now I know. I have come to know the final meaning of Your having unfolded the dispensation and what kind of heart You had as You did it.” Jesus then grabbed hold of God and rejoiced, shedding tears, forgetting his dignity and image. You too must be able to rejoice, holding onto Jesus and shedding tears. Only then can the ideology of the internal world be manifested as that of the external ideology. You must understand this.

The very core of faith, what is left after human beings believe in the Lord with uplifted hands, put the Word into practice with love and restore the incarnated body with faith, is for their minds to become united with the minds of God and Jesus. Beyond that, the love of God, Jesus and human beings must become united. This is the last, emotional problem to be solved for religious people. For that reason, Christianity, the religion of love, will survive to the end. People in the heavenly kingdom are people who strive for the sake of giving. They are people who strive to give their bodies and minds and all of their things. Most people of this fallen world, on the other hand, strive to live centered on themselves. Only when they can bring about a revolution in their minds can people like these become God’s sons and daughters who can receive the love of God, the Creator of humankind and all creation, who tries to embrace them in His bosom. Continue reading “Jesus Has Bee Looking for the One True Person”

We Must Know God’s and Jesus’ Shimjung

Cheon Seong Gyeong 437

Parents need to get permission from
the grandfather before sending their
grandson anywhere. Parents cannot
simply do whatever they want. This is
because the grandfather stands in the
position of God. (107-326, 1980.6.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421

What are we trying to achieve? We
want to be registered in the positions of
sons and daughters who can be loved
eternally by God and True Parents. The
registration will begin from this time
forth. You will be registered in the Book
of Life of the Kingdom of God. A new
form of registration should take place
based on the true parent-centered ideol-
ogy and Godism, and at the same time,
the organization of tribes should also
take place. Similar to the twelve apostles
of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel,
we also need to organize ourselves into
tribes. (146-230, 1986.7.1)

Richard:  This process has begin with the “Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing” that occurred on Feb. 28, 2018:

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

God does not exist higher than the cosmos. No created thing can achieve completion without having a connection with God. When we build a house, we must link up all the materials and have them relate to each other to be a complete house.

Now we must seek God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung in the 66 volumes of the Bible. Only when we get to know God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung can we know our minds and Shim Jung. Yet God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung are not completely manifested in the Bible. It is written in the Bible that the Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind. Yet how many people are there who can indeed say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in me”?

Where are such people? There are many people who have memorized good scriptural passages, wonderful, celebrated verses. Yet in order for us to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung, we must know why Jesus, the Savior of all humankind and the True Father of all human beings, grieved on this earth. What caused him to grieve the most? We must know these things. Only when we know these things can we say we have come to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung. We must know what the most unjust, vexatious, and painful thing was to Jesus, and the reason for it. Continue reading “We Must Know God’s and Jesus’ Shimjung”

Where is the Word that can Move the Original Shim Jung?

Joshua 14

One day while the Israelites were still camped at Gilgal, Caleb the son of Jephunneh went to talk with Joshua. Caleb belonged to the Kenaz clan, and many other people from the Judah tribe went with Caleb. He told Joshua:

You know that back in Kadesh-Barnea the Lord talked to his prophet Moses about you and me. I was forty years old at the time Moses sent me from Kadesh-Barnea into Canaan as a spy. When I came back and told him about the land, everything I said was true. The other spies said things that made our people afraid, but I completely trusted the Lord God. The same day I came back, Moses told me, “Since you were faithful to the Lord God, I promise that the places where you went as a spy will belong to you and your descendants forever.”

10 Joshua, it was forty-five years ago that the Lord told Moses to make that promise, and now I am eighty-five. Even though Israel has moved from place to place in the desert, the Lord has kept me alive all this time as he said he would. 11 I’m just as strong today as I was then, and I can still fight as well in battle.

12 So I’m asking you for the hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You were there. You heard the other spies talk about that part of the hill country and the large, walled towns where the Anakim[b] live. But maybe the Lord will help me take their land, just as he promised.

13 Joshua prayed that God would help Caleb, then he gave Hebron to Caleb and his descendants. 14 And Hebron still belongs to Caleb’s descendants, because he was faithful to the Lord God of Israel.

15 Hebron used to be called Arba’s Town,[c] because Arba had been one of the greatest[d] of the Anakim.

There was peace in the land.

Richard:  When you seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness (Mt. 6:33), then all things will be given to you.  That is my testimony.  God will provide for you.  Make His Will first in your life.

Psalm 69

nemies poisoned my food,
    and when I was thirsty,
    they gave me vinegar.

22 Make their table a trap
    for them and their friends.
23     Blind them with darkness
    and make them tremble.
24 Show them how angry you are!
    Be furious and catch them.
25 Destroy their camp
    and don’t let anyone live
    in their tents.

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

Although communists today are advocating a materialistic revolution, this is not enough. A materialistic revolution is not the answer. A revolution of conscience is what is called for. Where will be the one doctrine that brings forth a revolution of conscience? Will there not be a doctrine that can cause a “heartistic” revolution? We need to think about this. Until this sort of doctrine comes forth, this world will not be united. If such a doctrine comes forth, that doctrine will have to be based on materials, and it will have to be based on the Word.

Because of man’s fall, he lost faith, love, the Word, and the incarnated being. That is why human beings have first gone through the age of materialism and are now going through the age of ideology and thought. In the future, the age of sentiment will come.

Emotion is what makes a person believe in the Word. We speak of intellect, emotion and will; however, emotion comes first. A great artist must emerge who can detonate man’s original emotions and sing in praise of all creation with the sentiments of original emotion. A great scientist of emotion and religion must emerge.

What have human beings wandered about seeking until today? Human beings have not found satisfaction in doctrines nor in faith. We have sought the true Word, the truth. What are we going to do with that truth after finding it? We mean to usher in a spring garden that can be vibrant with life. Only that which can make human beings full of life and energy will be the true truth. Don’t you agree? Continue reading “Where is the Word that can Move the Original Shim Jung?”