Cheon Seon Gyeong 227
Now the time has come when you can
develop a vision for the nation. It is an
amazing fact that you can stand in the
front line as a fighter for sake of the inde-
pendence and deliverance of the nation.
Those who do this become representa-
tives of human history and the history of
the universe. When God sees this, how
proud and content He will feel!
It is also an amazing fact that True
Parents have appeared on this earth. We
have severed that which has come from
the false parents. Based on this accom-
plishment, we want to bring everyone
through the gate to the True Parents on
the opposite side. Accordingly, we aim
to turn the path to hell back toward
Cheon Seon Gyeong 490
If a son commits a crime and is sent
to prison, the parents tearfully forgive
and reach out to him, instead of saying,
“Serves him right!” This is why paren-
tal love is extraordinary. Similarly, if a
son is sentenced to execution, his moth-
er will be totally grief-stricken and seek
any way, even changing the world’s legal
systems or risking her life, to save her
son. (91-147, 1977.2.6)
God’s Possession and Our Possession
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958
What did Heaven wish to do by sending numerous prophets and sages and by sending Jesus? It was to exercise the right of possession against Satan by raising a person who knows God’s situation more than Satan and who cares for God more than Satan. Accomplishing this task is the purpose of the history of the Second Advent.
What was Satan’s motive for becoming Satan? What was the motive that destroyed the heavenly principles? He wanted to receive more love than Adam and Eve. If he had tried to love Adam and Eve more than God loved Adam and Eve, if he had tried to love God more than Adam and Eve loved God, he would not have fallen. Here was the condition in which he was caught. What is evil? Evil is being unable to care for others, rather than oneself. Evil is being unable to serve goodness. Fallen human beings today all are caught in this condition. Continue reading “Great Men Are Selfless”