Make a Relationship with the Master of Life, Ideals, and Love

Acts 3

14 You rejected Jesus, who was holy and good. You asked for a murderer to be set free, 15 and you killed the one who leads people to life. But God raised him from death, and all of us can tell you what he has done. 16 You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.

Ricahrd:  It is time to testify to the Lord at His Second Coming, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and to the Second King, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon.

Mark 5

21 Once again Jesus got into the boat and crossed Lake Galilee.[d] Then as he stood on the shore, a large crowd gathered around him. 22 The person in charge of the Jewish meeting place was also there. His name was Jairus, and when he saw Jesus, he went over to him. He knelt at Jesus’ feet 23 and started begging him for help. He said, “My daughter is about to die! Please come and touch her, so she will get well and live.” 24 Jesus went with Jairus. Many people followed along and kept crowding around.

25 In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had gone to many doctors, and they had not done anything except cause her a lot of pain. She had paid them all the money she had. But instead of getting better, she only got worse.

27 The woman had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him in the crowd and barely touched his clothes. 28 She had said to herself, “If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well.” 29 As soon as she touched them, her bleeding stopped, and she knew she was well.

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

The more freedom, liberation and unification one has based on a worldly standard opposed to God, the more anxiety, dissatisfaction and fear will swallow one up internally. One may look successful externally, but he is collapsing internally. Externally, he appears unified, but internally he is disintegrating into pieces. How then can such an internal crumbling be compensated for? God is the one who works to compensate this. Without Him, humankind today would be frustrated, would give up, and would finally expire in the realm of death.

As for people like Americans, they have no parents, no children and no relatives. Because of this, many people even desert their country. Furthermore, many people follow a religion purely for their own profit and abandon it when there is no more to gain. Since the world is created, not for the individual, but for the whole, those who live only for their own profit will suffer before the world, which exists for the worldwide ideal. They will suffer in proportion to how selfishly they lived. Continue reading “Make a Relationship with the Master of Life, Ideals, and Love”

Liberation starts from Christ and His Family

The Vaccine battle is happening in your state. Big Pharma wants to mandate (without exemptions) what dangerous vaccines you have to give to your children and even to adults, such as health workers. Watch my latest video in a series on vaccines and vaccine choice:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

3.4. Registration for heaven and
Blessed Families’ spiritual realm
3.4.1 Requirements of registration
To this day, no one has been regis-
tered into the heavenly kingdom. The
kingdom did not have a nation. It did
not have a family or nation. When you
go to the spirit world, your parents, and
– if there are ten people in your family
– all ten of your family members would
be separated. However, from now on it
will not be that way. You should know
that originally, if human beings had not
fallen, heaven would be the place where
you enter with your mother, father and
If your grandparents, mother and
father, couple, and children, become one
based on true love, and inherit God’s
true love that lives for others, then even
God would be absolutely obedient to
that. In the world that strives to live for
others – a world that moves according
to the love that submits to the tradition
of living for others – the basis for peace
would surely emerge even if it resisted
being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Richard:  Stacey got this exact same Rheama two days ago.  On Feb 28, 2018 there will be the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing officiated by Pastor Hyung Jin Moon and Yeon Ah Moon.  This involves the growth stage perfection level Blessing, which has never before been given.  You can paticipate:  Click here.

Job 26

Job’s Reply to Bildad

You Have Really Been Helpful

26 Job said:

You have really been helpful
    to someone weak and weary.
You have given great advice
and wonderful wisdom
    to someone truly in need.
How can anyone possibly speak
    with such understanding?

Remember the terrible trembling
of those in the world of the dead
    below the mighty ocean.
Nothing in that land
of death and destruction
    is hidden from God,
who hung the northern sky
and suspended the earth
    on empty space.
God stores water in clouds,
    but they don’t burst,
and he wraps them around
    the face of the moon.
10 On the surface of the ocean,
God has drawn a boundary line
    between light and darkness.
11 And columns supporting the sky
    tremble at his command.

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

To remove this distance between Jesus and God, God should be able to love all humankind as His children and freely hold them. Only then can all the walls between God and Jesus be eliminated at once. Our desire to follow Jesus and freely pass through death for the sake of God should not simply be a concept. A standard of overcoming any toil and a liberating standard of forgetting the pain of death should be established by us. This is because only then can the relationship of freedom, liberation and unification start to be made with God. As we strive for God’s will, within God’s ideal realm of freedom, liberation and unification, we should be the masters of freedom representing God. We should liberate all the people for God and accomplish unification.

To do this, you should be free individuals who go over the hills of death with a deep and eager heart toward Heaven, not taking suffering as pain, sorrow or grief. Heaven can hold up such a person, disregarding His own pain and suffering, even giving up all His authority and dignity. Only in such a situation can God be our God and we His sons and daughters. Among the many prophets after Jesus, no one was exempt from suffering. Though God has the level of heart by which He can go beyond all His dignity, suffering, ordeals and sorrow for the sake of regaining His beloved children, He has never met anyone who has the same level of Shim Jung. You should know that this is a condition of great lamentation for God. Continue reading “Liberation starts from Christ and His Family”

True Freedom Comes through Serving the True Parent

The Vaccine battle is happening in your state. Big Pharma wants to mandate (without exemptions) what dangerous vaccines you have to give to your children and even to adults, such as health workers. Watch my latest video in a series on vaccines and vaccine choice:

Luke 11

37 When Jesus finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him home for a meal. Jesus went and sat down to eat.[e] 38 The Pharisee was surprised that he did not wash his hands[f] before eating. 39 So the Lord said to him:

You Pharisees clean the outside of cups and dishes, but on the inside you are greedy and evil. 40 You fools! Didn’t God make both the outside and the inside?[g] 41 If you would only give what you have to the poor, everything you do would please God.

42 You Pharisees are in for trouble! You give God a tenth of the spices from your gardens, such as mint and rue. But you cheat people, and you don’t love God. You should be fair and kind to others and still give a tenth to God.

43 You Pharisees are in for trouble! You love the front seats in the meeting places, and you like to be greeted with honor in the market. 44 But you are in for trouble! You are like unmarked graves[h] that people walk on without even knowing it.

2 Chronicles 30

30 1-4 Passover wasn’t celebrated in the first month,[a] which was the usual time, because many of the priests were still unclean and unacceptable to serve, and because not everyone in Judah had come to Jerusalem for the festival. So Hezekiah, his officials, and the people agreed to celebrate Passover in the second month.[b]

Hezekiah sent a message to everyone in Israel and Judah, including those in the territories of Ephraim and West Manasseh, inviting them to the temple in Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover in honor of the Lord God of Israel. Everyone from Beersheba in the south to Dan in the north was invited. This was the largest crowd of people that had ever celebrated Passover, according to the official records.

Hezekiah’s messengers went everywhere in Israel and Judah with the following letter:

People of Israel, now that you have survived the invasion of the Assyrian kings,[c] it’s time for you to turn back to the Lord God our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshiped. If you do this, he will stop being angry. Don’t follow the example of your ancestors and your Israelite relatives in the north. They were unfaithful to the Lord, and he punished them horribly. Don’t be stubborn like your ancestors. Decide now to obey the Lord our God! Come to Jerusalem and worship him in the temple that will belong to him forever. Then he will stop being angry, and the enemies that have captured your families will show pity and send them back home. The Lord God is kind and merciful, and if you turn back to him, he will no longer turn his back on you.

10 The messengers went to every town in Ephraim and West Manasseh as far north as the territory of Zebulun, but everyone laughed and insulted them. 11 Only a few people from the tribes of Asher, West Manasseh, and Zebulun were humble and went to Jerusalem. 12 God also made everyone in Judah eager to do what Hezekiah and his officials had commanded.


The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

When Jesus came to the earth, he could freely choose between life and death for the sake of God until he was acknowledged by the Father. He could complete the eternal and never-changing ideal of the only son. Thus, before all people, he has been liberating those in the servant’s position into children. You must know this well. Because Jesus overcame the suffering course of death and set up the standard of oneness with God’s internal Shim Jung, we can receive the benefit of going to the position of children by believing in Jesus.

If in your heart you desire the freedom, liberation and unification God seeks to connect it to you, you must voluntarily pursue the course from the age of the servant to that of the children and from the age of the children to that of the family in which one serves the parents. You should know that this is determined by the principle of freedom. This is not achieved under a certain command, restriction or by coercion. Only when we overcome the question of life and death and can share a free and joyful Shim Jung, thinking of God and Jesus, can we make a relationship with God’s ideal. Continue reading “True Freedom Comes through Serving the True Parent”

Jesus Came as the Master of Freedom

Cheon Seon Gyeong 197

Who should end this battle? Neither
God nor Satan can end it. You must be
hearing this for the first time. Who can
bring to an end the fight between the
evil spirits and good spirits? Neither
God nor Satan can. Then, who can put
an end to it? Only a true person can end
the battle. Without being a central figure
of love who can be followed by all peo-
ple, the true person cannot end the fight
between God and Satan. As long as we
are not liberated from this fight, future
peace will be an impossible dream for
the world, and ideals will be nothing but
abstract, sentimental concepts.
Then, who can resolve this fight? For
this task God has sent a representative.
This is the typical concept of the Messi-
ah. The Savior is the person who liberates
not only people but also God. In addi-
tion, he punishes evil. The one responsi-
ble for the overall task of liberating God
and liquidating evil is the Savior.

Cheon Seon Gyeong 963

3.4. Registration for heaven and
Blessed Families’ spiritual realm
3.4.1 Requirements of registration

To this day, no one has been regis-
tered into the heavenly kingdom. The
kingdom did not have a nation. It did
not have a family or nation. When you
go to the spirit world, your parents, and
– if there are ten people in your family
– all ten of your family members would
be separated. However, from now on it
will not be that way. You should know
that originally, if human beings had not
fallen, heaven would be the place where
you enter with your mother, father and

John 8:31-47

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

While achieving freedom, God never used the method of striking others, though He struggled against certain sovereigns to liberate and save the individual. In human history, the quest for freedom involved an individual attacking an individual, a nation attacking a nation, and a country attacking a country. God takes the opposite way. In restoring the individual, before hitting the individual, He allows Himself to be hit first. In restoring the nation, before striking the nation, He personally walked the suffering road to liberate the nation. In restoring the world, before striking the world, He personally walked the arduous path.

What kind of person can be the master of freedom in the future? He is the one who can serve God. To find the ideal of freedom that resonates with God, one must follow God’s strategy. That is, in restoring the family, he must strike himself as hard as the value of liberating the family. In restoring the nation and world, he should be able to hit himself as much as its value. For the sake of Heaven, again he must hit himself the corresponding amount, and he should be able to rejoice while being hit. You need to know that only those who possess such a Shim Jung of freedom will necessarily remain in the last days of history. Continue reading “Jesus Came as the Master of Freedom”

Democracy is Fundamentally Opposed to Christianity

Cheon Seong Gyeong 73

What would have happened had
John the Baptist believed in Jesus? Also,
what would have happened if Jesus had
received John the Baptist’s younger sis-
ter as his bride? The will of God could
have been fulfilled. When I say things
like this, don’t Christians immediate-
ly oppose me? They make a great hue
and cry over it. Yet, however much they
oppose me, it will be to no avail. Those
opposing me now will realize that I’m
not lying when they pass on to the spirit
world. (Blessed Family – 488)

Richard:  I am very grateful to be Blessed in marriage with my wife, Stacey, and I wish her a very happy Birthday, today, February 2nd!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378

Re-creation involves the creation of
an environment with subject and object
partners, followed by corresponding
developments. This is how evolutionary
theory should also develop; it cannot
develop as it is. Subject and object part-
ners must unite, be absorbed into some-
thing greater, and pass through the gates
of love. According to this principle, to
progress from the loveless amoeba to the
human being thousands of levels need
to be passed through, and these gates of
love cannot be crossed just like that. (230-
68, 1992.4.19)

The Freedom, Liberation and Unification God Seeks to Attain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 12, 1958

John 8:31-47

Democracy takes its ideal from Christianity, while it is saturated in science-centered individualism in regard to daily life. Thus, though democracy is based on freedom, it is fundamentally opposed to Christianity. When Christianity calls for freedom, it calls for the freedom of the whole universe. When Christianity pursues liberation, it pursues liberation of the whole. When it demands unification, it demands unification for the sake of God’s Shim Jung, that is, from the standpoint of Heaven’s rejoicing with the world. Since the people of the democratic world understand freedom based upon individualism, when they insist upon freedom, they eventually wind up denying their country, society, organization, and even their families and conjugal relationships. Eventually, they fall into a situation where they even deny the center of their heart. What will remain for them then? Loneliness. Continue reading “Democracy is Fundamentally Opposed to Christianity”