Cheon Seong Gyeong 406
When you go to the spirit world, countless saints and sages and countless ancestors get together for a discussion. They question and reflect, asking, “Where did you come from? Where on earth? From which country?” When friends meet, they talk about everything from their past, do they not? When you go to the spirit world, you will meet your first grandfather and tens of thousands of ancestors. When they yell harsh words at you, saying, “You brat, how did you live?” will you feel good? Think about it. (148-320, 1986.10.26)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1364
The fact that I have restored 1,800 couples from the satanic world signifies that I have surpassed the realm of the tribe. The victory I achieved on the national level is the starting point of the path leading to the world. The 1800 Couples are three times the number six hundred, which represents the realm of Satan’s dominion. Through the establishment of the family on this basis, the 1800 Couples have become the standard of indemnification for the family in Satan’s realm. (190-275, 1989.6.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 763
The spirit world is our homeland; it is the original homeland. This earth is the homeland of our original body. The spirit world is the homeland of our original mind. The world we are to enter after this one is the world of heart, the spirit world. Hence, if we train ourselves for our future entry into the spirit world, we will have no problems once we get there. Americans have to eat hamburgers and cheese, don’t they? Koreans have to eat kimchi and kochujang. If there are hamburgers and kimchi in the spirit world, then… So if we live our life on earth in the same rhythm as the spirit world, there will be no pain when we go there. (207-72, 1990.11.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.10. When entering the spirit world
2.10.2. When entering the spirit world
If you are not independent, you cannot enter the spirit world. It has its own world, nations, tribes, families, and individuals. Unless you have the independence that enables you to say that you are an absolutely necessary individual there, you cannot enter heaven. Be so independent that you can say you are absolutely necessary to your family and tribe. Only when you have such independence there can you enter heaven. (19-43, 1967.12.24) Continue reading “The Earth Seems Like a Speck of Dust”