Do you know what is in the vaccines that you are giving your children or grandchildren? Do you know about the possible side effects ? Do you know if each vaccine is really necessary? Watch this important presentation by Dr. Chanda Adkins of West Virginians for Health Freedom:
CSG 1283
The individual perfection we speak
of today is not the absolute and com-
plete perfection of the individual. It is
conditional. You must understand that
this perfection is a conditional perfec-
tion in the process of restoration. That
is why, though they stand in the posi-
tion of parents, they do not truly know
about God’s realm of heart. They have
not experienced the great power of lov-
ing each other so much that the hus-
band cannot give up his wife and the
wife cannot give up her husband even in
exchange for the universe. The love they
share is so strong that it can hold heaven
and earth together.
That is why those families who have
received the Blessing must bear in mind
that until they cross over from this fall-
en realm, they are only in the realm of
conditional perfection. They are not in
the realm of the perfected Kingdom of
Heaven. Since they are only living in that
conditional realm of perfection, once
they pass on to the spirit world, they
need to go through certain formalities.
Only after they go through due formali-
ties and reach complete perfection can
they receive their passports and enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. (100-144, 1978.10.9)
CSG 1567
The democratic era of today is to do
with a philosophy of brotherhood. In
relation to the Principle, this age is cen-
tered on Cain and Abel; the Principle
corresponds word for word. Cain will
have everything in his possession tak-
en away by God in the end. Already he
has been deprived of his head and body.
Now, with nowhere to go, he is trying
to take over the democratic world cen-
tering on the proletariat. However, he
is not having much success. With the
coming of autumn, fruits have begun
to ripen on the trees, but with no one to
harvest them, they are being left to rot.
Soon, his side will dwindle into noth-
ingness. It is all about the restoration of
brotherhood. The purpose of the phi-
losophy of brotherhood is to find the
true Adam. This work has been long in
its undertaking. (205-178, 1990.9.1)
Let Us Become the True Sons God Wants
Sun Myung Moon
April 20, 1958
Jesus could assert his internal ideology through his path of suffering throughout the thirty-odd years of his life on earth. Yet in the dimension of daily life, he could not fully rectify goodness. Confronting evil in the satanic world, he introduced the notion of goodness through the sacrifice of indemnity. Nonetheless, because no true man has emerged, Jesus has been praying in Paradise until this moment for the sake of fighting evil. Please do not boast that you have accomplished something. Although the good that you have performed can serve as a condition to indemnify evil, it cannot become the eternal foundation for the goodness of the world. No matter what kind of authority you wield or what kind of position you occupy in the world, you will not be able to boast. Continue reading “Create the Second Ideology of Goodness”