Experience All Material Things on God’s and Jesus’ Behalf

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 407

Can you see your mind? The spirit
world is a world where your mind takes
form, and it is a world that transcends
time and space. There you can eat meals
whenever you want. You do not have to
worry about your meals. You do not have
to worry about water. Nor do you have to
worry about drinking. There is no need
to worry about clothes. The spirit world
is a place where you rise above the need
for clothing, food and shelter. Would
you need cars there? Do you think there
are automobile factories there? Do you
think there are food, clothing or textile
factories there? There are none of these.
It is a place where you can move hun-
dreds of millions of kilometers in an
instant. But by what force? By the force
of love. If you say you want to see your
loved one, he will appear before you.
(210-225, 1990.12.23)

Song of Solomon

My darling has gone down
    to his garden of spices,
where he will feed his sheep
    and gather lilies.
I am his, and he is mine,
as he feeds his sheep
    among the lilies. Continue reading “Experience All Material Things on God’s and Jesus’ Behalf”

Comfort the Sorrow of God and Jesus

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1932

The reason why human beings are
still unable to make true peace is because
they are ignorant of true love. Why? The
answer, as mentioned in the Bible, is that
humankind has separated from God.
Due to the Fall of the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve established
the first family without God’s blessing.
Peace has been absent from this world
ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts,
and struggles have come to rule this
world. In the individual, the struggle
between mind and body, the conflicts
between husband and wife at the family
level, and the struggles between societies
are accepted as normal, everyday life.
It is my conviction that all human
Chapter 3 • The Pacific Rim Era and the Island Nations Federation 1933
problems are caused by the fundamental
loss of true love. The fall of humankind
meant the loss of true love. Consequent-
ly, Jesus came as the King of true love
in order to restore the love that Adam
and Eve had lost. By the same token, the
Lord at his Second Advent is coming in
order to restore true love. That is the log-
ical conclusion, seen from the view of
the providence of salvation.

CSG 1700

Why were human beings born? No
one is born for him or herself. Human
beings are born for a greater purpose
than just themselves. Those who live
only for themselves are acting contrary
to the fundamental principle of their
birth. People who live in this way are
deserters, dropouts, degenerates, and
destroyers. Did you learn this in school?
Those who say they were born for them-
selves are not wanted by this universe.
(221-313, 1991.10.27) Continue reading “Comfort the Sorrow of God and Jesus”

Feel God’s Sorrow

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

Exodus 1

The Hebrews kept increasing 22 until finally, the king gave a command to everyone in the nation, “As soon as a Hebrew boy is born, throw him into the Nile River! But you can let the girls live.”

2 Kings 19

You let your officials
    insult me, the Lord.
And here is what you
    have said about yourself,
“I led my chariots
    to the highest heights
    of Lebanon’s mountains.
I went deep into its forest,
cutting down the best cedar
    and cypress trees.
24 I dried up every stream
    in the land of Egypt,
and I drank water
    from wells I had dug.”

25 Sennacherib, now listen
    to me, the Lord.
I planned all this long ago.
And you don’t even realize
    that I alone am the one
who decided that you
    would do these things.


Continue reading “Feel God’s Sorrow”

Experience Sorrow for a Higher Purpose

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 435

Do you think God does not look at
your couple when you are making love?
It is all public. It is publicly in view before
the entire spirit world. It is a big mistake
to say that God does not see you. Your
ancestors are all watching you. In the
spirit world, you can see the act of love
right before your eyes. You are being
watched as if you were doing it stand-
ing on the palm of their hand. There-
fore, it is a big mistake to try to hide this.
(250-244, 1993.10.15)

CSG 700

Since Heung-jin left behind the con-
dition of having loved the whole world on
behalf of the True Parents by offering his
life, you are also linked to that destiny of
loving the world with your life. Heung-
jin went instead of the True Parents. For
that reason, loving Heung-jin becomes
a condition for loving the True Parents.
Your love for Heung-jin is linked to your
love for the True Parents.

Continue reading “Experience Sorrow for a Higher Purpose”

We enter Heaven Only as Couples and Families

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 673

In the Unification Church, we nev-
er think that you can receive salva-
tion as an individual. We do not go to
heaven as individuals. Nobody can go
alone. That’s the rule. From the Gar-
den of Eden, Adam and Eve were to go
to heaven together. Were the husband
and the wife to go there alone? Couples
and families not united cannot go there.
That being the ideal, what kind of heav-
en would it be, if the father went to hell
and the mother to heaven? We must go
to heaven as couples, families, clans, and
entire nations. (50-61, 1971.10.30)

Isaiah 23

Its people have spread
    to distant lands;
its merchants were kings
    honored all over the world.
Who planned to destroy Tyre?
The Lord All-Powerful planned it
    to bring shame and disgrace
to those
who are honored
    by everyone on earth.

Richard:  I just got an image in my mind as I was watching a slide show of the massive flood damage in Houston Texas.  This is the very city where the lesbian mayor demanded that pastors give copies of their sermons to check for forbidden anti-homosexual content.  And now it has been hit be a literal flood judgement.  I pray for all those who lost their lives or have been displaced and lost their belongings. Continue reading “We enter Heaven Only as Couples and Families”