The Israelite People Chased Out Moses

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Hosea 10

You were a healthy vine
    covered with grapes.
But the more grapes you grew,
    the more altars you built;
the better off you became,
the better shrines you set up
    for pagan gods.
You are deceitful and disloyal.
So you will pay
    for your sins,
because the Lord will destroy
    your altars and images.

Isaiah 1

I hate your New Moon Festivals
    and all others as well.
They are a heavy burden
    I am tired of carrying.

15 “No matter how much you pray,
I won’t listen.
    You are too violent.
16 Wash yourselves clean!
I am disgusted
    with your filthy deeds.
Stop doing wrong
17     and learn to live right.
See that justice is done.
Defend widows and orphans
    and help those in need.”[e

Continue reading “The Israelite People Chased Out Moses”

Israel was for the World

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Cheon Seong Gyeong

You women, do you have such big
breasts for yourselves? Do you have big
hips for yourselves? There is not one
part of you that belongs to you. Everything
that women have is not theirs. It
is for others, for their children and their
husbands. None of their physiological
organs or the sexual organ exists for the
woman alone. Then who would be the
owner of the male organ? The owner is
woman. It is the wife who holds the key.
If she were to use it wrongly, she would
incur the punishment of heaven. Why
did Sodom and Gomorrah go to ruin?
Why is the United States on the way to
destruction? They came to ruin through
drugs and promiscuity. (142-150, 1986.3.8)

p. 1754 p. 1

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Sex education is unnecessary. People
talk of free sex and sex education, but
I say, “You crazy fools, stop!” Is there
sex education in the animal kingdom?
When they are next to each other, they
fit together naturally. Some animal has
its sexual organ under its shoulder, and
its mate fits its own sexual organ into it,
though the latter may have it on its heel.
They are meant to fit together automatically.
Are the magnets forced to match
their poles with the North Pole and the
South Pole, or do they do so automatically?
They find the poles automatically.
Once your mind and body are ready
to be in tune with true love, if you let
yourself, you will automatically find the
direction, north, south, east or west, and
fit yourself in.

p. 1762 p. 1

Continue reading “Israel was for the World”

Jacob Could Not Rest Due to Heaven’s Insistence

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:

Exodus 20

26 And don’t build an altar that requires steps; you might expose yourself when you climb up.

Richard:  God emphasizes the importance of modesty and sexual purity before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.

Ezekiel 44

23 Priests must teach my people the difference between what is sacred and what is ordinary, and between what is clean and what is unclean.

Richard:  We have to teach the Divine Principle so people can know the way to live.

Continue reading “Jacob Could Not Rest Due to Heaven’s Insistence”

What is God’s Will and Plan?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:

Cheon Seong Gyeong
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

For my part, I have traveled the world
to reveal God’s ideals and His providence
in order to actualize the vision of
world peace on the basis of God’s original
plan. To this end, I have established
many international organizations. But
the path is long, and there remains a lot
of work for all of us to do. What is the
ideal of God? It goes without saying that
the original ideal of God is to realize a
peaceful world. In such a world, there
are no divisions or conflicts. It is a world
filled with unity, harmony and joy. The
greatest and quickest means to this end
is through true love. True love is the factor
of unity and the origin of joy and
happiness. That is why I would say that
the prerequisite of peace is true love.
The reason why human beings are
still unable to make true peace is because
they are ignorant of true love. Why? The
answer, as mentioned in the Bible, is that
humankind has separated from God.
Due to the Fall of the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve established
the first family without God’s blessing.
Peace has been absent from this world
ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts,
and struggles have come to rule this
world. In the individual, the struggle
between mind and body, the conflicts
between husband and wife at the family
level, and the struggles between societies
are accepted as normal, everyday life.
It is my conviction that all human
problems are caused by the fundamental
loss of true love. The fall of humankind
meant the loss of true love. Consequently,
Jesus came as the King of true love
in order to restore the love that Adam
and Eve had lost. By the same token, the
Lord at his Second Advent is coming in
order to restore true love. That is the logical
conclusion, seen from the view of
the providence of salvation.
My life until today, and my quest for
world peace, has been concentrated on
the point of how humankind can restore
true love. When we look at the moral
degradation of the world, we can think
of how great God’s sorrow must be.
Watching this world decline breaks my
heart and brings tears to my eyes. The
spirit of our young people is wounded
by the practice of so-called “free sex”,
which is an evil similar to the immorality
and adultery of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The greatest sorrow of God is to
see humankind going down this path of
irresponsible destruction.

p. 1932-1933

Cheon Sung Gyeong

In actual fact, you should join
your spouse only after your spiritual
children have matured and are ready
to receive the Blessing

p. 1414


Defend the Father’s Will to the Death

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:

Leviticus 14

29-31 And he will pour the rest of the oil from his palm on your head.

Then, depending on what you can afford, he will offer either the doves or the pigeons together with the grain sacrifice. One of the birds is the sacrifice for sin, and the other is the sacrifice to please me. After this you will be completely clean.

Proverbs 3

By his wisdom and knowledge
    the Lord created
    heaven and earth.
20 By his understanding
he let the ocean break loose
    and clouds release the rain.
21 My child, use common sense
and sound judgment!
    Always keep them in mind.
22 They will help you to live
    a long and beautiful life.
23 You will walk safely
    and never stumble;
24     you will rest without a worry
    and sleep soundly.
25 So don’t be afraid
    of sudden disasters
    or storms that strike
    those who are evil.
26 You can be sure
    that the Lord
    will protect you from harm.

Continue reading “Defend the Father’s Will to the Death”