I Have Yet Many Things to Say Unto You

Cheon Seong Gyeong 238

Do you think it was easy or difficult for True Parents to give birth to the true children? How difficult do you think it is to recover what has been lost? I have been pushing forward even when individuals, families and entire tribes, peoples, nations, the world, heaven and earth, and the spirit world were opposing me. Do you think I did this for commercial profit? Why do you think I did it? I did it because I was trying to find love. Normally, you should know that with your current qualifications you cannot stand here. Actually, I should kick you away at the front door even if you came here a hundred or a thousand times! Nevertheless, I came here to speak to you. I am taking all the tough persecution upon myself. You are blaming me for your mistakes. In America, I have done nothing that caused me to deserve to be cursed or opposed, but I am still being cursed because of your faults. If this happened in ordinary society, I would abandon you, but I have not been able to do so. As for the court case in the United States, I did not have to return there. I could have just let it be; and yet still I came back for your sake. Without me, how much will you be torn apart? So I am protecting you by being struck. (116-113, 1981.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1230

What is absolute faith? If there is a leader of a religion you believe in, there can be a historical gap of a few thousand years between you and him. But through the faith in your heart, you can enter the realm of the same era with him on a horizontal plane. That is why I am telling you to believe absolutely. When you believe absolutely, you come to realize that you are together with that person. Moreover, you come to understand that you are living together with that person. You must know that faith is meant to stimulate people and give them new awareness of this fact. (32-162, 1970.7.12)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Reasons to Study the Original
Substance of Divine Principle

Please view slides 9 to 14  below for today’s study.



Satan’s World Began with Adam and Even Committing the Fall through Illicit Sex

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1367

You are branches originating from one root. Branches grow from the trunk, anchored by the roots. Do you think they can grow by themselves? Think about it. Likewise, you cannot effectively operate based on your own limited concepts. Thus, you can only expand on the foundation of the tradition rooted in the True Parents’ family. As such, after the Blessings of the 36, 72, 124, and 430 Couples, I then blessed the 777, 1800, and 6000 Couples as the representatives of the conditional offering for global expansion. (145-15, 1986.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

    Your family should not become secularized or slaves of habit. You should not think, “Things will be better in the future even though it is terrible now.” You are to be perfect now; the present is the problem. When the past and the present are perfected, the future will be perfect. Not having had a perfect day in the Garden of Eden still causes us to suffer the effects of the Fall.
    The ideal is the place where the past, present, and future can be united into one. You should be able to offer up the present. God’s desire is to set up the eternal stepping stone on earth. This is the historical point of synthesis. (21-77, 1968.10.20)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Reasons to Study the Original
Substance of Divine Principle

Please view slides 5 to 8  below for today’s study.



Human Beings Lost Our True Parents and Became Orphans

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2202

Jesus became a servant of servants in front of God, and then he was crucified and died. A person is said to be righteous when he dies for his country in the wretched position of a servant of servants. A person who dies for his country is a patriot. If a person humbles himself as a servant of servants and is grateful to serve his parents, then that person receives the title of being a filial child. This is the highest point of morality in the human world, the core point. It is essential that you understand that this is the core point. In this we can realize that, rather than living a public life for God, becoming a servant is the way to become a more righteous man. Rather than being a servant for your country, becoming a servant in a worse position than an ordinary servant is the way to become a more patriot. Rather than living for your parents, sacrificing yourself in the position of a servant is the way to become a filial child. (88-294, 1976.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeon 1266

You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Family Pledge

Family Pledge Verse 7

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 본연의 혈통과 연결된
iii. 위하는 생활을 통하여
iv. 심정문화세계를 완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 7

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges through living for the sake of others,
iii. to perfect the world based on the culture of heart,
iv. which is rooted in the original lineage, by centering on
true love.

Continue reading “Human Beings Lost Our True Parents and Became Orphans”

Good and Evil Spirits are Struggling with Each other in the Spirit World

Video – Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban speaking at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out more.  Today is the last day to register.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out moreToday is the last day  to register.

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 227

In the future, we can use as a bulwark the ideology of True Parents, True Teacher and True Owner. These three roles form the Three Subjects Principle. True Father and True Mother are True Teachers by virtue of their true love. They have taught something this world does not know, including heavenly secrets and earthly secrets in full detail. This is why they are the best among all teachers. This is how God is. Furthermore, God is the Lord of lords. I am also the Lord of lords. When the right of kingship is restored, the Lord of lords will appear. What, then, is the Three Subjects Principle.? It is the ideology of the True Parent, the True Teacher and the True Owner. This is why the Unification Church has True Parents at its center. It is the same with the nation. A nation has a hierarchy with the president at the center.
In the organization of a nation there is the ministry of education, which is a group of true teachers. The administration is like the owner of the nervous system. Because the entire system of nerves converges upon the administration, it should be in the position of the owner. The president at the top is the master of the nation. All of this is incorporated into the three-subject ideology.
Hence, True Parents always stand in the vertical position while the education ministry and administration are in a reciprocal relationship with each other. These relationships can be compared to that of Cain and Abel. When Cain and Abel become completely one, this right of kingship will become an eternal and indestructible right of kingship. Kim Ilsung has his own version of three-subject ideology, which is autonomy, creativity, and consciousness. However, this is human-centered; it cannot be considered a complete ideology, for it lacks the doctrine of the Original Being. They do not know God. With this understanding, you should march forward with strength. (208-341, 1990.11.21)
Richard: The problem now is that our President and the Department of Education are not centered on God. Instead, they are promoting satanic ideologies, like Critical Race Theory, gender ideologies and the sexualization of children, which are all against God’s ideal of creation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 900

Good and evil spirits are struggling with one another in the spirit world. There is a battle going on there. The battle is that good spirits are trying to lead evil spirits to good places, while evil spirits are doing everything they can to prevent good spirits from going up to good places. You should know that evil spirits are connected centering on Satan, and people on the earth today are living under their dominion. Why is that so? All throughout history, our ancestors have passed away to the spirit world whether they were good or evil. The good spirits are standing on the good side, not because they are completely good from God’s point of view, but because they have established some sacrificial foundation on earth for separating from satanic influence. (134-9, 1985.1.1)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Family Pledge

Family Pledge Verse 5

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 매일 주체적 천상세계와
iii. 대상적 지상세계의 통일을 향해
iv. 전진적 발전을 촉진화할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 5

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to strive every day to advance
iii. the unification of the spirit world and the physical
iv. as subject and object partners, by centering on true

Family Pledge Verse 6

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 하나님과 참부모님의 대신 가정으로서
iii. 천운을 움직이는 가정이 되어
iv. 하늘의 축복을 주변에 연결시키는
가정을 완성 할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 6

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to become a family that moves heavenly
iii. by embodying God and True Parents,
iv. and to perfect a family that conveys Heaven’s
blessing to our community, by centering on true love.

The Universal Family Stems from God’s Ideal of Creation

Video – Join Patti Hidalgo Menders & Richard Urban speaking at the Family & Community Strengthening Forum


Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County mom of six sons and advocate fighting to protect children from CRT and other progressive ideologies.  Community Liaison Officer in Northern Virginia for the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares.
Richard Urban: Co-founder VisionRoot and Urban Life Training, abstinence-centered curriculum teacher. 
Find out moreRegister by March 13th.

Location: Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and online.
Find out moreRegister by March 13th.

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
Listen to the Podcast

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

The local breakthrough movement that we are unfolding is not for a political purpose, but is our effort to make sure that there is a system of thought and a structure that can correspond to the time of the unification of North and South Korea. The Communist party moves with a structure, so let’s prepare our position to be well matched with theirs. (Unification of North and South Korea – 664)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1206

The way of restoration is the way by which people return to their original state, and therefore one cannot go this way without setting indemnity conditions. Indemnity conditions must be set by a man, not by God. If a person is sick, he must take medication in order to recover, even if the medicine tastes bitter and he does not like it. Good medicine tastes bitter. Something bitter becomes a truly good medicine. Setting indemnity conditions is difficult, like taking bitter medicine. However, unless indemnity conditions are set, restoration can never be accomplished. The way of salvation is the way of indemnification and restoration. Indemnity means going the route opposite to that of the Fall. It means going the reverse way. (92-254, 1977.4.18) Emphasis added.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Family Pledge

Family Pledge Verse 3

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 사대심정권과
iii. 삼대왕권과
iv. 황족권을 완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 3

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart,
iii. the Three Great* Kingships,
iv. and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on
true love.

* For the word translated as “Great,” True Father used the Chinese
character “dae” which means Generation.

Family Pledge Verse 4

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 하나님의 창조이상인
iii. 천주 대가족을 형성하여
iv. 자유와 평화와 통일과 행복의 세계를
완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 4

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges to build the universal family encompassing
heaven and earth,
iii. which is God’s ideal of creation,
iv. and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and
happiness, by centering on true love.