The Time of Pastors Will Pass by and the Time of Elders Will Come

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2152

In fact, throughout my life I have
developed a movement for ‘One World
Under God’ transcending race, ideolo-
gy, and nationality in accordance with
His providence. This is a principle of
providential history and not a theory
that I specially devised. Being enlight-
ened regarding God’s will, in order for
me to not only teach His plan as a the-
ory but also to implement it, there is no
part of the five oceans and six continents
that my activities have not outwardly
Through the foundation of multifar-
ious missionary and business activities
in Alaska, Antarctica, the countries of
the former Soviet Union, the 33 nations
of Latin America, and throughout Asia
and Africa, we are making preparations
to solve problems that humanity will
face over the coming millennium, such
as environmental pollution and fam-
ine. In recent years, I have worked in the
Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil
to lay a substantial foundation to protect
the Earth’s environment. On the other
hand as regards the internal aspects, I
have worked through the International
Holy Blessings and the True Family Val-
ues Ministry. Some 430 million couples
around the world have participated in
these marriage blessings, adding further
impetus to the building of God’s long-
awaited kingdom on earth based on ide-
al families.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1669

So far the Greenwich Observatory
has discovered stars that are ten billion
light years away from our world, and
the era has now dawned in which stars
even fifteen billion light years away can
be observed, and we will soon be able to
discover others even further away.

Richard:  I love astronomy.  When I was in 7th grade I built a six inch reflecting telescope as my science project.  I still have the mirror and the main telescope tube.  I am going to resurrect my telescope and my hobby of astronomy this year!

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959
Matthew 7:1-20

You cannot remove all the dark clouds in your hearts and arouse a liberation movement of the spirit to change lives with the established religions. No logic or philosophical system can change a person’s heart. These methods will not work even if thousands of years go by.

When humankind declared the omnipotence of science, they believed that it could create world peace. That turned out to be wrong. They thought that through religions and God’s chosen people, humankind could be saved. This turned out to be wrong. No certain answer can be given here.

The one thing that is needed in this situation is the image of the Christ, who quietly prayed for the blessing of humankind even as he was crucified. We need this image. Even in the place where he transcended death and abandoned all attachment to life and personal hopes, Jesus still left behind hope for his enemies. Since Jesus said that he would come as he left and that he was the Alpha and the Omega, in the last age of Christianity, a bride should appear who resembles Jesus. You should know that this is such a place.

Such people may arise within world Christianity today. However, with a little mistake they may repeat the course of the first Israel. Their error is almost unavoidable. That is why today’s Christians should be awake. They should stay awake and pray with Jesus in Gethsemane. They should be crucified with Jesus. Since the heavenly tragedy engraved in the heart was caused by the death of Jesus, we should be able to long for the one who can console Heaven with the heavenly heart, “Since I will go even if I should die with him, accept me and resolve the burning vengeance in Your heart.” Continue reading “The Time of Pastors Will Pass by and the Time of Elders Will Come”

Falsity Prospers and Truth Is Greatly Weakened

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  The Twisted Gospel of Kook Jin Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2012

For heavenly fortune
to appear here, you must have the con-
viction not to be concerned even if the
path brings you face to face with utter
disgrace a thousand times, or if you die
hundreds of times. If you go forward
with this kind of conviction, God will
protect the path you are taking.
The reason I say that is because each
time in my life that I faced such a situa-
tion, I experienced that God did not leave
me. So He will certainly protect you, too.
As a central person with the mission to
restore our homeland, whether you are
assigned to a province or just a small vil-
lage, you have to resolve to never give up,
because there is no one but you to carry
out this mission.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1373

The 30,000 Couples are connected to
the number three signifying formation,
growth, and completion, thus represent-
ing wholeness. It is a sanctifying num-
ber. Hence, through their Blessing, the
Kingdom of God on earth and in heav-
en has been completely opened. (265-176,

Richard:  Through the marriage Blessing and the words of truth given through Rev. Sun Myung Moon, we can now build and enter the Kingdom of God on earth!

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959
Matthew 7:1-20

Thus, we should see if there is someone who has the mission of being the disciple for humankind. Now is the time to wander in search of such a person. Ladies and gentlemen! All kinds of things happened in the first church: speaking in tongues, spiritual work, prophesying, and so on. Since the abundant spiritual phenomena in the first church caused ignorant people confusion, to prevent this, church leaders stipulated, “The biblical words are primary.” These phenomena are predicted in the Bible: “in the last days, it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh…” (Acts 2:17) Thus, the phenomena that appeared in the first church will emerge in Christian history in the last days, and there will be many who will be called crazy, evil sects, and heretics. Our Unification Church is a representative member of this group.

The one upon whom the Spirit has been poured cannot contest it. If he does not know why, Heaven will tell him. When he opens his eyes, he sees the spiritual world. When he acts, he acts for the spiritual world. He thoroughly differs from you. He even looks crazy. Did Jesus look smart? In the eyes of the people at the time, he was stupid and mindless. Continue reading “Falsity Prospers and Truth Is Greatly Weakened”

Ask, Find and Knock on the Heart with Jesus

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  The Twisted Gospel of Kook Jin Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1758

Our body is shaped in such a way as
to be in focus. The ears, eyes and every
other part are all created to keep us
focused. The mouth too is in focus cen-
tering on the nerves. Also, the navel and
the sexual organ lie in a straight line at
the center of our body. It is wrong to be
ashamed of that. (229-241, 1992.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

Alaska, where the ceremony of The
Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight
Stages was held, is becoming famous. The
last time I came here I said I would build
a church at the North Pole. If the Sovi-
et Communist Party opposes it, I will
take the responsibility. I will build the
Unification Church at the North Pole.
You have to spend your life in order to
build the foundation of blessing for all
people of the world, but before you die,
come to our Church at the North Pole
and offer your devotion for forty days
and then you can die. Think about this.
An ideal city will be created in a world
of icebergs. Then, even though it will be
thousands of miles away, everything can
be supplied by the air. You should try
living like this. It would be a wonderful
thing. With the power of science today,
that would be nothing. We can use pre-
fabricated systems. So we will build an
airfield and try to live there, so what
problem could arise? We are creating a
base in the tourist area of Kodiak…
think about it. It will become a gate-
way unprecedented in history. (193-217,

Richard:  “You have to spend your life in order to
build the foundation of blessing for all
people of the world”.  Yes, that is the way I want to live.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

What was Jesus’ task when he came? It was to organize the order of the twelve tribes of Israel and to bring them into the heavenly warehouse. Since he did not fulfill that mission, however, he said that the day of its realization would come again. This day of promise is the day of the Second Coming. For the believers on earth who are near the day, the Jewish church is not a problem. The Sadducees are not a problem. It is time to wander in search of the original tribe and leader.

You should have something with which to deny the past ideology, customary devotion, traditional law, and habitual concepts and to turn them over to the new aspect. Otherwise, you will not be able to stand in the age of the worldwide ideology, which is equivalent to the age of Jesus and the first Israel.

That is why factions of believers are developing. Denominations are being divided further and further. Although they declare a unified form outwardly, inwardly they are divided. Although they look united from the outside, they are divided inside. The time is coming to bring this into order. This is the age of the Second Coming. Continue reading “Ask, Find and Knock on the Heart with Jesus”

The Nation of Israel Should Have Believed In and Served Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 966

When you go to the spirit world no
one will tell you to go to hell. You go on
your own. You go to the place that fits
your own level. Even within the Unifica-
tion Church, though the goal is to head
for the same realm, where you go will
depend on your spiritual state. Then, in
what ways are Blessed Families differ-
ent? The members of a Blessed Family
cannot be separated from each other no
matter how hard they try. When you pass
to the spirit world, if your wife failed to
fulfill her responsibility, you would take
joint responsibility and bring liberation
to her. Even if only the wife had done
wrong, they would both be accused;
even if the husband had done wrong,
both would be accused; even if the chil-
dren had done wrong, they would all be
accused. (242-108, 1993.1.1)

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Jesus was sent to set up a door to Heaven and make a road through which Heaven and all people could be linked. If the nation of Israel had believed in and served him, the way of peace would have been opened. If so, the Jewish church, established after four thousand years of toil, would have become a wide road through which God could come and go. Also, it would have become a door for all people seeking the heavenly kingdom.

Since the nation opposed Jesus, the road and door for the nation were blocked. Since the church opposed him, the road and door for the church were closed. Since Jesus was persecuted by the Jewish nation, the Jewish church, and even by his witnesses, disbelieved by his disciples, he could not help walking the most tragic path for a human being.

Therefore, although it seems that there are many doors to Heaven from the four thousand years, and there are even more if we consider the six thousand years as a whole, we should know that the door Jesus went through is the only one. On this earth, this door is not open. We should never forget this. Continue reading “The Nation of Israel Should Have Believed In and Served Jesus”

Why Did Jesus Fast for 40 Days?

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Who Are the Representatives and Heirs of Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2082

North and South Korea cannot
become one if they remain as they are.
For this, we need patriots who fight with-
out sleep and possess hearts of determi-
nation, willing to overcome all obsta-
cles. The unification of North and South
Korea begins with people who think, “I
truly want to live together. I would like
to die together if we must die, or live
together if we must live. I would like to
live together with our forefathers, with
those who are in the spirit world.” (148-277,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1278

The holy wine contains elements rep-
resenting all creation, which cannot be
accused by Satan. After drinking the holy
wine, and becoming one with True Par-
ents, if you commit any acts that defile
your body, you will be worse off than
Satan himself. Satan defiled and violated
the perfection level of the growth stage.
But if someone receives the Blessing and
then commits a sin, he defiles the sub-
stantial body of God in the perfection
level of the completion stage and cannot
ever be forgiven. This is a truly terrifying
thought. (Blessed Family – 596)

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Jesus came in place of Heaven as the Savior of all people. Yet there was no one who fathomed his heart and who came forward among the nation, which was in need of salvation. They did not even know about the thirty-year course of hard effort he had gone through, not to mention his heart. Even the clique of John the Baptist, who had lived in the wilderness and should have been responsible for the nation, wound up opposing him.

Looking at the nation with such sadness, Jesus had a thread of expectation in John the Baptist. However, when even he turned away from Jesus, greater sorrow was added to Jesus’ heart.

Although the time was approaching when he would appear to the nation with the gospel of Heaven, the nation and John the Baptist were nowhere to be found. Therefore, Jesus could not appear before humankind. This is why Jesus went through the forty-day course of fasting in the wilderness.

Even though Christians believe that the forty-day fast was a glorious moment necessary for Jesus, this is not true. Jesus fasted because the nation and John the Baptist’s followers were nowhere to be found. Furthermore, it was because the three wise men from the East and Anna, Simeon and Mary, who had conceived Jesus with a definite purpose, failed to acknowledge him when he set out on the course of praxis. We should know that Jesus met such a miserable fate, although he was the master of the earth and the prince who had come to save all people. Continue reading “Why Did Jesus Fast for 40 Days?”