The Universe Is Like God’s Visible Body

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1088

    Birth Candles originated at the time of Ye-jin nim’s birth (True Parents’ first daughter). After the 36 Couples started married life, True Father bequeathed one Birth Candle to each family.
    Now I would like to pass on to each family the traditional Birth Candles that True Parents bequeathed to the 36 Couples. The Birth Candle that I have now will be used symbolizing the Birth Candle that True Parents originally used. Let these families receive the Birth Candle and cherish it in the same heart. I pray in Your name and with Your glory that when this candle burns during a child’s birth, it will sanctify the spiritual atmosphere and completely prevent Satan from approaching.
Richard:  Cheon IL Guk candles, which were initiated by Rev. and Mrs. Moon on June 13, 2006, are now used as birth candles. See here for an explanation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 837

    Our families and the Kingdom of Heaven have similar characteristics. There are parents, husband and wife, children, and brothers and sisters in a family. The household can be united through love. In a family, unification can be established, life can be connected, and the ideal can be realized. Therefore, you can become qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you respect conjugal love and parental love. Grandparents hand down love to parents, who hand down love to husband and wife, who hand down love to children.
     If you deny any one of these, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be established. You should love your parents more than you love your spouse, and you should love your grandparents more than you love your parents. This is the essence of Heaven and the ideal motto. (Blessed Family – 946)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.2. The size and structure of the mysterious universe

    Everything in the created world is prepared like a textbook so that God’s beloved sons and daughters can seek out the ideal of love. That is why everything exists in a pair system. The mineral kingdom operates through the relationship of subject partner and object partner. In atoms, too, protons and electrons interact through the relationship of subject partner and object partner. Without this interaction they cannot continue to exist. Without movement, there can be no eternal existence. Hence, the universe is centered on humankind, and it is the sphere created to enable them to reach the central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18) Continue reading “The Universe Is Like God’s Visible Body”

Even the Smallest Creatures Are Surely Connected to Us

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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The latest Richard Urban Show:
Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1470

It may be important to live in affluence and to do something in life; however, before anything else, you need to fulfill your duties of filial piety and loyalty to the vertical Heavenly Parent and surpass living saints in your devotion to Him. Such is the original purpose for humankind’s birth. He created us in order to meet such people. Such is our underlying purpose. (58-231, 1972.6.11)
Richard: So beautiful! And rare. How many of us seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33)? It is definitely a road less traveled, but one that should be pursued.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1082

Since I came to Western society, what I feared most was facing women. I sense much danger just looking at their nails. My fingernails are always short. That is necessary. If they get any longer, I cut my fingernails and toenails. It is my custom to cut my fingernails and toenails. Women who keep their fingernails long are those who do not work. How do they type with those nails? So, when I see women with long nails I regard them as idle women. (131-283, 1984.5.3

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.1. The purpose for creating all thing

    God did not originally create all things of heaven and earth as a plaything or a hobby. He did not create them without a purpose or direction, or without a certain philosophy. Rather, He created them with a great purpose, based on the philosophy of the great universe. Therefore, we cannot deny that the philosophy based on God’s heart is present in all existing things, from the most insignificant creatures to the entire universe. Then, for what purpose did God create them with such a philosophy? Undoubtedly, His aim was to see an ideal world based on God’s love, that is, a world where we communicate with love, are joyful with love, live with love, and die with love. When we wake up and open our eyes, we see everything unfolding before us. From all the things we see we receive some mysterious, indirect impression, and by the way our senses respond, these things are enhanced through our daily life.
    Even the smallest creatures around us are surely connected to us and have a relationship with us. Even though we may ignore them, these insignificant creatures make a connection with humankind, revealing the value of their existence each day according to the ideal of the heavenly principle. This is because, from the viewpoint of the purpose of existence, from the smallest existence to human beings – who are called the lords of creation and who can rule over all things – everything lies within the realm of the ideal of love where they can embrace God’s ideal for this vast universe. So in fulfilling the purpose of the universe, movement occurs as small things are absorbed by those that govern a larger sphere. Small things are absorbed by big things, becoming a part of their material form and elements. This leads to the realization of one purpose based on one great ideal.
    We cannot deny that history has been advancing this way, and that the world of existence has been moving along the track of a heavenly principle for the sake of one purpose. (9-163, 1960.5.8) Continue reading “Even the Smallest Creatures Are Surely Connected to Us”

A Perfected Family Is the Foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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The latest Richard Urban Show:
Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 771

    A person’s life passes through three worlds: the formation-stage world, the growth-stage world, and the completion-stage world. We live in a world of water inside our mother’s womb, and then in this earthly world, and finally in the aerial world in the spiritual realm. In other words, we go through three stages: the aqueous world in the womb, followed by a hundred years on this earth after our birth, and then the aerial world where we can fly.
    While a baby is in the womb, does he try to escape to the outside world, or does he want to stay there? When he has to go out through such a small hole, does he say, “Oh, no!” or, “Oh, that’s great!”? Suppose the baby were told, “If you want to go out, this house you live in will be destroyed, and the source and value of nourishment where you are will all be destroyed. Your head and body will have to swell. Would the baby still want to go out?” Would he say yes, or would he say no? Just before the time of delivery, the mother desperately pushes and the baby says, “Oh, no!” until the moment of birth; but at last the mother pushes the baby out. When this happens, one world completely disappears and the baby begins to breathe in another world. (116-174, 1982.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 744

    I have tied a rope high up with God according to the way of heaven and earth. People tried to grab hold of the rope, but they failed. In the end, this created wars between churches and nations, bringing countries to ruin. The Unification Church fought and knocked out the established churches, political parties, and the democratic and communist worlds that had opposed it. When the rope is hanging from high up, do you think they could sever it with their own strength? Can they cut off the Unification Church? Whether it is based on philosophy or religion or communication with the spirit world, no one can match us in theory.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 4. The Ideal of Love is Fulfilled in the Family
4.2. The ideal of creation is fulfilled through the completion of the family

    The ideal that God wanted to see fulfilled through our first ancestors was for a man and a woman to become one and create an ideal family. Then, the center of the ideal family is neither the man nor the woman. The family is a bundle created by the union of parents, children, husband and wife, and the center of this bundle is God’s love itself. The conclusion is that God’s will is to realize the completion of a family centered on God’s love. (127-9, 1983.5.1) Continue reading “A Perfected Family Is the Foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven”

Husband and Wife Should Create a Love Nest with God in the Middle

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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The latest Richard Urban Show:
Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1456

You will not be able to find the path of salvation in following your present habitual lifestyles. You need to walk a completely new path of atonement. The providence of salvation is that of restoration, and the providence of restoration is that of re-creation. In accordance with this, in order to be recreated, you need to be restored to the original position before the Fall, the state of complete self-denial. In such a state, there would be no self-awareness, no habits, and no surnames like Kim or Lee, as at present. You need to attain such a state of emptiness. Taking into consideration God’s original standard of creation, you can see that every being created by Him was initiated from a state of non-being. (213-98, 1991.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 4. The Ideal of Love is Fulfilled in the Family
4.1. God’s ideal of creation is the completion of the four-position foundation

    What is God’s purpose of creation? He did not create Adam and Eve just to look at them. He did not create men and women just so they could get old on their own and die. It was so that they could grow to maturity and, through their hearts that long to relate to the opposite sex, build the true Kingdom of Heaven on earth with God at the center. It was so that they could create a love nest with God in the middle. Here a man, Adam, represents heaven, and a woman, Eve, the earth; this is heaven and earth. Thus, although they are two, their horizontal union unifies heaven and earth. When they achieve unity through God’s love, the cosmos will be unified automatically. (21-43, 1968.9.1) Continue reading “Husband and Wife Should Create a Love Nest with God in the Middle”

The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

    You need to restore 160 couples in order to connect them to the world. Jacob had 12 family members, Moses had the 72 elders, Jesus had the 120 followers, and the returning Lord has 160 head disciples. That means that they are the head disciples. Jesus called his followers his disciples. The words “head disciple” are being used for the first time by me. No one else knows about that.
    Since Japan is the Eve nation, True Father has taught it every secret he knows. I have taught you things that even Korean leaders have never heard of before. So, if you do not fulfill your responsibility, it will be on your heads. If you fail to liberate 160 families, you cannot inherit the victorious realms of the first, second, and third Adam. If you fulfill only the realm of the first Adam, you cannot form a connection with the second or third Adam. However, the returning Lord has fulfilled the missions of the first, second, and third Adam, and will engraft you as long as you have laid the foundation of formation, the realm of the first Adam. (265-127, 1994.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1417

    The most important work of the Unification Church today is the Blessing bestowed upon you as couples. The Blessing of couples is the seed of love planted by God in Adam’s couple. As such, it should be disseminated.
    All of you gathered here know what cell reproduction is, don’t you? In that tiny cell is contained the whole tree, is it not? When you sow it, a whole tree grows from it. The roots, branches, leaves, stems, flowers – in fact, all parts that make up a tree are contained in that cell. The conceptual blueprint is contained in it.
    Couples are blessed to become the embodiments of True Parents, and through their children, reach out to the nation and world, becoming its roots; just as the roots and leaves of a tree absorb essential elements and control the tree’s carbon assimilation and the separation of elements from the air, Blessed Families should perform similar functions. A tree takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen to its surroundings. Isn’t that strange? How can it do that? That is an expression of the harmony and beauty of creation. The universe is a world of love – it is not a cold-hearted and desolate place, but an enclosure of love. Just as the seeds are all wrapped in a shell, God also wants to reside in that realm of love that is the universe – the enclosure of love – with His plus and minus dual characteristics.
    For God to dwell enwrapped in the universe of love, there must be unity in love between Him as the subject and the universe as His object. He can only be enveloped by the love that is shared by the two sides in the process of giving and receiving. That is why love is eternal and great. It is also boundless. Wouldn’t you want to rest in such a place? The conclusion is the same. That is the seed of God’s love. You must return to that seed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
3.2. Husband and Wife Stand as Second Creators

    When a woman is expecting a baby, a new world emerges for her. When the baby starts moving, she has so much hope. This is how women should be. They have many dreams, like the ones God had when He created. To have the thought “I hope my child grows up and becomes so and so in the future” is in keeping with the heart God had when He prepared to create Adam and Eve. Such are women’s three-dimensional dreams. With the thought “I am not alone. The entire world is in the hands of my child, and he or she is growing in my womb,” her mind embraces the whole world in love. (228-263, 1992.7.5) Continue reading “The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing”