Become a True Son or True Daughter

Cheon Seong Gyeong 794

The seeds of a fruit should assimi-
late and condense all the aspects of time
and space connected with its growth.
The seed, root, branch and fruit can all
be found in the seed. The flower and
fruit are also included. Thus, we should
become people who can begin life in
this way. Only then can we say that God
is ours centering on love. No one could
object to this. (137-330, 1986.1.5)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1243

You must know the value of the Bless-
ing before you receive it. You should
understand that through the Blessing
you become one of the citizens of the
Third Israel. Now that you know the
significance and value of the Blessing,
do you think it is possible for a person
to reach individual perfection without
receiving the Blessing? Are unmarried
people ever treated as adults? Even in
the human world, when men who have
been bachelors or women who have been
virgins die before they marry, they will
be bachelor ghosts and virgin ghosts.
Because they could not marry, they nat-
urally became ghosts; this is just how the
heavenly laws operate. (19-106, 1967.12.31)

The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days

Rev Sun Myung Moon
July 26, 1959

Romans 8: 12-27

he title of the speech I am about to give is “The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days.”

No matter how great one’s power, how lofty one’s character, or how much glory one may possess, there is not even one person who can confidently claim he or she is the true son or daughter of God. This is true of all humanity. To become a true son or daughter, one has to have true parents. One has to go through the relationship of a true family and possess some quality of being connected to true brothers and sisters. Otherwise, one cannot create the environment of a son or daughter and cannot stand in that position.

If God exists and has been carrying on a providence, what is the ultimate purpose He has been seeking? It is none other than to find someone He can call “My true son” and “My true daughter.” God’s ultimate purpose is to usher in the day when He can stand connected to this true son and true daughter through the eternal heart, linked to all relationships of the world. He wants to share the words “Father” and “sons and daughters.” We must understand that God is longing for that day.

If there is a Creator, the origin of the universe and the center of the entire existing world, the ideal world that this center desires is not some phenomenal world on this earth. The world that God desires is not some conceptual world in Heaven or some external world. The world He desires is a place where everything is in the flow of love, which moves the relationships of the heart, where people can be called sons and daughters of God. Therefore, no matter how great God is, even if He is the Creator and an absolute being, He hopes for people with such qualities.

History seeks what is true. It pursues true people, a true nation, and a true world. We all have the desire to become true people.

Then what relationship among relationships sets the standard? It is the parent-child relationship between God and human beings. The heart which originates from this relationship will not be conquered by any power; it is eternal, unchanging and unique. The power of this heart is absolute. Therefore, when one emerges with this authority, all existing beings will have to bow before him in humility. When one acts with this authority of the heart, all of Heaven and earth will follow. This is the iron-clad rule of the universe. If this is not true, the purpose that we deeply cherish cannot be realized, and the one absolute relationship cannot be achieved.

For this reason, no matter how lofty and great God may be, His greatest sorrow is not having seen the day when He can call people His own sons and daughters. If people are created through these heavenly relationships, the failure to raise up such sons and daughters is the source of greatest sorrow. This is also the greatest sorrow of humanity.

If God has true sons and daughters whom He can call His own, that by calling them He can forget the toils of the past six thousand years and all the grief of the past, then this will be the beginning of the liberation of Heaven. Humanity will finally then be able to sing the song of joy. We should predict the coming of such a time.

If there is a last day for humanity and the heavenly principles, what kind of day should it be? That should be a day when God can pronounce to human beings, “You are my true sons and daughters whom I cannot deny for eternity. My sons and daughters, now all my grief has been alleviated.” It should be a day when God can comfort you and rejoice with you with an open and free heart. Only when such a day comes, only when such sons and daughters appear on earth, will the new ideal world begin.

However, until now there has not been such a son or daughter. We have not been able to establish a day when the relationship of true sons and daughters can be secured. Those in whom God can take pride as His true sons and daughters have not yet appeared. Unless such people appear, God’s will and the hope of humanity cannot be fulfilled.

Christianity Will Fade Away Unless an Internal Movement Appears

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

To this day, no one has been regis-
tered into the heavenly kingdom. The
kingdom did not have a nation. It did
not have a family or nation. When you
go to the spirit world, your parents, and
– if there are ten people in your family
– all ten of your family members would
be separated. However, from now on it
will not be that way. You should know
that originally, if human beings had not
fallen, heaven would be the place where
you enter with your mother, father and
If your grandparents, mother and
father, couple, and children, become one
based on true love, and inherit God’s
true love that lives for others, then even
God would be absolutely obedient to
that. In the world that strives to live for
others – a world that moves according
to the love that submits to the tradition
of living for others – the basis for peace
would surely emerge even if it resisted
being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1428

The homeland desired by the will of
God is the homeland and the original
homeland of humankind, based on true
love. Korea should become such a home-
land and the homeland for all humanity.
(185-131, 1989.1.3)

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Christianity will fade away unless an internal movement appears to shoulder difficulties and support one another with the belief that we are brothers and sisters and one human race, the citizens and family of Heaven. It will follow in the footsteps of Judaism. It will face the same fate as the Israelites who fell down in the wilderness.

Who should uphold the providential will of the people? If Christians do not recognize this mission, foreigners or members of another faith will surely shoulder it and realize the blessings of Christianity. Providential history never warns arrogant and overconfident people with words of guidance. Human beings are to follow the providence; the providence is never steered by human beings, nor does it ever follow them.

Hence, we should give our best and pour out all of our strength to recognize each other as the heavenly citizens, people, family and brothers and sisters. We should yearn for the heavenly sovereign, the ruler of Heaven. This is the time. This is God’s hope. This is the nation that God wants to convey His will through. This is the ideal world God wants to love.

Even if we do not fully understand this, we should understand that we are God’s people. We should know that we are God’s kinsmen and families. We will meet courageous sons and daughters. Those who understand this truth understand God while on earth. Jesus said, “Whoever says to others that they know me, I will recognize them before God.”

What do you want to understand by coming here? You should understand the desires and goals of God and understand that we are His people. You have to understand that God is in anguish and is desperately trying to liberate people from imprisonment in Satan’s world.


Father, we have learned that Your desire does not rest in Heaven. Your situation is not focused upon Yourself. The heart of Heaven is not Yours. How much have You longed for Heaven’s desires, situation, and heart to be with the past, present and future? We who did not understand this are traitors and rebels.

Please help us realize how we are enslaved inside the iron fences of Satan. Please allow our calling upon You to be manifested in Heaven and on earth. Please connect the hearts of those who are gathered here to Your heart.

When this is realized before the people and the world, we know that joy will fill all of Heaven and earth. We have learned that we cannot build this ideal world unless we can long for the people, brothers and sisters, our family members and children and shoulder the cross in our battles.

We sincerely pray that You will raise us up as sons and daughters who can fight every day with unbounded, infinite animosity toward Satan’s world.

We hope that we can clearly understand our own situation and the direction that we should head in based on the words You have given us today. We pray that You will guide us to become sons and daughters whom You can recognize and who can understand You. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

You Have to Understand what it Means to be Indignant and Grievous

Cheon Seong Gyeong 278

The highest things in the world, the
highest and most precious things in the
world of fallen humanity are the True
Parents and the right of the first son.
Next come the rights and responsibili-
ties of parents, and then comes right of
kingship. This is an exclusive authority.
God has been active in Korean history
order to secure the authority of the first
son who inherits the heavenly kingship.
It is the same with Japan. It is the right
of the first son to carry on for the emper-
or in the final days. The first son has to
become a true parent. Adam was the
original first son of humankind. Thus,
the right of the first son must necessarily
connect with the position of a true par-
ent, and the realm of the first son must
be restored. Otherwise, he will be unable
to stand in the position of a true parent.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1855

Blessed families have risen up on the
vertical standard, but have not stood
on the horizontal standard in Jardim.
Therefore, from now on, families must
be established that can live together with
God on the horizontal standard. To facil-
itate this, I have made an education cen-
ter for ideal families aimed toward world
peace, and I have been re-educating the
families that have been blessed until now.
I must train them again with the con-
tents enabling them to join God’s abso-
lute glorious family. That is the family
training, taking place in Jardim. (294-319,

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Are we going to betray the God who came seeking for us in the past and in the present, the God who came to us on the level of a people, a nation, and the world? Are we going to betray Him or be loyal to Him? We can only choose one of these two.

For this reason it is written that the sheep and goats will be separated. To become patriots, you have to understand what it means to be indignant and grievous. You have to understand the bitter indignation of the Father: “My Father was grieving in the past for this reason and in the present for that reason. The Father of the future is in such a position.”

Now we must unite. Since there are no citizens of Heaven who are seeking others, we should raise our flag high and gather the citizens of Heaven at the risk of our lives.

When we think of God, who does not have heavenly people, heavenly tribes, heavenly families, heavenly sons and daughters or heavenly parents, we cannot raise our heads. Human beings cannot raise their heads before God. What we have to understand here is that we are too shameful to raise our heads before Heaven. We thought that the brothers in our homes were our own brothers, yet that turned out not to be true. We thought that the Heaven and earth in which we live is the nation that we should live in, yet that is not true. We thought that the people we are in communication with are our friends. Yet that was not true.

From this perspective, the words that Jesus spoke were appropriate. He spoke all the words that he could speak to human beings before he died. Although he spoke all the words that he could, the people did not understand them. Looking at this Jesus mourned. Jesus who came for humanity abandoned his people and left those who opposed him and prayed in tears before Heaven in the mountains.

If there are sons and daughters who possess a desire to serve the will with their bodies and minds and who dash toward the Father head on, in other words, if there are those who run on behalf of the people, tribes, brothers and children, God will hold onto them and mourn. When Mary Magdalene tried to hold onto the resurrected Jesus, he told her not to hold him because she was not in touch with these principles.

Humanity in the past could not run toward God head on. Not one person transcended the position of a people, of tribes and brothers and stood in the position of children and called the Father their own. Because Jesus fulfilled this responsibility in the course of history, he could become the Savior. Nevertheless Jesus had to die in a situation where God could recognize his victory. For this reason, Jesus has to return to the earth to complete the purpose of victory over Satan in the universe and Heaven and earth. Would it be all right, then, for him to come on the clouds?

We have to understand the time now. We have to understand ourselves. We are locked inside a prison of many layers. How much would God long for a free Heaven and earth, for a place where our citizens can live, where our brothers and sisters can live, where our parents can live, and where our sons and daughters can live?

As God related with human beings for six thousand years, He never forgot even for one minute that world of the heart. We did not know this, but now we have to understand it. After we understand it, we should run toward Heaven and dash forward head on. People must emerge who can represent humanity and run toward the one day when everything in Heaven and on earth can rejoice and give blessings.

This is the purpose of our faith. Do you want to believe and go to Heaven? Do you think you can go to Heaven just because you want to? When you go to a government agency and go through the registration process, you have to repeat the whole process if you get one word wrong. Yet do you think that you can just slide inside the gates of Heaven? That will never be. You cannot enter without having fulfilled certain conditions. You can enter Heaven only after going through some processes of the heart. Because the world of the heart transcends time and space, there is no progress and regression. There are no concepts and forms. There, it is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and eternity.

Are the Battles Being Fought or Not?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 586

What is the meaning of death? Earth-
ly life, the time of living in air, parallels
the time of swimming in the womb. We
are living in a wrapping cloth of air.
Death itself is not unique, but only our
rebirth into the third life. That moment
of transition is what we call death. (49-
286, 1971.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1526

Pledge number two signifies that
our family pledges to represent and
become central to heaven and earth by
serving God and the True Parents, to
fulfill the way of filial piety in our fam-
ily, patriotism in our nation, saints in
the world, and a family of divine sons
and daughters in heaven and earth. This
means that we will complete everything
desired by God in our family. Through
it, we are making a vow that as parents,
we will educate the children in our fam-
ily, the citizens in our nation, and the
people living in the world, and in heav-
en and earth, so that they may become
eligible to become the family members
of God’s Kingdom. (260-190, 1994.5.8)

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

God came to us and taught us in the following way: He said that He was the father of individuals, families, people and the world. As long as a people possessed a father, they all had the same father. As long as the world had a father, the world had the same father. This is what God wants.

God came to us. He came to each one of us, prisoners in Satan’s sovereignty. However, even after raising up Abraham as the father of faith, God could not share all that He wanted to tell us. Although He raised up a family, He could not tell them all He wanted. Although he chose Moses to lead the people, He could not reveal all He wanted to. Although He sent Jesus, He could not convey all that He wanted to at that time. He could not. It is written clearly in the Bible that He could not speak all that He wanted to.

Why is this so? Jesus represented the God of the world and of the universe and all of Heaven and earth. He could not accomplish this mission without a foundation. Thus, Jesus said that he will return in the Last Days.

Please reflect upon yourselves. You owe an historical debt.

To instruct you and teach you, Heaven came to your people and sent prophets countless times. Do you understand this?

What did Jesus bring with him? Jesus came with the desire to elevate all people as the children of God and to judge Satan’s world. He came to build a garden of happiness as the King of Kings, centering on the Father. He came with this desire, situation and heart of love. Have you ever had such a desire? Have you ever experienced such a situation? Have you ever felt such a heart? If you have not, then you cannot avoid judgment.

Therefore, we should not call out, “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob. God the Father who called Moses and the prophets of the past, Father whom Jesus called upon!” We should pray, “God of Abraham, God of Jacob, God of Moses and God of Jesus! Please be my God.” God should not be the God of someone else. He must be our own God. This is what we must do.

The time that we call out to the historical God has passed. Thus, the God of the past must have a relationship with us and the God of the future must have a relationship with us. You have to build a relationship in which you can say, “God of the past, isn’t this the current situation? God of the present, isn’t this the situation? God of the future, isn’t this the situation? Isn’t this Your desire?” and God will say, “Yes.”

To do this, first we have to understand that we live in Satan’s world. You are the descendants of Satan. You are prisoners of war captured not by God’s side but by Satan’s side. The Savior is the chief communications representative on the world scale who has the responsibility to bring you back. The “Savior” means that he will save you. The Savior is the person with the mission to save all the prisoners of war. He encourages them and goads them to fight. For this reason, it is written that Jesus came not to bring peace to the world but to provide weapons and provoke battles. Yet are the battles being fought or not? Please examine this carefully.

The Words of the Bible Are Secret Codes

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

There have been many religions, but
what has been their mission? Their mis-
sion is to find one particular person.
Many religions talk about attaining sal-
vation and other such matters, but they
are seeking to find the one person able to
rise to the highest point in the world, the
one person who has even gone beyond
that point. They want to bring this per-
son into existence. In this way, the cen-
ter of all religions is one specific per-
son; he is the Messiah. In other words,
all religions have been looking for one
person, and this one person, the central
being, is the Messiah, the Savior. When
the Messiah comes, he does not come to
his position immediately. He has to ful-
fill a seven-year course. The Messiah is a
man. This Messiah has to come and gain
victory over Satan by going beyond the
blood relationship of the satanic world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 944

In order to create a unified heaven
and earth, the spirit world must first
be unified. The ancestors in the spirit
world said, “Rev. Moon, you heretic, you
traitor!” Later on, even God said, “Yes,
throw him away!” That is how the laws
of indemnity are. Since Adam and Eve
abandoned God, God also had to aban-
don them, conditionally. Enduring such
abandonment, I had to win acceptance,
restore God’s support for me, recov-
er my heaven, and receive God’s seal
of approval. During that period, God
had to stand against me when someone
accused me, but then later on every-
My character is such that once I start
something I carry on till the end. I do
not retreat until I die. Since I know clear-
ly what this principle is about, I am sure
of myself. That is why I openly resisted
these spiritual attacks. How could Jesus,
Confucius or other leaders know such
principles? Eventually they only asked
negative questions because what I said
was not in the doctrine they taught.
They insisted on their own views.
I battled against the entire spirit
world for forty-three days. On the forti-
eth day even God said, “Rev. Moon, you
good-for-nothing! Why have you come
here and brought chaos to this peace-
ful heavenly world? You son-of-a-thief!”
Everyone agreed with God. Still, I did
not retreat. (282-168, 1997.3.11)

Richard: Wow! Even Jesus and God initially opposed Rev. Moon as the Messiah at the Second Coming and the True Parent. Yet Rev Moon persevered. Ultimately, he received God’s seal of approval!

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

What did God intend to do with this foundation of a people? He tried to use the people as a base to expand out to the world. For this reason God promised the chosen people that He would send them a Messiah who could lead the people to build a new kingdom and who would become the King of Kings. He gave this promise based on the foundation of the people.

This was not based on Abraham or Jacob, but the people after Moses. However, the people did not know that the Messiah who was sent as the prince of the world, who was to be assisted by them in dismantling the reign of Satan, who was to lay a foundation of victory for Heaven, was the one who was sent.

From what perspective did the Israelites long for the Messiah? They should have had the clear conviction that they were the chosen people for God’s providence who were to unite and pioneer the world to conquer Satan’s world when the Messiah appeared. If they had felt so and had been deeply indignant about living in Satan’s world, they never would have killed Jesus.

Jesus came to this earth. What was his desire? He was not concerned about himself, nor about his twelve disciples, nor about the seventy followers. He focused his efforts upon the whole Israelite people. Jesus was to rule the chosen people, bringing them together to build a new blessed land of Canaan. He was to blow the heralding trumpets to set out for the blessed land of Canaan on the world level. The sorrowful fact that Jesus was chased out from his position as the leader of the people was the root of Israel’s decline.

Until now people have thought that Jesus came to die. When you examine things more deeply, you will find that this is not true. We need brave soldiers who can fight for Heaven. Isn’t that logical?

Through the four-thousand-year history, God built something comparable to a communications center and a military headquarters to communicate with Satan’s world. Yet all of these were destroyed. Although He sent Jesus based on the foundation of four thousand years of hard work on the part of the people, they turned against him. Can there be a king without a people to rule, once the foundation of the people is destroyed? For this reason Satan’s world did what it wanted to him; that was his death on the cross. It was the miserable execution of a prince. Yet the people did not know that Jesus’ death on the cross was the miserable execution of the prince of Israel.

Where was he killed? He was killed under the sovereignty of Satan. If you want to learn about this in greater detail, come and see me when you have time. This is how it is. This is why God is furious. Jesus said that although he was going to have to suffer death, he would give us the secret documents of a new covenant, secret messages from Heaven. These are the New Testament Gospels.

“Believe me. You will live when you believe me and follow me. If you believe me, where will you go? To the place of liberation. You will live only if you believe me. Believe. I came for you and am dying for you, so believe in me and in the words I have spoken.” Jesus’ words are the words of promise which will give us life. The words of the Bible are secret codes. They are the codes by which Heaven can communicate with us in Satan’s world. They are written in symbols and parables. Hence, no matter how much you read, you will not fully understand. There will come a day when these codes can be deciphered, so we have to demonstrate utmost loyalty and exert ourselves. What did Jesus want? It was to rely on the people to establish the ideal of the restoration of the world. Since no thought or doctrine of the world could explain this, he promised that one day he would unravel the secret documents and show us our path and destination.