The Eternal Father-Son Relationship

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 493

If we analyze the essence of love,
there is no need to revolutionize love.
When parents love their children, this is
part of true love. This is why the heart
with which people loved their children
from the time of the first ancestors is
the same heart with which we descen-
dants several millennia later love our
own children. Moreover, the heart with
which our descendants several millen-
nia later will love their children will also
be the same. Love is eternal. True love is
something pure that does not need to be
revolutionized. Then, what kind of love
is God’s love? If God establishes cer-
tain beings in positions with an absolute
standard, acknowledges their existence,
and loves them, then that love needs no
further drastic change. (18-11, 1967.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 249

The entire Korean peninsula of
three thousand ri – every village, valley,
mountain and field – desires to attend
the coming True Parents. Serving True
Parents is the desire of all people in his-
tory. You, as children, should estab-
lish the individual and family standard
of indemnity and become substantial
representatives of True Parents. You
should be people whom those in the vil-
lage want to serve without any regret.
Of course, the True Parents are in the
center and make a spiritual relationship
with everyone. Since there is only one
set of True Parents, however, they can-
not relate with everyone personally. That
is why the Blessed Families are the rep-
resentatives of True Parents and stand
in the position to relate with all people.
True Parents have the responsibility to
go over this nation and bear the cross on
the worldwide level. Therefore, the cross
of the people should be carried by the
Blessed Families who live locally as true
children of True Parents. All Blessed
Families must serve as the foundation
of a tribe and of a people in order for the
works of Heaven to gain victory based
on such a people. (13-288, 1964.4.12)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

You should know how to establish a national standard, go beyond “me,” rise above the family and the people, and indemnify the sorrow within the realm of that ideology. Only then can you become individuals with the qualifications to comfort the Father, who has labored for six thousand years to seek and establish His ideology in the form of a nation; who has hoped for a nation that went beyond the sorrowful relationship. In such a position, you will for the first time be affirmed as sons and daughters; in such a position the relationship with Heaven will be restored for the first time; in such a position the history of joy will begin.

No matter who they are, unless a people has a sovereignty, any passerby can cajole them and laugh at them. However, from the day sovereignty is established, no one can pass by freely or cajole them as he pleases.

The Christians scattered around the world today have not become the people of the Kingdom of God. They have not become the heavenly people with the heavenly sovereignty. Unless the heavenly people have the sovereignty to take care of them, that people can then be cajoled and abandoned. You should know this. Continue reading “The Eternal Father-Son Relationship”

You Will Be Faced With Difficulties With the Cross and Persecution

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

We started in 1978, so this is now
the fourteenth year. This work has been
going on for fourteen years. If all of you
had only done this work with a desper-
ate heart! How great it would have been!
If that had happened, then everything
would be connected through the tong
ban breakthrough activities, centering
on the Unification Church. Centering
on the Unification Church foundation,
we organized everything down to the
village, so that we could breakthrough at
the tong ban level. Centering on the men,
we held conferences in the dong (dis-
tricts), tong and ban (local communities
and home neighborhoods). We passed
out Divine Principle books and a book
called “The Hope of the World” in my
name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood
leaders. Maybe even some of you that
are here today also received these books.
Despite the fact that all this was done,
the men still all failed their responsibil-
ity. They were relaxed and thought this
was just some kind of game. Therefore,
because the men failed their responsi-
bility, the women must accomplish it.
Whatever happens, they must do this.
The women must not just be worried
about the livelihood of their own homes.
Chapter 3 • Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa Activities 2077
Please notice that I’ve mobilized women
centering on the Women’s Federation.
Is this mobilization due to the power of
human beings? In the beginning, when
I first said that I would have an initia-
tion conference for the Asian Women’s
Federation of World Peace (AWFWP),
everyone’s eyes went like this, and our
own Unification Church members put
up opposition saying women can’t do
anything and that AWFWP women
can’t do anything. But then True Moth-
er stepped forward and the opposition
subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the
members couldn’t oppose it any further.
Therefore, I declared the arrival of the
era of women. I made this declaration
because the time was ripe to do so. Wait
and see if the age of women comes now
or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)

Richard:  This is the core work that we must do.

CSG 1394

Externally, the Unification Church
may look like it is following in the foot-
steps of Christianity, but people do not
know the history of struggle that we
underwent internally to separate our-
selves from Satan. In order to bring
humanity back to be embraced in God’s
bosom, we have paved the way of salva-
tion through the eight stages, starting
with the individual and the family. The
Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples opens
the path that everyone in the world can
follow in order to achieve this salvation.
Then the expansion of the Blessed Cou-
ples can occur on a global scale.
The next step for us to take is the
Blessing of 36 Million Couples. This
will be easy. The most difficult task for
us was the accomplishment of the Bless-
ing of 3.6 Million Couples. After passing
over the hill that marked the forty-year
course, we need to find and inherit the
lost realms of the Old and New Testa-
ments. Since the rights of the first born,
parents and king were lost, we need to
pass through the process of restoring
them; hence, I must fulfill the responsi-
bility of the first born. (286-70, 1997.8.6)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

What did Jesus mean by saying, “I have accomplished all”? Jesus had accomplished his mission only to a certain limit through his death in the course of indemnifying Heaven’s sorrow. In other words, Jesus knew that if he died, an indescribable sorrow would enter into the heart of God and be connected to it. The miserable path of death would be left behind to the throng of people following him. Because he knew that the foundation of spiritual salvation would be established with his death, he was able to go beyond his death with a manly mien.

If this kind of feeling bubbles up in your mind, you are the person who owns heaven and earth, even if you have nothing. Heaven and earth will appear as your comrades, even if you do not have any other. For that reason, you must feel that the way of true faith is the way on which you proceed linking the history of relations. It exists where you proceed to build the tower of relations with Heaven.

If we feel sorrowful when we part with a friend, how much more so should we feel when the relations we have with Heaven are disconnected? You should be able to feel that is the moment of historic sorrow, the moment of grief for heaven and earth, and the moment of sadness for humanity and the heavens.

If one felt this, he would have to feel his inadequacy, regardless of how much he might try not to, and he would not be able to control the outbreak of tears. In addition, as you have learned through the Divine Principle, the position in which we individuals stand today is one in which we have to dissolve the han of heaven and earth, even that of spirit men in the spirit world, and liberate them. You have been set on the altar of such a cosmic-level fate. You might feel infinitely sad if you let yourselves think about being sacrificial offerings in this manner. However, if you know that the sorrow of the numerous spirit men, the numerous people and beings of heaven and earth who are watching you, is greater than your sorrow, you would not allow yourself to be disappointed in the course of marching toward Heaven. You would not be able to sigh for grief. Continue reading “You Will Be Faced With Difficulties With the Cross and Persecution”

Jesus Felt Great Sorrow

Cheon Seong Gyeong 589

What is sin? Sin arises from private
standpoints. Ruin also comes about in
the private sphere. Evil is the same. When
private matters are pursued beyond a
certain degree, they manifest evil. Pri-
vate matters have certain limits; when
exceeded, sin, evil and ruin result.
Then, where is the position that can
be eternally good, eternally prosperous
and eternally fortunate? Where is the
position that can prevent sin, evil and
ruin? It is the public position. Even when
you eat, do so in a public position. When
you work, manage from a public stand-
point. When you speak, digest the situa-
tion with public words. In this way, live
connecting all aspects of your lives with
public matters. Such people cannot go to
hell even if they try. (31-163, 1970.5.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 589

This is fundamental to building the
Kingdom of Heaven. The formula is the
same. The relationship between God and
God’s son is absolute; it is a bond that
no one can break. No one can sever the
father and son relationship. In a similar
way, when the husband and wife become
one in love, no one can divide their love.
Even God cannot divide it. It is eternal.
The question is whether you have
become a united couple, as a brother
and a sister like Adam and Eve, who
can attend the True Parents. Another
question is whether God’s love and the
Parents’ love can dwell in your family.
In other words, are you conveying the
love of God and Parents through your
own love such that your sons and daugh-
ters are born and nurtured in this loving
environment? This is a serious question.
You should know that if you do not do
this, the door of the family Kingdom of
Heaven will not open. (137-185, 1986.1.1)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

Numerous other prophets and sages walked the path that Moses walked. Four thousand years after the fall of Adam and Eve, the second ancestor of humanity, Jesus Christ, came. He took upon himself the responsibility for all the faults of the fallen Adam, bearing in his body the sorrow of Heaven, the sadness of all humankind, and the grief of all things in the universe. He took charge of all conditions of deathly darkness that drew lamentation and sorrow from Heaven for the sake of breaking them down. Let us think about Jesus.

What kind of person was he? Going back over the four-thousand-year history, Jesus pined for people who had not felt the fear that results from culpable acts and who had not perceived sorrow by reason of their sins. Namely, he yearned for the original Adam and Eve whom God had created, having been deeply touched by the sense and Shim Jung of goodness. Jesus had to restore and replace the original selves of Adam and Eve, who should have been the good, truthful ancestors of humanity. His belief that he had come on behalf of God’s ideology of creation was greater than any circumstances society could present to him and greater than any other tendency in his mind.

Therefore, if Jesus felt loneliness, that loneliness was connected with Heaven. When Jesus came to fathom God’s loneliness, he could no longer feel lonely. Every time hope or ideology sank deeply into his mind, he felt the responsibility to introduce that hope and ideology to humankind. Continue reading “Jesus Felt Great Sorrow”

You Have Been Drawn Into Motion that You Cannot Understand

Cheon Seong Gyeong 587

What are the laws of heaven? They
are to promote public righteousness.
Book 5 • Earthly Life and the Spirit World 588
Private matters belong to Satan, and
public matters belong to God. Go the
way of public righteousness. Even if
everyone opposes you on this course, if
you are not disturbed by the opposition
but go the way of hardship with vitality,
you will become a person of heaven who
will welcome spring. (47-270, 1971.8.29

Cheon Seong Gyeong 588

People today struggle internally and
externally at the crossroads between
good and evil, and public and private,
in their daily lives. In many cases, they
vacillate between the two and finally fall
into a self-centered, private lifestyle. Yet
those who do that will perish. Therefore,
they must repent for their past self-cen-
tered, private lives, grit their teeth, and
push themselves back into public life.
People tend to waver between these two
lifestyles. They are more inclined toward
living privately, and end up distancing
themselves from the public good. This
has been your life of faith until today.
Therefore, all those with a private life-
style must repent. (31-242, 1970.6.4)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

To gallantly travel the path of difficulty, the path of persecution and death while walking the path of faith, there is something you must feel first. You must feel that your birth and your being of a particular nation or group was not the result of your individual wish. You will not be able to deny that you were born on this earth by having been drawn into motion that even you yourselves cannot understand. When we think again about how the motive of my being originated and was given to me, how I was to go through this kind of course and am a resultant being, we must not boast of ourselves or our beings. We must boast about the being who has something to show off within the ideological realm of history, the whole, and the future.

Unless you have this kind of conviction and feeling now, a more complicated matter than you might think will occur in your path of faith. Sorrowful and difficult things will take place. You will face undeserved death. You will easily abandon your ties with the heavenly principles. You will stand in a position where it is easy for you to betray Heaven. Continue reading “You Have Been Drawn Into Motion that You Cannot Understand”

The Words of the Principle are Sweeter than Honey

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2336

The Principle is a storehouse con-
taining the words of life. Listening to it is
like attaching a rubber hose to a big cis-
tern to be supplied with the water of life
through it. Once you get a taste of that
water of life, you will go crazy for it and
could never tear your lips away from it
even if you tried. If someone pulled you
away, your lips would be torn from your
face. It’s just like a bee sucking on honey:
if you were to pull at it with tweezers, it
would stay in the honey, even if its tail
came off. Similarly, you will find some-
thing in the Principle that is sweeter
than even honey. (90-197, 1977.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 429

God created a man and a woman.
He intended for them to reach perfec-
tion, marry, become established as the
heavenly husband and wife, and live in
the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was
to make Adam and Eve the first husband
and wife in history and establish the
foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
upon their relationship. If this plan had
been realized, God’s first two blessings,
to be fruitful and to multiply, would have
been achieved then and there. God gave
Adam and Eve the power to multiply His
children. Had they not fallen, they would
never have passed sin on to humankind.
Their children would have been born
without sin and would have grown to
perfection as sinless beings. What else
would have occurred? By giving birth
to such sinless children, Adam and Eve
would have become the true father and
true mother of humankind centering on
God. They would have become the True
Parents. (Blessed Family – 319)

The Religious Person’s Attitude

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Father, please allow our minds and bodies to be fraught only with the Father’s Shim Jung, at least in this hour. Let this be the hour in which we become imbued with the mind of original nature and are drawn toward the Father’s Shim Jung. Please allow the deeply penetrating Shim Jung to put forth its buds in our minds and bodies so that, upon seeing the Father rejoicing, we can run toward Him and enfold His neck with our arms.

We have learned that You are the Father who appears subtly. You will not initiate any action until we lay bare our thoughts. We still have loyalty toward the Father, in spite of our contaminated minds. Father, please seek us through this Shim Jung. Through this Shim Jung, give orders. Please allow the ardent Shim Jung with which we can call You “My Father” to seep out, unconsciously shedding tears, sorry for the insufficiency of our bodies and realizing the inadequacy of our past lives.

We have learned that Heaven feels no reluctance in protecting anyone and everyone; Heaven feels no reluctance in becoming the friend of one who seeks Heaven. Heaven is the friend of those who wail to Heaven and shed tears. He takes delight in showing Himself to be our Father, who will live together with us forever.

We miss the voice of the Father who would subtly counsel us. We long to feel the wonderful love of the Father, who would embrace us in subtlety. We miss the moment when we can call You “Father” and want to boast and exclaim that You are our own Father with uplifted hands. Continue reading “The Words of the Principle are Sweeter than Honey”