Cheon Seong Gyeong 576
When receiving the Blessing, Uni-
fication Church couples pledge to live
as eternal families. I am the one who
governs eternal families and the eter-
nal nation. I am setting the standard of
families in the eternal nation. Those of
you who keep your promise can inherit
that family, as well as that eternal nation.
(205-359, 1990.10.2)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190
There are seven horizontal stages you
have to pass through from the individ-
ual to the family, tribe, people, nation,
world, and heaven and earth, before
reaching the final position of God. There
are also eight vertical levels beginning
with the servant of servant’s position. On
the foundation of restoring the rights of
the firstborn son in the course of seven
of these eight levels, you must attain the
position of the original, unfallen first-
born son. Adam and Eve were the first
son and the first daughter. The first son
and daughter have to pass through the
realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. Then,
they must be connected to the realm of
direct dominion based on love and pos-
sess the right of the firstborn son. Such
connection is impossible with the love
of the younger child. They are not con-
nected with the love of the second child.
Therefore, you must return to this posi-
tion and restore the right of the firstborn
son going up stage by stage. This is the
battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1261
How did the devil bring about the
Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil? Where did
they cover themselves after eating the
fruit? Did they cover up their mouths
or their hands? Didn’t they cover up
the sexual parts of their bodies? This
became the seed that sowed evil. They
fell before they had fully matured, while
they were still adolescents. As the lin-
eage of humankind in world history
stemmed form this act, in the Last Days
the phenomenon of such relationships
will thrive. The time will come, that,
across the world, young people destroy
the ethics of love. They will hide in the
shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and
have no fear of heaven. That will be the
time when the era of Satan’s worldwide
dominion will come to the earth. That
is when we will be faced with the iron
hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)
The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father
Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959
If you want to become heavenly sons and daughters, then you have to rise as the pioneers of the liberation movement to liberate God and humanity from their sorrows, representing all humankind over whom God has wept. You have to arm yourself with a mental and ideological weapon to charge against the enemies as soldiers in the heavenly battle. You have to go forth and arm yourself not with a selfish ideology, but with an ideology that can embrace the cosmos. You have to realize that is the only way for you to become heavenly sons and daughters.
Now Heavenly Father has opened the door of providential restoration, and He is looking for the individual representative, the family representative, the representative of the race, and the national representative among the believers of the last days. Where are such individuals? Such an individual, such a family, such a nation, and such a world as God seeks are nowhere to be found. One should not be self- centered. That is why, even when you do hold onto your life-consciousness, do not forget to possess the life-consciousness of the world and heavenly law. Such awareness is needed. It is foolish to live according to the awareness derived from one’s limited experience as if it were all the value in life. History will laugh at such a person. This age and heavenly law will also laugh. World-consciousness exists, transcending our awareness. Heavenly-consciousness exists, transcending world-awareness. Therefore, you should open your heart and be newly born so that you can transcend world-awareness, go over the hills of pain and suffering felt through heavenly-awareness and finally say, “Heavenly Father, please receive us.” Continue reading “Open Your Heart and Be Newly Born”