Alleviate God’s Sorrow

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 323

Those who live with the love of God
inside their hearts are sons or daugh-
ters of God. These are the central figures
of the whole universe who can govern
heaven and earth. Love is the essential
element enabling people to attain this
position. (9-173, 1960.5.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1567

How would democracy, which has
unfolded through a history of wars, be
brought to an end? Democracy would
naturally conclude with the advent of
the parents, the coming of the parent-
centered ideology. Hence, the Unifica-
tion Church declared to this world that
the era of the providence of salvation
has ended and has given way to the era
of the providence of restoration through
love. Many religions are unaware of this
truth. Pastors of established churches
do not understand what is meant by
the era of the providence of salvation
by love or the era of the ideology cen-
tered on the Heavenly Father, do they?
They wouldn’t know what the Ceremo-
ny of the Settlement of the Eight Stages
is. (194-325, 1989.10.30)

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

No scripture reveals God’s labor and grief of the 6,000 years. However, scriptures extensively elaborate on goodness and the land of blessing where we can live.

Why did God take this approach? It is because God loves us. Because Heaven loves us, He has sought us in this manner. It can be said of our path toward God that joy cannot be attained instantly. Joy can be attained only after we go through the path of sorrow.

If someone on earth longs for the Kingdom of Heaven and longs to become a true son or daughter of Heaven, he should raise his hands and pray in tears, “Please let me shed God’s tears of the 6,000 years in my lifetime.” He must offer his life and risk heaven, earth and all created things as he cries out.

He who discovers that the Father cannot be found in a good, beautiful, precious, proud and glorious place, but is in a state of deep sorrow will become the master of goodness. You have to understand that such a person can become a true son or daughter of God. Continue reading “Alleviate God’s Sorrow”

Jesus’ Love for the Father

Cheon Seong Gyeong 443

In the family you should deeply expe-
rience love by going through the official
course of the training center which is
an encapsulation of the whole universe
and then expand this and love the world.
You have inherited this from your fam-
ily, your training ground, where you
were raised with your mother and
father. Therefore if you love your par-
ents more than your wife, love your sons
and daughters more than your wife, love
humanity more than your wife, and love
God more than your wife, everything
will be accomplished. This doesn’t mean
that you should abandon your wife. If
you love in this way, all the recipients of
that love will come to love your wife as
well. Is there a more glorious place than
this? If you want to love your wife, follow
this way. (143-285, 1986.3.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1797

Do you know why America is now
going to perish? I warned them before.
Do you know how numerous the cas-
es of incest are? Twenty percent in
this nation of scoundrels! Grandfa-
thers cohabit with their granddaugh-
ters and fathers sleep with their daugh-
ters even though they are married. All
the symptoms of apocalyptic destruc-
tion are here. An atomic bomb has been
dropped from heaven and we are in an
age where we might be directly bombed.
Yet the developed nations do not know
how fearful this is. This is where they
need me and the Unification Church.
Without the Unification Church, they
will never be able to bring this under
control. (201-165, 1990.3.30)

Richard:  Saving America is urgent.  Most do not realize what a predicament we are in.  Why not schedule the Urban Life Training STAR Leadership training at your location, and start a Chapter of Urban Life Training?

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

We should be seeking the self, and religions have made considerable contributions throughout the periods of history. There is no true progress in the world of emotions. Why? It cannot make progress because it has replaced the world of the heart. There was no progress thousands of years ago nor will there be much many millions of years from now. There is no progress in the realm of emotions through which parents can love children, husbands and wives can love each other, and relatives and kinsmen can love each other. This is because one can represent the whole, perfection and happiness of the whole based on heart alone.

Where can one find the greatest happiness and peace in life? Since God is our Subject, it is the place where we can assert that we are His children, where we can call Him “our Father” and He can call us “His children.” When such a movement emerges on the earth based on love, the world will become a joyful place from that moment forth, and it will be the world of the greatest accomplishments sought by humanity.

This is why religious people have all pursued goodness and have tried to satisfy their desire for goodness. When Jesus came to the earth he called God “Father” and attested that he was one with Him. There is no one who has announced anything greater than this in the whole of human history. Jesus referred to humanity as his bride and friends. He called them his people and his disciples. Continue reading “Jesus’ Love for the Father”

The Invisible Hand that Guides Us

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1935

Wasn’t America the land of the Indi-
ans? When I went to Hawaii, I thought,
“Wow, I have never seen such a place in
this world!” Thirty percent of the people
are Japanese, and only twenty-nine per-
cent are white. This is why they say that
the white people are being persecuted.
When I heard that remark, I didn’t feel
so bad. If I had said, “Hey, you Japa-
nese people! See that indemnity is paid
for the opposition that I have received
in America!”, then how efficiently they
would have seen to it. But I realized that
they would expel all the white people
there, so I thought, “This will not do.”
Soon I concluded, “If I marry the chil-
dren of those families that form thir-
ty percent of the population, with the
children of the families belonging to
twenty-nine percent of the population,
then they will be completely united.” I
also realized how simple the providence
for restoration would be if everything
was transferred to the American con-
tinent. That is why I am building cen-
ters of operation, purchasing boats, and
making preparations to live in Hawaii. I
intend to go to Hawaii. Believe me, the
Pacific civilization is coming! (216-275,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2025

You have come here with the inten-
tion to follow me, but you listen to your
own words and think, “I hate Home
Church. I will only go where True Father
goes.” You should not do this. Even if
your father is the president, you can’t
inherit his things without doing some-
thing? In order for you to become presi-
dent, you need to lay a foundation that
will enable you to become a president.
Even if you are born as the Crown Prince
of a nation, in order to become the King,
you must learn all the rules and regula-
tions that will enable you to be a King.
You need to do these things.

Richard:  Home Church, which is a providence where you serve 360 homes in your neighborhood and connect them to God and His Will, is an eternal providence that all people must go through.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

Though a person may have claimed, “I am happy, successful and a great victor,” there still remains a far greater happiness which has never been attained by anyone. We must understand that no matter how successful or wealthy one may boast about being, there still remains far greater success and far greater wealth which have never been attained by anyone.

In the last days of history, today, Heaven is searching for us, and we are seeking Heaven. We can imagine how great is the happiness we do not know, how great the success we can achieve. We can imagine that there is something about which we can sing in joy and boast proudly like no one in history.

What people rejoice over now is not complete happiness or full success. These are only transitory phenomena. Those who are intoxicated with them are truly pitiful.

Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?” (Matthew 16:26) The life he referred to is not life inside the realm of the fall. What is that life? It is the life which connects us directly to the life of the Creator. We must understand that Jesus’ words refer to the precious human life which can link with God’s original love and the love of the original nature. Continue reading “The Invisible Hand that Guides Us”

The Rooting Out of Satan’s Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2045

It’s okay if we firmly grab hold of
the family. Aren’t all people bound to a
family? If we catch the family, then the
members of the National Assembly, the
ministers and vice-ministers of the cabi-
net, and even the president in the Blue
House, all will be caught. You should all
become leaders of tong and ban. Don’t
you agree? If the members of the Nation-
al Assembly, the important statesmen of
the country, the cabinet members, and
even the staff members of the military
will all become mobilized through the
leaders of the tong and ban movement,
then everything will be completed. We
can then work without a fight. Do you
understand? (167-21, 1987.6.14)

Richard:  Restoration begins from families and expands out to the society, not the other way around.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 955

What comes after the cosmic expan-
sion of the true Blessing? It is the root-
ing out of Satan’s lineage. It means sev-
ering the root. Since humankind went to
hell by entering into false marriage, True
Parents must marry people and straight-
en this out. In order to restore, through
indemnity, the act of the archangel in
the spirit world loving Eve on earth
and bringing about the Fall, the family
in the archangelic position in the spirit
world comes to the earth to support the
family in the position of Adam and Eve.
Through this, these families will come
to where your families are and initiate
the movement to expel Satan. This is
the Principle viewpoint. Only then can
things be logically placed in neat order.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

You should open your heart, stop in your footsteps and behold God. Only then can the value of human beings be realized.

Today we believe God to be the center of our feelings and thoughts. God is moving the entire universe and is progressing toward eternity without rest. We have to believe in this God. This God has been protecting us for the long 6,000 years. Though we have had time to rest, God has never had time to rest. Though human beings could sleep, God never had time to sleep. He had to recognize human beings when they did not recognize Him.

In the meantime, God has governed all the laws by which the entire universe functions. He has re-created human beings and has been working to raise them as valuable masters of the entire universe, who can act on His behalf. Have you ever been deeply and sincerely grateful to God for all He has done for us? Continue reading “The Rooting Out of Satan’s Lineage”

Human Beings are Not Aligned with God’s Original Purpose

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2210

If, seeing your faithful determina-
tion, God takes heart and steps forward
to declare, “I am going to tear down
this evil world!” then, in that instant,
His sphere of activity will expand due
to your efforts. This will be a gift of joy
from Heaven more wonderful than any
coveted position, throne, place of honor,
and even awards that would be heaped
upon you over not only one but over
many lifetimes.
You should determine to confront
any kind of persecution in the course
of human history and even beyond that.
This is the path filial sons and daughters
who take on the responsibility to repre-
sent the history of eternity should take.
This is the way of loyalty to the eternal
Kingdom of Heaven. (255-121, 1994.3.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 770

Death means to be born in God’s
love. But in the human world, people
make a fuss, saying, “Oh, I am dying!”
Seeing this, would God laugh merrily
or would He exclaim, “Oh, no!”? When
God looks at people crying like this in
the human world, does He feel sorrow
or joy? Leaving the realm of limited love,
we enter the joyful realm of infinite love.
Isn’t death the moment to welcome this
joyfulness? Isn’t this going through the
path of death the moment of actually a
second birth?
If this is the case, would God be joy-
ful about the day your physical body is
gone? Would He be joyful when some-
one is born as a son or daughter who
can act for the sake of love in the sec-
ond, infinitely expanded world? Why
do I talk about such things? You cannot
establish a relationship with God with-
out liberating yourself from the fear of
death. I am speaking about this because
you must understand this reality. (116-172,

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

Human beings have walked the long course of history, not knowing their destination. With what ideology were they born? At what destination will they arrive with the aid of that ideology? Based on what value are they going to connect to what purpose? You know very well that people have been struggling because they have not found a complete solution to any of these issues.

When people of faith discuss their existence, they say that their existence began from Heaven and will end in Heaven and that they are pursuing the ultimate value before the will of God. Yet, I believe that there must come a time when even the average person thinks like that. Although all we think about is centered on ourselves, our human purpose is not to be found in ourselves. We sense deep within us that we seek to transcend ourselves and be connected to some world of ideology.

However, there is a gap of time and space between that world and where we are now. If something can bridge this gap, it is not an academic theory or some clever means. This gap can be bridged only when we enter the world of the heart.

“Heart” has been a controversial topic in the religious sphere and in the areas of culture and the arts. There is heart at the level of the individual, heart at the levels of the family, the society, the nation and the world. Furthermore, if a Creator exists, an actual Lord, it is undeniable that this Lord is moving in line with the heart. Continue reading “Human Beings are Not Aligned with God’s Original Purpose”