Christian History after the Crucifixion Began With the Right Side Thief

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Exodus 20

12 Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.

13 Do not murder.

14 Be faithful in marriage.

15 Do not steal.

16 Do not tell lies about others.

17 Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Don’t want anyone’s house, wife or husband, slaves, oxen, donkeys or anything else.

Isaiah 60

Every sheep of Kedar
    will come to you;
rams from Nebaioth[d]
    will be yours as well.
I will accept them as offerings
    and bring honor to my temple.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

To examine worldwide phenomena from the Christian viewpoint, they are a result of history. You should pray to find out what historical process God has gone through to cause this result. This way you should realize that the prayer you inevitably came to offer, “Father! Let this nation receive the worldwide blessing as the chosen people. Send judgment against those who failed in the past and punish the unfaithful rebels,” was also an option for Jesus.

Yet, what anger did Jesus harbor upon death? The chosen religion of Israel tortured his heart and the chosen people nailed him to the cross. This was his anguish and lamentation. Though Jesus personally had great sorrow, however, he could forget his death and pray for them. He thought about the situation of God, who had walked through blood and tears for 4,000 years and about the people of Israel, whom God had chosen and raised for 4,000 years. Today’s Christians of the world should think about this again.

If Jesus had not prayed for them, the chosen nation and the religious believers would have received the judgment first. You should know that Jesus gave them blessing because he thought that if only there were some room granted by Heaven, they would follow in his footsteps and come over to his side. When I see Jesus’ words about the right-hand thief, tears unconsciously come out. The people did not know that God’s sorrow of 4,000 years was embodied there in Jesus. Only a thief recognized it. This was a sad scene. There were countless people in front of Jesus. It was the religious believers and chosen people who were to move and halt with the blood and flesh of Jesus, but they failed to do so. They should have shed blood together at the cross with Jesus. How preposterous that there was no one, but a murderous thief, to accompany him! Although Jesus was the Savior of all, he was in a pitiable position. It is extremely shameful that the only one who accompanied Jesus in his death was a murderous thief. Continue reading “Christian History after the Crucifixion Began With the Right Side Thief”

The Coming Battle with Satan

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1972

The earth that we live on is divid-
ed into land and sea. Geographical-
ly speaking, peninsulas are situated
between these two, in a midway posi-
tion connecting the continents with the
sea. Since early times, peninsulas have
always been significant in the formation
of civilizations. Greece and Rome, where
ancient civilizations flourished, were
also located on peninsulas. The civiliza-
tions of Spain and Portugal developed
on the Iberian Peninsula. However,
today these civilizations must expand
to the world and bring forth a new civi-
lization in the east and west. The Kore-
an peninsula in Asia is the place for this
civilization to emerge. (115-171, 1981.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1641

How did the universe begin? From
God’s viewpoint, everything began from
the principle of living for the sake of oth-
ers, and fully investing, even consum-
ing, Himself. Then what was He seek-
ing to achieve by consuming Himself in
order to create His object? What results
from both subject and object partners
consuming themselves, each for the sake
of the other, is love. They do not mind
how much they consume themselves,
if they can possess love. Love is based
on such a concept, and that is why God
began His work of creation according-
ly. He did not end up losing anything.
Why would God have completely invest-
ed Himself if He knew it would result in
loss? Within love, there is an energy that
can more than fill everything; therefore,
although God consumed and invest-
ed Himself, He received love in return.
True love is something that does not
diminish with investment, but instead
accumulates through it. If this was not
the case, and the principle maintained
that true love diminishes, God Himself
would have been consumed by investing
Himself. It was in fact quite the opposite,
for the reality is that the more true love
you put in, the more it increases. (237-124,

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

Historically, as evil grew strong, the good became weak. When evil was too strong for the good to guide it, history went on with evil conquering the good. Amid this, however, a small goodness sprouted forth, formed a greater goodness, and proceeded toward the purpose of goodness. You should know, then, that the historical course thus far has moved through the process by which goodness rises. Thus, history flows from the individual through the family, and with a social character. Through the form of the collective clan, the tribe, and the nation and country, it comes to the stage of the world. Furthermore, history will not stop at the visible world. It will extend toward the spirit world of the universe.

Human history has been going through the ages of goodness centered on the individual, the clan, the tribe, the nation, the country and the world. In this way, a small goodness in history has been developing into greater goodness. Thus, the individual battle turned into a family battle, the family battle turned into a clan battle, the clan battle turned into a social battle, the social battle turned into a national battle, the national battle turned into a worldwide battle. If the spirit world exists, there will be a battle between the spirit world and the earth. If God exists, only when the war between God and the countless evil spirits of the earth is over will the age of peace come to this universe. You should realize God’s situation, who is working through such a process of the Principle. The age of cosmic peace will come only when God resolves all the problems after a clash with Satan and the evil hordes on the earth. Continue reading “The Coming Battle with Satan”

Understand Jesus Sorrow and Support the New Jesus

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Joshua 7

The Lord answered:

Stop lying there on the ground! Get up! 11 I said everything in Jericho belonged to me and had to be destroyed. But the Israelites have kept some of the things for themselves. They stole from me and hid what they took. Then they lied about it. 12 What they stole was supposed to be destroyed, and now Israel itself must be destroyed. I cannot help you anymore until you do exactly what I have said. That’s why Israel turns and runs from its enemies instead of standing up to them.

Richard:  This is the exact same Rheama from four days ago.  I need to reflect on how I am offering the fruits of my labors to God (tithing).

Isaiah 31

The Egyptians are mere humans.
    They aren’t God.
Their horses are made of flesh;
    they can’t live forever.
When the Lord shows his power,
he will destroy the Egyptians
    and all who depend on them.
Together they will fall.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Jesus was a carpenter until he was thirty. If someone has had a holy, spiritual experience, he would know a part of the thirty years of Jesus’ life. If there is someone who knows, his heart will be torn with sorrow when he eats a good meal, wears good clothes, and lives in good circumstances. God was with Joseph when he took Mary, according to God’s will. Growing up in Joseph’s family, however, Jesus was treated disdainfully as a stepchild. As the children of Joseph became many, Jesus became more isolated. Thus, without being able to share his situation and feelings, he spent the thirty years of his life humbly, making other people’s doors with a saw and plane. Who knew his situation? No one. At that time, he could not appear as the historical Jesus as you believe in him now nor as the Christ with the historically acknowledged character.

Who are the ones who will receive the Messiah when he appears in the last days? Not the one who serves the historical character of Jesus. You should know that it is the one who serves the character of Jesus of the age. You should know that though Jesus carried the way of Heaven in his heart and worried about the earth, he suffered the sadness of not being recognized by his parents, and brothers and sisters. Continue reading “Understand Jesus Sorrow and Support the New Jesus”

Jesus Should Not Have Been Born in a Stable

Support the work of Urban Life Training and educate your own children and friends by subscribing to the Urban Life Training Teacher Web Portal.  STAR Interfaith Leadership traning is ongoing unit April 1st-join us!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 291

What is the relationship between
Jesus and True Parents? Jesus is in the
position of the Son, while True Parents
are in the position of the Parents. I have
said that Buddha is my disciple, Jesus is
my disciple and Confucius is my disciple.
Spiritual people can know everything if
they pray. Wait and see. The Unification
Church will be the center of religious
unification in the end, correcting the
standard for presidents, prime minis-
ters, and all the proud politicians of the
nations. This is my work, to accomplish
this not by force, but by natural submis-
sion. (211-312, 1991.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1399

On the day we are victorious in the
Blessing of 360 Million Couples, the
unified world of the realm of heart will
emerge on earth, encompassing the
whole world, and the families who live
in this realm of heart will be like Adam’s
perfected family; they will live in God’s
Kingdom on earth and when they pass
on, they will enter His kingdom in the
spirit world. In such a manner, the gates
to heaven will be opened. (288-328, 1998.1.1)

Richard:  Here Rev. Moon explains that his work is core, and that the world will be changed into the Kingdom of Heaven through this work.  This is playing out now, especially with the February 28th Cosmic Blessing.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

What then is the sorrow of Jesus, who came with God’s will? What were his mistreatment and anger? What was his utmost pain? You should know that the greatest sorrow for Jesus was the Shim Jung he had when he could not complete what he wanted to say, give life completely, leave behind the joyful ideal, and share heavenly love. He knew he carried the heavenly word overflowing with life, the ideal and love.

Throughout the thousands of years of history, God tried to have our ancestors assist Heaven, but they betrayed Him in every age. Thus, we should feel and know that since we have such ancestors, we in the last days are standing at a great crossroad in which we may easily become historical and cosmic betrayers again. Jesus was sent to the Israelites as a promise, after thousands of years of effort from Abraham to Moses. The Israelites were chosen as the center of the word, life, the ideal and love. Yet the chosen people, who had waited and prepared for the Messiah, standing on their historical merit, were unable to serve him. Jesus was to be served as the hero of history, for whom countless ancestors had hoped. Yet there was no one to serve him. Continue reading “Jesus Should Not Have Been Born in a Stable”

The Struggle of Golgotha Will be Fulfilled Now

Our daughter Sarah was Blessed in marriage to Patrick Kityo yesterday at the Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing Ceremony.  Stacey and I also participated with our crowns and Rod of Irong (AR-15 rifle):

See pictures on Flickr:

Support the work of Urban Life Training and educate your own children and friends by subscribing to the Urban Life Training Teacher Web Portal.  STAR Interfaith Leadership traning is ongoing unit April 1st-join us!

Numbers 23

22 With the strength of a wild ox,
    God led Israel out of Egypt.
23 No magic charms can work
    against them—
just look what God has done
    for his people.
24 They are like angry lions
    ready to attack;
and they won’t rest
until their victim
    is gobbled down.”

Jeremiah 22

More cedar in your palace
doesn’t make you a better king
    than your father Josiah.
He always did right—
he gave justice to the poor
    and was honest.
16 That’s what it means
    to truly know me.
So he lived a comfortable life
and always had enough
    to eat and drink.

17 But all you think about
    is how to cheat
or abuse or murder
    some innocent victim.

Richard:  Unrighteousness will be judged by God.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

The title of the speech I would like to reflect upon with you today is “Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?”

As you well know, Golgotha means the place of the skull and thus is the place of death. To become a friend of Golgotha means to become a friend of death. Christians believe in Jesus of Golgotha. Golgotha reminds us of the cross of Jesus, and the cross reminds us of his internal character. His internal character reminds us that God grieved over his death. With the dying Jesus, Heaven was stricken with sorrow and the earth took delight. Jesus came for the sake of the earth and Heaven; yet only Heaven understood him as he died for Heaven and earth. We should know that this is the sorrow of history. Continue reading “The Struggle of Golgotha Will be Fulfilled Now”