The Second Israelites of the World Must Unite

Hebrews 10

19 My friends, the blood of Jesus gives us courage to enter the most holy place 20 by a new way that leads to life! And this way takes us through the curtain that is Christ himself.

21 We have a great high priest who is in charge of God’s house. 22 So let’s come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water. 23 We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us. 24 We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 25 Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.

26 No sacrifices can be made for people who decide to sin after they find out about the truth. 27 They are God’s enemies, and all they can look forward to is a terrible judgment and a furious fire. 28 If two or more witnesses accused someone of breaking the Law of Moses, that person could be put to death. 29 But it is much worse to dishonor God’s Son and to disgrace the blood of the promise that made us holy. And it is just as bad to insult the Holy Spirit, who shows us mercy. 30 We know that God has said he will punish and take revenge. We also know that the Scriptures say the Lord will judge his people. 31 It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

32 Don’t forget all the hard times you went through when you first received the light. 33 Sometimes you were abused and mistreated in public, and at other times you shared in the sufferings of others. 34 You were kind to people in jail. And you gladly let your possessions be taken away, because you knew you had something better, something that would last forever.

35 Keep on being brave! It will bring you great rewards. 36 Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what he has promised. 37 As the Scriptures say,

“God is coming soon!
    It won’t be very long.
38 The people God accepts
will live
    of their faith.[b]
But he isn’t pleased
with anyone
    who turns back.”

39 We are not like those people who turn back and get destroyed. We will keep on having faith until we are saved.

Psalm 97

If you obey and do right,
a light will show you the way
    and fill you with happiness.
12 You are the Lord’s people!
    So celebrate and praise
    the only God.

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Christians today are the second foundation of Israel. Christians of the world today should awaken. They should awaken to the fact that they are the second Israel. Then, even if they suffer untold tribulations here, when the one day comes, they will be able to take pride in themselves under the power and authority of Heaven. This is the day of the Second Advent, which they long for.

What should the second Israel of the world today do? When the Israelites passed through the wilderness, they were divided into tribes. Which group do you, the second Israelites, belong to? You have to understand this. You have to understand to which group you belong.

There are twelve pearl doors in Heaven, and on each of those twelve doors there is a name plaque of one of the twelve disciples. Hence, you have to understand which denomination you belong to and which tribe your denomination belongs to. The second Israelites lost the tribes. This is much like the time of wandering in the wilderness. This is such a time. You will soon encounter a time when a people like the Amalekites will attack you. You will have to fight a life or death battle. The two great camps are in confrontation, and one camp is attacking and marching forward. Heaven does not strike first. When the day of striking comes, they will strike on the level of ideology, heart, mind and in life. They will invade and strike us from the direction opposite to the origin.

We must wake up and renew our determination. The second Israelites of the world must unite. If we fight among ourselves over our position and group as the twelve disciples of Jesus did, we will be defeated. Such a time will come.

The Israelites formed twelve tribes under the leadership of Moses and cultivated a strong spirit of the people, honoring Moses and God. In the same way, in Jesus’ time there should have been a formation of groups for the purpose of serving the Messiah. If that had been accomplished, Jesus would not have died. They lost their structure and were separated. Taking separate paths and working without coordination and unity will lead to defeat. Isn’t this so?

The Words of the Bible Are Secret Codes

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

There have been many religions, but
what has been their mission? Their mis-
sion is to find one particular person.
Many religions talk about attaining sal-
vation and other such matters, but they
are seeking to find the one person able to
rise to the highest point in the world, the
one person who has even gone beyond
that point. They want to bring this per-
son into existence. In this way, the cen-
ter of all religions is one specific per-
son; he is the Messiah. In other words,
all religions have been looking for one
person, and this one person, the central
being, is the Messiah, the Savior. When
the Messiah comes, he does not come to
his position immediately. He has to ful-
fill a seven-year course. The Messiah is a
man. This Messiah has to come and gain
victory over Satan by going beyond the
blood relationship of the satanic world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 944

In order to create a unified heaven
and earth, the spirit world must first
be unified. The ancestors in the spirit
world said, “Rev. Moon, you heretic, you
traitor!” Later on, even God said, “Yes,
throw him away!” That is how the laws
of indemnity are. Since Adam and Eve
abandoned God, God also had to aban-
don them, conditionally. Enduring such
abandonment, I had to win acceptance,
restore God’s support for me, recov-
er my heaven, and receive God’s seal
of approval. During that period, God
had to stand against me when someone
accused me, but then later on every-
My character is such that once I start
something I carry on till the end. I do
not retreat until I die. Since I know clear-
ly what this principle is about, I am sure
of myself. That is why I openly resisted
these spiritual attacks. How could Jesus,
Confucius or other leaders know such
principles? Eventually they only asked
negative questions because what I said
was not in the doctrine they taught.
They insisted on their own views.
I battled against the entire spirit
world for forty-three days. On the forti-
eth day even God said, “Rev. Moon, you
good-for-nothing! Why have you come
here and brought chaos to this peace-
ful heavenly world? You son-of-a-thief!”
Everyone agreed with God. Still, I did
not retreat. (282-168, 1997.3.11)

Richard: Wow! Even Jesus and God initially opposed Rev. Moon as the Messiah at the Second Coming and the True Parent. Yet Rev Moon persevered. Ultimately, he received God’s seal of approval!

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

What did God intend to do with this foundation of a people? He tried to use the people as a base to expand out to the world. For this reason God promised the chosen people that He would send them a Messiah who could lead the people to build a new kingdom and who would become the King of Kings. He gave this promise based on the foundation of the people.

This was not based on Abraham or Jacob, but the people after Moses. However, the people did not know that the Messiah who was sent as the prince of the world, who was to be assisted by them in dismantling the reign of Satan, who was to lay a foundation of victory for Heaven, was the one who was sent.

From what perspective did the Israelites long for the Messiah? They should have had the clear conviction that they were the chosen people for God’s providence who were to unite and pioneer the world to conquer Satan’s world when the Messiah appeared. If they had felt so and had been deeply indignant about living in Satan’s world, they never would have killed Jesus.

Jesus came to this earth. What was his desire? He was not concerned about himself, nor about his twelve disciples, nor about the seventy followers. He focused his efforts upon the whole Israelite people. Jesus was to rule the chosen people, bringing them together to build a new blessed land of Canaan. He was to blow the heralding trumpets to set out for the blessed land of Canaan on the world level. The sorrowful fact that Jesus was chased out from his position as the leader of the people was the root of Israel’s decline.

Until now people have thought that Jesus came to die. When you examine things more deeply, you will find that this is not true. We need brave soldiers who can fight for Heaven. Isn’t that logical?

Through the four-thousand-year history, God built something comparable to a communications center and a military headquarters to communicate with Satan’s world. Yet all of these were destroyed. Although He sent Jesus based on the foundation of four thousand years of hard work on the part of the people, they turned against him. Can there be a king without a people to rule, once the foundation of the people is destroyed? For this reason Satan’s world did what it wanted to him; that was his death on the cross. It was the miserable execution of a prince. Yet the people did not know that Jesus’ death on the cross was the miserable execution of the prince of Israel.

Where was he killed? He was killed under the sovereignty of Satan. If you want to learn about this in greater detail, come and see me when you have time. This is how it is. This is why God is furious. Jesus said that although he was going to have to suffer death, he would give us the secret documents of a new covenant, secret messages from Heaven. These are the New Testament Gospels.

“Believe me. You will live when you believe me and follow me. If you believe me, where will you go? To the place of liberation. You will live only if you believe me. Believe. I came for you and am dying for you, so believe in me and in the words I have spoken.” Jesus’ words are the words of promise which will give us life. The words of the Bible are secret codes. They are the codes by which Heaven can communicate with us in Satan’s world. They are written in symbols and parables. Hence, no matter how much you read, you will not fully understand. There will come a day when these codes can be deciphered, so we have to demonstrate utmost loyalty and exert ourselves. What did Jesus want? It was to rely on the people to establish the ideal of the restoration of the world. Since no thought or doctrine of the world could explain this, he promised that one day he would unravel the secret documents and show us our path and destination.

We Are Like Prisoners of War

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1886

A world opposite to the former world
has now come, like morning follow-
ing the passing night. The time has now
come when spring comes to the Unifi-
cation Church, while the satanic world
heads towards evening and night. There
is no hope left in the satanic world. That is
a dark world of despair, one void of hope.
People thought there was no hope in the
Unification Church, but after the era of
dawn, a new morning has come usher-
ing an age of clearness and brightness.
It becomes Rev. Moon’s kingdom of the
truth. I have a good name. The Chinese
character for Sun ( 鮮 ) is a combination
of the Chinese character for “fish” ( 魚 )
and “lamb” ( 羊 ), which unifies the land
and the ocean. The Chinese character for
Myung ( 明 ) symbolizes the sun, moon
and space in the heavens. The Chinese
character for Moon ( 文 ) when written
quickly looks like, and is related to the
Chinese character “father” ( 父 ). If there
is a word meaning “the father” or “true
father” that can be explained through
the truth, then these words should be
placed in the closest position. I did not
know this myself. I only learned it after
explaining it to you. (261-64, 1994.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1622

What is happening in America now-
adays? Originally, grandparents, par-
ents and children could not separate.
These three generations should not be
apart. They need to be united in order
to establish the four-position founda-
tion. Otherwise, the foundation for the
ideal cannot be made. You understand
this clearly, don’t you? Thus, God is cre-
ating the horizontal foundation of His
love through human beings. If the True
Parents had not appeared on earth, God
could never have children in the spirit
world. For the first time, the children of
the original nature will be born through
us. Through us, God’s royal family will
come into being. You should be proud
of yourselves on that account. It is up to
us to connect all nations to the original
Eden. (218-199, 1991.7.28)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

Human beings are living in a world of suffering. They are fighting fierce battles between mind and body. The world of the body is a substantial world; hence, all one’s experiences in it are concrete. Thus, no matter how strong one’s mind may be, one is captured by the stimulation of this substantial world.

To the grief of the mind, the body is weak. Why is this? This is because the emotions one feels in this physical world, the stimulations to your body coming from all around, are strong. In contrast, the stimulation that the mind feels does not come from one’s surroundings but from one direction. Because the stimulation of the body is stronger than the stimulations of the mind, the latter are cut off and suppressed. We cannot deny that this sad reality overwhelms our minds. When stimulation comes to our minds, it does not come from our surroundings. It does not come from behind or from the sides; it comes from the front.

For this reason, even if you are living in the evil world, you sometimes long for some vague thing, even unconsciously. Those who lead a religious life suddenly feel the urge to pray. All of this is because of the functioning of the mind. If the mind has a door, as we open the door and allow the relationship of Heaven to enter through it, we will feel the stimulations of the mind and pursue that world. We should understand this.

Although evil is omni-directional and attacks us through concrete forms, God comes to us from one direction through the bottom of our mind. Yet we have wronged this God so many times. This is why you are traitors who are not worthy to stand before God. You probably cannot deny this.

Human beings live under Satan’s prison of death, under the reign of Satan. We who should live under the reign of God and become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven live under the rule of Satan as his captives. We are like prisoners of war. This is the situation we are in.

Still, deep inside our minds there are certain movements which can connect us to the truth, situation and heart of our original homeland. God created human beings so that these movements can explode in our minds and freely influence our bodies and bring all of Heaven and earth to submission.

We are living a life of battle to follow the movement of the mind, which is as faint as a strand of thread, in search of the direction of goodness and to make goodness concrete. Satan attacks us from three directions here. He enters us with good material things, power and position in this world. The religious path is the course of constant fighting to cut off from these things. This is why it is written that we should pray constantly. The moment we pray, we are fighting.

From this perspective Jesus looked upon human beings, who have become prisoners of Satan, and shouldered the responsibility to destroy the realm of Satan. It is my plan to form a special troop in this evil world for the purpose of laying the foundation upon which to dismantle Satan’s world. The Israelites were chosen to serve as the basis upon which God could restore this world. Nevertheless, the people were ignorant of this truth.

Fallen Human Beings Want the Original World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1352

The 430 Couples are the representa-
tives of the Korean people; they include
all kinds of surnames. As such, they can
stand in Adam’s position and connect to
the citizens of Korea, the Adam nation
which stands on the global foundation.
They also include a representative couple
from the Eve nation. Otherwise, the two
nations could not be connected. Hence,
Kuboki’s couple from Japan was includ-
ed in the 430 Couples Blessing. Every
other nation could be connected from
that point on. (164-269, 1987.5.17)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1191

Without love, you cannot subjugate
Satan. Therefore even God has to stand
in the position where He can say that
He has loved the fallen archangel, so, in
order to become a family who can enter
the heavenly kingdom, you as the family
of God’s sons and daughters, must also
set the condition enabling you to say that
you have loved Satan. So, go out and fight
and subjugate the satanic world with
love. You must stand upon the founda-
tion made by such a condition. You must
be able to claim, “I did not crush all my
enemies, but instead I had them surren-
der with love and I restored the right of
the eldest son.” (141-202, 1986.2.22)

Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Heaven revealed to fallen humanity that what human beings desire and hope for is not the earth, nor any great saint on the earth; it is God. God rejects humans living on the earth in a chaotic situation. Why? It is because they are false. Hence, God has been devising a solution. Historically, religions have shouldered the mission to turn this situation around and create a heavenly situation on God’s behalf. The lives of religious people have pioneered the path of conscience centering on these religions.

Have you returned your desires, situations and hearts to God? You have not. Jesus, who understood this, looked at this world and tried to bring all of humanity to God’s side: to new desires, new situations, and a new world of heart. Because he came to the earth with such a responsibility, we may call him the center of hope, the center of situations and the center of heart or love.

This is the reason that no one can boast proudly about his own desires and heart before Jesus. Are they the desires that God wants him to have? Is he in the situation God wanted him to be in? Does he have the heart that came from God? The answers to these questions will be negative.

What is the crucial issue for us? What is the desire of human beings? You can understand yourselves only when you have answers to these questions. We have to understand the situations of people living today; we have to understand the problems concerning heart. To understand them we need to find some reciprocal standard. Religions have presented this standard, no matter how unclear it may be. What kind of people are we, the descendants of fallen people? We are the people who betrayed Heaven. We frustrated God’s desires, undermined God’s situation, blocked God’s heart and betrayed Him over and over again. Because humanity stands in such a position, although they may be living in a world of some desire, situation and heart, other thoughts enter into their minds. Those who feel the intense pain arising from this conflict choose between death and God. The intelligent, the wise and the serious have sought this path even at the risk of their lives.

What feelings should we have? How should we understand God and ourselves? We are the descendants of those who betrayed God. Who would ever contest this? We are the descendants of the traitors who betrayed Heaven. However, our minds are communicating with the original world. We do not communicate frequently, but at certain times we do. Your bodies are made up of the flesh and blood of traitors against Heaven. What are we going to do about that?

Heaven does not judge us because He hates us. The purpose of God’s dispensation is to strike Satan, who caused all of this, the one who reigns in evil and betrayed God. God’s intention is not to throw us into the kiln of death; His purpose is to vanquish Satan, who has been trampling upon human beings and who brought great confusion to this land.

Therefore, God has been warning you through your minds and telling you to embark upon this path; to avoid certain paths and go forward to fight against your enemies. For those who have strong consciences, the more they go, the more they will be warned to leave the place. It is not the original purpose of human beings born on this earth to become the prisoners of enemy devils.

What is the original purpose of God’s creating human beings? It is so that they may be the true sons and daughters of God. The original relationship between God and us is the inseparable relationship of parent and child. Human beings, who should build this relationship, are enslaved in a death-like despair and do not realize this fact. They have no idea how they should act under these circumstances.

If someone comes before these human beings with original desires, situations and a worldview based on the heart and instructs us how to return to our original homeland, he is certainly the savior of hope, the savior of the situation, and the savior of heart. Isn’t that so? To live we need three elements: desire, situation and heart. You have a certain situation, certain desires, and a certain heart. In one sense the lives of human beings are a game in which our lives depend on our desire, situation and heart.

For this reason, since their present life is painful, what human beings want is to find the world of new hope, a new situation and new heart. Fallen human beings want the original world.

The Absolute Being is the Ultimate Goal

Cheon Seong Gyeong 259

Which do you think is easier to
accept: my referring to God as the Par-
ent, or your referring to me as the Parent?
You do not know how much I have suf-
fered. You do not know how many walls
there have been and how complicated it
has been. Until now, myriads of people
have struggled on that path and all have
fallen into the pit. When you joined the
Unification Church and began to under-
stand me from the perspective of theory,
it must have been easy for you to say, “Ah,
he is the True Parent.” Then, which do
you think is greater, the joy I felt when I
realized that God is the True Parent or the
joy you felt when you realized it? I could
utter the word “Father” only after having
gone through life-threatening suffering,
but you were taught everything without
suffering. This is why you can say, “Okay,
I have come to know the True Parents; so
what?” Who would rejoice more? Which
do you think should be greater, the joy I
felt when I met God in the parent-child
relationship or the joy you feel when you
meet me? Although my encounter came
only after suffering, your encounter took
place without suffering, so you should be
more joyful. If I had paid hundreds of
billions of dollars, wouldn’t you be you
happy that you paid nothing? What have
you paid? When you come and listen to
the Principle you can understand every-
thing. So, when you hear “True Parents,”
you merely say “So that’s how it is!” and
understand everything. (116-121, 1981.12.27)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 706

God knows that the way of the Prin-
ciple cannot be walked without loving
one’s enemies. Would God let humanity
perish in the judgment of the Last Days?
No. He is the Parent of humankind. The
so-called judgment by fire spoken of in
Christianity today is not a literal one. (31-
165, 1970.5.24)

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

The title of the sermon I am about to give is “Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

The most lonely person in the world is someone who has no one who recognizes or understands him. There is nothing more lonely and sad than to have no one who understands you. You may think that you fully understand yourself, but if you examine yourself objectively, you probably must admit that you do not.

We all have minds. Our mind is driving us toward a certain direction and toward a greater truth every minute of the day, transcendent of time and space. It is probably difficult to explain why this internal action has not taken root in us, although we sense that it has continued throughout history.

You may want to ask others to understand you and believe in you. You probably cannot deny that all your thoughts and convictions have been for the sake of connecting to a certain reality. If you then ask others to believe in you and trust you, you should ask whether or not you have first gained control over yourself and secured a position that is connected to the great purpose of Heaven. The answer is probably no.

Given this, how can we determine our own value today? We cannot accomplish a great purpose unless we first have the desire to become the subject partner who can move all things. We must examine ourselves as we put this desire into action and criticize ourselves with cold objectivity. If there is a God who seeks to fulfill the purpose of Heaven, then we cannot come before Him proudly without having done these things. Based on our own rational reasoning, we cannot deny that we cannot have pride in front of Heaven.

Who are our faith, desires and ideals for? Although they may seem to be for our own selves, in truth they do not have any relationship with us. Because human beings are in such a sad situation, although we may possess ideals and desires in our hearts, they clash with the sad reality of ourselves. We know through our reading of the Bible that this is why prophets and saints in the past advocated that we seek to embody ideals in our lives and be in harmony with them. They struggled bitterly to realize this goal, yet they could not accomplish it. We are awaiting the day this goal can be reached.

Everything in the universe, including human beings, was created to be in reciprocal relationships. If there is Heaven, then there is also earth. If there is a mind, then there is also a body. When we ponder things from this worldview, we find that if there is a movement of the heart, there must also be some subject partner who can move the mind. Whether you call this absolute being God, the Creator, or a deity is not important. At the very least, no one can deny that such a being must exist. If there is an absolute being, that absolute being has to have some connection to our minds in our daily lives as history flows. This is why human beings are capable of wishing for truer and better things.

Before we criticize or make a judgment based upon some reality, we first have to make some reciprocal condition based upon which to make the comparison. To make a logical argument, we need some basis of assumption first.

For this reason, in order to understand ourselves and explain ourselves fully, we need some reciprocal condition upon which to criticize and judge. This is the absolute being who is the object of worship in our faith. When we enter into a relationship with Him and compare ourselves and evaluate ourselves based on Him, we can understand where we stand. Thus, if we have minds, we have first to feel that there is some absolute being or some subject partner who governs our minds and moves us.

The absolute being is the ultimate goal which religions and philosophies should reach. The countless sages and saints sought longingly for the absolute being with whom they could build an eternal relationship of heart and with whom they could live, on whom they could base all their thoughts, worldviews and ideologies. Such are the numerous people who seek religion. That is what they are looking for.