God Cannot Strike His Enemy

Just Posted:  The Richard Urban Show #130
COVID Crimes – Never Forget

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2416

    What does it mean to say that the Last Days have come? It means that the day when the human race can find its original homeland has come closer. It means that the time is near when people who can live in the original homeland can establish their historic fatherland. Because of that, Jesus, who came with the ideal of founding something, was given the title of King of kings. That is rather strange isn’t it? Why was such a title given to him? This is not a lie; it is the truth. Without a motive, no result can come. If you investigate a result closely, you will absolutely find that there is a motive. However, that motive is something human beings cannot know. God is moving everything. (155-32, 1964.10.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 991

    God is not a fantasy or a conceptual God, nor is He an abstract God. With His leadership in our daily life, He is always with us as the master of our daily circumstances. He does not just receive attendance but is living together with us by sharing love. This sounds like a dream. (168-111, 1987.9.13)

    Without making a beginning point where God enters our mind, and where we human beings become completely one body with God, there is no way of liquidating the devil’s world. From this point of view, we can understand that this time is the age of attendance and the age of salvation by justification through attendance. We are saved through attendance. God is not a God who is way up in the sky far removed from us. We should attend God as the master in our daily life. (144-274, 1986.4.25)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

Satan caused great grief to God, our Father.  However, God must work His providence to make Satan submit voluntarily.
By leading a life of faith, we can conquer our innate tendencies to complain and blame others for our woes.  We can grow spiritually and give comfort to God.
See slides 22 to 26 below:

Satan is the Father of This World

The Richard Urban Show:
#129-Sliding IS Deciding

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1471

You should understand love. The purpose for every existence is love. You must keep this unchanging principle in your heart that tells you to pursue love and exist for love. Birds fly around, chirping, delighting in each other’s company, all because of love, and the positive and negative poles of magnets attract each other and stick fast, all because they want to become one in love. People always seek to meet their other half to become one with them. (67-159, 1973.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1341

The 72 Couples are like the children, the descendants of the 36 Couples, while the 36 are the central couples as well as the ancestors. Our view is that our ancestors failed to fulfill God’s will because Cain and Abel, the two sons in the first family in history, failed to become one in heart, thus deferring the fulfillment of God’s will. In view of the fact that the foundation of the family, in which the brothers Cain and Abel should have united, was not established, who then are the 72 Couples? Seventy-two is thirty-six twice. Thus, the 72 Couples representing the children of the 36 Couples comprise 36 Abel and 36 Cain couples. They are the representative couples chosen to restore through indemnity that which the historical ancestors failed to accomplish: the complete unity of Abel and Cain. (84-144, 1976.2.22)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

God gave the commandment to Adam and Eve. not to eat the fruit, meaning not to have sex before God Blessed them in marriage, in order to prevent the Fall.The commandment was only necessary while Adam and Eve were immature; during the growing period.
Because of the fall, we all came under Satan’s dominion, as the ‘father of this world’.
We need to be liberated by changing our lineage to God’s side through the Blessing of marriage, and also reverse the right of ownership and the realm of heart.
See slides 10 to 13 below:

Shimjung is the Basis of Intellect, Emotion and Will

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
Richard Urban – Solving Today’s Problems with a God-centered and Abstinence-Centered Worldview

Cheon Seong Gyeong 95

There is a force that moves us toward the final destination of our desire and our desire’s greatest standard of perfection. We need to discover the fact that this force is operating within us. The Bible says that our body is God’s temple, but we do not understand what this means. These are words of great importance. This is because however great God may be, when we form a partnership of love with God in which we can whisper words of love, and when we become one with God in that love partnership, we receive the right to inherit the universe. Through the principled foundation of love, this world, the spirit world, the incorporeal world and the world of substance, all created by God, can attain the right to inherit from the universe. Unfortunately, people are ignorant of this amazing fact. (137-67, 1985.12.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1166

God said to Rebecca, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided;” (Gen. 25:23). This means that her two sons would form the roots of two separate nations, one being the heavenly nation and the other Satan’s nation. God fought there to restore His lineage through three generations. Through struggling and reversing positions within the womb a condition of inheriting the lineage would be made. Jacob, through three generations, gained an external victory, but the basis for the internal victory was created by Perez, who was born of Tamar. This is the principle of restoration. (36-251, 1970.12.6)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 44 to 47 below.

Fine Weapons Are Instruments of Evil

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#120 – Why is Society in Such a Mess?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1303

    If Jesus had performed the holy wedding ceremony, the twelve apostles would then have had to completely unite with Jesus’ family before they could participate in their own holy wedding ceremony. Then they would have received the Blessing on the foundation of Jesus’ family, and established the victorious realm that Satan could not invade either spiritually or physically.
    Today, the new tribe created through the Blessing is completely different from the realm of the adopted sons, who were restored from the fallen state. The formation of this new tribe signifies that the realm of the tribe established by the Son of God has appeared here on earth for the first time.
(55-147, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 847

    Heaven does not have three hundred sixty-five days in a year like the Earth in the solar system, nor does it have twenty- four hours in a day. The concept of one year or two years that we speak about is for this earth. A year on Earth is mea- sured using the position of the planets in the solar system, and a day is calculated by the rotation of the earth on its axis. The spirit world has no reason to rotate on its axis for a day, like the Earth, or to travel along its orbit around the sun for a year. Morning can be eternal in the spir- it world. There is no concept of a day or a year in the spirit world. (175-196, 1988.4.17

The Futility of War

2. The Immorality and Futility of Aggressive War

In wars to gain land, the dead fill the plains; in wars to gain cities, the dead fill the cities. This is known as showing the land the way to devour human flesh. Death is too light a punishment for such men who wage war. Hence those skilled in war should suffer the most severe punishments.
    Mencius IV.A.14
(Confucianism) Continue reading “Fine Weapons Are Instruments of Evil”

Evolutionists Are Out Of Their Mind

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2202

Jesus became a servant of servants in front of God, and then he was crucified and died. A person is said to be righteous when he dies for his country in the wretched position of a servant of servants. A person who dies for his country is a patriot. If a person humbles himself as a servant of servants and is grateful to serve his parents, then that person receives the title of being a filial child. This is the highest point of morality in the human world, the core point. It is essential that you understand that this is the core point. In this we can realize that, rather than living a public life for God, becoming a servant is the way to become a more righteous man. Rather than being a servant for your country, becoming a servant in a worse position than an ordinary servant is the way to become a more patriot. Rather than living for your parents, sacrificing yourself in the position of a servant is the way to become a filial child. (88-294, 1976.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1682

All beings were created in pairs. What would evolutionists say if you asked them, “Why did males come into being?” They will answer, “They came into being naturally,” which shows they are out of their minds. Did they come into being naturally? All males and females came into existence in order to reproduce their own species, not others. Monkeys do not become human beings, and snakes do not turn into frogs. Is that right or wrong? Evolutionists are ignorant people, who do not know that males and females relate on a specific level of love for their species. You know about males and females. Did they come to be like that for no purpose? (209-193, 1990.11.29)


Exemplary Leadership

1. An Exemplary and Virtuous Personal Life

People who live for the sake of the whole should be exemplary in all aspects of living: work, speech, and behavior. Then they will be automatically respected as elders. (318:147, May 5, 2000) Continue reading “Evolutionists Are Out Of Their Mind”